@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
United States
June 11, 2009 1:33pm CST
Ok so my Aunt whom I love to pieces is the Queen of CHEAP! The woman has no kids, owns several income properties, self employed ect ect and is basically fairly well off. But her cheapness blows me away!!!!!!! Seriously to the point after todays conversation I'm going to have to call her greedy!
What she said to me is that my Uncle (her brother) can get some vouchers like WIC particpants do for free veggies from the farmers markets. So good for my Uncle, though he's working for my Aunts hubby under the table
ontop of his disability check would technically disqualify him for this assistance. So my Aunt tells me "well I'm a senior, I want to see if I qualify" and came off with this whole attitude that it's "discrimination" if they deny her the vouchers for the free food!
I'm sorry how is this possible discrimination???
The sad thing is she's this way about many things & I'm the lucky duck she cries to about such things. **sigh**
But what I mean isn't it wrong for her to feel entitled to the vouchers cause she's a senior? I told her she'd have to qualify via her --income-- and then she said she was still going to try. OMG! 

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12 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Jun 09
Let her try....unless she lies about her finances there is no way that she will qualify. If she lies and gets caught(which she will) then she will be in big trouble. Ya, she does sound a bit greedy. It isn't discrimination. People under a certain income are the only ones that get such help.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
11 Jun 09
Oh I bet you just love listening to her go on and on about things like this when you're struggling to keep your family afloat.
Of course she is wrong expecting to be entitled to government help just because she's old!
I'd love to see her try. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when she goes down there expecting to get free food. Everyday these workers see people who are so broke and so hungry and so poor, I can't imagine what they'd think when they see her. They'll probably not let her leave until she donates some money! LOL
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
11 Jun 09
OMG I just totally do this emoticon..
when she talks bout being "poor" yeah I know you can't afford that, it would mean you'd have to actually spend your Social Security check and that would just blow her marbles that you are to spend that money!!! I'm sure her wardrobe will attest to her "poor" status cause she's wears hand-me-down jeans that are ripping out in the tush & won't toss those nasty things caus then she'd have to spend her own hard earns/saved money sad thing is she goes they don't even fit me I just pin them & wear them cause they were free. Ok I wear shiot that I get for FREE or cheap even if it's too big cause I can't afford better BUT for those who can it's like ok WHATEVER! Please dry your tears.... I'm sorry the Dr prescribed a med that wasn't on the $4 list @ WM, I'm glad you harassed the nurse so you could get enough samples to delay buying the meds out of your own pocket, No I won't go 45min out of my way to save $3 on a haircut, no I won't go to the thrift store the nuns run and complain when there's no FREE food for her to take, and no I will not take enough sugar pkts from restaurants and fill up a milk jug ect....

@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
12 Jun 09
*ROTFLMAO* I so hear you! Trust me the capri's I have on have some sort of oil-like stain & from what I don't know & the tee I spend $2.50 on @ k-mart. Yeah, not real fancy but the capri's go with the shirt so well I'd hate to chuck them. I still have a few shirts from 10yrs+ I'm wearing just for the sake that they look ok & I still fit in them. That's one thing I like about winter though you can wear your super shabby clothes to pick up your kids and no one knows... TY for jackets!
You know I've said something similar to her about getting rid of her hubby, she may be terriable CHEAP but he's every "choice word" in the dictionary! She can't get him to take his pills half the time, I told her skip the cholesterol pill ;0) since they eat out and he eats enough for 2-3 people usually anyway's he'll be done for & out of your hair (&one down one to go *LMAO*) then she brought up a good point... if he has a stroke she's got to baby a
"vegitable" he's such a jerk as it is I think I'd take the vegatative state over his mouth anyday.
I so agree my kids get lots of rummage sale stuff that's why they have so much in clothing because I find stuff for .10-.50 & snag it up. Then I don't feel as bad if they stain it up on the first wear cause I didn't pay full price, some other fool did origionally ;0)
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
11 Jun 09
That's terrible! I know how you feel because I'm in the same boat. I don't own that many clothes, and they're all ripped and stained and not fitting right, and I have to wear the same shirt 3 or 4 times a week because I don't have anything else I can leave the house in. My money goes first and foremost to the kids, and even their stuff is all salvation army, garage sale, etc etc.
If she was my aunt, I'd probably pop her in the nose! That is of course depending on where I come in on the will... if I'm getting money when she keels... let's bake her some super cholesterol packed cookies and make her think they're healthy!
I'm just kidding of course! I used to joke the same way about my father in law, told hubby we'd invite him over and bake him a bunch of sugar cookies with triple the sugar. he's diabetic. Of course I wanted to do that cuz I didn't like the man though, lol!

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
12 Jun 09
Well, I think she just loves her money and one cant find fault with her on this coz most of the moneyed people I have come across are like this...I guess the more moneyed you are, the more you 'appreciate' the value of money and free vouchers are going to save her a lot! And also she doesnt feel she's greedy, she feels that her seniority entitles her to the free vouchers and she's aged so there is a point there...well, normally one would expect people like her with good incomes to not even think of freebies and leave them for those who need it most...but then who doesnt like freebies?

@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
13 Jun 09
I love freebies too! BUT to feel that she is deserved due to her age rather than her income I think is wrong. Would you be upset if Donald Trump was standing in line for those same vouchers??? Or would you be apauled?
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
12 Jun 09
my state's full of people like that.
funny thing is,the people who really need assistance are usually denied.
they offered my mom all of $5 a month when my dad was dying of cancer(she was disabled too).
i know a guy who tries to do cash trades with his food card every's disgusting.if you don't need it,don't take it.

@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
13 Jun 09
tell her to try housekeeping.if i walked away with $800 a month,i was lucky.
damn nasty job for that money too.
private residence cleaning pays way better.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
13 Jun 09
I know what you mean I think my Aunt said the max income for this money was like $1200 a mo income per person & she was like who lives on that? MANY PEOPLE! I"m like my mom got half of that on disability & only qualified for $10 in foodstamps so where does she get off? lives like she's broke but she's got enough money to live more than comfortably.
On a side note @ my last job a single young mom who was 19 got help thru w2 and said she felt degraded to go there for the help but went because she needed help with child care. Even worse she said how many people were there bragging about as soon as they get their monies they were going to the shop to get their hair done?!?!? And when these folks go to the shop back then a $100 bill was CHEAP for the stuff they were sporting.
And even more sick when we had some flooding the other year, there was footage of a guy going "I'm hungry" but he's wearing DESIGNER SHADES! HELLO!??! Where are your priorities? Oh yeah it's more important to look fashionable than to keep food in your house. Plus because FEMA & whatever said not to do checks there were lines blocks long with people who say they weren't affected but needed the food money! Even admitting they weren't affected but need the $400 

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@cbantly (236)
• United States
11 Jun 09
In dealing with senior clients, us younger people see them as cheap or greedy. BUT they also grew up in a different time and were more adverse to spending. Many people have a problem with the concept that some can get free food, and those that work harder aren't entitled to it.
I understand where she's coming from in a way...but help is supposed to only be available to those who truly need it. In today's society, however, many people receive assistance that should instead receive a swift kick!
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
13 Jun 09
I understand people grew up in different times where they saved every dime they could and were able to. Modern times it's not as easy no matter how frugal you are.
I agree with many people that need assistance should get out there and work for their check that's what W2 was supposed to be about, go to work and then you get your check. Wich makes little sense if they can't wean folks off the assistance.
I've been a SAHM for 5 yrs then things got too tight & I convinced hubby to let me get a part time job. I've been there almost a year. I don't make much and I don't get many hours but every lil bit helps right?!?!?! And when my boss called yesterday to offer me extra hours I TOOK THEM! I'm working 20 hrs next week, lately it's only been 4hrs. My SIL was not happy that I took the hours while she was visiting BUT I need to keep us afloat as much as I can so if I'm offered I'm snagging them ya know?
@nalexis (9)
• United States
12 Jun 09
it's possible that some people are just delusional about somethings. I dont know your aunt but i know many like her. The system is for those that actually need assistance, if your aunt is well off as you say then she is being very ignorant about how the system works and who should be benefitting from the system
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
13 Jun 09
I think she was just thinking she could get something for nothing even if she doesn't "need" it. There are alot of people that "need" but don't apply as well.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
11 Jun 09
Here's a quick answer - she's old - old people can be weird :-D Haha. In all seriousness, some people, it doesn't matter how much they have, they still want freebies. If you think about it, maybe that is how she aqcuired all the properties she has! Maybe she saved up her earnings and instead went looking for freebies to support herself.
I for one would never ant to apply for free groceries or free WIC or anything like that because I feel those are meant for people who reallllllly need it. But we will go through all sorts of trouble to get 1/2 off on a meal or to get a free coffee :) So maybe she's just taking the freebie thing a little too far right now.
And I think that older people also forget sometimes that they can't take the money with them! I only hope to be secure about money when I'm a senior.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Jun 09
That's beyond greed, it's totally selfish. There are people that truly need those vouchers--and don't forget that both she and you are paying for them with your taxes!! So to save a buck, she'd essentially deny a child of poor parents the food he needs?
And where is her pride? That is public assistance, just like welfare. You are struggling, yet you don't rush to grab food away from poorer people just because it's free. I'd seriously have a talk with her about disgracing her family as well as having a mentally ill fixation on money.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
12 Jun 09
THat's why I was just floored more than usual as to what she was saying. "YOU R NOT BROKE! YOU HAVE MONEY AFTER YOUR BILLS ARE PAID!" I think she figures because they "pay dearly" in taxes that she deserves it just as anyone else who's a senior would.
I'm fixated on money cause I don't have any! But she's fixated on keeping every penny and not spending a dime unless she has to. For goodness sakes they have a membership to a fitness ctr to use the pool area and they go every day, they don't use the shower @ home they use it @ the gym so they don't have to pay the water bill to shower @ home since they are there already... 

@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
11 Jun 09
Being frugal is a good quality but I do not think that she should get perks because she is old. What does she do with all of her income? Does she keep it in the bank or does the hide it in her house like my aunt does? I do have an aunt who is the same way. Her light bill is barely $25 a month. Her and my grandmother freeze in the winter and burn up in the summer. I will admit that she does not go after WIC of Food Stamps or anything like that but you can bet your bottom dollar if she can get something for free she is going to try to do that! Sorry you have to listen to your aunt.
@chillpill90 (1936)
11 Jun 09
Well it depends on if she is used to using the system like that and conning the system for things she doesnt really need. I think it is wrong as she has alot of her own income so she doesnt need the extra income.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
11 Jun 09
Yep she most certainly has plenty of income and shouldn't feel this "she deserves" BS & I don't care how much she pays out in income taxes still doesn't mean she deserves to put up such a fuss for under $20 worth of vouchers.
@velentina (891)
• Mauritius
12 Jun 09
In a cway we all are greedy in some way or other but there are some people who are more greedy and possesive. Their desires are not fulfilled by whatever they have they always want more aand more.
@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
12 Jun 09
There are many elderly people who are extremely "Cheap" as you say. I believe it may be because some of them were raised during the depression, and they learned how to be very frugal....unlike our generations who like to spend, spend, and spend. I know a woman, everytime we took her out to eat, would always save half of her food to take home to eat the next day. If she couldn't eat it all at the table, why did she order that much...there are senior plates. But even the littlest meal, she would always manage to save something. Sometimes it was quite embarassing. Or she always wanted to borrow the books I read, instead of puchasing a book of her own...she would even refuse to go to the Library...or drive her own car.