Filipinos are happy people

Filipinos love to party - partying Filipinos
@mimiang (3760)
June 12, 2009 11:00am CST
Filipinos are happy people.They can find humor even if they have very bad problems.Probably, that is why they keep on believing on the future inspite of the bureaucracy and corruptions around them.
1 response
• Philippines
13 Jun 09
Yeah. I studied Philippine Culture and Tourism, and my professor told me that it's our common characteristic--being happy. I'm really proud of it. I once sat in a public class, and there was an American student. Out of nothing, she started crying. Some of her classmates told me she had depression, and she had serious, strict medication to recover. I was really surprised. To Filipinos, bad things happen but all we do is laugh it off or go to the mall or somewhere and in no time, we're happy again. :)