pro-gay and anti-abortion?

June 12, 2009 12:00pm CST
Homosexuality and abortion are probably two of the most controversial and oft-debated topics in this day and age. While the two are unrelated, most people who are pro-life tend to be against homosexuality as well since they're typically religious and fall to the right on the political spectrum. Just out of curiosity, I was wondering if there was anyone here who is supportive of LGBTQ rights but opposed legal abortion as it is in the US and Canada? And just for the heck of it, is there anyone here who is pro-choice but thinks that homosexuality is wrong?
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7 responses
• United States
12 Jun 09
I'm not against some one if they are gay or what have you, but i don't believe that they are gay because they are born that way. that's just the life the choose to lead. I'm against abortion just because I think life is more important and that the mother or father shouldn't have a say in the life of their child before it's born. At least give the baby a chance.
• Canada
18 Jun 09
Fair enough. But do you think that heterosexuality is a "life they chose to lead" as well?
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
well definitely i am against abortion but i have nothing against being gay... but on biblical basis both are against the will of God and both are not accepted in God's law..
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• United States
13 Jun 09
Yes, God can, and does, love all his children. But your assumption that he automatically forgives people is incorrect. In order for forgiveness to take place the person must ASK for forgiveness, therefore homosexuals can not be forgiven for their sins, as I see being homosexual a sin. God still loves them, yes, but when they die that doesn't mean they are going to heaven.
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• United States
12 Jun 09
true but if you look at it a diffrent way god loves all his children even if they are gay , so if god can forgive and still love them for it we have no bis putting our nose in it.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
12 Jun 09
i think that many people confuse the opposition to gay marriage as being anti gay. I know many people who have no problem with gays having rights and support the right to be listed as emergency contacts or given visitation rights in hospitals. They see marriage as a religious ceremony (some as a sacrament) and feel it is wrong. There is less opposition to civil unions. I happen to be one who feels that marriage is religious and should remain between a man and a woman. If the government wants to create a civil union that is performed by a justice of the peace then fine, but don't force my church to perform the ceremony that we believe is wrong. With abortion it is also a religious issue to many but for some it is a States Rights Issue. There is nothing in the constitution that gives a person the right to an abortion nor is there anything that prevents states from making it legal or illegal. Both of these issues should be settled by the people in each state.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Jun 09
Not me. I'm pro choice and I really don't care who falls in love with whom and what they do in their privacy as long as they are consenting adults.
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• Canada
13 Jun 09
Yep, I pretty much feel the same way. :)
• United States
12 Jun 09
i am pro life but i have no problem with hohosexuality so not all pro life people feel that way , killing a baby and being gay are to diffrent things when you are gay you are not taking a like so i look at them as way two diffrent things . so not all pro life people think being gay is wrong .
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• Canada
12 Jun 09
Oh, not at all! But my experience tells me that the two positions (anti-gay and pro-life) seems to be strongly correlated.
• United States
12 Jun 09
mine had nothing to do with reliegin it's just how i feel . i mean everyone had there own views rather we like it or not thats just a part of life .
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@opalina143 (1240)
• Morristown, New Jersey
12 Jun 09
I am very pro-life, even set up a whole website against abortion. And I totally think that being gay is ok. I support legalizing gay marriage, and have many friends who are gay. It is true that many pro-lifers are religious conservatives who feel that homosexuality is wrong, but not all pro-lifers are like that. There is even a gay pro-life group, PLAGAL (the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians.) I am not gay, but I marched with them in Washington to show my support for both ending abortion and supporting gay rights issues. Unfortunately, the gay group was later banned from demonstrating with the March for Life (an annual walkathon on the anniversary of Roe Vs Wade) because the woman who runs it is kind of a religious nut, but they staged their own march anyway at a different location.
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• Canada
13 Jun 09
Hm...I think I remember hearing about them. There was this article in the news about how a Catholic school banned PLAGAL from their pro-life conference.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
12 Jun 09
I am also of the opinion that both issues are utterly irelevent to issues of the federal government. I am pretty pro life, but have no issues over someone being gay/bi/whatever. I personaly don't choose it, but it doesn't bother me in the least.
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