Do you feel threatened or are you willing to question?

@Pose123 (21635)
June 12, 2009 7:21pm CST
Many people feel threatened if they feel they are being asked to question their cherished beliefs or their perception of reality. Yet questioning is what keeps our minds flexible and strong. Simply settling on one way of seeing things and refusing to be open to other possibilities makes the mind rigid and generally creates a restrictive and uncomfortable atmosphere. We all know someone who refuses to budge on one or more issues, and we may have our own sacred cows that could use a little prodding. Being open-minded means that we are willing to question everything, including those things we take for granted. A willingness to question everything, even things we are sure we are right about, can shake us out of complacency and reinvigorate our minds, opening us up to understanding people and perspectives that were alien to us before. This alone is good reason to remain inquisitive, no matter how much experience we have or how old we get. The willingness to question everything doesn’t necessarily mean we don’t believe in anything at all, and it doesn’t mean we have to question every single thing in the world every minute of the day. It just means that we are humble enough to acknowledge how little we actually know about the mysterious universe we call home.
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13 responses
• United States
13 Jun 09
Great post!I chose my religion because you are encouraged to question. The answer may be it is tradition but you aren't condemned for questioning.I am both open minded and stubborn. I know that doesn't make sense but I am. I am open to hear and learn new points of view , in fact I want to see things from all sides but with some issues , no one will be able to change my mine.But even with those issues I want to hear and learn about the other view.And when it comes to other religions ,i love to learn about others than my own.And by answering their questions about my religion it makes me understand my own better.
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• United States
14 Jun 09
There is a religion for everyone who Needs a religion. That's why there are so many different ones and different variations of all of the religions.But to find what is right for you you may have to search and to really search , you need an open mind.Then again there are many who never needed religion and never will.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
14 Jun 09
Hi sarahruthbeth, Great comment, thank you. I too love to learn about other beliefs, but don't waste time with someone who has a closed mind and simply want to convert me to their way of thinking. It is interesting to learn new ideas but I'm not searching for a true religion because I don't believe there's one that's right for everyone. Blessings.
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@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
16 Jun 09
I'm much willing to share so it's alright to be questioned. Answering questions satisfy the readers. What good can our beliefs or perception do, if we don't answer questions to clear out matters. There are questions however that are offending sometimes but still we turn it to positive or constructive so as not to irritate us. Should the question, maybe insulting as long as it's still tolerable still we find answers and understanding but if it's over for us to take that would make me stop entertaining.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Jun 09
Hi bing, Thank you for commenting. Blessings.
@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
13 Jun 09
Very nice. Some would argue that you have to "stand for something or you'll fall for anything", but it is still possible to be open-minded. Keep your mind open, but your wallet closed.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jun 09
Hi heathcliff, Very good advice, thank you. Blessings.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
13 Jun 09
I never mind being questioned by anyone who is not trying to cause me person problems. I will discuss anything from any point of view unless the other person is so closed minded that they are just voicing preset ideas by rote. I'll be open minded as long as the discussion is mutual, I don't waste time on close minded people.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
14 Jun 09
Hi savypat, My thoughts exactly, thanks for commenting. Blessings.
• United States
15 Jun 09
Pose- I agree with this completely. We must be willing to challenge our own belief systems and perceptions so that we might grow as the spiritual being we are. And we must be ready for what occurs when we begin to question our beliefs. I recall when I first started questioning the religious beliefs that I was raised with, and what a growth period it was. You cannot just suddenly stop the transformation once it has began. It's been a wonderful journey so far, and I look forward to even more growth as I am challenged. Namaste-Anora
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
15 Jun 09
Hi Anora, Thank you for that response. I don't plan to stop questioning either. Blessings.
@katka15 (105)
• Slovak Republic
13 Jun 09
I don't feel threatened when someone questions my beliefs, but there are some that wouldn't change no matter what. I like to hear other people's opinions because they might enrich me. It is possible that they have access to more or a different kind of information that I do an therefore my perception of a certain process/subject/occurence isn't as completely developed as theirs.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jun 09
Hi katka, Thank you for commenting and I didn't mean it in the sense that we should be jumping from one belief system to another. I don't feel that one is necessary better than another, but I do think that we should be willing to question the things that we have been told and change our minds if we so wish. I like to learn about other beliefs, because I know that they all have some good in them. Blessings.
• Canada
13 Jun 09
I encourage questioning. I think that when someone questions me, it means they wat to learn. If someone has a problem with my beliefs, and I sense that in the question, that they may be trying to put me down, or change my mind, I will act accordingly. I am not threatened by regular questions, though.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
14 Jun 09
Hi danishcanadian, Very good comment and I agree. Questioning has to be about learning not about changing anothers opinion. We should respect other beliefs and expect the same courtesy. Blessings.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
13 Jun 09
I do not feel threatened when asked to question my beliefs. This is especialy true if the person or situation that leads me to question my beliefs has NEW information that needs to be evaluated. I do feel threatened though when I HAVE reevaluated my beliefs and still come to my original conclusion; and, the person challenging me refuses to reevaluate their own beliefs or trys to force me to accept their beliefs. I personally beleive that we all have a right to have our own beliefs; but, NO ONE has the right to try to impose their beliefs on other people. People who try to impose their beliefs on others are the cause of a lot (not all) of the problems in this world. Religious wars, prejudice, terrorism, persecution, etc., are all caused by people who refuse to allow others to have their own beliefs.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
14 Jun 09
Hi speakeasy, Thank you for commenting. We all have a right to believe as we choose and no one should try to force their beliefs on another. We are not to judge or condemn. I agree too that such attitudes cause many problems. Blessings.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
13 Jun 09
It is good to question but not in the way I saw persons doing it. Sometimes we will have a perception about a thing and after questioning others you realized that somewhere along the wrong you were misinformed. I love to asked questions and compared the answers. If it is that my heart become troubled after receiving answer then I prayed over it. To me I learned more in doing things like these.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
14 Jun 09
Hi kerriannc, Thank you for your thoughts. Blessings.
• India
13 Jun 09
when we question the intention should be to know what the truth is. generally many do not like to face questions about one's faith and beliefs. faith and beliefs are generally based on some myths, superstitions which the believer is not able to explain or do not even know. he simply follows it because others do, or people before him followed it blindly or the holy book and the priests said it.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jun 09
Hi tulipstrader, Thank you for commenting and I believe that we must always be questioning because when we stop we are no longer growing. Can we ever know the whole and complete truth? I doubt it very much because if things are forever changing, there cannot be such a thing. Most people do not consider such things and blindly follow what others or some book tells them. Such people expect an end, a definite time and place when nothing more can happen. Such thinking defies logic and prevents progress. Blessings.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
13 Jun 09
Hello Pose123!!! I say questioning is the most important thing. If the religion has no answer for your question then there is definitely some doubt. Had it been in my case, I won't further believe in it and would explore myself. One should not be threatened for the question asked, it is the weakness. The real religion is the one which cheerfully answers your queries. But what if the religious person who you ask the question is himself not sure what he is talking about? Again there is a problem. There are no many people who knows more about this universe. Some talk totally on the basis of superstition as if it is 100 percent correct and sure. Answers that come up from superstitions are always weak. I support questioning... Happy mylotting...
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
14 Jun 09
Hi nzalheart, Thank you for commenting and I agree. When we feel there is no further need to question, we have stopped growing, when we are no longer willing to listen to another opinion we have stopped learning. Blessings.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
13 Jun 09
Hi Ma'am, very engrossing discussion. This is true that most of us are scared of coming out of the cocoon and see the reality with open eyes. We are too closed at times that we refuse to accept the very striking truth let alone some makeshift one. But being inquisitive and keeping ourselves open to all sources make us humble and we would not break down at the sudden down fall of the wall of belief and trust. Those we trust and love might turn treacherous and there should not be any confusion for possibility lies in everything and in every human being. We need not get furious that some one has criticized the Bible or the Mahabharata or anything sensitive. It helps us getting better and removing the rust if anything of this nature lies here or there. Thanks for such a nice discussion.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jun 09
Hi rajib, Thank you for commenting and I like your response. It is true that too many people are afraid of leaving their comfort zone, they are afraid to question. I don't think that one religion is necessary better than another, but sometimes there are beliefs that, if we are honest with ourselves are hard to accept, and we only do so because we refuse to question. Blessings.
• Philippines
13 Jun 09
I'm willing to question. How else can we learn, right? I mean, even if I feel threatened, I'd still like to learn something. But if there's an issue, I would think my question through before posing it. If we always keep silent, then this world would be both dull and unprogressive. Also, sometimes, the smallest questions can spark the biggest and grandest things. Just my opinion. :)
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Jun 09
Hi ragenepalma, Thank you for commenting and feel that you are right. We can't learn without asking questions. Blessings.