Faith is Personal?

Praying - Praying in temple or church
@zandi458 (28102)
June 13, 2009 4:41am CST
You may have situations in your life when the only thing that got you through was faith. I am not questioning your faith or belief but understand that your belief system and faith does not require anyone else's approval or acceptance. Similarly, if someone in your life is not committed to your faith (or any faith), you do not have to perceive this as a threat to your ability to fully believe what you believe. The way you feel comforted in your soul is what matters. Many find that as they get older, their faith becomes stronger. I noticed in our local church that more than half of the congregations are senior citizens. Even those once hardcore non believers who never enter church suddenly change and become prayerful. Why do you think that people suddenly turn godly during their twilight years? I wonder whether the fear of death draw them nearer to God or something else?
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18 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Jun 09
really dont have to go to church to pray or have faith in things. I think they go for the company of people around them
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Jun 09
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
14 Jun 09
Yes, they feel the warmth of people of their age around them. Church is the most convenient place to meet.
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• Saint Lucia
14 Jun 09
I know that HE does exsist whether HE answer my prayers now or later.I have always depended on HIM to see me through and most times HE has.Faith is what keeps us going,gives us hope and allow us to live a life of freedom and joy.Everyone has their belief and we have to accept that.There is a higher being or how else would we be living.Scientist has tried to explain everything but ask them how did procreation started they can say.I see life as the most wondrous gift ever.GOD is alive and is looking down on us.Faith is all you need .
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
14 Jun 09
See God everywhere and you will have deeper and deeper faith in Him. See Him in sunrise and sunset. Just that reflection is all the spiritual understanding and the faith that He needs to make you very dear to Him!
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@balasri (26537)
• India
14 Jun 09
In my personal experience people get a chance to feel the Almighty at one stage or another after they have met all hurdles in their life. This awakening happens to everyone invariably. Only the blessed and lucky ones are able to feel that the things have started happening one after another only with the grace of God. That makes them to have that great faith immediately. The more aged the people are the more experienced and the experience of the presence of God is one of them.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
14 Jun 09
To many a man and woman, sorrows and trails are the only road they find in God and to deeper, stronger faith. Hard as it may be to understand, it is often only through hard times and struggle that humans do indeed learn of the love of God!
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Jun 09
Hi Zandi! You are right in your observation that you may find more citizens at religious places and at religious congregations than the younger lot. I think as one gets older the burden of responsibilities on him/her gets lessen. When one is young, one gets married and brings up children, settles them and then marries them and once children are settled and married, one feels that his prime responsibilities are over and he has other jobs to attend and he can live his own life, as he wants (may be his grown up sons/daughters get too busy to attend to him) therefore, he turns to religious places. He gets good company of senior citizens over there and he feels comfortable in their company and he can share his joys and sorrows with them. And also when one grows older his desires keep diminishing and may be his will to live get reduced, therefore he turns to God for some peace and solace. Very Good Post!
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 09
I agree with you that when the senior citizens have completed their obligations of parenting and now are left with more free time so they focus their attention on their spiritual well-being. Their time of acquiring worldly material gains are over and have become more humble so in return seeks God blessings for continued peace on earth.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
15 Jun 09
Yes, you and we are thinking on the same lines. when one day, we become a senior citizens, we may also be doing the same things.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
15 Jun 09
Yes dpk, I am already moving towards that as I have already reached half century on earth.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
hello sandi, i also noticed it in our church that the older one's are the most active in all church activities and when i come to ask them their stories during their younger years they are really have very inspiring stories that i think makes their faith stronger... so i think experiences that they've gone through in their lives make their faith much stronger and i think that they really feel the presence of God in their lives and in their old age, all they want to do is to use their remaining life serving God...and so they are not afraid to die... have a nice day! :-)
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
16 Jun 09
You are right.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
14 Jun 09
unfortunately human beings only come to realize the need to nourish their souls when they are at a late stage in life.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
maybe for some yes but not to all...
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@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
16 Jun 09
faith is belief in things not evident or something like that, i do believe that there is a grand architect, the maker because we gotta have come from somewhere. i envy people of faith because they have something that they believe in so strongly. an entitity that they have never seen and they believe in an afterlife and that it all has to balance out in the end. i have many isssues with organized religion, i am a spiritual person though, i have faith in myself and trust myself to get things done not so much some benevolent god, i mean i do believe sometimes and will offer up prayers of thanks. it is not that i do not believe there is a god. let us just say i am straddling the fence and trying to decide. it is a continual learning and growing process, i am questioning too much and do not have blind faith in anything really.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
16 Jun 09
See God everywhere and you will have deeper and deeper faith in Him. You might have faith but it is so weak.
@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
17 Jun 09
to be honest i understand what you are saying but that is just it, at present i have no faith, except in myself and my capabilities. i wish that i could put my faith into another, because then there would be someone to blame when things go wrong, or don't happen and i would be let off the hook. but logicaly it just does not work like that. having said that, i can understand the appeal of blind faith though.
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• Canada
14 Jun 09
I think that faith is a very personal thing, personal as to whether we have it or not, and personal as to in what we have faith. Sometimes faith is the only thing that pulls someone through, other times faith doesn't seem to work and people seem to give it up, and then there are those who just never had faith in the first place, and this worked for them, and there are those who find faith later in life. It's different for everyone, and what works for one, may not work for another.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
16 Jun 09
It depends on individuals how they practice their faith.
@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
14 Jun 09
It could be worry as you get older.Then maybe you get wiser I have been told you get wisdom when you get older. Are maybe you just are ready to settle down and give it your all.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
14 Jun 09
That's no truer than saying that wisdom comes with age.
• United States
14 Jun 09
I personally think that if they start reading the bible, going to church etc. at an older age it just has dawned on them they are going to die one day & think that's going to get them to heaven. I don't think u have to do any of that to get to heaven altho i'm sure it helps but i think it's the way u live & treat other people that's going to get u there.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
14 Jun 09
True, your faith may grow even from the seed of honest doubt. Start early in life to live a spiritual life so there will be enough time to repent for all our worldly sins. Reading the bible when eyesight is near to failing point is not a sure ticket to the gate of heaven.
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• United States
14 Jun 09
GOOD MORNING ZANDI, I REALLY have a problem w/some of these people that suddenly get religion as they get older & are suddenly preachers , speakers or whatever. WHEN u live in a small town like i do sometimes u know what kind of life they have led when suddenly they get religion.
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@suzzy3 (8341)
13 Jun 09
Maybe they take longer to see the light and what a comfort having something to beleave in ,especailly if they have lost thier partner in life.I think some go because they become lonley and need comfort or like you say nearer to god.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
14 Jun 09
Loneliness is one reason people turn to spiritual life.
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
13 Jun 09
I guess my faith in God is extremely weak at this point. I don't really believe in any religion, nor any idol worshipping sort of activities. I just want to be religion - free, and my inner peace is all through my life experience, and what is the best for me. In religion, it too, always give instruction to people what to do. But for myself, I know what is the best for me.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 09
At least you still have faith in God but is very weak. I hope you will be touched and come to realization that there is God, our heavenly father, the creator of this universe.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
16 Jun 09
Hi zandi, Very engrossing discussion indeed. Now as you have put faith and belief are personal thing. And it equates to the saying that you can not force me get committed to your faith unless I volunteer myself and accept what you are practicing. Not necessary that the person in my life get committed to what I believe or have trust in. Each individual is an isolated case and in this regard we can not blame any one I guess. Rest, the atheists going to the Church in their twilight might be because of their realization of the eternal fact that life is after all a mystery and not getting clue to this they take part in the congregation.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
20 Jun 09
Hi raj, we live by faith or we don't live at all. Either we venture or we vegetate. Yes, life is a mystery, it is up to us how we play with life great rhythms. Faith is not trying to believe something regardless of the evidence but daring to do something regardless of the consequences.
@kawalnarang (1095)
• Trinidad And Tobago
13 Jun 09
Its the reason for many of us,, Human nature. But I believe if the people go to temples early in life ,,it is easier for those to start back going to God later in life,, I used to attend when I was 3 years I remember,, I still take part in temples,, although it might be in the kitchen mostly
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 09
Parents have much to do to instill early religious and spiritual belief in their young children so they might grow up following the right path without any cut off in between and feel the presence of God till the end of life.
• Trinidad And Tobago
14 Jun 09
U are sure right,, as always
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@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
13 Jun 09
Yes thats true ,it depends upon the person how she handle his faith.I think thats only the way to make them enjoy and happy for the remaining years in their life as they grow older. And it is also the way to be nearer to God and help anyone trhough spiritual means. They are not afraid of it tthey just used to have busy schedules when they are still alive and kicking what I mean as they were young at age.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 09
I agree with you when people are still energetic they find spiritual life a bore not until when they are reaching expiry date they feel the need to seek God's protection.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
13 Jun 09
I just think as life gets closer to the end more people are covering all the bases. For me my faith has nothing to do with church or religion. My Hubby who has always been a strong Baptist no longer goes to church, he doesn't want to put up with the politics or social obligations. But I would say his faith is very strong.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 09
It is up to individual preferences. By not attending church services it doesn't reduce ones faith. God is merciful and He reads the mind and heart of the faithful.
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
13 Jun 09
Speaking of faith as you were asking if it is personal for me on my belief yes it is personal. Coming from inside us we believe in one thing and even in our faith within. The only thing that i know is faith is personal. Have a nice day friend!
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 09
Thanks for giving your views. I respect your stance.
• India
13 Jun 09
well there are many example you found around you that atheist started believing in god. According to me insecurity is the main reason behind it. When person is young and able to do everything at that time he doesn't care about anybody.Most of the atheist are of young age or who is having moral support. When person become older he has to face many limitation. More or little he/she has to depends on others and at that time belief in god provide them moral support.That is my belief.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 09
You have good reasons to believe that the aged needs moral support and that comes from our heavenly father.
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@JamieRose (168)
• Philippines
13 Jun 09
Different people experience different things. But what I think that is common with everyone is that at a point in their lives, there may be times they feel alone and don't know what to do. Its either they feel too alone, or too happy, that made them turn to God. But if one is really a believer, s/he will bring God with him/her wherever s/he may be.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 09
Hope that doesn't happen to many people. Only when they feel alone and lonely that they seek God's companionship. Otherwise when they are high and mighty they forget the spiritual side of life.