72 year Old woman gets tased!!!

@noypi07 (109)
United States
June 15, 2009 1:57am CST
Cops pulled over a a 72yrs old woman for speeding outside Austin,Texas.Her name is Kathryn Winkfein,and she's a great-grandmaother from Granite Schoals, Texas.(--That's about 55 miles northeast of Austin.) After police pulled kathryn over.. for dooing 60 in a 45 mile an hour construction zone...she refused to sign the ticket to appear in court.So the cop asked Kathryn to get out of her car, in order to arrest her.That's when things got a little contentious. Kathryn argued with the cop,and he shoved her,to move her towards the shoulder of the road.That's when Kathryn reminded the officer that she was a 72 yrs old woman.when he tried to handcuff her, she resisted... so he tasered and arrested her. The cop is about 6' tall big man and Kathryn is a 4'11" tall medium size build What can you say a bout it?
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2 responses
@agv0419 (3022)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
I think it is disrespectful and cruelty to the elderly. The elderly should be respected and not treated that way. No matter what the offenses are he should understand and show his patience to the old woman. Here in the Philippines we respect our elderly we don't treat them like that we show our concern and compassion to them.
@noypi07 (109)
• United States
15 Jun 09
your right it is disrespectfully to the elderly.totally I agree!!!
@noypi07 (109)
• United States
15 Jun 09
There is other ways to impose the penalty than teser elderly woman.
@sanwhy (87)
• Jamaica
15 Jun 09
leave the young lady alone!