The Book of Mormon a False Statement?
By manayonboy
@manayonboy (511)
June 15, 2009 2:08am CST
While reading the Book of Mormon, this so-called "other testament of Jesus Christ," I noticed something very eye-opening, something that gives away the true nature and origin of this book. As a preacher I spend great deal of time reading, studying and memorizing the Bible, therefore I am very familiar with scripture, it is important for you to know this so you will understand what a startling thing it was for me to observe what I observed in the Book of Mormon.
As I was reading the Book of Mormon I noticed that over and over Biblical phrases were used, many reproduced verbatim from the Bible. In fact, after a careful reading of the entire book of Moroni (last section of the Book of Mormon) I noticed 50 to 100 places indirectly referenced. The only thing Joe Smith didn't do was provide citations explicitly stating this information comes directly from the bible. The quotations and references were used in a way indicative of a person with expansive knowledge of scripture and doctrine.I noticed references to advanced doctrinal concepts like the "Judgment seat of Christ" and the "second coming".In fact, my impression was this was someone very schooled in Baptist doctrine. But the overriding impression if gave me was that it was restating sections of scripture from the bible.
14 responses
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
15 Jun 09
The Book of Mormon is false, but people are stupid enough to believe in it. I love living an anti-religious life. People can try to convert me all they want and I will never follow what any religion tells me to follow.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
16 Jun 09
Are you a Mormon? Have you read the "Book of Mormom"? I have, and it is so full of s***. "The more wives a man has the greater his place in heaven." That is from the book of Mormon. "Women are to be faithful to one husband." Yet, the men are allow to have several wives. Excuse me? Men and women have to wear special underwear after they are married, they cannot have any coffee, tea or soda. The Mormons, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Church of Scientology are all cults, but I am sorry to those who do not see it and want to believe it. They are not religions, they are cults.
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@lisan23 (442)
• United States
16 Jun 09
Lol... I'll make sure to tell my dad he's a member of a cult. Actually, you're saying that most of my family is part of a cult. I was born and raised Mormon, I left without any problems. My family has no issue with me not being Mormon. We all still get along really well.
And I guess, literally speaking, all organized religion by definition is a cult.
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@EpicPro (15)
• United States
16 Jun 09
Then dont :D dont go bashing other people for what they believe/dont believe just be true to yourself and dont let anyone force you to think in another way. You dont have to go out saying "the book of mormon is false" cause thats your own opinion and your own anti-religous view. Just add an "I Believe" in front and then your not being a self centered inconsiderate person, which religion or not, is still not cool.
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@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
15 Jun 09
My understanding of the Mormons, is that they do not believe that Jesus and God are ONE. I guess what is in their Mormon Book, versus a Christian Bible, is not that important to me, as long as I understand the bottom line of their beliefs...if they don't believe in the trinity, than they are not Christians as some claim they are. Of course it does help to be intellectually wise when they arrive at your door, but I don't think a one time visit is going to change their mind.
@lisan23 (442)
• United States
15 Jun 09
Who gave you the authority to decide who is and isn't Christian? Let me get this right, despite the fact that they read, teach, and believe the bible to be the word of God (as well as the Book of Mormon) because they don't believe like you that somehow gives you all the knowledge and authority to pass judgement on who is and is not Christian?
Well, I guess you're just feeding into that negative stereotype a lot of people have about Christians anyway. You seem to fit the mold pretty well. I would think since the word Christian comes from Christ's name that he really should be the one deciding who is and isn't Christian. Not you or any other human on this planet.
In the end I don't even see why it matters, though. It's just one group claiming their belief in something that may or may not be real is better than the nexts. My belief in the spaghetti monster is just as valid as your own belief in God... all you have to do is have faith that he does hide under your bed.
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@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
15 Jun 09
Lisa, Sorry that I upset you...Christianity is another form of religion, just like protestants, judaism, catholicism, etc. I was not attacking the mormon person, just trying to differentiate their religiion from other religions. Judaism is not a Christian Religion big deal. You are who you are! But to be that defensive...I'm sad for you!
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@lisan23 (442)
• United States
16 Jun 09
I'm not Mormon. I'm not Christian. I'm agnostic. You are the one who out of the gate judged an entire group of people who I don't think you know a lot about. You slammed them with a label, and in the end I just don't think you have the authority or right to do so.
Christianity isn't a religion, it's a system of many different beliefs and organized religions that follow the bible. Since the LDS religion believes in and follows the teachings in the bible (even if they interpret it differently than you - since your God hasn't come down here and informed you which interpretation is right you can't say that you are) they have every right to refer to themselves as Christians. And to be entirely honest, I've seen quite a few LDS people act more Christlike than a LOT of Christians.
But that's OK, I would say I feel sorry for you, but I don't. Why? Because I think you're ok with putting yourself in a position to judge others and if it makes you happy, then by all means be that way. Not my problem.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Jun 09
It's ironic, when I was in Saudi Arabia, a Muslim man handed me a few tracts. The pamphlets listed different reasons why the New Testament isn't true. It read a lot like all the pamphlets and books written by people against the Book of Mormon.
In fact, many of the points were the same. The pamphlets questioned the authorship of some of the NT books; how the 4 Gospels give different accounts of the same events; they even questioned the integrity of the apostles. I kind of had to laugh about the similarities between what the Muslims had to say about the Bible and what many Christians write about the Book of Mormon.
You have the same motives in writing this as the Muslim man had in handing me those pamphlets. Why should I take your efforts anymore to heart than I took his?
The reason I was talking to the Muslim man in the first place is, I wanted to learn more about Islam. If I want to learn more about what Baptists believe, I talk to Baptists. If I want to learn more about what Wiccans believe, I talk to Wiccans. To me it makes no sense to talk to a Wiccan or Muslim to find out what Christians believe.. nor does it make sense to go to a Mormon to find out what Baptists believe.
All you learn from that is someone's opinion of what someone else believes.
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@lisan23 (442)
• United States
15 Jun 09
Well... considering that the LDS religion believes that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Christ I guess it would make sense that it is similar to the bible. I mean, that is the point of the book. The bible covers what happened regarding Christ over in Jerusalem and the Middle East. The Book of Mormon is supposed to cover what was happening the America's regarding Christ and his religion. Also, I don't know which Book of Mormon you're reading, but the one I have has little number notations which are like footnotes. The footnotes will give you scriptures in the bible that correlate with what was written in that specific verse in the Book of Mormon. So no, it's not even something that the LDS religion tries to hide as it's written plain as day in my Book of Mormon printed by the LDS church. (They do also read and teach the bible in their churches.)
Obviously, if it was meant to be another testament of Jesus Christ then it would have sections very similar to the bible.
You also have to take translation into consideration. If Joseph Smith really did translate the Book of Mormon it's likely he would've used the bible as a guide on how to translate the language. Obviously ancient books aren't going to have proper English grammar. Since it was being translated to be another religious text similar to the bible for obvious reasons they would probably use the bible as a guide when in the process of translation.
But in the end, I don't see why it matters. No one has proof that one book is more accurate than the other (and we all know that neither books are fool proof).
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@manayonboy (511)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
The Book of Mormons contains numerous passages that contradict what the Bible says. The following examples are conspicuous instances of such contradictions.
Rather the God confusing "the language of all earth" at the tower of Babel as the Bible records (Genesis 11:9), the Book of Mormon contents that the language of Jared, his brother, as well as their friends and family members "were not confounded" (Ether 1:33-37).
Contrary to the Bible Prophecy concerning the Lord's birth in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), and fulfillment of that prophecy in Mathew 2:1, the Book of Mormon reads: "And behold, he (Jesus) shall be born of Mary at Jerusalem" (Alma 7:10, parenthetical comment emp. added ). The writer of the Book of Mormon was simply wrong.
The Bible tells us that at the crucifixion of Jesus, darkness covered the land for three hours (Matthew 27:45; Mark 15:33; Luke 23:44) However, the Book of Mormon states three different times that there was darkness "for the space of three days" (Helaman 14:20,27; 3 Nephi 8:3, emp added). of course this a big difference.
Finally, whereas the Book of Mormon has people wearing the name Christian in about 73 B.C. (Alma 46:13), 15) the Bible clearly reveals that the Disciples of Christ" were called Christians first in Antioch" (Acts 11:26, emp added). This was approximately A. D. 40, and thus represents a difference of over 100 years. Which account are people to believe? After all, according to Mormons, both books are inspired.
The fact there are numerous disagreements between the Bible and the Book of Mormon does not disparage the Bible in any way. In fact a Bible believer would expect there to be contradictions between the two, since the Bible never gives any legitimacy t the Book of Mormon, but actually condemns it (Galatians 1:6-9, revelation 22:18-19, 2 Peter 1:3, and Jude 3). On other hand, the Book of Mormon easily is exposed as fiction when compared to and contrasted with the Bible, which Mormon claims is 'the word of God'
Simply put, if both the Bible and the Book of Mormon were inspired by God, then they never would contradict each other. How ever, since they do disagree with one another (in number of places)
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@lisan23 (442)
• United States
15 Jun 09
As for your first example, Esther 1:33 states "...from the great tower, at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people, and swore in his wrath that they should be scattered upon all the face of the earth...". So the very first verse agrees that the Tower of Babylon incident happened, then it goes on to state that Jared asked God to allow the language of his family and friends to not be confounded because they were righteous people. The Lord agrees. I don't see how that contradicts the bible unless you're reall pushing the envelope and claiming that God wouldn't answer the prayer of a righteous man.
To be honest, my eyes hurt and it's late (2:40AM). Your last point states that if both books were inspired by God then they would not contradict themselves. Let me ask you, then, if you believe that the bible, being inspired by God, shouldn't contradict itself? Because it does. The bible as a book contradicts itself in several places. Heck, even the Christian's can't decide whether their God is loving, peaceful, or war-like and jealous. And the bible supports both claims. In order for you to use the argument that neither book should contradict each other one of the books has to be perfect, and neither of them are. Both are filled with contradictions and inaccuracies. So, if you're willing to criticize the Book of Mormon for it's flaws, I hope you realize that the book you're basing your criticism off of is no better.
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@lisan23 (442)
• United States
15 Jun 09
Jones, your site is completely dependent upon someone believing the authors interpretation of the bible. It doesn't discount the obvious flaws of the bible, and you cannot expect a book written by MAN to be perfect. Unless the entire book was written by Jesus (that's if you're Christian) who was the only perfect being to walk the fact of the earth (according to your own beliefs). So if you attempt to say that the bible is not flawed and does not contradict yourself then you're stating that the authors of the bible were in fact perfect. Just because something is "inspired by God" doesn't make it perfect and it doesn't make those writing it perfect either.
If you deny the flaws of the bible, then you deny the belief that Jesus was the only perfect human to walk the earth. If you accept the flaws, then you realize that the bible was written by man, not by God. Therefore you cannot use an argument stating that the bible is a flawless book with no contradictions, because it is.
@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
15 Jun 09
I tried to read the Book of Mormon a few times and couldn't far enough into it before being put off by three things right away.
1. In the introduction; [i]In due course the plates were delivered to Joseph Smith, who translated them by the gift and power of God. The record is now published in many languages as a new and additional witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that all who will come unto him and obey the laws and ordinances of his gospel may be saved.
This tell me that Jesus decided that the shedding of his blood wasn't sufficient after all, there would have to be laws and ordinances added for the salvation of man.
Paul said
Galatians 8 [i]For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2-13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
2. About his angel Moroni;
33 He called me by name, and said unto me that he was a messenger sent from the presence of God to me, and that his name was Moroni; that God had a work for me to do; and that my name should be had for good and evil among all nations, kindreds, and tongues, or that it should be both good and evil spoken of among all people.
Paul said; Galatians 1-6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: 7Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.9As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (2 Cor. 11:14-15)
As far as getting into the book it's self. Right from the very first verses you can tell it is not written with the unction of the Holy Spirit. It's a spirit, but not the Spirit of God. It is guttural, coarse, almost obscene. I don't use the word obscene like a bunch of people naked doing stuff, just obscene like that spirit does not bare witness to the spirit that I know is of God.
I know this will make some people very angry, and for that I apologize. I would advise anyone that believes in the bible, to stick just to the bible and take care of other reading material floating around out there.
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@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
18 Jun 09
Got this from Wikipedia, when I read about the Origins of the Book of Mormon because you got me interested on it :P
"Critics of the Book of Mormon claim that the book was either an original creation of Smith (with or without the assistance of one or more of his associates),[24][25][26][27][28][29] was based on a prior work such as View of the Hebrews,[25][26][30] or was plagiarized in part from an unpublished manuscript written by Solomon Spalding.[31][32][33] For a few followers of the LDS movement, unresolved issues of the book's historicity and the lack of conclusive archaeological evidence have led them to adopt a compromise position that the Book of Mormon may be the creation of Smith, but that it was nevertheless created through divine inspiration.[34] Most in the LDS movement believe Smith's position that it is a literal historical record.[35]"
With that given, it may not actually be Smith who plagiarized the Bible but actually someone else, perhaps Solomon Spalding, and then Smith ended up plagiarizing him!
Thanks for the response on my discussion :)
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
16 Jun 09
I read the book of Mormon about 40 years ago when I was searching for the meaning of life and looking at different religions. I prefer the Bible hands down. I personally think the Bible is complete for this time, though it does say that there will new scrolls in the new world to come.
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@jonesrichard (56)
• India
15 Jun 09
Though not arguing much about the belief's of Mormons and their book Moroni
i wish to provide one verse from the Bible which goes like this.
Paul says, "But though we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you
than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed". Gal 1:8.
So if you are in a wavering faith as to whether believe in Mormons or not. I hope
this verse helps you.
@AithneFireStorm (212)
• United States
15 Jun 09
To say God is both loving and vengeful is not a contridiction. he loves us so much that he jealous to allow Satan to have any souls on earth! He wants nothing but what is best for all mankind but we have to make that choice, its called "Free Will" so yes like any parent God gets angry when we make wrong decisions. Do I think he takes it out on us, NO! The bad things that happen in our lives our consequences of our actions and of those around us!
I don't think God works in mysterious ways, I think he works according to his plan! Everything God has planned for us is written in the Bible. Let's look at it this way if over 30% of the Bible is dedicated to Prophecy and around 90% of that has not yet come into being. Everything we are going through and will go through somehow connects to God's greater plan!
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@o0jopak0o (6390)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
i have forgotten almost everything about mormonism but isnt one of their story is about two stones in a hat and a guy hearing things on it? And he is the only one who can interpret it
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@xoxcharityxox (567)
• United States
16 Jun 09
Thank you for your insight. I personally believe more in spirituality then strict religion, but it's good to know that there are intelligent people out there who will inbiasedly study the scripture. I respect everyone's beliefs, but do not understand all of it. I guess I believe that the bible and other religious scripture can just be read with perception. Continue your studies and keep educating.
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@EpicPro (15)
• United States
16 Jun 09
If Jesus said the same thing as Moses, is that mean Jesus is a copycat of Moses and now we shouldnt listen to him? nope. Pretty sure thats because it all WAS THE SAME lol. Plus he wasnt a bible scholar at all. He barely knew anything let alone to be able to put all those references he had to the bible so delicately as you say, would have been an immpossible feat for him to accomplish. I would say you should do some more reasearch buddy :D
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@lucas5 (455)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
24 Aug 10
If it is false or not I don't know, what I know is that "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be anathema". Galatians 1:8
Josef smith said he received this book from an angel, it shows that there are new things Jesus came for, it is anathema.
I was a Mormon for 5 years, but I never believed on this, I new that there are so many proves this book is false, that it could never be true.
the bible is the answer, and in the bible is the answer for your question.