how many times u eat in a day??

November 12, 2006 8:55am CST
i eat 4 times..
8 responses
• Malaysia
12 Nov 06
i eat 3 times on weekday and twice on weekend..because weekday i sleep till will take brunch...
• Malaysia
12 Nov 06
mistake...should be weekend..i take brunch on weekend..
• Romania
12 Nov 06
i eat 3 times ...
@massaj03 (4367)
• United States
12 Nov 06
*lol* I eat all the time..all day long *lol*
• India
12 Nov 06
Not same every its 2 to 5 times
@devilangelo (4522)
• India
12 Nov 06
i eat two times .. lunch n dinner .. in between i have tea , cofee with snacks :)
@helper1 (765)
• Canada
12 Nov 06
I eat once a day, but I do snack once in a while!
@Hemant83 (1280)
• India
12 Nov 06
I usually eat 3 times a day. I like to eat very much.
• India
12 Nov 06
not fixed