If you are not there when a team needs you then what kind of a fan you are?

@Wismay (2037)
June 16, 2009 5:11am CST
There is a saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Think that Ishant Sharma or Dhoni is your best pal. A closest pal you had in your life. What would you do if your pal fails to perform? Do you burn his effigies? Do want him to be sacked? Don't you think India needs fans more when they are down than when they are winning and shining? What you say?
2 responses
@rushil92 (145)
• India
16 Jun 09
dude what is wrong with you?these players get all our love when they win.its because of us that they get so much money fame and girls...it is natural for us to be depressed when they lose if they are rewarded when they win, they should also be punished when they lose infact they should apologise to us , their fans, because of whom theyve got every possible pleasure
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@Wismay (2037)
• India
16 Jun 09
Dude, Nothing is wrong. You took it in a wrong way. You didn't answer the questions raised. They get money and fame because they play well. Do you think without performing they achieved that status? Do you become a fan if they don't play well? Though the love for cricket is what played the most part but they do perform. Otherwise they wouldn't be in the team. I was saying about the acts like burning effigies and emotional outbursts.
@rushil92 (145)
• India
16 Jun 09
yes i completely agree that all of that is a little extra....but dissapointment is not something u can blame the fans for.....besides i think the ppl who sit and burn effigies are guys without a life or a job
@pratik87 (1927)
• India
16 Jun 09
yes Indian people always over do it. they love the cricketers like gods when they are winning and react extremely by burning effigies and throwing stones their houses when they lose. people fail to understand it is a game in the end and someone has to lose in order for the other to win. it is not possible for India to win each and every time. one should always accept defeat in good spirit. rather than supporting the players people are blaming them with whatever reasons they can find.