Mylot Karma! Did you know it exists and you can even influence it?
By James72
@James72 (26790)
June 17, 2009 7:15am CST
I reckon a lot of people aren't aware of it and didn't know they could control it to some degree at all! Karma is often described as fate or destiny; or bringing to yourself what you put out in life, both good and bad. It DOES exist on mylot too and you CAN influence it quite heavily! For example:
Do you give unto others as they give unto you? If you're someone who plays the numbers game and just pumps out discussion after discussion to attract responses, but never make the return effort with those who DO respond to you regularly, guess what? Bad Mylot Karma's coming your way!
Do you make the effort to reply to as many responses as you can on ALL discussions you start? If you do, great! Good Mylot karma's coming your way..... If not, well, shock, horror, it's bad Mylot Karma time.
Further examples to create good mylot Karma: engage people in further conversation, add friends because you plan to interact with them, comment on friend's pictures, rate people positively for making the effort - even if they disagree with you.....
Further examples to create bad Mylot Karma: Play the numbers game and never really interact with others, add friend after friend just so you can spam them with referral links, place referral banners in peoples "friends comments" sections on their profile pages, inflame people purposely, be rude to people, rate others negatively just because you don't like them or because they disagree with you.....
I'm not stating anything here that hasn't been shared by others before, but I wanted to put a different spin on it. So, which type of Mylot Karma are you attracting to yourself then? Can you think of any other examples of good and bad actions that can affect someone's Mylot Karma here?

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22 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
17 Jun 09
I have never studied karma and indeed I wasn't aware that it was called that until quite recently (at some point during quite recent years). I have always believed, and it will take a lot to alter this belief, that whatever you do comes back to you sooner or later in the same measure.
It works here on myLot too just as you point out but it sometimes takes a very long time for the bad to start hitting you and for the good to start winning again, just as can happen offline. It's all a question of time
I have an example of both good and bad here. The bad I have been (and probably still am) victim of and the good has yet to be fully appreciated I feel - again time will tell
The bad: a user joins, sees me all over the place and sometimes sees me warning/advising users not to post their links. The user is not yet aware that it is for the benefit both of the community as a whole and the user who is being warned that I advise to stick to the Guidelines (for example by not posting ref links). I get labelled as a busy-body by the user who notices me doing this and get bashed. Later on the misunderstanding becomes obvious and apologies all round but the damage, alas, is done *sighs*.
The good: I help the new users when they ask advice. I answer their queries quoting the FAQs or quoting what users before me have said and frequently I am awarded a BR for my response in these situations. I am embarassed by this now and I make a point of not responding where I know other newer users can now respond because they are aware of what to say. I wait until they respond and if they omit a piece of advice, I comment on their response rather than responding myself. Then it is them that get the BR and not me any more
MyLot is a slice of life James and there will be good and bad here just as offline. We have to swim with the flow and if we can stay afloat we'll get there because karma works here too!

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
17 Jun 09
Don't you just LOVE it when new members jump to conclusions and make assumptions about longer term ones!
I've seen this happen so many times and I never cease to be amazed by it. Yes, we do have to go with the flow and good and bad exists everywhere; but karma is very real and it's very real HERE on mylot. Sure it can take time to rear it's head, but it WILL eventually! You personally are a very good example of how good mylot karma can be created and you're unbelievably patient with so many new people here! I doubt I could be this consistent with sharing the rules etc myself, even if I had the time and tried, so my hat's off to you!
Being this way of course helps make mylot a far better place overall too, so we all win because of it. Happy swimming! lol.

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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
17 Jun 09
Patience is my middle name
Several great friendships on here have started after those initial tiffs which also shows that I don't judge a book by its cover
Many of the new users will bring a breath of fresh air if given the chance to get in the right groove. I often wish I had more time to be here because I often have to dump some of them once they spread their wings so that I can be with another who has joined later but I never forget them and I barge in on them whenevr I see them somewhere. It's fun and I appreciate not all have the patience. Maybe it's a sort of 'mys-sion' that I have taken upon myself 

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@saw2207 (1359)
• United States
17 Jun 09
James . .
thanks for starting this discussion and I am so happy to see mydiana here . .
I am a true believer in karma . .what goes around always comes around .. sometimes in life we dont see others people karma hit them back again and that is not what is really important. . .for when we do good . .we should be doing good to bring more "light" to someone . . and if someone tries to put that light out . .well they will get theres when there time comes. . . . .
As for here on the lot . .. the stars that shine next to our name say alot about us. .. and I understand and yet I just dont want to understand why it is that someone who is as wonderfully helpful as Diana has had a yellow star as long as I have been here (and mind you it isnt all that long as you can tell by my number) I want to see her with a big number 10 as she so rightfully deserves . .and I understand what you both are saying . .some people see her advice and they get mad or whatever it is they get. . .but I remember my first moments here and Diana came around and guided me .. as the shinning bright star that she is. . .
So I say we should all take a good look at all the wonderful , smart and oh so very wise things she has to say . .. and I say this about all her postings. I have never yet read one thing that she has said that anyone should take other than the best helpful advice a "friend" could give . .so rate her a big plus where ever you see her!
Again thanks for this post. . none of us can never have enough good Karma in our lives
Happy Lotting and star rating to all of you

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@angelsmummy (1696)
17 Jun 09
I dont tend to post discussions I prefer to reply to them. It does bother me if people dont reply to me as I have made the effort to reply to them to try to help them. I know not all people can do it straight away so I dont get annoyed if I dont get a response straight away but a thank you or a that was rubbish advice would be nice! I ahte it when people just post one discussion straight after the other. There is a repeat offender who copies and pastes a discussion posts that then elaborates by posting at least 10 discussions of similar nature. I notice as I always go onto discussions with no responses grrr he annoys me lol. I think he has bad karma and it will come back to bite him!!
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
17 Jun 09
Fair enough! I know many people here that rarely start discussions and that's their choice. I guess I just get annoyed when people start discussion after discussion but rarely tend to any of them. Why start a discussion if you aren't going to interact with the people that make the effort to contribute it? It defies the meaning of the word "discussion"!
As for people replying to me, I use a three strikes rule myself. If I reply to 3 of their discussions in a row and they never reply to me on any of them, I don't interact with them anymore.
The person you've just described sounds very frustrating. I wouldn't bother with someone like that at all; and yes, bad Mylot Karma will definitely come their way eventually. What we give on mylot, we receive in return. It's simple really and they're gonna find that out very quickly! 

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@angelsmummy (1696)
17 Jun 09
I dont even look at his discussions now they take up the whole page so I move on to the next page where he isnt! He just annoys me so much! I do still respond to people if they dont respond to me if they have a disscussion I enjoy talking about although I would make it clear to others not to expect a response. At the end of the day they dont get paid for us responding to them they get paid for the participation if they arent participationg they wont get paid!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
17 Jun 09
This is what confuses me most of all when people act the way this person does. They get it in their heads that the greater the numbers, the higher they'll earn! In one sense it's arguably true, but the activity to earning ratio is not what they think it is! Quality will always win over quantity on this site, no question. From what I've read of some of these "numbers game player's" earnings, I can earn more than them on a daily basis from about one tenth of the activity. Why? Because I focus on quality and not numbers. I know what you mean by getting annoyed by page after page of discussions by one person too as I've seen the same before. 

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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
18 Jun 09
I believe in Karma, and Mylot karma aswell for that matter
. I like the ring you gave to it. Lately I haven't been around much, so I can't blame anyone for not replying to any of my old discussions. I like replying better then posting new content as I tend to be more creative with my replies than with my new discussions. Exams are coming up, and the spare time I have had has been spend on numerous tasks that will give me the biggest payout I have ever had.
I am saving like crazy because I want to use these funds to go to the Efteling (the dutch disneyland) with my fosterbrother. We actually allready have tickets (we won them, yay! Now that might have been some karma aswell
) and now I am working hard towards paying our travel, lunch, drinks and souvenirs there with my Mylot earnings
See you around James, fun discussion!

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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
19 Jun 09
That's for sure, it's going to be a lot of fun! It's too bad I can't post pictures with him on it because of privacy reasons, legal guardians, etc. He's a very cute kid that enjoys everything and is very grateful for the tiniest things. I know he will be thrilled to hear we are going. When I told him we had won tickets he said "I'll finish my sandwhich... and then we go?"

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
You have a cat called Karma!
My friend has named his Daughter Carma too, but he spells it with a C. I've noticed your absences lately, but I do understand that you've been busy pedagogueing! I'll always find you when you pop up from time to time anyways.
I wish you every success with your exams and your goal to see Disneyland. Getting the tickets for free was definitely Karma in action, no question. It's the Law of Attraction alive and well!

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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
18 Jun 09
Hiya James.. I like your discussion here.
And I certainly believe the idea of what goes around comes around kind of thing. I do wonder too when certain comments are just left like that without the user commenting back. I do read around some discussions and on some great topics, I see some awesome answers.
But too bad, there are no comments for it. Like if I was the creator of the discussion, I would give them a pat at the back. Some answers and comments are really well-thought and you could see how they put some bit of effort into thinking and providing them. A for effort for them. I try to look for the good of others, I'm quite a people person. But I do have some moody days and those are when I don't log on to mylot. Generally, I feel that everyone should try to get along with one another and if possible to comment back to most, if not all comments. Have a nice day, buddy..

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
Heya zed!
I'm glad you like the discussion. I'm stating the obvious here, but it's good for people to be reminded once in a while I reckon! I get really annoyed when I see great answers and no replies to them. The ones that annoy me the most are the discussions where people talk about some personal problem, ask for advice and then never reply to anyone that gives the advice! It makes you wonder whether the problem even existed in the first place? To me that's just rude.
I consider myself to be a people person too; and I get moody also! lol. That's the beauty of mylot. We can disappear for a while if we're not up to it, we can seek out different discussions that suit our mood at the time and overall we have the flexibility to do whatever we like really.
I'm a huge believer in commenting back on all responses too and I always do so myself. I do appreciate that not everyone is able to do this, but as long as they reply to most on a regular basis, then they'll have my respect. You have a nice day too mate. 

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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
18 Jun 09
@sparkofinsanity .. I've dated you for quite a bit, but pardon me for being rude, I still don't know your name..
. Just kidding.. You alright with me calling your spark, or is there a gorgeous name behind that insanity...
Thanks for believing in me..

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jun 09
What a great answer! See, I knew I liked you for a reason other than your good looks zed! LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jun 09
James, trust me when I say this.........I am living and still giggling proof that we can influence our own Karma. I've done it here on the lot, and that was no small feat! And I'm damn proud of myself, and even more proud of the people affected! Mylot's a much better place than it used to be despite the occasional outbreaks of drama and bad karma, which, truth be told, just keeps us on our toes! lol
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
But do I HAVE to trust you sparky?
Oh, Ok then..... lol. I've always been a fan of giggling proof! It's the best kind of proof there is actually. OJ never would've gotten away with those murders if someone had of produced some giggling proof.
This negative activity by some does keep us on our toes at times, yes. It also shows the true power of community when friends rally together to turn the tide! 

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jun 09
Yes you do!
And the best way to influence Karma is to make your 'enemies' your friends and get them on your giggle train.................Toot! Toot!

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@nzalheart (2338)
• India
17 Jun 09
Hello James72!!!
Well as a strict believe of the Karma theory, why can't I accept the karma theory in mylot too? That exists surely for the mylot too...
Whatever we do, surely comes up its result according to it for sure. Yes, it is possible in some ways to attract the good karma.
I am the one who keep commenting to all of the responses I get until I see that the last responder in the discussion is me myself. Also I tend to respond in various discussions rather than only sticking to my own discussions and specially more to the discussions started by my friends.
I have really many friends added to my account here on mylot. But I have never used up that for spamming. As because I accept the every request I get for the friend there are many. Though most of them are not really in god contact at various discussion. And slowly and slowly I am surely increasing the friends of nice acuqintance here. And I enjoy this a lot...
I hope these good karma's give really give me good effects in return...
Interesting discussion James, keep it up and happy mylotting...

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
17 Jun 09
Heya nzalheart! I too believe in the Karma theory in all instances, so definitely in the mylot world as well! Cause and effect is ultimately what it comes down to and it's up to us to control whether the effect is positively or negatively themed by the nature of our own actions. Your own activities that you've shared, coupled with your progress in making new friends and acquaintances is proof of good mylot karma in play! I wonder how many of the spammers and number game players can profess the same? None I reckon! Mylot is a community site and the more we act like a positive member of it, the more likely we are to attract positive interactions in return. Happy mylotting to you too and it's great to see you embracing the true spirit of what this site is all about. 

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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
17 Jun 09
I've not been interactive here enough of recent James, so what karma am i attracting? What i do know is that i have the blessing of good friends, so the good Karma always prevails.
But here's one thing- you get a lot of good karma by being rated well, responding and all the nice things, reach the top and then the someone gets after you. You may get the drift of what i'm saying. Is that Bad Karma?
After all did you do anything wrong? You get the drift? It happened to you recently.
In any case, it's for us to not fall into the trap.

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
17 Jun 09
Well, if absences from mylot attract the bad karma, then you and I are passengers on the same train!
As shared earlier, like attracts like and what we put out here, we do get back in most instances. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule thanks to the occasional idiot(s) that abuses the system. The negative actions of others may stun us briefly, but interestingly enough, the good karma and the strength of our friendships stands us back on our feet more times than not!
Overall, the more effort we make with others, the more effort we'll get in return. Gratitude helps the karma too and I am filled with that on a regular basis thanks to people like yourself and many other great friends here. 

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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Sounds like Karma brown nosing to me! 

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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
17 Jun 09
I am not sure if i am doing it all right or not but I know some here who are bang on! I really appreciate their KARMA that helps me do mine. Sometimes the Karma of others influence you so much that you cannot but come out of the groove. Yes, you end up doing good, It's the influence of goodness. Like attracts like. It's like a full circle.
For instance, right now, I know I am going slow, having a lot of catching up to do but I know I will, better late than never. And posts like this one, helps me to stay focussed. thanks James.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
17 Jun 09
All things in life have a reason James. The work load makes us live quality time. Whatever little but we give our best. That's great to take care of our grouchy selves.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
17 Jun 09
"Like attracts like"!
Exactly mimpi! Such is the Law of Atrraction and why would it not apply here on mylot? I too am in constant catching up mode thanks to a steadily increasing workload, so you're not alone there and I understand totally. Good old real life tends to rear its head more than we'd like at times!
I need to get my butt on over to your other site soon too. 

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@livewyre (2450)
17 Jun 09
Good karma all the way Jimmy...
I don't play the numbers, I rarely start discussions - if I do I respond to EVERYONE (how hard is it to respond to like... three people...??) I also get disappointed when I get no response to my responses (never happens with one of your discussions).
Good observations all round - my MyLot karma must be stoked!

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
17 Jun 09
All the way..... I'm down with that!
I don't play the numbers either and never have to any serious degree. Sure, I will try to be more proactive in the beginning of a month to reach the minimum payout amount quickly, but I still do so by practicing what I preach and truly interacting with people. These people that just do activity for activities sake stand out a mile and karma's gonna get 'em!
I don't like getting no reply too, so I always try to return comment on all responses I get. If a day comes where I can't do that anymore, then I just won't start any more discussions! I hope mylot Karma's stoked too by the way. Jeez, if I was mylot Karma, I'd be stoked for sure! lol.

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@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
18 Jun 09
I do not make discussions because I know people are not attracted to them, I don't know. I open up discussions in tabs and respond to them one after the other, only if the discussion appeals to me. I do it in such a way that I respond to my friend's discussions and other discussions from interests.
It's quite obvious that good happens only when you do good as well.

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
I know of many members here that don't bother starting discussions, so you;re not alone there.
Mind you, don't let non-responses put you off starting them because in time, you do end up developing a following and zero responses become a thing of the past. It took me a while for my own good mylot Karma to kick in, but it did in the end, so I do continue to start discussions myself. Not heaps of them, but somewhat consistently! You are very right in saying that good happens when you DO good and the more effort we make, the more return effort we'll get from others. 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
I enjoy responding to discussions too, but I like starting my own as well. Not too many though as I like to be able to keep on top of them and reply to everyone who makes the effort to respond to me. Even with the good Karma angle aside, people like you that always make the effort are what collectively trun this site into a better place for all of us. We'll never get rid of the negative members or the numbers game players, but we can at least make a difference! 

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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
17 Jun 09
I do love posting discussions - even though I am rubbish at them - I must be rubbish because not many people reply!
However, I can honestly say that I reply to every rsponse that is given to me. I think that of people take the time to respond to me then I should respond to them.
I don't think that I believe in Karma. I'm not really sure.
I tend to think that we make our own luck. Now if we are talking about creating good vibes then I can believe in that!
I think that things like politeness is important on Mylot to create good vibes and also humour. We need humour even to cope with life on a daily basis. Blessings

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
I enjoy posting discussions too, but I don't do so on a daily basis. I once started 5 disxcussions in the one day just for the heck of it and almost had a heart attack trying to keep up with replies!
I answered one of your own discussions less than a week ago and it certainly wasn't crap! I was here for 2 years before I started to get consistent numbers of responses to my discussions. I get them today because of mylot Karma actually! In the first 2 years or so, I was rarely active, so was unable to make a holistic effort here. Now that I AM able to be more attentive, everything's improved. You'll never hear me disagree about the imprtance of humour either. I thrive on it and consider it to be a major part of my life. I'd be lost without it.
As for being polite, well this is a given if you ask me. I have no patience for rudeness and never will.

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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
18 Jun 09
Thank you for your encouraging words. Blessings
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
23 Jun 09
When I make discussion I try to answer every single comment posted to them. I do try to further respond if they respond back. I try to always answers a discussion of a friend even if it takes me awhile. I try to get all the good karma I can since I have enough to spare already..need any?
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 Jun 09
Will do.. your case it would be far and few between..since you don't get hardly any rain where you are.This year we have gotten plenty.

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
23 Jun 09
I've seen that you do this and I think it's a great way to be!
i do realise that not every response even deserves a reply at times and it can also be difficult time-wise to get to them all, but it's definitely in our best interests if we make the effort. I think I'm pretty right for good mylot Karma at the moment too thanks Becca, so you keep yours up your sleeve for a rainy day. 

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Jun 09
I think you pretty much covered it.
PS Here is my referral link....

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Jun 09
Sigh. That's where people always go wrong on these sites. They NEVER read the guidelines. Sheesh...
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
22 Jun 09
Hi there James. I always try to reply to all my friends even if i don't manage to do it today, or the next day... but i usually always get to any discussion that i can answer, and if i can, i will ;)
I don't send referral links to people i know, and the ones that i have sent a site or something, i did only to help them as well, not just me.
Good examples of karma can be seen everywhere you just have to look for them:
Occasional greeting, on holiday, or without reason are a good place to start and make people happy.
A private message from time to time, or a thank you for a comment on a picture is also very nice to receive.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
22 Jun 09
Heya elitess. I can vouch for you being a good replier on here, no question! I don't think I've ever NOT received one from you.
I try to do the same myself and if a day comes where I can't get around to replies, then I;ll just stop posting discussions. I've never sent a referral link either. You're right in saying that it's nice to get greetings and a thank you from friends too. I have a number of comments on my profile page from people thanking me for my pic comments and it's great to read them.
I enjoy making silly pic comments anyway, so this is a bonus! lol.

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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I hope that I attract good Karma. I try to be a kind, caring, giving person all the time. I am cranky sometimes though, and I lose my temper and patience with people who only play the numbers game, as you put it.
Carp! I just lost my train of thought so........back I go to my little corner.*L*
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
You get cranky sometimes do ya? Well I never!
I reckon you'd be a good Karma magnet for sure Diddly. Most of the time anyway!
The only number's game I ever wanna be playing is bingo and I don't really like that very much either. Have fun in the corner. 

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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Yeah, bingo bores me to tears!
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@pratyushtamhankar (859)
• India
18 Jun 09
Hey James that first para seems like those spam mails that I get telling me to join "our amazing schemes"...(hee hee). Ya I know Karma does affect us on mylot. If you disagree with people and try to fight, they report you and then you report them and then both of them are kicked outta mylot...
But hey, I think the system's nice...
They should kick people out for making very rude comments...
Ya and about the numbers game. I have to start a discussion, I haven't started a discussion from like ages...
I'm just responding...
Hey you are an experienced guy here, tell me is it "bad karma" if I just respond and don't start discussions ?
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
Heya Pratyush.
It does? Maybe I'm in the wrong profession then? I could be a Spam King instead! lol. Karma definitely DOES affect us here and we see it time and time again. As for people reporting others for disagreeing or fighting, shame on them I reckon. I would never reprt someone for disagreeing with me and the only way I'd report someone that fought is if they became abusive to the point of being offensive. Not even rude is going to bother me so much all the time and again it comes down to the level of their behaviour. Karma will get 'em anyways!
I've noticed you haven't started any new discussions lately too because I check from time to time. And no, there's no way someone would get bad mylot karma just because they respond only and don't start discussions! You're a likeable guy who makes a lot of effort with all you do on here. How can that not return anything but positivity to you? 

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
Praise where praise is due I say!
And don't ever underestimate your own discussions based on the efforts of others because we're all different people with different perspectives on life! I'll keep checking your profile every now and then, so get that thinking cap on!
Good night mate.

@pratyushtamhankar (859)
• India
18 Jun 09
you do ? ohh how sweet ! I promise I'll start a good discussion. Hey you know what, after reading your discussions, I feel mine are so boring...
Thanks for the compliments buddy, they really mean a lot to me...
You take care, looking forward for your discussions...
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@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
i know all about karma. actually, in layman's terms, if you do no good how can good happen to you? some people call it by different names. some have different interpretations of it: plain logic, religious, scientific...but karma exists.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
26 Jun 09
It sure does exist! I've experienced the effects of it in my own life on many on occasion. Some good, some bad, but it's there alright and all these things that have happened to me lead back to other events and actions in my life. We owe it to ourselves to think, act and be positive in all we do, including mylotting of course! 

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