Is physical appearance has a big factor in looking for you true love?

June 17, 2009 7:30pm CST
I was a member of this social networking sites. Im there, to play games, meet new friends and if im lucky meet or found my true love. And i noticed this that most men from my country, they are more into physical appearance than first knowing the person. ok, its a well known fact or its part of online dating that you should have a picture in your profile and its our instinct to asked for the picture. But still why not try to know the person and learned more about her. What if this person is the girl or guy your looking for, what if she or he is your true love but you just base your feelings thru her / his picture. what about you, do you experience something like this? do you judge people by their physical appearance?
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23 responses
@kaguvkov (1318)
• Davao, Philippines
18 Jun 09
I think so. Many people judges other people through their appearance. In my case I give any chance to those people who wants my friendship to them. It is important to have a good relationship first before taking actions deeply.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
i agree with you, give everybody a chance to be your friends and if after a long time and you feel that you love the girl then go deeper with the relationship. dont base your feeling in his/her physical appearance or his/her looks. Looks can be deceiving and you may get hurt.
@lwy519 (159)
• China
18 Jun 09
Maybe,physical appearance is very important for the frist see.If one man has a grotty looking,he may lose his interview.But for mr ture love,I am not too much care about the physical appearance.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
yes for some, physical appearance does matter but for some, its not. of course you will not date person who looks like a killer or rapist but still we didnt know. Maybe this person are more good than those good looking in their picture. We really dont know. As the saying goes dont judge the book by its cover.
@lwy519 (159)
• China
19 Jun 09
That is right,I agree with you!
@larish (2239)
• Philippines
18 Jun 09
It is a general rule that most men are visual people. Meaning they like to look on the physical features of a person. We really can't blame them because it is theri nature. lol while on most female are the opposites. I am a woman, therefore I will answer you that I am the type who don't judge people immediately but I would judge them after I know them well.
@larish (2239)
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
I agree with you but men are MEN. lol
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
yes, i know that men always have first say with physical features, actually they have a high qualifications for a partner. They should be beautiful and sexy. Im ok with it and there is nothing wrong with it. But i just hope they will do in a very discreet way, dont hurt other people feeling by letting her know she is not pretty.
• Malaysia
18 Jun 09
In my opinion, physical appearance is most probably a big factor in getting to know somebody, but it does not mean it plays a big role in finding true love. Sometimes, people intentionally initiate between love and lust, but it's also possible that one can lead to another. I also think that everyone of us has different views about how other people look like and can also change from time to time. Frankly speaking, when I was young, I sometimes judged other people by their physical appearance, but it has changed bit by bit through experiences and observations.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
well we really have to accept the fact that in the first meeting, looks have a big factor. but we have to remember that in a relationship, looks does not matter. you have to know him/her better before getting deeper with your feelings. I am also like you when im younger, of course i want to have a boyfriend who is handsome and rich but when i grow older, i am more in the attitudes than the looks.
• Philippines
18 Jun 09
Realistically honest, I think that there should be an attraction between 2 people for them to venture into something deeper like going into a relationship. It's the attraction that draws them together, to decide to talk, to call, to take out on a date. When I talk about initial attraction, I mean physical attraction -- and it could be the eyes, the hair,waist, lips etc. Then, its the dating part that unravels more of the person -- personality, humor, etc. At times, initial physical attraction vanishes as the person gets to know more of the other...and sometimes it lingers and turns into like and sooner, if lucky, to l-o-v-e.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
yes, attraction is a big factor but then you can be attracted to just the looks, you can be attracted with his/her smile or how good she/he talk or the smile as you said. but then you have to know her deeper because you can say that you love her/him. and also dont judge person by his looks, who knows that the person you denied is your one and true love. you didnt know unless you get to know the person.
@Tessalim (33)
• Malaysia
18 Jun 09
Frankly speaking, many of us judge a person by his/her appearance first. This is what we call the first impression. You don't need to be absolutely good looking or pretty to attract the opposite, but you must be presentable. If you look unattended or sloppy, you have already given other people bad impression. I don't think they will want to get to know you better.
• Philippines
18 Jun 09
well i agree with you but then if you dont want to hurt other people feelings, after you see their picture in their profile then dont initiate conversation anymore. this is my experience, there this guy who always send me messages, asking me how am i and if i have a good day. i just keep on ignoring his message then one day i decided to answer him back, maybe he is just offering friendship. I have my picture in my profile but during our conversation he asked if i he see more of my picture. After giving him my website, i know he check it, he stop sending messages, he stopped texting me, i saw him online and i say hi because i see nothing wrong with it, but he never replied back. so what i did, i delete him from my friendlist. i hope you understand what i want to express.
• Malaysia
18 Jun 09
I am sorry to hear that. He is not worth it to be your friends.
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
18 Jun 09
Honestly, my answer is yes. I would not go out with a guy who looks really ugly and scary. I want a guy who looks good and smells good. I simply have no tolerance for guys who look dirty and smell bad. However, appearance is not everything. Just because a guy is goodlooking that does not mean that I would fall head over heels in love with him right there and them.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
of course i dont want that also. Of course i want a guy who is clean and smell good. We are talking about how he dress, we were talking about his face. if he is good looking or not. And yes, you have to know the person better, know his background before getting into a relationship.
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
18 Jun 09
I think the physical appearance is what you see first and therefore it would be an important but not too much of a big factor in love. For me that is the reason why we should be always looking at our best since it's our physical experience that makes the impression when we meet people.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
i also agree with you, you have to make the best out of you when your posting picture in your profile and also in a first meeting. we have to accept the fact that first impression does really matter to any one of us. but we have to be carefull also. we have to know the person longer and dont just judge them by their looks.
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
18 Jun 09
Well i don't really judge a person through her looks but more on personality. Sad to say though that good looks do matter in a sense that it influences our preference in finding love. Like i said, just influence. Not that we totally rely on it. There are ladies out there though lacking in looks but are very articulate and that kind of quality impresses me. I like smart ladies and i would want to date them.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
yes, we cant help but be attracted to good looks but will you stop from there, of course you have to know the person more. you have to know her character and he attitudes. and i agree with you, there are people who are not beautiful but very smart and nice to talk to and nice to be with. Your one of those few men who dont care much about physical appearance.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
18 Jun 09
Yes, I an extent, but love is not entirely depends on physical appearance. Boys usually care about physical appearance a lot. They want their girls fiends to be pretty. But, girls won't care much about how handsome the guy is. A girl wil care how nicely the boy cares about her. She gives importance to the character and behavior of the guy. She also looks whether he is rich and has a good job.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
If its love and relationship, we should not base it in physical appearance. Because beauty will never last but beauty inside will be there forever. And is sad that most men they want an outside beauty and never ever tried to know the person first.
@med889 (5940)
18 Jun 09
I find personality much more important than the appearances because we cannot judge someone because he is not properly dressed up so this is of secondary importance to me and I have found someone in my life whom my parents think he is not okay for me but I believe in my love rather than the appearance.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
it is a story of one of our movie actress here in the philippines. She has a partner who is really good looking as in girls will go mad just to see him. They fell inlove and they get married but during their married life, she caught her husband with different girls and she even get them pregnant. They are separated now and the actress is now married ot one of our senator. the senator is not that good looking but he is kind and he accepted her daughter form her ex husband. She love her and her daughter and even if they have their own children he still love the other daughter as if she is his own daughter. So see, beauty is not a basis of true love.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I would have to say that I would not be looking at someone's picture as much as how that person expressed themselves.. Is the person being real or just trying to play with my emotions.. Looks are more of a perk in my opinion.. They can change over time but a person's personality wont change so fast over the years.. And not to be judgment or rude, but guys online that know that they have a great body etc. seem to be major jerks.. Like they are full of them selves... I dont need that.. or I could just go back to my ex!! At least I know him versus messing with someone online, and not knowing the person offline..
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
of course all of us is looking at physical appearance, most especially in social networking or online dating site, but it never stopped from making friends with them. im looking on more what they put in their profile than looking at his picture. what is important is how he is in life.
@hi2rashid (153)
• India
18 Jun 09
yes . the first sight one one's is making love. then physical appearence here is playing the big role. but not all situations in life needs physical attraction.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
we have different meaning of physical appearance, mine this is an outside traits of a person. and yes our initial reaction is to check their profile picture or ask some one if he is good looking but it never stop from there. i still look for their profile, if how kind and loving they are. So i will know him better before i can say yes i like him.
• India
18 Jun 09
Physical appearance play a vital role in searching for a true love. See a relation. Good Looks-Confidence Relatinship depends on Confidence ,thus indirectly physical appearance matters a lot in getting a true love.
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
physical appearance is the looks of one person. How good looking he/she is, how beatiful or handsome, how sexy or macho. Confidence i think is inner traits. And yes, there are mens who are not good looking but when they carry themselves, they became handsome or beautiful, and that is wha we called confidence.
• United States
18 Jun 09
When I met my boyfriend, part of it was appearance, yes, but the majority of it was chemistry. He was attractive to me. He is similar to me. What matters is how appealling he is to me. See the person that you fall for has to be physically appealling to you and the two have you have to have chemistry, otherwise, the relationship will not work out at all.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
19 Jun 09
i'll be a hypocrite if i said physical appearance is not important to me. i'm a girl standing at 5'8 and weigh around 56kg. i don't think i can accept a guy who is 5' and weighs less than 50kg. i like to feel protected around my guy. the least is that i don't feel like i'm protecting him. physical appearance will always be a factor in relationships. it's like part of the natural selection process. men are chosen for the built because they are supposed to be hunters. women are chosen for their full figure because that is good for child bearing. cheers
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
29 Sep 09
Hey, Well to tell you the truth, in my opinion I think that physical appearance plays a huge role in looking for my true love. Of course that isn't what fully would do it for me, but they also have to have a good character too. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
Its a hard to accept that its a fact (at first). Most people first get in to how a person looks. Because we tend to become more attracted to people with good looks. Me to, even I try to be fare when it gets into loving a person, I usually first got attracted how she looks. Im not good looking but I can't force my self on not looking at her physical apperance first. When It comes to loving a person, it is true that we should look not with the persons physical apperance, but how that person can love us in return. Where in we wont waste our time, effort, and love to that one. The first time you get attracted to a person is not actually your inlove with him. You just got attracted but not inlove. True love starts when you get into that persons life, on your ups and downs. True love not an instant process. It takes time. Looks, might be a big factor at first but the personality and how you develop a loving relationship matters for lifetime (beauty fades but not true love.)
@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
19 Jun 09
okay let us all be honest, we are all attracted to people based on their appearance because that is the first thing that we see when we meet someone, the beautiful soul is not visible to the naked eye when you meet someone, right. so anyways yes i am attracted by the physical, and looks are important to me, someone must be visually appealing to me, if this makes me shallow so be it. but yeah i have to find someone appealing in that way, i need to be able to look at them and my heart skips. that is not all that i look for though, but it is the first thing that i notice, that thing that draws me to the person. then after that, the other deciding factors are music taste, intelligence, grooming and shoes :) yes shoes i am a shoe pervert of note
@Ammudoll (549)
• India
18 Jun 09
Well most of the people get attracted to the Physical appearance, yo will turn your head on he/she beacause of the way they dressup themselves and we will get attracted to them. If he/she is average in looks but have good character then some people may get attract to their character. It is not required that if you love some one they should be very much beautiful. Well I had such experiences, while I was online as soon as the guy starts chatting he'll immediately asks to share photoes or send an email with picture.