Is it too soon?

House key - Key for a house
@paula27661 (15811)
June 18, 2009 12:02am CST
My friend has been dating her boyfriend for around nine months. They are at the stage now where they are seeing each other almost every night. Last week they planned for her to stay over at his place for the weekend. On the Friday she decided to go to his apartment straight after work and, because she would be arriving first, she asked him for a key. Now this is where it all came undone because his reply to her request was a resounding NO, he told her he was not comfortable with her having a key to his house. Upon hearing this, my friend felt terribly hurt and promptly ended the relationship leaving him stunned. In my opinion, nine months of exclusive dating it is not too soon to have a key to each other’s residences. What do you think? Do you think it is too soon? When do you think it is the right time to share keys?
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66 responses
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
18 Jun 09
I think the problem is not 9 months or not but rather is the boy ready to let the girl go into his life. The thing is before this key sharing activity, their lives are somehow joined together but still the boy still have his own flat to hide from when there are problems. But once the key is given to the girl, that freedom is lost and thus the boy may feel not comfortable of seeing that so suddenly.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
I can see why he would feel that way; it is like a 'next step' I guess. He gave her a very different impression as to where the relationship was heading and that is why she feels hurt. Thanks faisai!
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
18 Jun 09
There is nothing wrong in giving the girl the key and ask back for it after the week end. This guy has something hiding and the girl is better off. Some times it is things such as these that makes one know that he/she is moving too fast inside of a relationship. If I had asked my beau for his key and he said no then I would be working too.
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• Denmark
19 Jun 09
May I point out that none of you asked the question. Did the girl gave him her key? If not then why would she expect him to do her the courtesy that she herself haven't done?
@daliaj (5674)
• India
18 Jun 09
Yes, I think it is too soon to decide to stay over. Anway, they have decided to stay over and get redy to share, why didn't the boy share his key with her. I think the girl has taken right decision, but she could have talked to him open and know what is his part...I mean why did he hesitate to give the key.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Jun 09
So she has stayed before? It sounded as if this was the first time. I think it was a bit rude of her to ask for the key. That's a gift that should be offered. For her to ask for it was an intrusion that perhaps surprised him and he wasn't ready for that. I think he was within his rights and that she over-reacted. Her behaviour was that of a petulant child who didn't get what she wanted. It's like the key is not the key to his flat but the key to his need to discuss that sort of thing and to make plans, not just move in.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
He has allowed her to stay over quite regularly before, that's why she was unpleasantly surprised when he refused to give her the key, it's strange... Thanks daliaj!
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@daliaj (5674)
• India
18 Jun 09
He might have something personal which he doesn't want to disclose to her or he might be scared about the security of the hosue. Anyway, what the girl did is right...I think.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
18 Jun 09
Hi Paula! I think your friend's boy friend's reaction was unexpected. I feel before saying 'No' to your friend about giving her key to his house, he would have explained in details about the reasons for not handing over the key to her. He might have some personal reasons for not allowing her access to his house in his absence. I have a feeling that everything went wrong in this case. Firstly, there was no need for your friend to ask for the key of his house, she could have gone later to the house when he would have reached earlier than her. Then, he saying 'No' straight away is also uncalled for. Then both ending the relationship on this issue/pretext also appears inappropriate. I feel that both should sit together one more time to explain the issue between them. It is easier to break a relationship than to nurture it for 9 months and to maintain it. All the best to your friend.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
19 Jun 09
Hi Paula! Please request and suggest your dear friend to act wiser and be more patient. Please tell her that she should give him one more chance and try to sort out the issue through communication and she should also remember that 'no one is perfect', his boy friend may have some negative points (and she would also have some negative points) so she should judge her friend in his entity and totality and should not severe the relationship on this pretext only. All the best to your friend. Deepak
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
Hi Deepak! My friend is still quite upset and she and her boyfriend have not spoken as far as I know. She apparently did not think that asking for the key was that big a deal, maybe she should have! I am very interested to find out what his reasons are and whether there is any hope for the relationship. You are right breaking up is probably easier than making the effort to work through the problems. Thanks for responding, I appreciate it.
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@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Of course this is all assuming that they've done the "dirty"/the "deed"/whatever - then I don't think it's too soon. After all - don't you know by then if this person is someone you can trust with your material stuff? I understand where she's coming from - she felt like he doesn't trust her enough. If I was in her shoes - I would probably do the same thing (the breaking up part)! You don't stay with someone for 9 months (and assuming they had a "dating time" where they got to know each other before they figured that they'd wanna be in a relationship)if you don't trust them. Though I do think it's a little bit forward of her to ask for a key. I wouldn't ask for a key - I'd wait for an invitation.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
She told me that she didn't think it was that big a deal and asked for the key just to be practical and to save her waiting in the car for him, she sure didn't expect him to say no! Apparently he was quite abrupt about it. The strange thing is that she has stayed over heaps of times. I don't know what is happening with them at the moment and I don't think they are talking. I'll be waiting to hear whether he has an explanation for her. Thanks for responding khayshenz!
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• Romania
19 Jun 09
I really don't think it is too soon. Good for her. What kind of man does that? It is natural that when you want 5 slices from a cake and having one left you will have to pay for the entire cake. I hope you know what I mean. If the guy didn't want her near it means he had something or should I say someone else in mind. I am all for privacy ,but please... Let's be realistic here. If the girl was ok for spending the night with him almost daily after 9 months of relationship it figures she would be good enough to move in with him. I mean ,this is what grown up people do. Sorry I'm a bit cynical here but responsibility is something quite grand in people,both genders included.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
You have expressed it brilliantly! That is exactly how I feel about the situation and that is why I feel for my friend and I understand why she is feeling so hurt. I will be interested to see if they work it out or if it's over for good. Excellent response thanks iqphantom!
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@whizkid08 (715)
• India
18 Jun 09
9 months, enough of time for dating and to know each other. I think the girl did what was expected on her part. And about the boy, he should regret for what he did. I don't see anything wrong in sharing the keys if you truly trust your partner and moreover, if you are spending nights with each other.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
I dont' think it is too soon to share keys and I don't know what his issues are; I hope he has a darn good reason for not trusting her or he may well not see her again by the looks of it! Thanks whizkid08!
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
15 Jul 09
Had I been in your friend's place, I would have done the same. Nine months is a long time to entrust each other. What could have been there, that had made him refuse the keys! I think, this is not just about the keys but a larger issue on is trust and dis regarding her. I think, she did the right thing.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
15 Jul 09
Both must be having their reasons. Let me not go into that. The end result should be happiness and if that is there we are happy. Let's wish them luck.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
15 Jul 09
I think she did too but I believe that they are back together now. My friend mentioned things have not been the same between them. I asked her what reasons he gave her for refusing her his keys and she did not tell me so I wonder...I don't think it's going to last somehow. I'll be there for her if she needs me... Thanks for the response mimpi, appreciate it!
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
I don't think it is too soon. A lot of people share keys after one month. It comes down to how secure a person feel. He might have things like paper work which would reveal things that his girl friend don't know about. Or maybe it is just a pile of playboy magazines at the bottom of his cupboards. One thing we know for sure... is that women are the biggest snoop in the world... and if you have something to hide... you don't give her the key. lol So that is probably all it is. It could also be that he is not ready to let her move in... or even having her coming in any time she feels like it. Who knows?
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
Well, that's it. Who knows? I don't believe my friend had any intention nor need to snoop; she just didn't want to wait for him outside! I'm guessing he is afraid of commitment; shame...Thanks for responding Aussies!
• Australia
19 Jun 09
I was not saying that she wanted the key for the purpose of snooping. But one day she will be sitting there alone... waiting for him... and the opportunity to snoop will be too strong to resist. lol She'll find the Playboy magazines and she will be all over him. "Why do you need to read this filth? Ain't I good enough for you?" I would also question her comittment to the relationship for walking out off it on such a technicality. I guess if they were married and he did not want to give her the keys of his new car... she would divorce him. A relationship is not about gimme gimme everything I want.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
But his refusal really hurt her feelings and I would have felt the same if I was in her place! Not giving her the key spelled mistrust and that's hurtful. As I mentioned before I gave my husband my key after six weeks of dating, it didn't take me long for me to fall in love with him and feel certain that I could trust him with my life. It's not about gimme, gimme at all; it is not what this is about, in fact I don’t think my friend even intended to keep the key; she just did not want to wait for him in the car, that's all. She told me she did not think it was a big deal at all; he turned it into a big deal! By the way, women are not that pathetic, we don't have a real need to go through a man's stuff, we do have better things to do with our time!
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
Hey paula, my first reaction to your discussion was, what has he he got to hide? If can't trust a friend, let alone a girl he has been dating steadily for that lenght of time, then he is a very bad judge of character, or he doesn't trust anybody. If it were me, she would have the key, no question about it! I'd be so lucky that a girl would ask for my key!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
vjsham:I don't know if my friend has spoken to her boyfriend since the 'key incident' and I hope they will, because they may be able to resolve the issues but having said that I appreciate her reaction because she felt extremely hurt that the man she had been intimate with for the past nine months didn't trust her enough to give her his key. He may have had other reasons and that is why in my opinion they should discuss the situation as soon as possible. Thanks for your response visjam I appreciate it!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
You sound like a nice man mipen! I think he is hiding something or he may just be afraid of commitment, it's weird because he has never had a problem with her staying over time and time again! I gave my husband my key after six weeks and we're still together, didn't do us any harm...Thanks for responding!
@vjsham (59)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 09
hmm..guys..after reading the comments..m not very much doesnt matter 1 month, 9 months or an year..the thing here is whether r they serious wif their relationship?? loving n then jz breaking up for a small reason wouldnt solve anything..once ur into a relationship..u should start understanding each other.. hmm..since he's not giving the key..y don't she ask him the reason? and they have been staying together, ask him y not she have the key as well? hmm..there is a doubt in that guys character bt then people are not d same..some need privacy or they have their own reasons for being my opinion..nothing is impossible!! if both of them are serious..then that guy can gv the key or that gal could have understood or talked to him..they could have solved it..BREAKING UP IS NOT THE SOLUTION!!!!
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Jun 09
The only valid reason I can think of for him not giving her the key was that as it was to be their first weekend with her stayng at his he wanted to prepare something really special for when she arrived. But if that was the case then surly he could have said so? I am assuming she has already been to his place before now? If that is the case then after nine months I see no reason for him not to accept her reasons for wanting the key. If the alternative was to wait for him somewhere with her bag of items for the weekend for some considerable time then it would seem logical that she had the key. It suggests that he is not ready to accept someone in his life yet I think I would have acted the way he did if he had not come up with a reasonable motive for not giving her the key. Nine months of seeing each other regularly suggests that they are preparing to be together for longer and I don't consider it too soon to have the key at all. In my opinion they should get to the bottom of the reason he did not want her to have it and if it is obvious that he is not willing to share his private life then she should move on. She has her life to live and I don't think that should include hanging around waiting for someone else to decide whether he wants her in or out of his day to day life. If he wanted to be with a person forever that should not have been a problem. I guess this was a huge shock for your friend and I hope she will make the right decision and, whichever it is, she will be able to move on and get over this incident.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Jun 09
If he doesn't, and real soon too, then she must move on and realise that she is best off out of a relationship like that I do hope she will not suffer too much if it does end but she wold probablyhave suffered even more had it continued. Please keep us informed Paola as to how things work out and happy Lotting!
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Jun 09
I've just realised there was typo though I think it was clear from the rest. It should read 'I think I would have acted the way she did if he had not come up with a reasonable motive'
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
I would have thought that after nine months they were heading for something quite serious considering that they have been spending almost every night together and she has stayed at his place plenty of times. I think something is up with him and I don't blame her for feeling upset, I would be too under similar circumstances. She's walked away and it will be interesting to see if he does anything about it! Thanks for stopping by Diana!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
18 Jun 09
It's not too soon, but never too late. I mean, what harm could a girlfriend of 9 months do? Rob? Kill...? I feel that there's a bit of justification there for why your friend is stunned. But then again, perhaps if your friend loves him, she could have asked him in details like whether there had been a bad experience or some sort. But his resounding NO is a bit uncomfortable to me. Can't he just explain nicely. Perhaps that's why your friend left him. To answer your question, I think the right time to share keys is when a couple is in a committed relationship and usually instincts are there to tell us that the person is safe enough and can be trusted. Use our gut instincts and if we trust each other, a key is just a small matter. I can give more than my keys if I trust someone. I can even give a duplicate key to the bike...just a thought there.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
19 Jun 09
You are welcome, Paula.. I suppose you are right. Let's just hope your friend meets someone new and more trusting soon.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
19 Jun 09
@Alice.. Must be the latest horror movie inspiration Drag Me to Hell I've watched, LOL... Anyway, Jackie the Rip-press sounds COOL..haaa.... Sound only..
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
A key to the bike? That is trust! (lol). He was abrupt with his refusal for reasons unknown and she is hurt. I think they need to talk and I don't think they have done that yet. She's walked away and I wonder if he'll make any attempts to communicate, anyway thanks for responding zed_k4!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jun 09
Nine months of exclusive dating is certainly long enough to know whether they can trust each other. What did he think.........she was going to sell off his apartment contents on E-Bay? The giving of keys implys commitment. Obviously this guy wants the benefits of the body but not the mind. So I think your girl friend showed great strength of character in ending the relationship. But I do feel for her heartache.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jun 09
Someone named Alice maybe?
• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Jun 09
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
Hi Sparks. I feel for her too; she was shocked by his reaction. Apparently he refused quite abruptly and was adamant she need not have a key. She has stayed overnight at his place lots of time before so I can only put it down to fear of commitment. As far as I know they are not talking yet, who knows if they ever will! I appreciate you stopping by! Thanks!
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@darksorrow (4666)
• Bangladesh
19 Jun 09
Hmmm. Weird. Well i think the boy only wanted your friend's body and did not have any attachments with her. Otherwise he would not have hesitated to give her the key. That simply means he has something to hide. And trust does not come in one day. I have learned it the hard way. But 9 months is enough in my opinion. And in my view here the right time is when they can trust each other completely.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
I agree with you, he obviously has some issues or he does not feel the way she does. They should get it out in the open and sort it out or split. She's walked away so it is up to him, I guess to give her an explanation. Thanks for responding darksorrow!
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@lwy519 (159)
• China
18 Jun 09
Haha,they have not married,and I think it is ordinary that they have privacy each other.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Jun 09
That is one way of looking at it...My friend was hurt by the blunt refusal because she had been staying at his place regularly...Thanks lwy519!
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I would be really hurt and would also be thinking of ending a relationship since it would appear he didn't trust her enough to have a key to his place..and for her to be alone at his place. Apparently he has much to hide and has a trust issue. I think that 9 months is enough time to have built enough trust that she should have been given a key..
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
19 Jun 09
She does need to talk to him about it. Something has to be said or else there will always be that question in the back of her head..Why didn't he trust me..?
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
I agree; that's why I appreciate how hurt she feels. If it were me I would want to talk to him before breaking up to find out what his issues are. Thanks mtdewgurl74!
@jwfarrimond (4473)
19 Jun 09
I agree, 9 months is plenty of time for him to know if he can trust her or not. Clearly he does not, and as a relationship has to be built on mutual trust, she did the right thing in ending the relationship.
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20 Jun 09
I do think that they should talk and work the problem out if they can. After all, if they have been in a 9 month relationship, then there must be quite a lot of mutual attraction between them and it'd be a pity if they could not navigate around this rock.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
I agree, although I wonder if they should talk about what his issues are. It's up to him I guess...Thanks jwfarrimond, appreciate the response!
• Denmark
19 Jun 09
I'm going to bee the bad person now and say that both of them were right. It doesn't matter how long you go out or date, if he feels that he needs he's privacy and her asking for the hose key was too much then he is right to have he's feelings and opinion. Also she was right to think that she should ask for the key BUT she should have also thought about getting an answer that she wont like. I mean she assumed something and she was wrong so being upset and braking up would be just an act of a spoilt child. Love is yes a matter of caring and sharing but its also a matter of compromises. Any relationship will have ups and downs and if she can't handle no as an answer then nothing good comes out from it. I know I sound like I'm siding with the man in this but I'm seeing thing as they are.
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• Denmark
19 Jun 09
Yes it might be true. I also asked my bf and he thinks that for him it just might be the house key and he don't want to share. Anyway I hope they work it out and get back together.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
I appreciate your views nosferatu07 and I can see there are two sides to this situation which is why I hope that they make time to discuss the circumstances before calling it a day. She took his refusal as a sign that he did not trust her and that hurt her feelings. Personally I think that this is about more than just a house key and they need to talk. I will be very interested in how this will pan out. Thanks very much for a great response!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
19 Jun 09
Nine months is quite a while but still not that long. Its possible that the issue with him is not to do with trust or anything but quite simply that he is not ready to give up his private space. I think if I am honest I would be reluctant to give out a key too simply because my home is my place and once I gave a key out then it would not just be mine anymore. I can see your friends side too though, it must have hurt really bad for him to say no like that. I dont think my hubby had a key for a year or more when we got together!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
19 Jun 09
I think everyone is different in regards to things like this, I do think that they need to have a good talk and then maybe he will explain why he was so adamant about it. I hope they manage to sort it out, seems a shame that the relationship has ended after that amount of time together.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
I gave my key to my husband after six weeks! Thank Goodness my instincts were right! I think they need to talk if it is not too late... Thanks for responding gemini_rose!
• India
20 Jun 09
Yes, I think it is very soon. Off course there are so many people who will be not be comfortable with this. Personally speaking, even I won't agree for that. She did a mistake of breaking it up with him. She should have realized that and infact should carry on with him, and ultimately one day aftr having a strong relationship, he will give the keys.
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• India
20 Jun 09
I almost forgot about it. Yes, you are right. Talking, is the best way to sort out things. Even if something happens between them, they should talk and clear it out. Anyways, who said relationships is easy to maintain?loll!Right?
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
20 Jun 09
They may have different ideas in regards to where the relationship is going and they need to communicate their feelings to each other and he needs to give her a clear explanation as to why he said no. Everyone feels differently and talking is the best way to sort things out, I hope they do. Thanks for responding prajitnair!
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
Though the girl was already seeing the boy each night, I think the boy didnt feel it's not proper to give her the key of his house. Giving her the key may mean she has the right over the house, that the boy is not yet ready of. I think it's too soon. Their relationship is not that strong yet. To the boyfriend maybe, though they have a relationship, the girl is still a guest and being him the owner of the house, he must the only one to hold the key. The girl should have understand and didn't walkout, ending their relationship, that way. She may air her feelings of disappointment to hear her boyfriend's side. I think the right time to share keys is when you're engaged to be married or when you decided of living together.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Jun 09
Yes, well I don't think my friend saw it as a really big deal when she asked for his key, she was just being practical and I don't even know if she intended to keep it. He surprised her when he abruptly said no way. She is feeling very hurt. I haven't spoken to her for a couple of days so I don't know if they have talked since. If they haven't, I hope they will... Thanks bing28!
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
correction, didn't feel it's proper to give her the key
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