when it rains.....

@arkaf61 (10881)
June 18, 2009 3:12pm CST
it doesn't just pour, it takes you in a landslide. Ok so my daughter took the cue from dady and learned that it's ok to quit a job even thought there are responsibilities of bills to pay and there is no other job in the horizon. I can understand her reasons to quit, but when one has payments each month we often have to swallow insult and hang in there until we can live and spit it all back. So for the last 2 1/2 months we have been paying her car loan and her insurance ( Long story, I know we don't have to, but it's a new car, and not paid yet. It needs to have insurance. ANd it needs to be paid, because my name is on that loan paper, and we can't afford to have our credit go down right now that we're trying to buy my inlaws part of the house. The mortgage thing you see? But that's old news, because just today I learned that my position is being cut in my school. |They might redeploy me to another school, but with only a few schools with this position I doubt it very much. FUnny thing this happening when we're trying to get the mortgage. That's how life usually comes at us. What I am supposed to do now? Got to the bank and " Yes, mam, I know I lost my job, can you please approve my mortgage still ? " LOL yeah right! Ok so I"m not officially without a job until september, so there is a bit of room to move but barely. Ok so I'm not exactly in panic, I know I will always find something because I am not choosy. I don't really care what I get until I find something better. I have never been without a job unintentionally and I know I'll find something, but while working on the same place for over 20 years sounds good in a mortgage application, the " just started this one now" won't. \Without wanting to sound negative here, just factual , the last 10 years have been like that. No matter what good thing happens to us, it is always counteracted with something else usually as bad as the good stuff was good. Do you ever have very long stretches of bad luck? When it happens for a number of years in a row, do you feel like starting to carry a rabbit's foot with you ? But then again it wasn't lucky for the poor rabbit or we wouldn't be carrying it, the rabbit would LOL Just venting..... people with long stretches of bad luck unite!!!! :)
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12 responses
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Today was the worst most wrong day for you to post this!! If I didn't have BAD LUCK, I wouldn't have any luck at all. I am the "poster child" for Murphy's law. Today... after a ton of bad news this entire week...I take my mom to Bank of America.. to get something notarize. I told her when we walked in...don't get your hopes up. I am involved so I pretty much guarentee you that they wont notarize this document...they will have notary service... but there will be a reason they won't do this. If I had been target shooting, I'd hit the bulls eye as the guy says. "only bank related materials" are notarized. Took her to lunch, and we had a coupon and I told her..."I'm buying you lunch so be prepared for an issue". Well, could be if we'd had a better waitress to explain the coupon properly it wouldn't have happened.. but I was there, so she didn't. Went to pay and they tell me the coupon is not good cause I didn't buy the right thing... I told them that I asked the waitress and she didn't tell me that. I had to pay full price. And I will end it there..no sense making your bad day worse! You have my sympathies! Now...go eat chocolate!
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
19 Jun 09
Oh my... you had one of those too, did you ? I'm so sorry, hope the chocolate helped :):):) Now as for the murphy's law poster... you're gonna have to share it with us O.K.? Here's to a better day tomorrow:)
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
19 Jun 09
I didn't have any! See how it goes? And then.. I had been looking for a better anti virus program and had heard on the radio this weeked from the local techy guy that NOD32 was his favorite... found it and downloaded it 2 days ago... since then... so many pop-ups (blocked buy I have that noise alert to hear) and slow slow slow connection and stuff....then after I posted that comment to the discussion....it bleeps and says I have a virus it can't delete. Well, I thought since I'd had problems since installation... I'll uninstall it, and go back to what I had before... Avast! and downloaded it.. and it immediately picked up that virus, went into "fix it" mode... and the next 1/2 hour it cleaned and did it's thing and virus is gone and all is fine now. However... the problem I was having that made me look for another antivirus still exists. No.. I still have the corner on the poster child position....the day has just begun!
• United States
19 Jun 09
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
19 Jun 09
I learned that rabbit's foot thing many years ago, poor rabbit. Anyway, yep know what your saying and kinda what your going through. I'm in one of those 'several years slumps'. Most days I just want to cry - no matter how hard I try it seems 1 step forward and 2 (or more) backwards. I make no progress and I'm exhausted. United we stand - way my luck has gone the last few years it will be united we fall.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
19 Jun 09
Together :) always makes it a bit better to know your not alone even though I wouldn't wish my bad luck on even my worst enemy... You know I've been setting here looking at this response for 5 minutes or more and it really got me thinking. My run of 'bad' has been about 10 years also and you know somewhere sometime I heard something about a 10 year turn around. History related that things will go down hill for a ten year period then switch. Maybe we'll get lucky for once at the end of our 10 year and something, anything, will go right for us :)
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
19 Jun 09
I can really feel what you're feeling. The no progress no matter what, the being exausted from fighting against the tide all the time. The several steps backward for each step forward..... and yeah, the way things have been going for the last 10 years it probably will be united we fall. But if we're falling united it might be kind of fun LOL
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
20 Jun 09
I'm into my 32nd year......
@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
19 Jun 09
I am in the midst of five to ten years of mostly bad luck, with good sprinkled in from place to place. I have some very stressful stuff going on, but it is not anywhere similar to yours. I hope you find something, it will look good to say, worked twenty years one place and when faced with a job cut, found another one immediately. Is hubby still out of work as well? My, you are in a spot, I would say.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
1 Jul 09
I have been in a spot since 1997 LOL T|hankfully hubby is back working. Which comes to prove that when something good happens the opposite follows to us. I am not completely worried about not finding a job. Just how damage that will do to the mortgage application. As for the rest.. there is more... take a look at my answer to coffebreak to see what else happened since I posted LOL Hugs
@AmbiePam (96391)
• United States
18 Jun 09
This makes me think of a friend of my parents, whose daughter quit her job, moved back in with her parents, and they ended up having to pay for her car insurance, and her medical bills because she lost them when she quit her job (the girl had a minor health problem, but it still required two medications). And she wasn't in a hurry to get another job! Her parents gave her two months to find a job, and if she did find a job, they would help her find another apartment and pay her first month's rent. Well, the girl didn't get a job, and her parents kicked her out. She was shocked. She didn't think they would do it, but they did! Now, I don't think they would have done it had they not known their daughter had friends she could stay with. They wouldn't have just kicked her out on the street. And indeed, a friend of the daughter let her stay with her and her husband. Two weeks after living with the couple, the daughter found a job!
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@AmbiePam (96391)
• United States
19 Jun 09
The best thing we all can do is learn from out mistakes. I know there are many things I wish I had worked out differently due to how it affected other people.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
19 Jun 09
yes, same here. But thankfully we have the capacity to learn and improve :)
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
19 Jun 09
Ouch that sounds as bad as it comes too. I am glad that at least my daughter has been looking for a job. She did actually get one today. It pays less than peanuts but at least she will be able to start paying for her stuff again. She understands that she should not have quit the other job until she had another one already on the offer, but, like dad, she is very impulsive and acts without thinking. Hope this will help her to not do anything like that again.
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• India
19 Jun 09
Ah it's ok. Life is always full of surprises and stuff. You never know what might happen tomorrow, so enjoy for today. It might be hard with all the loans looming overhead, but that's just life and we have to go along with it. Something always goes wrong when everything seems to proper and good, so we should always be ready expecting for the bad. Just hang in there and things will be alright. Nothing is always bad for anyone. Good is usually on the way when things turn sour. Keep smiling and fighting.. bourne
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
1 Jul 09
Yes, many surprises. Usually from both kinds : good and not so good. It really is a pain when it's only one kid and not the good one :) I"m good at keep smiling and fighting, so I'll keep that one :) Have a wonderful day
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
19 Jun 09
Yeah, I know where you are coming from. I have been out of work for a year now. My husband does not have a job either. Money, is non existent in my house. I worry every day about what is going to happen, if we can not find work soon. Then on top of that, my father is in a nursing home, and my mother was just hospitalized. I wouldn't think of buying anything, because within the last year my credit is shot. I have always had excellent credit, but because of the set back of not having a job, I have fallen behind on everything. I would settle for any job too, if my husband was working, but working for minimum wages would not help me at all, since my unemployment is more than minimum wages, and I can not make it on that, therefore, I would be defeating my purpose. I hope your job is safe, and you are able to get your mortgage. Lots of luck to you.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
1 Jul 09
sudalunts, I'm know exactly what you mean. When life throws lemons is by the barrel isn't it? Coffeebreak, my friend, I'm hanging in there for so long my arms are probably an inch or two longer :)
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Been where you are so many times...doesn't get any easier.. just more routine. You know what you can't do.... so you just get used to not doing it and it ends up not being so bad...not good, mind you... just not so bad. If you don't expect it... you won't be dissapointed when you don't get it. But on the off chance you get it... you will 10 times more enjoy it! Always works for me!
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Egads, grrrrl, you sound like you could use some cheering up. Personally, I have never believed it was luck and I am one of those damnable people who no matter how hard I am hit, I always look for a causal agent and then go on trying to bail myself out somehow, usually with a big smile, no matter what. Yes, many people hate me for that, but not as much as they probably hate me for the revenge I extract later, cuz I do have a habit of trying to even to score later on if it is a big deal. Little things kind of wash over like water poured on a duck. Well, here is hoping your NEXT 10 years will be better! Be nice to the rabbits while you are waiting, though, as they can't help it they are rabbits, and some are rather cute don't you think?
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
19 Jun 09
Hey my friend :):) Yes, I usually end up bailing myself and everyone else too, but at times it feels like it's just too much. It would be nice to have a break in the bad luck cycle and have something nice happening without getting the 3 or 4 bad ones that have been coming together with anything nice to us. Oh well... I'll keep the rabbit whole. |They really are cute or tasty depending on the time of the day LOL
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
1 Aug 09
I have stretches of bad luck but it is ok, we come up again on top. I am not sure if they can be called long, but we have minimize to utility bills, rent, food and money for the bus. I will imagine that our only luxury is the cell phones and they are for an emergency and texting. I will not suggest to anyone to buy a car along with their kid, because the result is what you'te going through right now, it is best for them to sacrifice and ask themselves if they want to lose that money they invested in that car when they walk out of that job. I hope your luck changes to good soon.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
5 Aug 09
I am quite balanced in my outlook of life. I know that life is made of ups and downs and I'm happy to accept that - it's just that for about 10 years I have had so many downs and so little ups that is a bit discouraging LOL The car... well it's all on her name, my name is there just like people who make a loan need to give a name of a friend or family member. But it made more sense to help her out because it would serve no purpose to loose the insurance - and the car - now that she has been paying if for some time.Selling it won't help, she will never get even what she is still owing. Stopping the insurance would make the next one she would get several times more expensive, so all in all it wasn't a good idea. In any case, as I said, it wasn't just that. It's just that in the past 10 years or so we've been having an abundance of negative things coming in our live, but no positive ones, or if we do have something good coming, it is offset by a bunch of the other ones coming right at the same time. Get this: A few years back we had hubby's uncle telling us he was going to give us his old car since he was buying a new one - we needed a car, ours was 14 years old and would not pass the emissions test in here - . So the day that he went to pick up his new car, on the way to the car dealer, they have a huge accident and there was nothing left of the car, really. They were not hurt or anything, but the car was done. No car for us Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr This is the best sample of our life has been because it's basically a bunch of variations of this. Oh well... things will have to get better at some point:)
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
18 Jun 09
When it rains it pour. I been in a dire situation in the past. When something bad happen in to my life it usually ended in three. Three bad luck that happens in sequence and until then I have to wait for good things that rarely come along. Unfair isn't it...
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
19 Jun 09
Yes, know exactly what you mean. With us for the last 10 years they have been coming in 3 or 4 as well. If something good happens, then 3 or 4 bad things happen, and they are usually hard ones. I do know that we all go trough ups and downs but this thing about all downs for a long time is a bit .... too much I guess Thankfully my daughter just got a job that will help out until she can get something better:)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Well at least you have a great place to vent :D you seem kinda stuck with the mortgage situation :( though I would recommend going to a smaller bank rather than a larger one, they are generally more willing to settle for less than perfect circumstances than the big banks, as for your daughters car, if she voluntarily quit the job, and you are now paying the insurance AND the car payments, that car is yours not hers, Regardless of popular belief, its hell walking the 3 miles to and from work, but it is possible, is she at least really searching hard for a new job? please excuse me if that sounds insulting, but I know nothing of your family at all :(
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
19 Jun 09
Yeah, it feels better after coming here and venting :) We are trying in our bank, but we might have to go and check a smaller bank as you suggest. My daughter has been busy trying to find another job. She has also been going to quite a few interviews and actually told us at diner time tonight that she has been hired by a small computer store. It's not the best job and does not pay well at all, but will have to do until she finds something else. One less problem in our hands thankfully, but she won't get paid until after the payments for her car and insurance which are on the first of july. We will still have to cover that, and then she will be paying us back as she can. Oh well.... better than nothing :)
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• United States
19 Jun 09
i like it good onfo
• United States
19 Jun 09
This post really caught my eye. I truly understand how you feel!!! Let me just say that it is "raining" here. Literally and mentally. I am searching the internet over trying to find out if any of the "work from home" stuff really can lead to making money. If not I am going to have to get out and find a second job. My recently graduated 18 year old doesn't think that he has to work because - it's summer. My bills don't change and last time I checked nothing was free. Don't even know which way to turn.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
1 Jul 09
My friend, I so understand your situation. Thankfully my daughter finally got called for a job. But she'll be paid quite less than on the other one she had, and she won't be paid on time to pay for her car loan and insurance this month again. Just what we needed ! I have tried long enough to find some work from home thing, but my conclusion is that, although there are some out there, the majority are scams and schemes or things that require money to start. None of that will work with me, of course. I had two - and three at points - jobs several times in my life and I guess it will be back to that again. Wish you all the best, and hope you can find a solution that works for you.