Rush Limbaugh Proves His Racism & Sexism Yet Again!
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
June 19, 2009 1:44am CST
This is what Rush Limbaugh had to say yesterday on his radio show about Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, who had told Senators she belonged to an all women's club.
"Today, my friends, we turn our attention to the latest revelation from Judge Sonia Sotomayor. It appears that Ms. Sotomayor, the model of diversity and inclusion, has some explaining to do regarding her membership in a club. Not just any club -- a club whose members are all female....
"Safe to say, any conservative in this situation would find their nomination dead in the water. Clubbed -- like a baby seal. No question about it. I think I'm going to send Sotomayor, and her club, a bunch of vacuum cleaners to help them clean up after their meetings."
Where's the outrage that was directed at David Letterman for over a week? I'll bet we could get more than a dozen or so people to rally for Rush's firing! Anyone want to join me?
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21 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
19 Jun 09
I'll join LOL I would love nothing more than that fat mouth to lose his job. I have seen so many conservatives here saying how liberals are racist and whatnot yet, this week this is the second issue of racism in the conservative party.
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
19 Jun 09
Would you please elaborate? What was the first one and how is the comment by Limbaugh racist?
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
19 Jun 09
Up to my standards? I haven't said anything about your news source not being up to my standards. Oh wait, you didn't provide one! :o)
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
19 Jun 09
OK, looked it up. Never heard of this clown before though. Didn't we all evolve from apes so they are our ancestors? No one is better than the other. Now I think that Michelle Obama is not the best looking woman around but that's my opinion. I think she looks like a man in drag.
By the way, remamber this comment?
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Our vice president, Joe Biden, said that about Obama. In fact old Joe has quite a few racist remarks on the web. lol

@iriscot (1289)
• United States
19 Jun 09
Could we expect anything else from that loud mouth bigot? He is poison on the airways. I didn't hear him make such statements. Every female in the U.S. should take action and shut him down. I decided some time ago he had contaminated my radio long enough. He comes on every weekday on KMOX in St. Louis at 11 in the morning. That station, that used to be the jewel of the airways has turned to trash talk and has lost many subscribers, they even lost the rights to broadcast the St. Louis Cardinal baseball games. What a shame to undermine a once great radio station!
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@iriscot (1289)
• United States
19 Jun 09
piasabird, you must be from around the Alton area. It was about 3 years ago that the Cards games went to KTRS (550). When I was stationed in Texas we were able to pick up KMOX at night so I got to listen to some of the games. That whole area of the south was covered by KMOX at night, they were a clear channel station. I can't remember Bob Hardy or some of the other hosts being biased one way or the other, now "Talk Radio" stations are either Conservative or Liberal, what ever happened to the Moderates?
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@iriscot (1289)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Hmmm... do you think the title "bigot" for Rush is too strong. My mother used to call his type "Rabble rousers". I guess if you are one of Rush's friends and steady listeners, you may qualify as one of those???? He is a big fat jerk who spreads false rumors just to be able to make his fortune. Oh yes, I believe he was noted as a "pill popper" also.
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
19 Jun 09
I didn't know where to find Limbaugh on the radio dial. lol Thanks! Not that I'll listen to him as I've always thought him to be a big blow hard. Still I love how he irritates the left.
KMOX hasn't had the rights to the Cardinal games in years. I doubt it had anything to do with Rush being on there. I use to work midnights with a guy who kept the radio on KMOX and I remember hearing a mix of political views, some conserative and some progressive.
Anyway, Rush must have a big following or he wouldn't be on the radio, I guess. And those who don't want to listen to him have the right not to.
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@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
19 Jun 09
I've become insensitized to Rush's insane political rants. His only listeners are so far Right they might soon fall over the edge, so this is "no harm done" territory. As a caricature of the Right's political evil leaning he probably does more harm than good to his compatriots. Best just to leave him alone. Free speech is his enemy, not ours.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Jun 09
Good point. The thing is he's the "unofficial" leader of the GOP. I guess that may be a GOOD thing because with him as their fearless leader they're bound to keep slipping into obscurity.
By the way, I'm not rooting for the demise of the Republican Party, just that lunatic right wing of it that seems to be leading it these days.
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
20 Jun 09
I'm just wondering WHO made Rush Limbaugh the unofficial leader of the GOP? I know I've heard the left yammering about that but I must have missed the official memo from the Reopublican party. I mean, are you guys sure you didn't read that at the Huffington Post or Daily Kooks and take it to be the truth? I mean, I suppose I could have missed something like that. But I've only heard the Democrats saying that Rush is our leader.
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
20 Jun 09
"Free speech is his enemy, not ours."
Now that's hilarious!
I don't see too many on the left who are for free speech.
"the Right's political evil leaning"
I don't know which comment is funnier. The party of pro choice is calling US evil! OMG!

@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
19 Jun 09
Hell annie he can send all us libral women a vacuum cleaner then we can clean up the mess in Washington from the Bush administration. I mean all the lies from the last 8 years has to have some kind of paper trail from the white house to the city dump 

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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
19 Jun 09
But then again Kennyrose pictures speak louder than words right? I am sure you know what pictures I am talking about since it was your lost post!
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
19 Jun 09
It had to do with the last post on Bush Kennyrose, I was commenting on your comment sheeeeesh
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@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
19 Jun 09
rush has always been a sexist jerk. One wonders if his country club allows women to dine alone, or even if they have any black or jewish members. GWB is/was in a club, or rather a "secret society", called "the skulls", there are no women permitted in this "club", nor blacks to my knowledge, but alas, it is a SECRET, right? Was Rush a Frat member in college? bet he was.....
Rush to Sotomayer:
" hello, Pot? this is the kettle, YOUR BLACK!!!"
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
19 Jun 09
LOL John Kerry was also a member of the Skulls in college! And also I think that Rush and GWB are better friends to the Jews than the left are. Obama would probably like nothing better than if Iran nukes Israel. After all he sat at Trinity Church for twenty years and listened to his anti-semitic Uncle Jeremiah Wright spew his hate filled sermons against the Jews and America.
Sotomayer has said that a wise Latina woman is a better judge than a white man. Is that a racist comment or is it alright for someone to say stuff like that as long as they're non-white?
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
19 Jun 09
According to the University of Delaware's mandatory diversity course, no member of a minority can be racist and all whites are racist even if they think they aren't.
Rush wasn't saying that women don't have the right to all-women membership rules, just that people would excoriate a man in politics for belonging to a club with an all-male membership. Example of this phenomenon is above.
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@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
19 Jun 09
It's funny that while criticism of Rush is going on all over the place, that I've seen nary a word over David Letterman's truly disgusting sexist "jokes" that not only insulted Sarah Palin's daughter, but also every woman in this country. Where's the uproar about that on here? Or what about a clown named Guy Cimbalo who in an article published in a well-known men's magazine, had this to say about women:
From the article "So Wrong, It's Right":
If you, as a woman, at any moment during your life in the midst of expressing your opinion or your feelings have been subjected to the following by any man, you understand what Cimbalo’s accomplished: “Are you on your per**d?” “When is the last time you had s*x?” “I have what you want.” “I know what you need.”
Now...please compare what Rush said about Sotomayor to what Cimbalo said. Who is the true sexist here?
As far as racist remarks and actions, mull over these (you can find these and more on )
Hugo Black: A former Democrat Senator from Alabama and liberal U.S. Supreme Court Justice appointed by FDR, Hugo Black had a lengthy history of hate group activism. Black was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920's and gained his legal fame defending Klansmen under prosecution for racial murders. In one prominent case, Black provided legal representation to Klansman Edwin Stephenson for the hate-induced murder of a Catholic priest in Birmingham.
Senator Robert Byrd, D-WV: Byrd is a former member of the Ku Klux Klan and is currently the only national elected official with a history in the Klan, a well known hate group. Byrd was extremely active in the Klan and rose to the rank of “Kleagle,” an official Klan membership recruiter. Byrd once stated that he joined the Klan because it was effective in "promoting traditional American values"
Senator Ernest Hollings, D-SC: Hollings is liberal Democrat Senator from South Carolina who is also notorious for his use of racial slurs. He rose out of the Democrat Party's segregationist wing in the 1960's as governor of South Carolina. While in office as governor, Hollings personally led the opposition to lunch counter integration in his state. The New York Times reported on March 17, 1960 that then-governor Hollings "warned today that South Carolina would not permit 'explosive' manifestations in connection with Ne**o demands for lunch-counter services."
Jesse Jackson: Jackson was the featured prime time speaker at the 2000 Democrat Convention. Jackson has a history of using anti-Semitic slurs and derogatorily calling New York City “Hy***town.” Jackson, a prominent self proclaimed "civil rights leader," is himself guilty of the same bigotry he dishonestly purports to oppose...
I could put more of these in here, but if you'd like to read them, see aforementioned Web site link. Compare these to what Rush said and see who's being racist.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Jun 09
I get it, if others have said things that are admittedly worse than what Rush said that means what he said is perfectly acceptable? Where have YOU been if you haven't seen the uproar over David Letterman's tasteless and unfunny jokes?
Also, for the record, some of the things you mention took place many decades ago and they actually WERE accepted by some back then, which is a disgrace. Haven't we made SOME progress since 1960?
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@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
19 Jun 09
Interesting you picked four Democrats (though questionable Democrats: you can have them). No agenda there, huh?
"Nary a word" about Letterman? Your tinted glasses are keeping you from seeing balance. You know, that's what hate does to a person.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
20 Jun 09
[b]Cool, couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, your post deserves a "Best Of" mark, but of course, that would be asking a Leftist to be objective. Heaven forbid & perish the mere thought.
By the way, the snarky little posts right after yours put me in mind of the gibbering taunts thrown at Aslan (from C.S. Lewis' "The Lion, The With, & the Wardrobe). They look & sound so petty & mean next to the noble Aslan....
Keep up the good work. Leftists just can't STAND it that we Conservatives (& especially Rush!) refuse to hide our opinions any more.

@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
19 Jun 09
I think that Rush, like anyone in this US, has the right to express his opinion. The only problem I, however, have about people like Rush or the "conservatives" is that they often seem to be of the persuasion that others are not entitled to the same privileges like them. I believe the Rush Limbaughs, the Michael Savages, the David Lettermans and the Jeremiah Wrights all have the right to express their opinions based upon facts and/or their various life experiences. Please, leave these people alone!
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
28 Jun 09
I see a lot of how the Minority is controlling the Majority, I just wrote about that last night...
Here is a link to the article I wrote.. If that link ever fails, I'll have it backed up with another link where I will republish the article in the event that the link gets redirected to an error page.
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@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
22 Jun 09
That man is such a jerk, what he said was sexist and insulting about sending them vacuum cleaners,,,and I read the whole statements he made, and Sotomayor specifically says that men haven't asked to become a member, that's why its all women but no its not discriminating because men can join,,,,oh and of course the bigmouthed fatty said "I don't blame 'em!" in response to the fact that no men have wanted to join the club...bottom line Rush is really reaching and the fact that he stoops to making such a sexist, belittling and cliche joke that insinuates that images of vacuum cleaners go hand and hand with women...if he ever sent me a vacuum cleaner, i would send it back and say "you need this more than me, so you can vacuum up the crap that spills out of your mouth everyday,...and p.s, you need to get up and move around and drop some of that weight, tubby"
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@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I actually keep going back and forth on that one, I hope everyone can forgive me but I'm going to copy some of the things I talk about in another comment that explains why I think it could be construed as racist..I just don't know if i can explain better than what I previously posted so thats just why im going to copy,
because the vacuum cleaner statement was directed towards a Latino woman, that they could be considered as a racist statement because there is a racist stereotype that latino women must be a housekeeper, which talking about vacuuming implies housekeeping.
and the reason that I'm just not sure if the statement is racist is because its one of those statements that can be taken either way, do i think people are wrong in taking it as racist, not at all because it can easily be taken that way, so my response now is I can see how it might be racist,,,you probably won't like my answer Taskr, but I'm sorry that I'm in the middle of the road on it
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Um... the left often says that you should actively "reach out" to diversity. Sotomayor, might say that men were accepted, but according to the lefts own standard, that's not enough. They should actively seek out diversity and join them to the group.
A perfect example was Glen Beck who had a black man call in and demand to know how many black men where employed at Beck's show. Of course there were none, but of course not one black had a applied for the show. To which the man insisted Beck was still a racists because he did not actively seek out a black man for a position.
If that's the standard, Sotomayor is still sexists for not having her club actively seek out a man to join. Of course, this is highly political, and I wager Sotomayor was lying through her teeth. Don't tell me you trust the words of someone involved in politics?

@piasabird (1737)
• United States
19 Jun 09
"I think I'm going to send Sotomayor, and her club, a bunch of vacuum cleaners to help them clean up after their meetings."
LOL That is funny!
Comparing this to what Letterman said is a little desperate, Annie. No where did he say that she dresses like a slu**y flight attendant or suggest her daughter get knocked up by a baseball player on third base during the game.
And while Rush's comment may sound a little sexist where are you getting the racist charge from? I swear some libs see racism around every corner! 

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Jun 09
You say LIBS see racism around every corner yet it's Rush who has accused Colin Powell, of all people, of being racist several times.
Let me try to explain my way of thinking to you, although I know you're going to disagree with me and tell me I'm wrong anyway, it is what it is. I don't see David Letterman as some kind of mean-spirited, cruel, hateful and hurtful person. I know he's told his share of tasteless jokes in his several decades long career as a comedian and his jokes about the Palin's are far from the worst but he's no different from most all comedians who try to be "edgy" because they have to to survive in the business these days. His jokes were in poor taste and he should have thought before he told them, do we all agree on that? On the other hand, Rush Limbaugh IS a cruel and hurtful person with a long history of mocking and making jokes about innocent people. Chelsea Clinton when she was about 12 and Michael J. Fox are just two examples. I honestly don't think he cares one bit who he hurts or how much as long as he gets his digs in and makes his like-minded dittoheads laugh. I also honestly believe Dave was genuinely sorry if he'd hurt Bristol or Willow Palin. You can disagree with me but that's how I really feel.
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
20 Jun 09
"Rush who has accused Colin Powell, of all people, of being racist several times."
Are you saying that because he's black he can't be racist? Personally I think that he, as a Republican, shouldn't have come out endorsing Obama (a Democrat) for president. And the only reason I can think of for him doing that is because Obama is black like him.
Yes, I think that Limbaugh steps over the line of good taste like with the mocking of Michael J. Fox, whom I like very much. But like I said, I don't listen to Rush. I only hear about stuff like this when it makes the news. I don't watch Letterman either as I've never really cared for him. I still think his stupid joke is worse than Rush's comment about giving the women's club vacuum cleaners.
And even with all of that said I still believe in their right to free speech. I didn't think that Letterman should be fired and I admire the fact that he apologized and Gov. Palin accepted. So as far as I;m concerned it should all be over. 

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Annie, if anyone thinks that he wasn't talking about her race, and the fact that this group is made up of mostly latino women, then they don't know Rush. Everything out of his mouth is calculated, and he says things like this to get attention, and get his name in the papers. I understand that Rush owns EBI, but if we all rise up and go after the hate radio stations that pay for his show, and explain to people that listen to him, how his hate is hurting the country, then you can do the same thing to him.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Jun 09
"this group is made up of mostly latino women"
Prove it. I checked their site and it looks to me like a very diverse group with black, hispanic, asian, and white women. I saw no evidence whatsoever that it was mostly latino women. In fact, they appear to be the clear minority in that group.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Jun 09
Taskr, SO WHAT if the majority of the women in this club aren't Latina! The person Rush was directing his venom toward is and maybe he assumed it was a Latina group or maybe he assumed that his listeners would think that.
At any rate, you won't accept anything other than a direct quote from Limbaugh calling someone a derogatory racial slur as proof or evidence of his racism and I've already conceded it's doubtful there is any. Didn't he get kicked off of ESPN because of racial statements about Randall Cunningham?
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Take a look at this Debater
Now I KNOW how you hate facts so I'm sure you won't back down, but look at the list of roughly 60 members of that organization and tell me how many of those names look Hispanic to you. I counted about 5 or 6. That's 10% of those listed, hardly a majority. The club has 115 members so for Latino women to be the majority than at least 52 or the remaining 55 members would have to be hispanic.
I guess math is racist too.

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
22 Jun 09
It sounds to me the only thing Rush did was say there's a double standard. Do you have something against people who clean, because you're the one who seems to be putting down those in that line of work.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Jun 09
I give up! There are those who will defend Rush until their dying day. I'm not putting anyone in any line of work down. It's that pill-popping tub of lard who puts down everyone who isn't a white male, unless they're good little Republicans, of course.
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Nobody is putting down someone who cleans, I don't think you get it, his statements were sexist because basically he was saying that a women group should be sent vacuum cleaners so they can clean,,,,thats putting a stereotype on women because its saying that "women are housekeepers", women have been fighting since the 1960's to get out of that Suzie B Homemaker role that rush's statements put them right back in,,,,if it had been a group of men, do you think he would have said "i should send them a vacuum cleaner"? The reason why people are upset is the way Rush handled things and made sexist statements
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Spicy, "Women have been fighting since the 1960's to get out of the Suzie B. Homemaker role..." Sounds like a put down of housewives and homemakers. If it had been a group of men, he wouldn't have to say anything. You libs would be doing all the criticizing.
Annie, you've been comparing Rush's statement to David Letterman's. Let's see, Letterman called Palin's daughter a sl*t and Alex Rodriguez a child rapist. Rush said there's a double standard and women (according to your take on his statement) should be housekeepers (which is a worthy occupation). Yes in deed, Rush's statement is much more grievous.
Give up, you should. You are making yourself look ridiculous.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Annie, I've read the entire thread. The liberals here will blindly agree with you but I have yet to see a single person, including you, explain what he said was racist. I'm not going to argue the sexism bit, that's old news and I'm pretty sure everyone already knows he's a sexist. For all the racist accusations though, I'm amazed nobody here can provide a shred of proof.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Good point, debater. Letterman's bad joke led to him being accused of joking about a child being rape which led to it being said that HE can't be trusted around young girls as if HE were a rapist! Here's a comedian who has been around for over 30 years and, while he's told his fair share of "tasteless" jokes and basically been an "equal opportunity offender" there has never been anything to indicate he deserved the things that were being said about him, at least in my opinion.
Now we have some of the same people who made those leaping stretches about Letterman acting all shocked and outraged that I'd make an "unfair assumption" about Rush Limbaugh? Give me a break!
Please, all you dittoheads here on myLot, tell me I'm wrong when I say Rush is smart enough or savvy enough - or has smart and savvy enough legal advisers - to know better than to say something outwardly racist because that would be the end of his lucrative career but that he's gotten quite good at implying things without QUITE saying them.
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
22 Jun 09
There have been several people on here that have felt that because the vacuum cleaner statement was directed towards a Latino woman, that they could be considered as a racist statement because there is a racist stereotype that latino women must be a housekeeper, which talking about vacuuming implies I don't understand how you can say that there is no "shred of evidence"?
annie and debater have good points to make because Rush is sneaky and implies things that are racist but because its not clear, he can just say "oh no that's not what I meant",...and its not comparable to Letterman because this isn't about a single person, it could offend an entire ethnicity of people.....what Rush said could be racist, like annie pointed out, the thing is that Rush is slimy and sneaky so he states things ambiguously, but that doesn't mean that people won't interpret his words as being racist.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
20 Jun 09
So you are telling all of us that being a sexist is OK? If you listen to what Rush said then you can logicly (I know that logic isn't your strong suite, but please keep up) can see where he was going. When the right attacked David Letterman, they didn't ask him what daughter he was talking about, they just ASSUMED that he was talking about the one that was with her. Did David Letterman know which daughter was there? Maybe, maybe not. Does Rush know that this group was made up of latino women, and they stereotype of latino women working in the hotel business? Maybe, and maybe not. But, if you are going to make that leap with Letterman, then you can make that equal leap with Rush. If you use your brain, you can see the simularities.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
25 Oct 09
Sending Vacuum cleaners to a women's club is racist?????
It's not even sexist, are you sure you are taking ALL of your prescribed Meds annie?

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
20 Jun 09
What did Rush say that wasn't the truth? You're not going to get Rush fired. He's too popular. Besides, we need people like Rush to help balance out the propaganda from the left.

@iriscot (1289)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Rush is a "Rabble Rouser" and those of you that adore him have been roused by him. Someone on mylot mentioned that he must be the leader of the Republican cause now. Let's see... do we want him to be running for president in 2012 or should we have Palin? Hmmm... not much of a choice there!
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
22 Jun 09
If we didn't have people like Rush, we'd only get to hear one side of the issue. Is that what you want? How can you make an informed decision about important issues when you only hear one side? You may think whatever you wish about Rush, but he's no more vicious toward the left than the left is to those on the right. The problem with the left is that they seem to think that they should get a free ride. It's OK for them to say whatever they want about their foes, but heaven forbid that anyone should point out the flaws of the left.

@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
19 Jun 09
Rush Limbaugh is supposed to look like the dumb white racist and that's why he's allowed on the air. It's part of the plan to reinforce the stereotype of white males.
On the subject of Sonia Sotomayor, she was chosen based on her gender and her ethnicity, which by all means is racist. She was not chosen by her merits and this obvious, this is all very strategical and political.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
20 Jun 09
[b]Yet MORE proof from your very fingertips that YOU NEVER HAVE EVEN HEARD RUSH. If you HAD, you couldn't print your stupid remark. Oh wait, I forgot. You're a LEFTY. Lefties lie like sailors on leave to get their way (read Sol Alinsky's screed about that).

@andy77e (5156)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I'm a bit confused. How exactly did this show is racism and sexism on Rushs part?
The point of his statement was that if the situation was reversed, and this was Dan Smith, a white male Judge, who was the member of a private club that only admitted white males, he would be eliminated from having a chance.
Yet here Sonia is the member of a women only club, and she is not kicked out.
The point made was that the LEFT, the DEMOCRATS are the racists, sexist bigots. And... he's right!
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
22 Jun 09
So he is right in his sexist comments? So he is right in stating a crappy cliche that women are supposed to vacuum and clean? I guess according to you, lets just forget that he insulted an entire gender and focus on the politics, rush didn't have to make a sexist comment, but yet he did,,,,and he was WRONG in doing that
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@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
22 Jun 09
How is putting women in the role of "they must like to clean because they are women" humorous?
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
22 Jun 09
You seemed to be touche on what was otherwise a humorous joke. I've known people like that, and it's a waste to discuss things with them. If you truly believe he is sexist over a rather half marginal joke, then there will be no convincing you otherwise. Perhaps I can buy you a vacuum cleaner myself to patch things up between us.