June 19, 2009 7:28am CST
What do you think is the best? Government job or job in a private company. It is true that private company pays you a good salary and the same cannot be expected in a government job. But Job safety is a guaranteed thing in the Government job wheras it is not the same case in the private jobs. At this time of Recession, I feel that Government job is the best suited as it assures you job safety. What are your opinions regarding this?
6 responses
• India
26 Jun 09
Due to the current recession government job has got greater advantage..
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• India
1 Jul 09
Yes that is true. But any day, Government Job has always got better advantage tahn the private jobs. In private jobs although you are getting paid quite good than the government jobs and the rate of recognition is high. It is not in the case of Government job. But the main advantage of a government job is that your job is guaranteed and till you attain your Super Annutation, you will not be disturbed. Hence at any day, Government job is a safer bet than the private companies.
• India
22 Jun 09
I just say I am not agree with your opinion. Because I want money, never want relaxation. Government job is better for irregular person who is neglect some basic role in life. But private company gives you more money for your hard working. Ofcourse saefty is most valuable, but now a days a man change their working environment in few years. Those which company gives us more oppertunities we always go with there. From my point of view government job is good but not better for all of us. Thank You.
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• India
20 Jun 09
Who says Govt does not pay well? Do you have any idea of what the private sector pays? And by private sector I dont mean the few good corporate offices...I mean about the millions in unorganized sectors and medium offices who slog it out day in day out without any benefits, meagre salary, very few paid leaves (if at al) and the fear of losing job constantly at the back of their minds. They have no time to leave office, they are at the beck and call of the employers and there is no regular increment in salary. Compared to that, you have the Pay Commission of the Govt which regularly revises salary, gives hefty hikes and all the arrears and additionally you have the famous Govt benefits...its a win win situation for Govt employees now. They have no work pressure, no fear of losing jobs, extra benefits, regular increments, they come and go as they please and their attitude is like they are doing a favour by working. And its the tax that the millions in the private sector pay, that go towards paying these pampered babus of Govt offices.
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• India
20 Jun 09
Yes, just now I came across this pay commission news and was completely shocked to see that the Public sectors are paying their employees far better than they pay in the private sector and that too the recent pay commission has increased the pay scale to such a great extent that many people are lured to take up a carrier in the public sector unit. Thanks for coming up with a valid point and have a nice day.
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
19 Jun 09
I prefer to work in the government because it provides security. Private companies do offer big salary but the security is not solid. I mean you can be fired from your job anytime or the company would go bankrupt.
• India
19 Jun 09
Yes Reckon. That is true. Private company provides you with all the comfort and coziness but at the same time you can be fired at any time irrespective of your performance and if the company goes bankrupt, well god save the employee. Even I prefer working in a Government job as it provides you full security.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
27 Jul 09
This is a very interesting question. Truely speaking I don't want to become a government servant infact I hate government servants from my experience with them. They know that their job is permenanet and they consider the people who approach them as slaves or one grade below them. They don't give respect to the time of people waiting for their response or a simple sign from them. They don't give proper instructions and make people run from one office to another for simple reasons. They won't come to office on time, but take enough breaks and leave on time or before that. I don't want to become one of them. I fear that my behaviour get changed automatically being with this people or I will be the odd one out. I also value private job because there we get lots of chances to prove our capabilities and we are given apprisal according to our work.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
27 Jul 09
Hope you will find a good government job soon. Please I request you not to become one of the govenment employee I have mentioned above. I have seen government employees in railway station counters shouting at customers if they don't have change to buy ticket. Atleast behave to common people in a descent way. The rest comes later.
• India
27 Jul 09
That is a truly said one and that too in countries like India, what you say is the exact occurance in the government offices. Yes, sometimes the way they behave with people is quite disgusting. But when it comes to Public sector, the case is not like that since they need to show the Up trend in their revenues and for that they need to be competent enough to prove their mettle. But in the core government jobs like Electricity board, Post office the employees there consider themselves to be the boss and resort to all inhuman ways of agonising the public. Strict actions must be taken on those employees who are arrogant and careless. But in the public sector units like Banks and other areas, people are kind enough to assist us in a proper and responsible way since they need to maintain the financial collections and need to prove their competence with the other banks. Personally, I would love to choose government or public sector job since you do not feel the pressure of work and at the same time enjoy your life. Although the environment in government is not that challenging and your skills will go waste as you are not awarded for your performance and lot of reservation factors come into force and too many complexities are there. But I am a kind of person who love to enjoy life and I wish I get into a good government job soon. Have a great day and happy Mylotting. Cheers:-)
• India
28 Jul 09
Thanks a million for your wishes. Sure I wont be the arrogant government servant as i know how to value people and never I waste the valuable time of other people. Let us wish that good things always happen. Thanks a million for your repsonse and wishes. Have a great day. Cheers:-)
• India
19 Jun 09
Choosing between a between a government job and a job in the private sector may be a bit difficult. They may both invariably fall broadly into the same category of career. But the significance of the matter arises when candidates are faced with this question at the beginning of their careers. What Influences Candidates Towards Government Jobs? Traditionally, government jobs have been considered safe with no or little threat of job loss, especially when job opportunities in the private sector were not. There was a time when governments, both Federal and State, were the biggest employers. Then, job seekers and believed that bagging a government job made their or their children’s lives more secure. Nevertheless, Government jobs have traditionally offered many perks which private jobs do not. Here are a few job benefits and reasons for choosing a government job over a one in the private sector. 1. Pension; this is one of the attractions. 2. Financial services, such as mortgages at a low rate of interest offered by the respective department where the employee is working. 3. Promotions and pay raises offer immediate social recognition/status to employees at specified intervals. 4. Higher positions often entail unmatched administrative power. 5. Relatively stronger immunity against job loss. 6. Some governments promise employment to relatives of employees. 7. More relaxed, congenial working style. Are There Any Negatives To Government Jobs? Of course, there are a few downsides to government positions, too. Government jobs offer a low starting salary, in comparison to private employers. Salary hikes are sometimes meager as they are regulated by standardization. Career growth opportunities can be few and far between, as promotions are standardized and often based on seniority. Another aspect of government jobs is that they may be perceived as less challenging. A common complaint about government jobs is that the routine and mundane nature of the job often leads to complacency. Private Sector Jobs: Why Should You Choose Them The private sector offers the maximum number of employment opportunities. This is true for any developing or developed country. Private sector jobs, even though they do not guarantee job security, offer high career potential growth opportunities. This is by far the biggest reason for their popularity along with the huge demand that they create. Job seekers often opt for private sector employment because of their fast paced and modern recruitment procedures. In the private sector, true talent is recognized and sought out by various selection techniques. 1. Selection procedure provides an even playing field for all applicants. This is unlike the government sector, where selection is often made based on seniority or knowing someone in a particular agency. 2. True talent is unearthed before the selection through interviews and brainstorming. 3. Lucrative starting salaries and high growth potential through what is called “merit based” promotions and salary hikes. 4. Fast paced working style and environments give employees job satisfaction and eventually fosters loyalty and dedication. There are downsides to private sector jobs as well, such as long working hours-depriving employees of a meaningful family life. Mental stress and early aging are said to be byproducts of private sector jobs.
• India
19 Jun 09
That is great. Wow. What an awesome explaination. You have made it buddy. This is the best ever response i could be getting for this discussion I believe and i have no second thoughts in marking yours as the best response for this topic. Thanks a million for your excellent response. Have a rocking day.