My Daughter is turning 13

United States
June 19, 2009 8:51am CST
My Daugher has always been a tough cookie when it comes to her attitude. I feel like I cant take it anymore with her changing moodswings toward me and her brothers. She easily get upset and gets very nasty, she starts bulling and provoking me. Her room is discusting and nothing that I do makes her change her ways. I even took all her stuff out and just left her with nothing but her mattress in the floor. I have been raising her and her two brother on my own for the last 5 years. Her Father is a looser and this has impacted her a lot. Please if anyone has an advise dont be shy to share.
2 responses
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
19 Jun 09
I take it this is your oldest and most likely your first girl. I wish I could give you advice but I can't. I only have one child who is far from teen years. I will tell you though its normal. I went through that phase but not nearly as bad as my sister. My sister who I was forced to share a room with. Would leave things laying around all the time. When she was asked to clean she would stuff everything under the bed or in the closet which made things worse. You could literally find food under the bed or on her dresser. It was discusting. Thats one thing. Her attitude which hasn't gotten any better now that she is 18. She says bad words in almost every sentence. She yells at our mom and dad over little things. That is no way of describing the things I have witnessed I just wanted to let you know your not alone. Maybe someone else though can give you actual advice.
• United States
19 Jun 09
Yes, she is the first child. I also have seen children that are way worst than her and maybe I should just let her grow up. Its just very upseting to not reiceve any appreciation for all my struggles and sacrifices. All I want her to see is that she is lucky to have a family unlike many deprived and misstreated children. The one thing is that she doesnt swear and Im very proud that all three of them respect that rule. I guess it could be worst and for the most part I am very proud of all of them. Thank you very much for your thoughts it does help to hear that it could be much much worst
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Jul 09
Communication is key in any relationship. Communicate LOVE The more the better. Give choices then let her decide the consequences. Mean what you say and say what you mean. Wishy washy never works. Lastly, Be her best friend rather than her BOSS!! Couple this with some quality one on one time things should work out.