My brother is in a love relation with other woman. He want to divorce!!!
By icesmile
@icesmile (7160)
June 20, 2009 6:15am CST
I can t say if i am happy or sad for him.I never like his wife, she is a lazzy woman, who 15 years know only to make him unhappy. But is not so easy for family to accept a divorce in our family.
He ask my advice, but i really can judge him or his wife. She never worked, just stay and wait him with money. Was very hard for him ..15 years is a long marriage, They have 2 daughters, 14 and 10 years old, and both love a lot my brother, and want stay with him. But i wonder, what his wife will do, she never work,, she is dependent of him, and his money too.
I was sure that soon or later he will find other woman, but now when this happened, i really don t k
now what advice i can give him.
When they married, she force him to marry, because she was pregnant, and he is a very good father, so...he assume all responsability, and both girls was really happy.
But he need a life too, he must to be happy, and if he can t be happy with his wife, maybe is better to divorce, even will be hard.
I am really confuse, but i think that he deserve to be happy. 

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19 responses
@rberon1985 (5359)
• Philippines
20 Jun 09
I know that that you love and you are concerned with your brother. In this kind of case, the only that I can say is that they should have talk in private. Problems in a relationship cannot be avoided, its always part of life. In this case, if your brother will file a divorce againts her wife, what do you think will happen? The number one who will be affected here is their kids. So in this case they should do something about it.Before making a decision, they should take a look at first on the advantages and disadvatages of the decision that they are going to make. I believe that ecverybody can change. I know it will come to a time that his wife will realize that she also needs to work. Your brother should have his wife change. But still it is still your brother's decision. It is just my point of view.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Jun 09
OK, so, you think that they talk in private and after this take a decision..but they talk all this 15 years about divorce, he stay with she just for kids...but now when he know that he can other kind of life, maybe is better to try to be happy...of course that kids will suffer, but they suffer already because parents fight every day, every is a hard decision.

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@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
20 Jun 09
Hello Icesmile...
This is a difficult topic as well.
I belong to a broken home family. I know
how hard it is for the children to grow up
with out both set of parents. Your brother
is entitled to his happiness but it only means
one thing he has to divorce her lazy wife. I don't
care much about the's the children that
I'm worried about. I hope he may able to find a
right decision for the good of everybody.

@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Jun 09
Hi, you right, here children are more important, not shes happiness, not his happiness....but both kids are girls, and i ask myself, what kind of education can my brother wife can give this girls? If girls will be as theirs mother is too?
Is true, a family must to be toghether, but if they don t have anything in common?will be this kids happy?

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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
20 Jun 09
This puts you in a difficult position. I do not know how hard he and his wife have tried to make their own relationship a more happy one, but if I were you, I'd tell him to weigh this huge decision from every angle before he leaves his wife for another woman. Good luck to you and to him.
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@donrichwell (31)
• United States
20 Jun 09
WEll, I do not enccourage divorce. If your Brother have lived with this woman(lazzy woman) for 15yra, i wonder why he is looking for divorce,
Had it being she is sleeping with another man i will have say ok he can divorce her but this woman is just Lazzy and he have been living with her with that candition for 15yrs why can't he get used to it? and just accept her weaknesses.
There is no body without a weaknes you have to know it. You said you dont like her,i say , you dont have to like your brother's wife beacause you are not her husband.
My advice to your brother is, divorce is not the solution. he should be patient this problem your brother have with her i think it is manageable one
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Jun 09
Hi, all time he hope that she will change, and she say all the time..tomorrow i will do...but is not just this, she don t cook, clean or care about girls, he p[ay a woman to cook...and i never let him to fight with she...because i don t want my brother enter in trubles. But now, i think that is time to divorce(of course i say this here, i don t try to help he in his decision to divorce) but he must care about kids, and must to try to be happy too. Life is only one.
@donrichwell (31)
• United States
20 Jun 09
how are you sure that next person your brother will marry will no be the lazzy type ? is lazziness written on the face.
Idont support Divorce ok?
dont you people have family to come in between and settle all the problem once and for all?
You brither should just accept her the way she is. that is what we called LOVE
@virtualmirage (494)
• United States
20 Jun 09
I think everyone in this world deserves to be happy. This wife of your brothers does not seems like she makes him happy and I think he has stuck around long enough to help her out. Once he leaves he will still continue to be a good father, that does not go away. At least the kids are older, when children are small they suffer a lot.
Its going to happen anyways.. I kow I sound kind of cold. But it takes two to make a relationship and if this woman is not giving only taking then what can she expect will be the outcome?
I hope your brother and his children all the luck, its going to be a very tough transition but living in an unhappy households also very hard. Maybe it will be for the best in the end.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Jun 09
Both of you have a lot of right. He don t was and will be not happy with this woman, his life was like a hell with a woman who all time just care about sheself.
And kids will b with my brother, she can t help this kids, she never work, and both girls want to be with father.He deserve to be happy.

@virtualmirage (494)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Yes, there you go he deserves hapinness and hopefully he will find it now.
And you never know, maybe the wife can snap out of it and become a better mother too. Sometimes it takes reality givving you a kick in the butt to realize you have made mistakes and sometimes people change.
Lets hope she does, those children deserve to be happy too.
@ryaeneolver (87)
• Philippines
20 Jun 09
Hi.. I can feel this kind of problem that your brother is currently facing to must be very hard for him, I guess your brother also deserves to be happy, I know 15 years of marriage is not that easy to forget and just to throw it away but as what you've said, your brother did his responsibilties well, being a good husband and a good father is not an easy job... what important is he did all his best just to save their
marriage inspite of what happened, but if he doesnt love his wife anymore and if he feels that this marriage wont work anymore,then he must do some actions immediately, everyone deserves to be happy...anyway marriage is a two way relationship...

@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
22 Jun 09
Hello icesmile,
Base on your story, I feel pity for your brother. I understand his difficult situation. Of course he has the right to lead a happy life. I think he is a good guy too based on what you described about him here. Unfortunately that he has not so good wife but whatever it is, they already been together for 15 years and yes, that's quite a long time. I think the best decision if both are no longer in love is to just live a separate way but the problem is, your sister in law might having a problem to adjust with a new 'lifestyle' since all the times she is depending on her husband. They need to think about their children too. To adapt to a new life with a new partner won't take too long for your brother but of course, it will be a little bit sad for your sister in law...
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
3 Jul 09
This is one of those situations where the best thing you can do is offer him moral support. There is not a lot of advice to give. He has to do what in his heart he feels is best for himself and not worry about what everyone thinks. If he has already found someone else, it really sounds as if he has made up his mind but is unsure of where to go next either out of fear of upsetting your family or his wife. If his wife is that dependent on him he may end up paying not only child support but alimony as well. anyway, its up to him. All you can do is be there for him. Good luck.
@greeneyedlady (1439)
• Netherlands
3 Jul 09
While it is true that the children usually suffer some when their parents divorce and are sad about it I have always thought that if the parents are unhappy and fighting then the children are unhappy also.
I think that it is always best for the parents to divorce if they have gone down every avenue to try to make the marriage work and it still fails. True, the children are sad in the beginning but if later on down the road that children see that the parents are happier without each other and there is no more fighting then the children will also be happier not having to watch the bickering all of the time and will get use to their parents not being together.
Eventually maybe the parents would find other partners that make them happy and then the children can have 2 loving parents, living with 2 other loving people and they could have the benefit of 4 people loving them and not fighting instead of 2 people loving them and fighting all of the time!
If the parents do not end up with other partners at least the children will be raised by 2 parents, living separately, not fighting and giving them 2 more stable homes. 

@jellymonty (2352)
20 Jun 09
well looks like this was not a marriage to begin with if he was forced into it. And 15 years is a long time to be with a miserable woman. I technically don't believe in divorce but in this case I will make an exception as your brother didnot sign on for this whole heartedly. Tell him to divorce her straightway and although this will hurt the kids but your brother deserves true happiness. Yes he was stupid enough to impregnate her and well I think he's done his time for the crime. Let him be with the one he truly loves

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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Jun 09
Hi, i have same opinion...about kids, they are unhappy really, they are big and feel that mother just want money and somebody who must support she. I hate this kind of woman. I am a independent woman, and i never understand how a woman let just man bring money in house...she never cooking you know? My brother cook too...any way, not because is my brother, but he was a big stupid.

@andy77e (5156)
• United States
22 Jun 09
He made the choice to sleep with her, he should keep the promise of marriage. He made a bad decision, and should do his duty.
He should stay with his wife. Happiness is in the mind. Learn how to be happy in the situation he is in. Not try and escape the consequences of his actions.
He has two children, who look to him for an example. Does he want to teach them that when men are not happy, they abandon their families and run? Is that the example you want them to see?
@whizkid08 (715)
• India
20 Jun 09
I feel bad after reading all this. A family is about to break up, and the consequences are to be bear by their children.
Well, the guy seems noble to me, as he married the girl whom he got pregnant. I appreciate it. The lady has a greedy nature, but after 15 long years of marriage, I don't really think they should divorce each other. Both are at fault in their own parts.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Jun 09
Hi, yes he is a special person..not just because is my brother, but if i want a man in my life, i want a man with same honor as my brother have. But his honor don t bring happiness for him. There is a real war every day, seems that kids will e crazy soon, i help this kids as much as i can, but this is not a solution.

@candy2306 (576)
• India
20 Jun 09
hi icesmile, i think you should ask your brother to speak to his wife first. tell her how he feels about the marriage. he have to face whatever reaction that she gives. when your family gets to know it will become even worst! once he spoke to his wife, he should take his daughters out and speak to them about the situation that he is going through. wether it's good or bad life has to gone on!
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@nraisor (59)
• United States
20 Jun 09
I agree that the priority should be the children but I will say this. When I was married to my ex-husband I was miserable. We were high school sweethearts and got married as soon as I graduated high school. Soon I found myself in a verbally and sometimes physically abusive marriage. I left him once but found out that I was pregnant with my oldest daughter just days later, so I went back. I didn't want my daughter to grow up with a broken family and I thought that maybe I just didn't try hard enough. Two years later and add another daughter, I had had enough. The abuse was becoming more frequent and I no longer felt any "positive" feelings towards him. But I was still hesitant to leave.
I had a sense of pride from the things I had done in my life. I was the first person in my family to graduate high school. The first person to make it to 18 without having a baby. The first person to wait until I was married before I started having children. When I said my marriage vows I meant them, and I wanted to be the first person who put my marriage before everything else and stayed. Everyone in my family has been divorced at least once.
I called my mother the day before I left my husband crying. I had no idea what to do. I rambled on for about two hours before my mother spoke at all. Then she said something to me that I will never forget.
She told me that she was proud of me for wanting to make my marriage work, for wanting to make sure that my kids had their mom and dad under the same roof. She said she was proud that I was that worried about their happiness. But then she asked me what would make me happier: staying with him or leaving. I told her that leaving would of coarse. And she said then you need to do it. Of coarse I started to protest but like all good moms, she told me to be quiet and listen.
She said that whether I liked it or not, at some point, my kids would figure out that I wasn't happy. It would come through in the way I took care of myself, the way I treated my ex, and the way that I treated them. She told me that if I wanted to do what was best for my kids, I would do this one thing that would make me happy because happy parents breed happy kids. And if I stayed, all that would happen is the situation would get worse. And then she asked me if I was willing to accept what that might do to my kids. I stayed up all that night just thinking. The next morning I got my kids ready to leave, called my then mother-in-law and told her she needed to come over, I woke up my ex and told him that our marriage is over and that he needed to get out, put my kids in the car and went to a friend's for a few hours so he could get his things out.
I can honestly say I don't regret leaving him. And I do think its the best thing for our kids. Other than normal kid phases, they are extremely happy and well adjusted. Plus I think they enjoy all the extra clothes and toys that comes with having two houses, lol. Plus I was able to meet the love of my life who I am now married to. Plus he adores my other two children. They even call him dad. They love having two dads.
I guess my point here is that sometimes, divorce is the answer. If there isn't anyway to save his marriage. Or if one/both are not willing to try to save it, the best thing is to divorce. I know its hard but just support his decision because when he is happy, I guarantee it will make him an even better parent to those two girls, which is what is most important here.
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Jun 09
Hi, i know this story very good, because my story is somehow same.
And i after many years i take decision to divorce, kids suffer a lot in to unhappy family,..i want to tell you that after my divorce, my kids was really happy, they grow up with my love, in a quaite family, just me and they, and we are really happy. I wonder if i don t take decision to divorce many years kids can be happy as they are now.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
21 Jun 09
First of all, yes we all deserve to be happy and secondly, if your brother is not happy with his wife and the daughters are OK with his divorce, then he should go ahead with it. Many couples stay together only for the kids and here it seems the girls are matured enough to appreciate the situation.
As for his lazy wife, she too should get a taste of reality...if you are dependent on your husband for everything, you should take good care of him. She took your brother for granted and is now paying the price for it.
I wish your brother all the luck and I am sure when you will see him happy, your fears will go away.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 Jun 09
He has to be happy . If he stays Just for the kids , eventually they will sense it and he will become resentful toward his wife.If there is a woman who Loves him and he loves her, he should break up with his wife. If he stays he will just a partly there. He can be a great father and still divorce his wife.The problem. his wife may get custody of the kids. The bottom line is he may noy have ever loved his wife and he deserves to be with the woman he loves and his wife deserves a man who Wants her.
@eighternity (363)
• Philippines
22 Jun 09
It would be too unfair to the wife if he's husband would leave her. All I can say to your brother is, think of their children. Sacrifice is a part of loving and life. He don't need to leave her wife. First of all, if he don't really love the women he should not marry her from the very start.
@kanecn (149)
• China
21 Jun 09
Sad to know that, but i think you should be happy for your brother because he found a girl he loves. I can't imagine what the life would be like to live with lazy woman for 15 years, and now, your brother can release from that and begin his new life. There is nothing to be worried about his wife's life in the future, he can give her some money for sereral years after devoice, and his wife should learn to be independent. Financial burden wouldn't be imposed if his girl friend is hardworking. That's my opinion, the best wishes to your borther's life and have a nice day!
@mypriv8link (180)
• Philippines
21 Jun 09
My initial advise would be, if you're are not happy, then leave. But when you are married, it's not that simple -- and that is another story. I think people should go into marriage with a commitment to be with that person forever. Many people dive into marriage without thinking about the long haul and soon regret and get divorce. It's common these days and I think it takes away the essential of marriage. It has become a trial and error -- and it shouldn't be so in the first place. If the problem is the wife being lazy, I think the couple should first talk about the problems in their relationship and find ways how to resolve them. They should compromise and try to give a second go...all efforts should be exerted to make the marriage work before deciding to let the marriage go. Try couple's therapy for a year or so...Deciding to leave the wife, break the marriage for another woman, makes that reason for me very low. That other woman should not have been in the picture in the first place. That's just adding more complications to the complicated situation already. I think you should encourage your brother to talk to the wife maturely..and discuss how they can make their marriage work..that she needs to change for the better, for herself, for her husband and for the kids. Maybe later in time they can work it out and find those very reasons that made them fall inlove.