Bible Fact or Reference book?
By sjvenden27
@sjvenden27 (1840)
United States
June 20, 2009 3:38pm CST
I was responding to another discussion and it got me to thinking about the bible. There are some religions that believe the bible is code.. That everything that is written in that book should be followed. Then there are some other religions that only practice the words that are written in the Old testament. I personally believe the bible is more of a reference book.. I am not saying that I do not follow so of what it says.. The bible itself was written many years after Jesus's death. It was also written by man. We are not perfect, so therefore some of the stuff that was written, was added to make it co-inside with the writer's personal feelings, and not just the teachings of Jesus and the word of God. The bible was written in Latin, on scribes that are hidden away by different church organizations.. Many many years ago Monks sat there and translated the Latin version into other languages. In translation some of true meanings of the words can be lost... Furthermore; I believe that the church has changed some of the true meanings to sit there and change the laws of God to benefit themselves... Example; when you go to church, and it is time for the offering, you need to have money.. I believe way back when, the offering could be the best crops, or the best cattle of the herd, or something else... It does not specifically say that it has to be monetary offerings. Now with the society of the world, monetary offerings are the only way to help the church, which is wrong in my opinion.. These crops and other things can help many people, there would be less hungry people out there. Along with other things that the congregation could provide.. Money has made us forget the true meaning of God, and Jesus's teachings... How would God react to the ways of the world now? I do not think he would be happy... Anyways my question for you is what do you think about the bible? Do you follow it to a T? Or use the bible as more of a reference book? All comments are welcome, I just shared what I believe, and I would like to know how others think..
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10 responses
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Jesus couldn't be happy with the way the world is going, and He's hopefully going to come back very soon. I believe every Word in the Holy Bible, it is God breathed. We definitely have to be careful in how we live, as wise people, because these are evil days. (Ephesians 5:15-17). Thank you sjvenden27.
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@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
20 Jun 09
For the first 6 years of my life I was a JW.. Then my mom went through a lot of different types of churches.. So unlike most people that have seen the bible presented one way or may be two.. I have seen several, meaning I have different interpretations of the bible... The Ten commandments are the same in all of the different churches. Along with the fact that if you do not contribute money to the church you are a SINNER!! I understand the gift of giving, I will give all that I have, but I need to hold a little back for my family.. I do not like being looked down upon by people because I do not have money to give but I am willing to help in other ways.. Some churches are just greedy.. I have heard a couple of times from different people on different occasions; A CHURCH IS A GOOD BUSINESS TO START. There are several tax breaks, and people are just willing to hand over what ever they have... and well there was one church that I use to live next to.. In order to attend services you had to be a member.. In order to be a member you had to sign documentation that 15% of your TOTAL GROSS EARNINGS go to the CHURCH... I believe there is corruption within the church, that is corrupting good people.. Its sad!
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@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
20 Jun 09
That is so wrong for them to make you sign something to guarantee the Church a tithe. Luckily not all churches are snakes, as you know. I do agree that some are greedy. Years ago I used to church hop. Then one time I used to send a little money to an organization by check for instance, then I get a letter in the mail from them that they would rather have a bank account#, or some way I could deduct online to them. So I cut them off entirely, I figure that if they weren't happy with my checks, then they get nada. Anyway, sorry for my rant, there are good, trusting churches around, it's good that you search for the truth. I believe every Word in my Bible; by the way I use mostly the King James version. But I also have a Good News Bible that's also precious to me. Take care.
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@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
20 Jun 09
No worries, I started this discussion with an open mind.. I knew not everyone was going to agree with what I believe.. I wanted to see how other people felt about the bible.. You don't have to say sorry you were just stating what you believe in.. What would offend or bother me is to find out someone was lying.. Truth is not always pretty, or easy to ingest.. But its easier then dealing with a lie.
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@nzalheart (2338)
• India
22 Jun 09
Hello sjevenden!!!
I am in total agreement with you. And I have been telling the same thing here many times that the present Bible is not totally original. I doubt the current Bible. There certainly must have been many changes than the old bible and the new Bible. It seems as if, the current Bible is mixed up with some selfish feelings to get control over the world. It is said that the original Bible was searched for every pieces and then burnt away when the new Bible came. And currently too, there are Bible Scholars themselves claiming that the things written in the Bible are not correct. But they are being dominated and this domination is to suppress the truth. I see the world in perfect illusion with this. Bible has threatened many people and captured the thoughts of people so deeply that they can't think a word against the bible, when the god already said, "I am the Lord. I am the jealous god." This seems to be the baseless thing to me. I am not afraid with what it is written in that. The important thing for me is the live the life of love and compassion to everyone.
And about offerings too, it has been taken in the wrong away. This life is mortal, every thing we have is also mortal. The property we have is not the real property. The real property is the greatness of showing compassion and getting rid of these physical attachments of life. The attachments to these mortal life always brings up sadness, and is the block again the path of eternal life. I think due to this, Jesus says to donate the property to the needy people. This is showing great compassion. Donation with heavy heart, with attachment to is not good. Better do no donate. Donation is done with compassion.
Search for the light from the inner sight. This is the true spirituality. But Bible insists on only depending upon the belief of God and God, rather than looking at our insights, which I believe is the real path to eternity.
Happy mylotting...

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@nzalheart (2338)
• India
8 Jul 09
It seems as if the concept of god and religion has been to take in control the thinkings of the people and get bound to this society. Look how bounded we are every where. Not only christianity, the religion has tried to bound the people to a society. And now a person cannot think of living alone. This is good to them who doesn't get cured with words but get controlled with fear. But unfortunately, this book seems to be written for rising to the power capturing the people's thought. That's why I don't believe in whatever it says...
Happy mylotting...

@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I do not understand why there is so much fear put into the bible.. What I mean by that, it the fact if you do not do this or that; you are damned to Hell... but at the same time God is so forgiving and is willing to accepted what every we do just so long as we believe in him completely... Just do not like the fact that they have to make their follower's fear the wrath of God in order to do something a certain way... Why not just because of the fact that it is the right thing to do...

@rtmolano77 (87)
• Philippines
22 Jun 09
The Bible is the word of God! All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thorough equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16) For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double edge sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and narrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the hearts. (Heb. 4:12) before you read the bible ALWAYS ASK THE GUIDANCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TO GUIDE YOU AND HELP YOU TO UNDERSTAND THE WORD OF GOD.
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@iceinhell (7)
• Philippines
27 Jun 09
If the Bible is indeed the word of God, how come there are various contracdictions? If there are two contradicting statements, both could not possible be correct. Either one is wrong and the other is right, or both are actually incorrect. If there are contradictions, then the Bible is not perfect. If it is not perfect, then it is not the work of God.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
8 Jul 09
Well the reason why the bible is not perfect is due to fact that humans wrote it... God (in my opinion) is a perfect being.. Yes I see that the bible states that God helped them along the way, but you have to remember God also gave us the gift of choice... With that being said there are parts of the bible that has God's word, just extra things put into it.. Like the telephone method... One person starts the story and by the time it gets back to the same person there may only be one or two things of the story that is the same as the original story.. The bible was not written during Jesus's time it was written century's later.. So the stories were pasted down by the word of mouth for several generations before it became the bible...
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I believe the bible is not all true! I believe the Old Testament is made up stories or extremely exaggerated true stories! I believe the New Testamnet is all true! I don't follow alot in the bible and never have! I don't belong to a curch either! I grew up in Christian home where religion was driven down my throat! I also had to attend a Luthern grade school from K through 8th grade. I was taught to believe everything in the bible as true and to follow it. For years I struggled with religion and my beliefs. If I haven't move away from home and 2 hours away I would not of come to what I believe now! I am a Christian and you don't have to belong or attend church to believe in God! One reason I don't attend church or belong to one is for a few reasons. 1. The church is all about money! 2. They expect you to give everytime you come to church! 2.They believe everything on the bible!3.You have to follow the bible or you won't go to heaven! 4. No open minds at all!5. Every religion thinks it is perfect and all other religions are for crap and you shouldn't believe in them because they're all wrong! So this are my opinions and thanks for starting these discussion! It's a good one!
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Nice to know someone feels the same way about church and religion like I do! There doesn't to seem to mant people around like us!
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Very well said!! Having a hard time finding the right respond to your comment.. Wow, there are not many people feel this way.. I am the same way.. I have not been in a church for well its been a while.. When I was a little girl I remember having to be at church everyday... I swear that I did not do anything else, it had to be involved with the church or go door to door to get others to follow the church.. So for some of those church goers, I tell them well I have banked quite a few hours in Church.. do not have to attend for at least another 10 years... Considering most gatherings last what 2 hours or so...

@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
20 Jun 09
the bible is neither fact nor reference
it is fiction
it is nothing more than a collection of stories written by some anonymous person thousands of years ago
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
20 Jun 09
IMO its worse than any fairy tale book
there is more bloodshed and horrible acts in the bible than any collection of fairy tales
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@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Yes there is a lot of bloodshed in the bible... In all history there is good times and bad times.. When I use the analogy of the fairy tale book I was not thinking about the whole idea... I was thinking about the creativity that went into writing the fairy tales, verses the bible..
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Yes I have heard that from other people before... But the reason why I do not believe that its all fiction is because of the documentaries and other books I have read... I would hate to think that its all just like the fairy tale book that we read to our children before bed..

@andy77e (5156)
• United States
22 Jun 09
The Tithe, or "offering" as we know it, existed long before Jesus. A Tithe, was officially a tenth (tithe = tenth) of ones "gain". Gain is, simply whatever you gained. If you are a farmer, and you "gained" 10 bushels of wheat, you should give 1 bushel, a tenth, to the church as a tithe.
Now, in our day, our "gain" is not in bushels of wheat. We instead get a paycheck. Of course your "gain" is now in money. Logically, you give a tenth of you money to the tithe.
Point being none of this had anything to do with the church, nor did they change anything in the past 3000 years.
Finely, yes there are some translation errors that are impossible to avoid. There are simply some words that we don't have a corresponding word for. This is why we have pastors, and why it's so important we place ourselves under the teaching of pastors that do their best to accurately teach the Bible. We must watch and see that what they teach us, is what is there.
But as to how the Bible was written by man, there's a reason why G-d choose to write his word through people. Imagine if you will, if someone showed up with some text and said "god wrote it!". How believable would that be?
Instead we know the testimony of people who were there, and saw and heard the things that proved to them who Christ was, and they were willing to die for what they knew was true. That is far more believable, and historically accurate than some supposed recitation from an angel that attacked you, as in Islam, or a couple of solid Gold tablets from the 'lost tribe of Israel in America' as the Moromons believe.
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@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I had a conversation with someone about the Tithe, because I did not understand it that well... and this person also explained about a tenth of each crop or herd.. What ever was produced... I understand that ok... But what I do not understand the next part, the church was suppose to take all of the tithe and share it with the congregation... Says nothing about pocketing the offerings for their own profits.. I have been a member of a church before and really needed some support.. were they there for me?? no.. were they there for other people of the congregation no... They were out to fill their own pockets, and did not care about the well being of the congregation... How are we suppose to believe in the symbol of the church, if all they are doing is taking??? How are we suppose to do as they say and no as they do??? Do not know about other generations, but a lot of people from my generation would not do that, or believe in something that was so fake... meaning the church system...
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Thank you for your comment, some people believe that its the word of God... and well I do not believe it is all true.. I guess in a way its no different then picking up a newspaper, reading something online, or watching the good old tube.. Have to be careful of what you believe because it not all true.
@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I do not follow the bible as code and lived that life like it was at one point in my life and that only bred fear and guilt. Now that Im more a spiritualist I can read it from a totally different perspective and gain from it. I do believe a lot of it was censored ages ago to fit any societal standards and the most compelling story to me was of Jesus and thats my 'code' for living.
I do not think God looks down on us because of how we live because the way I believe is that we are all different pieces of God (the 'I AM') and God's glory lies in our ability to create and if he didn't want it he would never of allowed it, its our nature to create regardless of if we become heroin addicts or saints--we still our living our Gods glory in some way and life is full of cycles and bringing us back to love which is God and I think our destination back to God is realizing that--thats all there is, Love.
So that's how I read the Bible, all that Law (such as in Judges) I read the stories and take anything I can but I look over the rules because this is MY experience and not someone else telling me what it should be. While saying that I do use the commandments to steer through life and see them as like universal law. I also read A Course In Miracles.
The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek, therefore, not to find out Who You Are, seek to determine Who You Want to Be. --CWG
Life (as you call it) is an opportunity for you to know experientially what you already know conceptually. You need learn nothing to do this. You need merely remember what you already know, and act on it. --CWG
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@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Thank you very much for adding those quotes for CWG.. Those where very inspirational.. Also a good way to live life.. Not worrying about what others have done but creating your own paths on the journey we call life. Not judging negatively or positively on anyone's personal journey.. This concept it very open minded.. I wish more people could think like this, then I do not think there would be so much conflict in the world that we live in today.
@kjetterman (12)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I was taught in Sunday school to take everything in the bible on a faith fact. As in, there is no tangible concrete evidence but we believe the bible to be true.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Okay looking at this from a ordinary person's point a view.. Its like the oxygen we breathe, we know its there, but we really do not know why...
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
8 Jul 09
I noticed four things from your reply. First, I can't find a verse which indicates that churches are commanded to share the tithe with the congregation. It doesn't even make sense to collect a tithe if they must turn and around and give it back. Now, there are instances when churches did share with the congregation, but not because they were told to, but as an act of free will.
Second, the tithe is not a contract. If you hire a company to mow your lawn, and they do a bad job, you stop paying them. This is a contract. That is not what the tithe is. The tithe is a command by G-d to those that follow him. It has nothing to do with the church, nor the preacher, nor whether you get something in return. It is a showing that you are a follower of the one true G-d, and an act of submission to his will.
Third, Churches are made up of people. People are sinners. There are many bad churches. And simply because a Church says "christian" doesn't mean it really is. I've been to churches that never mentioned the Bible, or taught from the Bible, or talked about Jesus. However, there are some churches that do. My parents church does, and it has a poverty fund, for those who need help in their church. They also have a prison release ministry, a terminal cancer ministry, and a few others.
Finely, what is the purpose of the Church? It is not to provide for the needs of everyone. No, the reason the church exists, is for one purpose. To teach and preach the good news of Jesus Christ, who paid for sins, so that those who believe will be given eternal life in Heaven forever. That's it.
Now if they choose to have a poverty ministry, it is for that purpose. If they have a prison release ministry, it is for that purpose. If they have a food, or shelter ministry, it is for that purpose. If they have a hospital ministry, it is for that purpose.
Everything the Church does, should be for it's ultimate purpose, not to simply provide for people in the short term here and now, but to preach eternal life through G-d's son Jesus Christ.