Dog abuse or just discipline?
By Seldenta
@Seldenta (39)
United States
June 20, 2009 6:52pm CST
Have you ever gone to a dog park or been walking your dog and had someone tell you that your abusing your dog if you swat it on its butt? Like say your dogs off leash in a dog park and you tell it to come, but it doesn't and you have to end up chasing it down to catch it. Normally if i have to do this my dogs end up getting swatted on their butts. Well the other day i was at the park, and my dog did just that. When i caught up to her and popped her one, this person standing near by went 'Dont abuse your dog!'
Anyone ever have this happen? If you have what did you say in return? Did you just ignore the person? Or have you ever been the person thats made a comment?
My main question is....since when did disciplining a dog become abuse?
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6 responses
@cbantly (236)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I think there are right ways and wrong ways to discipline an animal, specifically a dog. You are the owner of your pet, and it sounds as though you love it very much and treat it as a family member. You know what is best for your animal, and you know what type of discipline works. If swatting it is the best thing, then I say you continue to do so. There are other ways to discipline an animal as well, but stick to what you are comfortable with.
There is definitely a line between discipline and abuse!
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@Seldenta (39)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I agree there are right ways and wrong ways to discipline a animal, like there are some ways i disagree with but unlike this person i came across at the park, i normally ignore it. My dog, Tuarwen normally responds to raised voices(not yelling but angered tone) or glares, but that day she just didn't want to listen. I don't swat them over everything..just if everything else fails. Because when i do have to pop Tuarwen, well she gets depressed and then i just feel guilty.
@tcycharmy (102)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I have not had anybody say that to me. Yet, I would not know what I would say or do if someone did tell me that as I also swat or tap on the rump or nose as my dog has a major jumping problem. I would probably tell them to mind their own business. As long as you know the difference between discipline and abuse then disregard other people's useless comments. I have three dogs and they all respond to discipline in different ways. Two of them only require verbal commands or a stare. But my 70lb puppy for some reason can obey commands except when it comes to jumping on people. He wont' do it on me because he knows better, but watch out other people. This is where the DISCIPLINE comes in.
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@Seldenta (39)
• United States
21 Jun 09
Oh a 70lb jumper eh? Yea that i can understand the swatting on the nose/butt. As i said above i only swat as a last minute measure, like if the angered tone and the glares don't work then i have to run her down and swat her butt when i catch her. Luckily my dogs only 40 pounds and doesnt jump on anyone. Oh yes, i know the diff between abuse and discipline, people just irk me if they put their two cents in where it doesn't belong. I don't walk around telling people what to do with their dogs...they shouldn't do it to me.. in my opinion...
@Schnitelli (95)
• United States
21 Jun 09
Swatting a dog isn't going to seriously hurt it - just reprimand it. I'd say anything beyond swatting them though could legitimately be seen as abuse. I've never actually heard anyone say that to someone though, heh... Some people are very opinionated, unfortunately. As long as the swatting is constructive it's fine
@o0jopak0o (6390)
• Philippines
21 Jun 09
for me kicking, pulling the leash is more inhumane. But that depends on how hard you swat your dog
@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I don't have that problem, because I don't swat my dog on the butt. Dogs don't learn the same way humans do.
If you had to chase your dog down, it honestly has no idea why it is getting spanked when you finally catch it. It just knows that it doesn't want to be caught, because it doesn't want you to react the way you do.
I am not trying to "dog" your method of discipline. I am just stating from experience and training that I have done with dogs that they do not learn from a spanking. It would be better to work with your dog in a one-on-one setting, teaching it commands, and rewarding it for doing those things right.
A dog park is a very hard place to get your dog to pay attention to you, so I can see where you are coming from!
Just a suggestion: next time you call her and she doesn't come to you, instead of getting angry and spanking her when you catch her, just ignore the negative behavior, and load her up and leave the park. Then, at home, make her come for you. When she does it, reward her. Once she starts making the association, you can take it to the park. Bring treats that are enticing enough to draw her to you even in the presence of other dogs. So that when you call, she will want to come, because it means she will get rewarded!
Eventually, once you have her coming to you every time, you can start to wean her off of the treats, and just replace the reward with lots of love and praise.
To answer your question about people telling me not to abuse my dog, I doubt I am strong enough to hurt my pit bull girl. I spank her butt until my hand is red, simply because she really enjoys it! She will back up and put her butt in my face so that I'll smack it!
Anyway, please don't take my constructive criticism the wrong way. I realize that you are only doing what you think is best for your dog. I am simply attempting to get you to see it from the dog's point of view. That may be why you are having trouble getting your dog to come. If you punish it for coming back to you or allowing you to catch it, then it is going to think that coming back to you is wrong, which is definitely what you don't want!
It is definitely your right to tell me that it is none of my business how you discipline your dog, just as much as it is your right to tell anyone else that. Regardless, good luck with your doggies! 

@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
22 Jun 09
True enough! We'll have to agree to disagree.
Have a great day! 

@Seldenta (39)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Some people say that, but then again some people say horses are stupid too, which isnt true. We will never know if a dog can understand why its being swatted if it runs off, just like we will never know if a horse knows why it gets swatted if someone smacks it for biting/kicking. Why won't we know? Because well we're not a horse or a dog... Unless someone can read a animals mind we'll never truly know will we? We can only make guesses and what 'scientists' swear to be true. I personally believe that animals are smarter then people think. The issue with humans is, a majority of us think ourselves supreme beings, smarter, faster, ectect then other things on this planet. I personally find this to be false because well look what humans do. So until someone can prove without a doubt that dogs cant understand why they get swatted when they run off and you have to chase them down to swat their butts, i will continue my way because its my opinion. Just like you have your opinion about that dogs cant understand it. I've been training dogs all my life with my method, and it works..yours works for you. Everyones different. And your right i could tell you to butt out but considering i posted this here, that kind of invited you to give your opionion, which i respect.

@bmc616 (23)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I agree I think that there are right and wrong ways to do so, now if i saw u beating the hell out of your dog then yea, but a NO NO and a swat is not abuse, I know when my dog does that it pisses me off or when she does something she know she shouldnt be doing she know in the tone of my voice...