Is anyone wearing contacts??

June 21, 2009 1:02am CST
I was thinking of changing over to contacts.But I don't know much about it.Many of my friends are telling that it will be quite tedious work and you have to be extra careful. Is having contacts that tedious?? Also can i wear it while swimming or when I am in water?? So in short would you recommend using it??
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3 responses
@smartie0317 (1610)
• United States
21 Jun 09
No, I would not. Just reading the title of this, I was thinking to myself "I'm glad I don't wear contacts anymore!". Contacts are a lot of work. You can't forget to take them out and clean them every night, or they could roll under your eyes. Also, if you don't clean them a lot, or properly, you will get eye infections and could even go blind if you do it too much. Also, a few years ago some company that made contacts were making people blind or get infections. So, it's just another thing to worry about.
• India
21 Jun 09
That's exactly my worry too.Have heard many incidents of people getting infections in their eyes.Well its eyes and that is the hard part.If it was any other organ I would have taken the risk.
@qiyunhai (254)
• China
21 Jun 09
five years agao , i wear contact, finally i give up as i am afraid it will do harm to my eyes , maybe the bad effect happen when i am elder. after all , there is something in you eyes, who knows what will happen ? i don't want to take risk to wear it again?
@hanah87 (1835)
• Malaysia
21 Jun 09
Yes,my friend also wear contacs.She said that to wear contacts len,we need to really carefull and always clean the contact len because it will easily get bacteria on it and will effect our eyes.Yes,you can wear it even you are in the water.But you must carefully take care of your eyes and your contact len because it easily out from your eyes even when we have hard cough or flu.Thank you.