what are the most stimulating,challenging experiences you have had in past 5 y?

June 21, 2009 9:52am CST
As Gump said,life was like a box of chocolate,you never know what are you going to get. life is rich and varity. what are the most stimulating, difficult or chanllenging experiences you have had during the past 5 years? i am waiting for your sharing!
2 responses
21 Jun 09
I joined St John Ambulance two years ago. Whenever you're on duty, people stare at you as if they've never seen a person in uniform before. One of my friends got insulted by a load of idiots... but it's a good experience, and I enjoy helping people and learning first aid, especially as I want to be a paramedic when I get older.
• China
22 Jun 09
my dear friend, you are so great! ambulanceman is honourable. thanks for your sharing! you will be deeply gratefull. best wishes!
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I gave birth to bbg triplets, went from being a career woman to being a stay at home mom. Moved across the country, with triplets, they went from being an infant to being toddlers to being well preschoolers.
• China
22 Jun 09
oh, you must be a great mum! i konw what the triplets mean, it is not only bring you happy, and also give you a big family. but everything will be fine,you will be gratefull! best wishes!