I'm trying, it's so damn hard though.
By kris182_2000
@kris182_2000 (5475)
June 21, 2009 1:28pm CST
Everyone has times like these, but others suffer worse than others.
I feel that way now. I've had nothing but bad luck lately.
I first hear about a tree branch falling on my car, no one got hurt thankfully, but my husband was close to the car when the branch came down. The car body needs repair now, but the only good thing is that it's not coming from my own pocket.
After that I get told I must move. I've only been here for 2 months, and I'm so frustrated. I don't know how I'm coming up with the money to move, pay my current rent, pay my lease and my insurance all at the same time.
Then my brakes die. Go figure. That's over $200 out of pocket expense for me, something right now I can't afford.
The other day we discovered termite damage. About $200 worth of our belongings were destroyed.
Now I'm having engine trouble, I need my car for work, and I don't even know what's wrong. I'm just hoping that it's because of all the rain we've just had.
Sometimes I wonder what's going on in my life, I have horrible strings of bad luck and they never end.
So now having to move puts a damper on things, and I really hate it. I've had to put stuff into storage and pay for that over the last 2 months, more added expense that is just tiring me out.
Is it possible that I am cursed? That someone has thrown a hex on me or something?
11 responses
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
21 Jun 09
Is it possible that you are not praying and declaring positiveness in your life. That when one trial started you asked what is next instead of saying this is the end of the disaster that is taking place in Jesus name. You see yes there will be bad minded persons who will be talking and wishing bad things for you but you should always over counter the negatives with a positive. Nothing in life is easy but declaring positiveness in your life through the blood of Jesus Christ will make it become bearable. When things happen just use the words of 1 Cor 10 vs 13 against it.
Be strong and believe that your problems will solve start with the serious one and work down to the none serious. When pray do this with your husband because the bible says that when you are united no power on earth can divide you. Take care.

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@kris182_2000 (5475)
• Canada
21 Jun 09
How does one regain faith after losing it?
When I think things are going well, life throws me a curve ball and it's back to the bad luck again. It's not easy at all.
@derlilaStern (1756)
• United States
21 Jun 09
No, I really dont think that it is possible that you are cursed.
It is hard to keep a positive outlook when so many things are going wrong. But it is up to you to keep yourself positive. Although there are bad things, there are good things that go with each of them.
*You do have a car. It may need repaired, but you have access to the repairs and are able to keep your car.
*You have to pay for storage because you have belongings to put there. (Perhaps you could sell some things so that you dont have to keep anything in storage?)
*You have a place to live that isnt in your car or on the streets, even if you do have to move. Who knows, maybe it will be a blessing that will end up saving you tons of money!
I hope things look up for you soon. Try to keep looking at the positive, even if your circumstances dont change, it will help you enjoy life.
You cant choose what happens to you, but you can choose how you react to it.

@derlilaStern (1756)
• United States
21 Jun 09
You have faced that issue 3 times now - and it seems beaten it everytime. That means you have found a way to make it happen 3 times. You can do it again.
Why will your insurance rates change again? Because of the tree branch? If your insurance company raises your rates for that, I would look for a new company because that is something that is not your fault.
Have you starting looking for something else? How do you know it will cost you more?
@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Nope, you're just going through a rough patch. It happens to everyone at some point. Your main goal should be to try to stay positive! You can break the cycle that way.
I know it is hard to be positive when something goes wrong every time you turn around. Seek the silver lining in your dark clouds. Maybe you are supposed to be moving because you will have a better place.
Your car may just be having one of those moments when everything goes wrong with it at once. Then, once you fix it, you won't have to pay anything else on it for a while. I know it is a lot of money to fix a car when things start to go wrong on it, believe me. My old Honda CR-V had 151,000 miles on it when I traded it in earlier this year. Every time I would take it in for an oil change, it seemed like I was spending at least $400 on it! We decided it wasn't worth it anymore and got me a new car.
Things WILL get better. They always do!

@start20090509 (52)
• China
22 Jun 09
i just believe in yourself and do not believe that the curse.in addition,to check your car. good luck
@Jengors (8)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Hello Kris,
I first would like to say I am sorry for all the bad that has happened to you. Any one of those situations by themselves would be difficult. But to be hit all at once by them, I am sorry. You need to think positively about the situation and not think that you are cursed or someone has put a hex on you. When I had a series of bad things happen to me recently I threw it all up to God. He is the one who will give you the strength to endure these trials and tribulations. He is not the one who has done these things, but they are the work of the Devil and his minions. But God will guide you thru. There are some positives that I can read in your posting.
1. The tree branch did not injure anything but material things.
2. The car repairs are not going to be paid by you, but someone else.
3. You have a job (you mentioned you need your car for work) many of us don't have a job at this time.
4. Termites didn't damage all of you things, just some. Once again they are things material things.
5. Have you considered the engine problem may be caused by the tree branch fall??
6. Having to move is not a bad thing. It just tells me that God doesn't want you at that location at this time.
7. You have a husband, a life partner to help you thru all of these things.
My personal favorite way of looking at thing that may go wrong, But none of it will be so in Heaven. These are all things of this world and they will not be following you when you reach Heaven. So Let Go and Let God.
Many Blessings to you
@nalexis (9)
• United States
22 Jun 09
i my self have been going through a lot of hard times. I find that hard times are always going to come and most f the times they come in pairs. Such as i lost my job, broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years and got my car reposed. Its hard trust me. but the only thing that will keep anyone in times of trouble again is faith in God. Though i don't want to always bring religion into what i say but the truth of the fact is too hard to ignore.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Hello, Kris 182_2000... First, I want to say Im sorry to hear all the hard things that is just happening to you lately. It is hard for everyone about financial... not you and not me, everyone else effected. It is just more or less.
I never have that many bad luck happened too many at the same time but I have other issues. It was about my payments due... that was so a shame. I was setting up auto payment through Bank agent for my house payment, but the agent got the wrong account number which they never got a payment. then it became to due 2 months...So I called to changed and corrected everything then they still never got the money and I didn't know what was going on. I called again and they said My bank was blocking them... OH GOD!!!... I was frustrated so bad. Now everything is done but I have to pay triple payments and that's was hard for me already.
well, the only thing that I can advice you right now is to take it easy... do or make a list which is more important first and then do other later. Take your time to do it and relax yourself and your mind as much as you can... cuz if you put too much pressure on yourself, then you will be so depress... I hope you are doing better and talk to anyone that you feel comfortable with about your problem, it will help you release a lot though.
@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
21 Jun 09
Now, it's not a curse.I truly believe these things belong to the subconscious level.Stop self-programming.Don't say words like "I'm cursed".When something bad happens, people usually think it's their fault.No, it's not.These things just happen.Try to start your day with positive thoughts.OK, I've lost the game today, but I'll win tomorrow.Be a fighter.Bad things love sad and weak people who aren't ready to fight for their happiness.Every single day is like a small battle.Don't let negative energy in.Resist.
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
22 Jun 09
Sorry for you have been.But i have been some damn hard thing too.Sometime when you got a bad thing and a lot of bad thing on the heels of.and we got nothing to do.it's really hard time.all the things we gotta to do is just face up to this troubles manfully.holding on this,everything will gone.i think noone cursed you dear.. Good luck,,
@ptcholic001 (59)
• Indonesia
22 Jun 09
if you face a great problem, one thing you must remember. everything in this world always begun by little thing. it's a world law
@lolislol (82)
• Finland
22 Jun 09
Almost everybody has had some moments which have put them totally down and in despair, but after some time, they have recovered from the despair and really experienced something happy and good, which has cheered them back up, ones life is not always a party, there are some downsides to life, like problems and so on. They just must be gotten over with and you must wish and wait for something better, it just worsens things if you keep down and think that my life is ruined and there is no need for me to live, just be happy and think positively about the future and you will be saved. And for the cursed thing, no, i think one can't be cursed, but one can have bad luck and good luck, but there is no person who only has good luck, and also, nobody's perfect, me, you or anybody else, so it's understandable if you struggle in moments like these.
Best of luck recovering, and most of all, i wish you the best of luck!