What am i not allowed to post on or about on Mylot?

@baz5687 (131)
United States
June 22, 2009 9:00am CST
I see some posts, which poeple say that you are not supposed to post on, my question is what tyopea of things ar eyou not supposed to post on?
2 responses
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
22 Jun 09
Good day, baz5687! Well, as I had replied on other discussion, according to the rules, if a discussion is to promote an affiliate program or to spam, a quiz/game/poll type, a recipe/joke type or a milestone or there is nothing to discuss about, it was a violation and will be deleted automatically when reported. If someone had put a link on the response to promote a site, only the response will be deleted unless the discussion itself also violated the rules. You can read on the FAQ's section to learn more. Happy mylotting!
@baz5687 (131)
• United States
22 Jun 09
thank you very much.
@tuyakiki (3016)
• India
22 Jun 09
The you cannot post certain discussions,that are having very raw things, and are obscene in nature...Uploading such photos are also not permitted..If you like to post certain thing,that you will have to change it properly and post it with the tag mature content. And don't copy others post or comments or matter of the discussion...It is also not permitted.
@baz5687 (131)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Thank you for your reply I was a little confused.