Am I the only one who is tired of hearing about this crap?

United States
June 22, 2009 6:39pm CST
I am so sick of hearing all this crap about gay rights and gay marriage. Are there no other more pressing issues in our society that need to be addressed? I understand that gay people do not have some of the same "rights" as straight people do. However...these people KNEW these things when they CHOSE to be GAY. They KNEW that gay marriages were not allowed. They KNEW they would be looked down upon by some groups in our society. They KNEW their "lifestyle" was not widely accepted and that they would be discriminated against, and even though they KNEW all these things, they STILL made the CHOICE to be GAY. The question I really want to ask is "what the hell they are b!tching about"...HOWEVER...I am not even going to open that can of worms. I don't care that they choose to be gay. I couldn't care less... My REAL question is this...Can we not find other things that are more worthy of our time and efforts? Are their not other issues that really need to be addressed? How about the fact that there are handicapped people (like myself) who are unable to do some types of work because of the limitations our handicap places on my physical abilities, yet because we have a little pride and try to do AT LEAST a little something to help ourselves by working as much as our limitations will allow us to work, we CAN'T get even partial disability to help us out. Furthermore, because I can only do certain types of work (I work in a restaurant that pays just over minimum wage), I cannot afford health insurance. I just spent a week in bed with back and leg pains that made it impossible for me to stand or walk without holding on to the wall or the counter or something else. I lost an entire week of wages because I couldn't get out of bed to go to work. I cannot afford health insurance, even though my employer offers it. Luckily, I had enough left on a credit card to go to an urgent care clinic and get some medicine. If I had not had that credit card, I would not have been able to go to the doctor at all. I have tried to apply for disability, but because MY WIFE makes a little more than minimum wage, we were told that our combined household income was too high for me to be put on disability. I don't hear anyone screaming for assistance for handicapped/disabled people. I know that this discussion is going to piss some people off, but pardon me if I don't break down and cry because gay people can't legally get married. They CHOOSE to be gay, and they knew when they made this choice that they could not get married, and that they would be discriminated against...I did not CHOOSE to have a physical handicap. Even though I did not choose to be handicapped, I STILL have to deal with discrimination. I still have to deal with the fact that people look down on me when I go to apply for jobs. I still have to deal with the fact that I can't get a good job, even though I have an Associate's degree. I cannot afford to go back to school. I can't afford health insurance, so I cant always go to the doctor when I need to. I can't get disability, because MY WIFE makes too much money. Yet I am not on TV crying and pissing and moaning...maybe I should be??? What do you think??
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16 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Jun 09 is NOT a choice. They are born that way and who in their right mind would CHOOSe such a lifestyle knowing they would be treated like inferior sinners. I'm sorry for your handicap but it does not make it ok to put down others in the process of hoping to gain sympathy. You may not be on tv moaning....just the internet.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Gay people do not choose to be gay. Do you honestly think anyone would ask to be put in that situation? No, they don't choose to be gay just as we don't choose to be straight. What I'm sick of is that fact that gays went through all this BS in the 80's to have the same rights as everyone else, yet still people are ignorant and prejudice against them. Are gay people hurting you? Then why judge them? What's it to you if they get married or not? What's it to you if they're allowed the same rights as everyone else, considering they are actual human beings and not animals. You're not the only one with problems and you're not the only one who can't afford health care. I'm not disabled, but we can't afford health care either, and we have 5 children. We have to pay $100 a week to have health care. Unfortunatly we can't afford not to have it either, so we cough over the money, which means we struggle in other areas. If I were to ask for help from the government, I'd be told we make too much, because they don't count how much money we pay into health care. That's how the system works. There are a lot of people out there who don't have nearly as much money as you, those are the ones the government helps. My mother lives like that. She's legally blind and has end stage renal failure and is on dialysis 4-5 times a day. She can't work. She's still trying to support my 14 year old sister. Some days they have nothing but butter and flour in the house, yet still a few weeks until they have money again.
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Well, I agree that there should be some more rights to disability than there are, but there are many people on it who don't need to be. There are people on for reasons that should not even be considered. I feel that there should be jobs made available for those who want to work and yet they should not be punished by having the income from the disability taken completely away. I think that the issues that need to be paid attention to are healthcare, cost of living versus' wages, job creation, energy issues to allow us more affordable energy, etc. These are the issues that I feel are more important than gay rights. The issue that I hear about more than anything is the right to get married and be added to insurance policies of their partner. Well, I have been married for 15 years to my husband and I can't add him to my insurance as I work part time and the company won't carry him or the kids. Who should I complain to? Also, I don't agree with gay marriage as it is not biblical and I am not a religious nut, but I don't believe that God made anyone gay. I think that it was a chosen lifestyle that is now looked at as acceptable, the same as teen births,etc. Maybe we should make bigomy legal too as it is a way that people want to live. I am not against gays, but I don't feel that I have to accept their lifestyle and I don't want it pushed in my face all the time. There are other issues that need to be addressed. If we had universal healthcare, then the insurance would not be an issue.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
30 Jun 09
Universal healthcare would be a nightmare, do you realize in other countries outside the US, they DO have universal healthcare but people DIE waiting to get a doctor's appointment or care? I also do not want a 30% tax hike in order to have 'free' health care. That is not free. It also means that I 'get' to help pay for someone else, who might have a ton of health problems or be a hypochondriac. I do not think that is MY responsibility. If I take care of myself and my family and I rarely get sick or have accidents, then I am only going to have to pay for preventive care - which is covered mostly at 100% by most decent health plans. That means we almost balance out, what we pay into health ins in a year, we get back in routine doctor visits that I only have to pay $10-15 copay for. My prescriptions are either the $4 generic that are popping up everywhere for the occasional abx or something else, or my prescription plan covers for $10 or the cost, whichever is LESS. As far as something not being biblical, I don't see how that matters to anybody who isn't into that. It is a belief, not an absolute. A belief is just that, a belief. That doesn't make it true nor does it make it something anybody can USE as a way to control or discriminate against others. People do use it of course but it's not an acceptable reason since there is no basis for it.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
23 Jun 09
"...I am not even going to open that can of worms" Yeah right. You most certainly DID open a can of worms. Have fun.
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• Portugal
23 Jun 09
Bingo, miami, i was about to say that, but you´ve already made the point... Peace
@3cardmonte (5098)
25 Jun 09
You're kidding right? You think they choose to be gay? You actually think that? You are clearly not gay yourelf as you seem to know nothing about it so you really have no right to state as what you are claiming to be a fact. I am a lesbian and I certainly did not make that chhoice, it just happnened. What the hell difference does it make to you anyway?
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25 Jun 09
well said, we should forget his ignorance and leave him to his bitterness.
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• Portugal
25 Jun 09
• Portugal
25 Jun 09
Exactly, cardmonte... I really don´t understand the bitterness and ignorance of this guy... I respect and feel sorry for his disability, but his hate speech just makes him look ridiculous... Peace
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Do don't choice to be and you just don't decide to be gay! Boy are wrong! You sound prejudice against gays! When it comes to gay rights, gays shouls have the same rights as straight people! They should be able to be married if they choose! I work with a gay man and he knows must gays want the change to be on their partners health plan! To alot of gays that is more important then being able to marry! I hope President is able to get congress to come up with health reform so people like you can stop saying you are being discrimminated because you aren't gay! Give me a break! YOU ARE BORN GAY! YOU JUST DON'T WAKE ONE DAY AND SAY YOU ARE GAY OR CHOOSE TO BE GAY! So are so wrong! So get off your high horse and stop whinnying and realize you aren't the only one in your situation! I don't feel sorry for you and stop complaining!
• United States
23 Jun 09
Thank you!Thank you very much!! I rarely get comments like that! Wow! That makes me feel good!
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• Portugal
23 Jun 09
No need to thank me, blue, it´s the plain truth... It´s refreshing to see some reasoning and common sense in this issue... Peace
1 person likes this
• Portugal
23 Jun 09
You said it all, blue...
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I know im gonna get flack for this being a male but i dont mind seeing 2 women kiss or hug thats their thing that's the way their raised and if it goes farther than that fine, but dont subject me to seeing 2 guy's swap spit, please. i really dont care if your gay or not, ya wanna get married you have my blessings, but guys keep it in "your bars please". AND IF YA WANNA BE A WOMAN, CLIP IT OFF, TUCK IT IN IF YA WANT BUT PLEASE NOT IN FRONT OF THE KIDS THEY HAVE ENOUGH TO SORT OUT. Now if being gay is generic, so be it, and if when growing up you find yourself attracted to men, fine, NOT IN FRONT OF THE KIDS. I cant comment on gay men haveing kids thru surrogate mothers but as i say kids now-adays have enough problems and worries. think about them and not yourselves. after losing a kidney to cancer and other problems that arised the STATE OF GEORGIA, USA, TOLD ME I COULD CRAWL IN DRAGGING AN OXYGEN BOTTLE AND THEIR NOT HELPING WELL F=THEM , IM NOW IN FLORIDA WHERE THEY TREAT PEOPLE WITH PROBLEMS WITH DIGNITY, AND RESPECT.
• Portugal
23 Jun 09
I really can´t believe i´m reading so much crap in only one day... The children? WTF?! Homossexuality is not a crime, neither it is a problem (at least for those with a brain!). If there are people to whom my children won´t be aquainted it won´t definitely be homossexuals, but people with psichological issues, frustrations, lots of ignorance to sell, without principles, knowledge and sense of multiculturality and most of all people without the capacity of evaluating someone by what they are, but by whom they sleep with... Now please, do rate my a-s-s negatively until the next generation, that would be an absolute complement to my inteligence... Peace
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
24 Jun 09
girl i wouldn't let any child near you
• Portugal
24 Jun 09
Good answer, Max...didn´t expect other one... Peace, my friend
@arkansos (545)
• India
23 Jun 09
Guys seriously. This is a vent. Yeah, gays are genetic and all. but did you even read the post? He has a disability. Is anything else as bad as this? yeah gay ppl are wronged, but is it really the time to discuss tha?. I am sorry. As much as I say I can understand your pain, i can't. i can't even give you the usual "It will be okay" words. but i agree you have problems and i feel sad for you. i seriously hope you find a better job and can do something about your leg. I don't know what more to say
• Spain
24 Jun 09
You're falling into the trap of believing that because someone disagrees with the vociferous gay lobby, they are homophobic. This is not the case. The disability is a side issue and an example of the inequality of treatment, not an excuse for an anti gay rant. Don't try to make the discussion leader feel guilty for raising a valid point. At least he has the balls to stand up and voice his opinion.
• Portugal
24 Jun 09
Wrong answer: the real side issue here is the gay issue, the main issue here is the bitterness of someone who blames others for his own lack of preserverance and power of will to change the state of things... Peace, dear Sandra
• Portugal
23 Jun 09
So, arkansos, what you´re saying is that we´re supposed to ignore his homophobic comments because he´s disabled? Jesus, are we using our common sense here?! If we lived in the 60´s and the man decided to say that black men shouldn´t cry so much about their civil rights we should give him praise and support him because his disabled?!?! No, man, he is wrong, and everyone who reads this discussion knows are not suppose to blame others for your own lack of will to change the state of things.. Peace
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Jun 09
Sorry, but I absolutely do not believe gay people choose to be gay any more than I chose to be female or my friend Enna chose to be black. Homosexuality is almost certainly genetic.
• United States
24 Jun 09
I am totally with you there!
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
30 Jun 09
That's a great comparison, Dawn. I certainly didn't choose to be female... there are days when I'd love to swap - you know, when the bloat and hormones surge! It would be even stupider if I tried to deny that I was female - yet some people try to tell gay people they should 'deny being gay'. Just odd. Makes no sense.
@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I have to say that this discussion is so unfair to gays. They should get to have the same rights as us straight people. Plus I have to say that they did not choose to be gay. Also even if they did get to choose they deserved to be loved just like the rest of us. I do not get why some people think that they get to have the right to be god and decide who should be loved and who should not be loved just because they are not straight or that they should not be respected. I think that people need to suck it up and realize that all people deserve to love and be loved whether they are gay,black,chinesse,white and whatever else people are racist and such against. It's time that this world becomes one because soon it will be us against the world when it comes to trying to stay alive with how the economy is going. I will say that yes there should be other topics that needs to be issued too but I think that gay rights should be handled too. As for minimum wage, I hate to say it you are not the only one with the problem. It is all over the place. It is something we need to suck up and deal with. Well as for the disabilty they can only help the people that really could use the money, because both you and your wife works I will say that you should not get disability because of your problem now what I will say is that yes there should be some kind of help to get people like you on medical for free cause I will say that it is hard for my family to keep our medical but we do cause we have children. Crying on t.v will not help you get disabilty nor will it solve anything. Again I have too say that GAYS did not choose to be this way just like you did not choose to be disable. God had set in his mind for people to be the way we are. There is this saying and I want you to think long and hard about it before you complain about your rights and the gays rights. God ONLY gave us what we can handle. Please think about that before you come here to complain about gays and your disablity. Happy Mylotting
@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
23 Jun 09
the fact that you think that gay rights are crap says a lot about you. i am sure that there were and still are people like you who think that rights for black people and women are crap. well thankfully that was not a deterrant for the rest of the populace because thanks to them as a black woman i have rights. for the record i do not think that people choose to become that which is persecuted and not tolerated by others and that which deprives them of their you might want to check your intel with regard to gay people. and as someone who is discriminated against i find your attitude shocking, you know what it is like yet here you are spouting these statements. you are entitled to your opinion this is true, but here is a little bit of advice, if you are looking for sympathy for your cause, and you put down other downtrodden individuals then well some would be less inclined to hear you out or to help you. i would have thought that you would feel some sort of solidarity with the discriminated against. granted gay rights have made the papers and that issue is getting a lot of air time, well here is the thing, if you would like to effect change then you have to put a little work into it. i am sure you know through history that getting equal rights whether it is the right to sit in the front of the bus or to vote, well there were people out there who worked really hard to get their message out, if not for harvey milk and his kind gay rights would not be where they are now. what i am basically trying to say is the reason why this is a hot topic and not disability is because no one has really gone out there and taken this issue under their wing, and given it a lot of air time. maybe if you do go on tv and piss and cry and moan some little thing will be done but hey, the public would have to like you, and well if you are not sympathetic to other causes i doubt that they will, well maybe the anti-gay coalitio or some such nonsense would welcome you with open arms. i'm tryin to be sympathetic to you but i have found some of your statements to be offensive and ignorant. i am not saying this to be mean but it is just a fact.that is how you are coming off. if you want your situation to change, find out how the other minorities and discriminated groups did it, you have the internet at your disposal too something that was not there back in the day for the other movements. go online and find others like you, who share your plight and see if together you can come up with some course of action because sometimes all it takes is one person. you might be that person. you issues is important however, issues and sh*t is relative right, what is a breeze for one person might be a herculean effort for another, bear that in mind. the gay issue is no less important than the disability issue because they are both human rights issues. discrimination should not be allowed, whether it is because of your race, color, creed, religious affiliation or whether you are able bodied or not. i have a friend who lost her leg to cancer, i have seen how people look at her and sometimes see the pity there and it makes me mad because to me she is sometimes even more able bodied than i am. should you decide to make something of what i have said and need a hand, you can count me in i will help you in any way that i can. good luck.
@jb78000 (15139)
23 Jun 09
homophobics are doubtless in denial about their own sexuality! you're on my friends list goldeneagle but that was a really silly post. oh dear you're probably going to remove me now...
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• Portugal
25 Jun 09
Good point there, jb... Peace
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• Portugal
23 Jun 09
Excuse if this sounds disrespectful, golden, but i just can´t contain my state of shock...this has got to be one of the most abnoxious, or should i simply say dumb discussions i have ever seen in mylot. Well, it is certain that i´m new here but still...i dare to say that this is definitelly the most acephalous discussions i have ever seen here... 1 - it´s not a question of choice, it´s genetics. 2 - everyone has the right to stand up for their rights, and to be preserverant about that...and you should know better, if you don´t, then learn with gay community and fight FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES. 3 - gay community worldwide didn´t offend you (as you are doing) nor did they put you on the situation you are. 4 - being bitter isn´t going to solve your problems, instead, it´s only going to make you look ridiculous while you do nothing to change your situation. 5 - instead of complaining yourself, blaming homossexuals and making acephalous posts, you should do what every politically active minded gay is doing, STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS, man! 6 - everyone has problems, you are not special, don´t make people look at you as if you were a poor man, or you will look one day at the mirror and you will in deed see a poor man... Peace
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Jul 09
Hi Skills and welcome to mylot . I'm not sure this is a dumb discussion but it sure was a rant - given by someone who believes their plight and situation is more important than someone else's lol. I don't see either one as more important, but then it depends which side of the fence you're sitting on, doesn't it? If I'm disabled, then the disability thing probably looms in my head because it affects my life. If I'm gay, then the right to marriage and benefits probably looms in my head because it affects my life. Let's say for the sake of argument though, I support both - being able to marry whom you live without interference AND being able to get disability when your doctor states you are disabled and you make minimum wage. Both seem like very clear-cut fair decent normal expectations in today's society. Too bad I don't make the rules, eh? For the record, I am neither disabled nor gay but that doesn't stop me from realizing there are valid points and arguments for rights of both groups and people ought to stop getting in the way.
• Spain
24 Jun 09
This is not an obnoxious discussion, it is a valid discussion which you seem to be taking down to a personal level. By the way, if you want to trash discussion leaders effectively, it would help if you used your spell checker first.
• Portugal
24 Jun 09
Every social, political, economical issue is personal, to me, yes, since i´m socialy, politicaly and economicaly bonded to what surrounds me. As for the spelling, i´m willing to teach you some portuguese, since i´m Portuguese. Don´t know if you know where that is? Suppose not. It´s right next to Spain. Europe. Here we don´t speak english, we learn it in school, then we never speak again unless it is related to some kind of work we do, or some social network (like mylot). I´m glad to see that you´ve fallen into your own trap of freedom of speech... Peace, dear Sandra
• Portugal
23 Jun 09
One more thing, i really hope, for the sake of your mind, that this discussion has been made to gain "popularity", thus, making some more bucks... Peace
• United States
23 Jun 09
I don't believe, in most cases, that they choose this life style. Take a look at some of these people...woman usually have no female qualities, and appear rather male like, and men usually have all the female qualities, with not much masculine touches. Some of these people are born this way, so I don't believe this is just a choice for them. Some are truly suffering inside, feeling like somebody other than what their body dictates. It is unfair to say that they all chose this life style! Therefore it is not surprising that they are eager to be accepted in this world, and if it means bringing it out in the open, so more people will be aware of them, then so be it! The jews have done it, the blacks have done it...they all had a right to bring their issues to the forefront of the people, because they were very misunderstood. However, I do agree that it can be overbearing at times, and I wish we could solve the issues alot quicker, so we wouldn't have to be hearing about it for the next 100 years.
@jb78000 (15139)
23 Jun 09
gay rights are important to gay people, and they do get a pretty tough time so fighting back is a way of dealing with it. i know some gay people that have had an awful time growing up, if they want to campaign for marriage and the like then what exactly is wrong with doing that? life is much easier for straight people but i don't think it's a matter of choice