Help me I'm heartbroken

United States
June 22, 2009 9:35pm CST
Almost a year ago, I was extremely heartbroken by a man I trusted and loved. I gave birth to our son in July and found out he was staying with a another woman in October. He was telling me how much he loved me and wanted to be a family, but he was with her the whole time. I suffered for months and is still suffering. He contacted me wanting to know what was going on in my life. I informed him everything was going great, but in reality I was suffering. I am really depressed because I am a 27 year old single parent living with my parents. I need help because I feel as though I'm dying inside. I am extremely heart broken trying to find love and peace in my life, but most of all I want to find my spiritual way. I constantly ask people for advice, but most seem to not want to be bothered. I've had several guys ask me out, but I didn't accept any invitations because I don't trust men.
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21 responses
• India
24 Jun 09
Even though i am Young to advice you. I can suggest you to leave him and Live Before Him. Make Him Repent For playing with your life. Now start losing your Depression and Live for you Son. Its your Duty to take Care of him. If you feel some man you can trust. Marry him.Stop Worrying Keep Smiling
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
24 Jun 09
you are not alone. I've heard and read a lot of stories about betrayal and have experienced quite a few of it myself, from friends and people I trusted. It's true I wasn't pregnant or engaged or involved more than just friends with them, but it still hurt and up to now I still find it hurt to make friends. I don't know how to make the pain go away but I do know that you have to keep going. keep living your life for what is important: you and your son. That's what I did. I kept looking for love and trust and I finally found him. We have been married for 8 yrs now and going strong. It's hard to live with a hole in your heart. But you can do it. Get a job, attend to your son and don't talk to him unless it's about your son. One day you will be able to get over him.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
23 Jun 09
As long as your alive there is hope. Yes what happened to you is very sad, but as what always saying, we should move on. And you should always put on your mind that there is a lot more unfortunate people than you. And you should also think that even you're a single mom, there will always be a guy who can accept you and love you faithfully. Just always think positive. And take good care of yourself and your child. God bless!
• United States
23 Jun 09
Thank you, I really needed that. People can only comment on things they have experienced. I really think your comment is positive and to the point.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
I hope the simple things I said can ease a little on your sufferings. And I know you can recover, just always think positive. And it's also said that God will never give us a problem that we can't handle and no solution. So continue your life, move on. There's a lot of good reasons to live. Continue moving on God's way. He has a plan on everyone of us. Take care always.
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
Leave him.You are young.There are a lot of things to think about.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
23 Jun 09
It is devastating to know that you found out that there was another woman only after you had your baby. You are not alone in that situation. Many woman have been fooled by that. All you have to do know is to be strong not just for yourself but for your son. I know that it is hard at first. That is understandable. Remember , all these things shall pass. Now that you are with your parents, rest assured that they will still be there for you no matter what. And you have to also make them feel that what happened to you will serve as a lesson. I think that your parents are hurting too as much as you are hurting. Keep on praying. God will find a way.
• United States
23 Jun 09
Thank you
@babii_05 (26)
• United States
23 Jun 09
good morning i'm sorry to hear wat u going thru i feel ur pain i've been thru that as well u know what u need to do just try not to stress that much cuz it's not good for ur health. try not to worry about men one day ur prince charm will come just keep ur head up and do wat u gotta do for ur son......if hiz dad wants nothing to do with ya jus brush it off he'll come around trust me ........ i've been thru that with my baby daddy well were 2gether for 2 yrs he beat n cheated on my thru my whole pregnancy i felt dirty wen i was with him i hated him i wished bad things but i do regret....... falling in love with him but i'm happy that he gave me a baby boy..... he haven't seen his son in 7 yrs n now he's want to be part of his son life i don't mind now......... i forgave him but i neva forget what he put me thru..... i said that same thing i don't trust men but u got to realize that all men is not the same there's a lot of good men out there just got to keep searching u're find him...... i found mine's............ it's like everyone said wen one door closes another one open's............ i hope my message helps take care..........
• United States
23 Jun 09
u welcome ne time i'm glad i can help but i wish u the best for u and ur son god will help u thru this.........
• United States
23 Jun 09
Thanks for the advice. It really hit home because I endured much of the physically and mental abuse myself. Its good to know someone cares and has experienced the same thing I experienced. I just hope time heals my wounds and I can move on with my life.
@arkansos (545)
• India
23 Jun 09
Its okay not to trust men, considering what you've gone through. I won't kid you. It is tough rraising a child as a single mother. Its hell tough, plus the lack of a loved one. Might just kill you. But this is the point in life, where you need to make a decision whether you want to get married, or raise it as a single mother. Ofcourse there are lots of chances of getting a husband, its going to be tough. No one will get involved, at least marry a single mother. Its too much responsibility that too for another man's child. I won't whispher sugary words....its going to be real tough. If you want a husband, now's the time. You have three options 1) Get married to the father, or just ask him to live in... 2) Date another guy who'll probably not get anywhere. 3) Give the dad the child 4) Raise the child on your own. Its tough, but comon, parenting is tough. If you feel u are upto it, go for it. If you have a job, it shouldn't be much of a problem.
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
23 Jun 09
It's hard accepting the bitter truth that the one you love already found someone to love. Betrayal, no matter in any form is painful. It can devastate one's self worth. Depressing to think that you are loving someone who only took you for granted. But whatever happened you had your son. He is the best thing that ever happened to your life. A blessing from above. Focus your life on your son, he needs you. Forget that selfish man. He is not worth it. Float...don't sink!
@garyc09 (132)
23 Jun 09
well either way its finished now, a mna shudnt do that to you. save yourself the heartache, your gna ruin yourself internally. move on, find someone worth sharing a child with.
@x_Jo_x (1040)
23 Jun 09
This is tricky, once your confidence has taken a massive hit it is sooo hard to get it back. My faith in men was totally destroyed when my partner was domestically violent to me, i was so worried i would never get past it and i still am! Im not sure it will ever go away, its always going to be in my mind and im so worried that in my next relationship will be affected by my past. I know its a different situation, but some of the feelings are probably quite similar. Ive now met a guy who is so nice, and really kind and i WANT to trust him and love him but i feel like im not quite ready to let my feelings out like that because im scared i will get hurt. I think what you need is to wait for the right guy. That man isnt worth your pain, although you love him he did a very bad thing to you, and you need to think about yourself and your son, he isnt worth the pain you are feeling!! My advise is to go out and have fun, meet lots of new people and guys and dont be afraid to let them get a bit close to you. If they get too close just explain how you feel. Live your life now, and dont let the past hold you back. You will never forget what happened, but it will make you stronger as a person and you can learn from it. Good luck!! And i hope you manage to find someone who deserves your love! and be happy!!!
@bang323 (102)
• Philippines
23 Jun 09
thats' life,thats a part of a growing person,you must try to enable things and feel happy and face thats there is a better person for you.if life is challenging for you then you should strive for the best as well as other will trust you also.godspeed always!and take care you lil kiddo!
• United States
23 Jun 09
Playarette, I am 28 and I just went through a divorce. I have a 3 year old and 1 year old. I found out after doing my own private detective work that my husband had multiple affairs. He moved in with his ex girlfriend and their daughter before we were divorced. After first, I wondered how I would get through this. Thank God, I have the children, they motivated me. I have only been divorced for almost two months and separated for about 7 months. I am already feeling better. I have my low days. What I did was made a list of his faults and everytime I get a little upset, I look at it. You deserve to be with someone who will be loyal and emotionally there. My ex husband doesn't spend much time with our kids and that surprises me. I too have had to receive help from my parents (mostly dad). Life is rough but we wil get through this.
@ektarox (67)
• India
23 Jun 09
please cheer up sweetheart:)...i can understand what you must be goin through..and i dont know if my words will help you...but really i can tell you only one are the only one who can change your life and the way you think...v can help..people can cheer you up..but ultimately its your life and only you can design it and make it the way you firstly charge your self up...get ready to change and suck in all the positivity you find around you!secondly being spiritual means being connected to god and eventually to your true inner visit god and talk to him more often...and trust him..he's doing everything for a reason...and you'l find out his reason for doing this to you soon..and i know how hard it may be for you to trust guys take it yourself again..enjoy all the things life gives you...and slowly when you have brought positivity to your life..all your emotions will be sort of renewed and then trusting people will be easier:).. smile darling!be happy!;):)
• United Arab Emirates
23 Jun 09
I dont know if you are right or wrong on trusting men. Because i dnt knw either if I m correct for doing the same. I have been cheated twice. This time I really have lost all the trust in men. What you have to do is try to be more and more happy. the more you think that you are depressed, the more you will sink in. Dont close the doors to your heart, leave them wide open. I am sure some day you will find true love because you deserve it.
• India
23 Jun 09
At 27 this is a very wrong way of looking at life. Just coz one guy broke your heart and trust, doesn’t mean that all guys are bad. I think somewhere I see a sort of guilt working inside you…guilt about choosing the wrong man, guilt about staying with your parents when you should have had your own home, guilt about being a failure in love and marriage! I think you seriously need to wake up and take stock of the situation. Spirituality is not a cake walk and we all know of so many priests who have seduced unsuspecting women and treated them worse. And then you have your son too…what about his future? He cant grow up secluded and lonely just because his mom chose to go spiritual…I think you are acting selfish and immature! Get out of that house, mix with guys your age, enjoy life and see how many avenues open up.
• China
23 Jun 09
I'm sorry to hear that.But I think maybe he isn't love u any more because if he is loving u,he's not suppose to do that.It's unfair to u I think.But what can I say? Love is between two person.So whatever u think,whatever u do is reasonable and others can say nothing about that.
• Kottayam, India
23 Jun 09
May it is your choice or fate this kind of things happens in our life. But you should discouraged,be busy with the baby and you will forget every other things and live a life so that even society your friends and relatives will help you in this situation.
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
23 Jun 09
hello . finding love and peace in one's life starts within one's self. we are only as good as the partner we choose to end up or stay with. a man who tells you he loves you when he's already with somebody else? come on...any shrink would tell you he's got a real problem there. this kind of guy affects you? you and your child deserve more...
• India
23 Jun 09
I am really sorry to hear this. I understand the situation and the mental state you are going through. There are certain things in life you cannot control but there are things you can definitely control and turn to your advantage. For example suppose you are at the breakfast table and your son breaks a coffee mug ... well you cannot control that but most certainly you can control your reaction to it. You can either choose to yell at him and reprimand him .... in the process spoiling your own mood and losing the precious moment or you can say softly to him that he should be a bit more careful the next time and thereby making life easier for both. So that was an example but similarly in your specific situation you can either stay depressed or you can start living life for you child and parents. This way all of you will be happy. Don't cry for someone who does not understand the value of your tears and remember that by not being happy in life you are doing gross injustice to first yourself and then the people who love you. So cheer up and make a new beginning with and for the people you love.
@shibham (16977)
• India
23 Jun 09
hi there, time will be the best remedy for your problem. at first ask him why he is doing so? will he return to your life again? try to posses his mind so that he can easily forget and give up that women. u must love him better than her. u can send your parents to discuss the matter clearly with him. i understand what is going with u? but it is your time. try your level best. i beleve u will success to regain his love. all the best.