Please keep my Baby ......
By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
June 23, 2009 2:34am CST
in your thoughts. Gissi is not to good right now, he is having fits again, due to his Heart Murmur, he tries to breathe and his choking, then tries to wretch, it is horrible to see him like this and scary, one of my Friends here knows what he gets like as she witnessed it a couple of years ago when she stayed with us, he looks at me for help, all I am able to do for him is stroke him and soothe him so he knows I am there.
It starts just like that without warning, sometimes it last a little time, but other times longer and it hurts me that I can not do anything to stop it, also it scares me very much. The Vet says they will do a Heart Scan on him if it lasts longer then a week, I can not afford that right now as it will cost me £150 ($280)
They just told me to soothe him, as they do not want to give him anything right now with not knowing what exactly is going on right now, well if it comes to it and it does not stop, I will the Scan done and just live on Bread and Butter for a Month, as my little Boy has to stay with me, last Night it was quite bad, he looked so confused and scared, I was awake for a long time to make sure he was ok
So please keep my little Gissi in your thoughts,
Hugs to you all and thank you xxx
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25 responses
@tamarafireheart (15384)
24 Jun 09
Hi gabs,
So sorry to hear about little Gissi, it is the hardest thing to have to see your baby suffer like that, I pray and send healing for him and hope he will recover from his fits soon, I am sending prayers for you too and please get the scan done and don't worry about the money, you'll be ok, love and hugs to you and Gissi.
Bright Blessings.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 09
Hi there Sweetie
The Scan might not have to be done yet as it seems to ease of now he has not been as bad
The Vet is going to keep an eye on him though to make sure he does not get the Fits to close together, the last one was before Christmas, so she said that is not to bad, it lasted 4 Days , so once this one is over we are keeping an eye on the time he has the next one, he is not allowed to run the Field though for 2 weeks now and you can see we have lovely Weather right now so he is not pleased, if the Scan has to be done it will be even if I have to sell everything I got the Vet would have preferred to do the Scan but understands my Circumstances and she says he looks bright enough he is very clingy and cuddly at the moment lol but I love that, apart from when he nips my nose when something does not suit him lol
Hugs and love to you
Thank you Sweetheart for kind words
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
24 Jun 09
Oh I am so sorry that he is gong thro this again.
and I know how scarry it is as Fang used to take fits like epalipsy and I would massage his heart and push on his lings till he came out of it.
Or he would get better if he threw up but he really didnt like to do that for he thought he had done something wrong.
So Gissi you get better and stop getting your mom upset and please please feel better soon hugs and blessings
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 09
Hi Lakota it is easing of again so hopefully it is going again, but the Vet is going to see the timing from when he gets them and take it from there the last one was before Christmas which she says is not to bad
So let hope it stays away for a while he was really bad on Sunday Night and Monday
Hugs to you
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@Darkwing (21583)
23 Jun 09
Ohhh, no, (((((Gabs))))). I found that very distressing when it happened with me there so I can imagine how bad you and Gissi must be feeling... bless him. I will certainly keep you both in my thoughts and will send you healing energies which will hopefully, give you both the strength to come through this time. I'm hoping that it might not be caused by his heart murmur, but rather the suspected "hay fever", as it's been pretty dry and sunny. He seems to suffer most in the summer months, but still, neither of you need the worry of this right now. Keep your chin up, my special friend. I'm sure the vet will come to a satisfactory conclusion and be able to treat Gissi. Give the little man a hugggg from his Auntie Darkwing and tell him that I wish him well, and need him to be there when I finally get up to see you.
Brightest Blessings, love and huggggs to you both. My thoughts are with you both constantly, but even more through this time. xxxx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Jun 09
Well we have to see for a week how it goes and take it from there at the moment it happens 3x a Day I just feel so helpless when it starts
Look at the response above Members like that get Discussions deleted because they are not reading properly
I love you Darkwing big Hugs to you xxxxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
23 Jun 09
Yes, there's nothing more you can do but ride the storm, my dear friend. In the meantime though, I'm sure a lot of friends will be praying for and sending energies to you both, which I know will help heaps.
With regards to the offensive response, he should not be paid for that by admin. He's obviously read the discussion, to see that you might well have to pay a lot in vet fees but he doesn't know you or Gissi, so he's taken it completely the wrong way and in order not to have to forfeit one measly cent, he's written that, without even thinking about what he's saying. Ignore it, Gabs, or you may find your own discussion deleted, and I feel that would be totally insensitive for the sake of one idiot who doesn't understand the English language properly. The fact is, you've answered him well, so put the small fish back, huh?
Take care. I love you. xxxx
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Jun 09
Hugs to you and my little friend. He is definitely in my thoughts and prayers.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jun 09
These are the choices that are so difficult when you have pets. For us it is relatively easy we cannot afford expensive Vet care so anything that is painful for the animal only has one answer for us. We give them the best life we can and if we can no longer do that we have them put to sleep. If we had more money we would do more but at least since they are rescues they are better off with us then in the shelters. We have only had to do this once or twice most of our animals have been healthy.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 09
Hi Pat I would never have him put down because of no money I would rather Starve and see that he gets the treatment I would actually sell whatever I got to get the money together including my car
Gissi is actually for the first Dog I have had that has had Health Problems but then again considering how badly beat up he was when they found him on the side of the street it is not surprising but I will get him through this

@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Jun 09
oh my god, I am in tears now, I hope he gets better, I know you will not do well without him, oh gosh I am praying for you hon and for my surogate little man.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Jun 09
Sweetie he is ok he is a lot better just has to calm down and not be so wild he is not allowed to run the Field for 2 weeks though as he can start the fits of again, the vet will keep an eye on how far apart he gets them
Hugs to you and a big Hug from your little surogate Man to
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
25 Jun 09
I am so sorry Gissi is not doing well. I will definitely keep the little guy in my thoughts and prayers. I hope he gets well soon. It is never easy to watch a loved one go through something we can not prevent or stop. Please give him a big hug for me.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Jun 09
He is better Royal it has calmed down but no Field running for 2 weeks lol
The Vet will see how far apart these Fits are, as the Heart Murmur does still sound faint as long as he does not get these every week we are ok
Big Hugs to you and also from little Fellow
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@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
23 Jun 09
Dearest Gaby, I'm so sorry to hear that Gissi is not well, having fits again. It must be awful seeing him sick like that, looking to you with those big eyes, asking you to help him. It's frustrating for you, especially when there is not much you can do except comfort him and be there for him.
I hope he gets better soon without having to go back to the vet, but it must be a worry for you. Always remember that you are in my thoughts and prayers Gaby, and I am here for you my dear friend - and for Gissi. Let me know how he goes. Love & Hugs xx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 09
Hi Abbey
It is awful, they seem to be easing of as he did not have so many yesterday
It just hurts me as it confuses him so much the good thing he does not panic as long as I am talking to him he is calm about it
We had a better night sleep last night, even though I did not sleep deep as I was listening for him
The Night before I think he got fed up with me lol if I did not hear him, I would say 'Gissi' and he would come back with a growl lol but the growl sounded like 'yes I am ok now let me sleep
No running on the Field for him for 2 weeks though and the weather is lovely here so that will not please him lol
Thank you Abbey and I will keep you informed, he is a bit weak (still manages to shout a lot though) but they are easing of now
Big Hugs to you and to Poppy from little Man
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Awww Gabs honey. I sure hope that Gissi will be ok. I know what he means to you. You and Gissi are in my thoughts. Please don't forget to look after your own health too Gabs, we can't have you coming down sick as well. Hugs to you both XXX
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 09
Hi there Craftcatcher
Thank you and yes you do know how much he means to me he has not has as many so the Vet is ok about it at the moment but she says I have to let her know how far apart the Seizures are
Yesterday he was a bit better, so I am hoping it is easing of again, the one before Christmas lasted 4 Days, but no running round the Field for the little Fellow for 2 weeks now which is sad as we have wonderful weather here at the moment
Hugs to you
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
24 Jun 09
Of course gabs, Gissi will be in my prayers and thoughts..poor fella must be scared, just as his mum is....I'm like a mother hen about my two babies and am constantly making sure they are okay--my Pyewacket is prone to coughing fits sometimes and I do the same him and soothe him
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 09
Thank you Pye, you have also known the little Fellow for a long time, you know what he is to me, the good News is he is a little Better and at the moment the Vet is happy, but if he has another one to soon then she wants to do a load of Tests and the Scan, we just have to see, he is still getting them but not as bad as it was on Sunday Night and Monday, I would sell everything if it means I get to keep my little Man but I think you know that
Big Hugs Pye
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I will.....I know what you are going through. I had a very wonderful pet named snuggles before I had reggie....she had seizures...and it was scary especially for the kids....but if you can soothe him that is good....we would rub her chest....I would hold her in my lap and just rub her and it did seem to calm her down....and the attack would subside dramatically faster then if we didn't attempt to do anything! Good luck and I hope Gissi is feeling better soon.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 09
Hi there Jill he will not let me hug him or pick him up when he gets like that, as I guess it panics him, but I will stroke him and talk to him which seems to soothe him, as he is aware he is not alone and I am there
He has not been to bad yesterday but our walks to the Field are out of the Window at the moment as he does not have the energy but he still tries to run round I am hoping that it is going to stop soon, the last time which was before Christmas it lasted 4 Days but got less and less each Day
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
24 Jun 09
Hi Gabs, You can be sure that I will keep that sweet angel
boy in my prayers and thoughts every minute and I truly mean
it! I will pray for Gissi just like he is one of my own. I
love him too and he has to get well. Tell him that Star and
Luna love him and want him to hang in there and get better
because they want to be able to talk to him soon. Please
let us know how he is doing gabs. We are sending you and
Gissi much love and prayers, Opal, Star & Luna
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 09
Thank you Opal, he is doing a bit better they are getting less, so the Vet is quite happy with that
But if he has another to soon once this one is over then she does want to do Tests on him and not just the Heart Scan, Gissi sends all his love and Hugs to you Star and Luna to
No Field running for 2 weeks lol he is not happy
Thank you for being here lots of Love and Hugs to you and to your Babies
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Oh Sweatheart: I'm so sorry to hear about little Gissi, she is just the most precious little thing!!
I hope you can find some answers to her problem and I know what its like to need to take your baby to the Vet and how it will make things tighter for you;
Will your vet take any kind of Payments from you? you know pay them so much each month, thank God my Vet does or I'd never be able to get any of mine there when they need it;
I will keep you and your little precious Gissi in my thoughts and prayers and please please keep us all posted;
Love & hugs & healing energy to little Gissi....
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 09
Lol Jan I knew what you meant, I am sure the Vet will if it comes to it but even if I had to sell my Car or Laptop to get the money I would
I think it is easing of again as he did not have as many yesterday, but he is a bit weak and the Vet said no long walks for him for at least 2 weeks she is happy enough that it is easing of but she will watch now to see how often he gets them the last one was before Christmas and lasted 4 Days
Big Hugs to you
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
23 Jun 09

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@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
24 Jun 09
Hopefully, whatever it is, it'll clear up & you won't have to worry about it. However, I can see their reasoning for not wanting to give him anything until they can find what's wrong. At minimum, it can be just wasting the medication, or it can even be harmful if they took a wrong guess. Too bad he cannot talk, such as telling the vet, "I hurt here" or "it feels wrong here."
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@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
24 Jun 09
I would have responded sooner, but it's always tough to actually know what to say. I'm normally one that tries to remain optimistic, & have people remain optimistic, & yeah - the situation bit pretty hard at times. Let's hope that this is not one of those types of incidents.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 09
Hi Krazy, I am glad to that they have not given him anything as you say it can harm him more, the Vet I am with is very good and Gissi likes all 3 of them, he never liked the last Vets he had, he is a bit better so the Vet is happy it is easing of now
I would sell everything without a second thought if I had to get the Scans done for him and the Blood tests

@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Gissi will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. I know how scared and helpless you must feel for your baby. This is one of the times one wishes our pets could talk and tell us what is wrong and not just having to guess. All love to you and Gissi.
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
3 Aug 09
Poor Gissi! I had no idea, gabs. Glad he's feeling better now though. My husband has a heart murmur and sometimes it tires him out easily. Not on meds for it but he used to be. Hope he doesn't have another episode like that any time soon. Give him an extra hug and kiss from me, gabs.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Aug 09
oh my gabbie i didnt know poor gissi went through heart murmurs. hope he is much better now.poor doggie, and not knowing what was making him sick must have really frightened him too, smart fellow that he is.I can imagine how hard it must have been for you as he would look at mum for help and think mum can make anything alright, they are so much like little kids only a bit smarter too. my roomate here had an episode where she was coughing and just couldn't get her breath. thank God it only lasted for ten minutes, I was about to call for a caretaker and she said Im okay now. she had an allery attack to something in the room. she was fine later but she scared us both. hope Gissi is okay now. give him a hug from hatley and heres a hug for you to gaby love hatley
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
3 Aug 09
Hi there Hatley, yes he is much better, but it can be expected again anytime as it is the Heart Murmur that is causing it, but as long as it is not constant he will be fine and not have to go on Meds
But he is back to Gissi lol full of energy, mischief and well just Gissi
Hugs to you