Do you think twice before replying to a discussion with a best response?

@rajeshfgh (1629)
June 23, 2009 10:48am CST
It has happened to me. Always a stray thought passes through my mind whenever I find that the discussion to which I am about to respond to has already been marked with a best response. I would say that even though the thought crosses my mind it is neither positive nor negative. It is just a though and it doesn't stop me from making the post. Does anybody feel the same here? I don't know but how long should one wait before marking the 'best response' to be assured that it may not welcome any more replies.
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20 responses
@trickiwoo (2702)
• United States
23 Jun 09
If I'm not that interested in responding and I see it already has a best response, then I move on to another post. But if I think it's a really good discussion and I have something in mind that I really want to add to the discussion, then I will go ahead and post even though a best response has already been chosen.
@Sangkala (238)
• Indonesia
23 Jun 09
with all respect to trickiwoo, i think if i have reply or posting more than 500, i will have the same thinking like you do.. only reply to discussion that really interesting for me. but since my post number still low, so i try to reply as many as i can all the discussion that i understand, know the answer, and yes of course, reply to discussion that interesting for me too. but the language problem held me to make lots of reply, so my number of post/respond still low.. :( thanks...
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
24 Jun 09
I would say, fair enough. But we open the post in the first place because we are interested in the post and have some response to the discussion. But, after you open it you realize that the post has already been marked for the best response. It kinda sends out a signal that I have got what I am looking out for and I don't want any more responses. It is at this moment that I feel uncomfortable, but nonetheless I just post my reply, thinking that maybe the user is ignorant about the way "best responses" work in Mylot. Correct me if you don't agree with my thoughts. Whoa... I am writing out my thoughts now... lol.
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
23 Jun 09
The only time I will NOT respond to a discussion that has a best response already is when it's been less than one day. That just bugs me that anyone wouldn't wait long enough for others around the world to respond.
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
24 Jun 09
I bet, I have even come across discussions which have been just started and just one reply to the post and viola, it's already marked with the 'best response'. Sometimes when I see such things I wonder if the user himself has replied to his discussion and marked the 'best response' himself just to satisfy his ego. I know it is wild thought, but what else can you
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
23 Jun 09
No, it does not make any difference to me Rajesh. I would respond to the discussion if i have something to say or if it's one started by friends. I look at it from the point of interaction and would put across my point of view irrespectively.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
24 Jun 09
That is well said and well put, but the point I am making here is that the user has given a signal that he/she has already got what he/she was looking out for and anymore replies are not needed. What do you think?
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
24 Jun 09
If I am responding to a discussion I usually feel I have something to add. It does puzzle me though why someone would choose a best response after only a few replies, sometimes even hours after the original post. Why not at least wait a couple of day until most of the responders have finished, and then choose. I have long since trying to figure out why other people think as they do and do as they do.
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
25 Jun 09
Same thought here. Why on earth would someone do so. I can figure out only one explanation. Maybe the discussion starter would have himself/herself responded to the discussion and marked the best response too. I know it's a funny thought, but what else to say.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
It's alright, I don't mind, replying to a discussion with a chosen best response already, what's important is for me to share my own views regarding the topic being discussed.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
24 Jun 09
Fair enough, that's a very good attitude to have. I also try to achieve such an attitude and I am close enough but only that the feeling that you're post is not required bugs me. Not that I blame the person who has done it, but it sends out a little bit of a wrong signal, doesn't it
@Sangkala (238)
• Indonesia
23 Jun 09
yes it's happening with me too. the reason is first, my english is not perfect, so i always have two things to do when i reply or even make some new discussion, thinking about the answer should i write and number two are to translate it into english :P.. the second reason is same with you, about the reaction from the people about may reply, positive or negative impact. i don't know, sometimes misunderstanding could happen here.
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
24 Jun 09
Hey, I think you have mistaken what I have written here. Anyway, you are doing good with writing English and I hope that you will do much better by continuing to post discussions and also reading how people have responded to other's discussion. All the best and remember that no one is perfect.
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
24 Jun 09
It doesn't really matter to me whether or not a discussion has been marked with a best response. To me, it doesn't necessarily mean that the discussion is closed, so I'll still respond. If I choose a best response in my discussion, it doesn't mean it's closed. I still appreciate any and all responses to my discussions. Does that make sense?
• United States
25 Jun 09
Right, I get that MyLot considers it resolved and I knew that, but you asked, so I gave my opinion. If you already know the answer, then why did you ask for opinions?
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
25 Jun 09
I appreciate the point that you're making, but as far as I know that Mylot considers the post to be resolved i.e. the user has accepted the response as the perfect reply to his/her question. That kinda means that once you mark the 'best response' the initiator has got what he/she started the discussion for and no further responses are needed.
• China
24 Jun 09
Well, it depends. Sometimes I'll still say something about a discussion even if it has already been marked with a best response. After all, I can not always expect to have my response being marked as the best. I just want to share my thoughts on that topic. Perhaps the person who started the discussion has already forgot about it and will never come back again to check whether there are no responses. But I don't care about that. The other times I just stop when I saw that "XXX's response has been marked as the best response". It all depends on what kind of discussion it is.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
25 Jun 09
Yeah, maybe you're right. I normally do the same, I seldom look back on my discussions once I have marked the best response for it, but I wait about a month before marking the best response so that all the members can post their replies.
• United States
24 Jun 09
When I reply back to a discussion I say whatever is on my mind. I get very detailed and straight to the point to what I say. Some say I'm optimistic and bold from my responses. I tend to keep it that way. So every other day I get marked with best responses. It's a good thing since it is helpful information to them. Others are blown away with some of the responses, because as said being optimistic, many other users can repeat or say the same thing that others say. It tends to lose flavor until someone comes along and sheds light to a topic that they probably have never heard of or didn't expect.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
25 Jun 09
Hey, I must congratulate you on getting frequent best responses. You must really be writing to the point and in an interesting manner to get such good responses. I wonder how many best responses you have till date. Happy Mylotting.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
23 Jun 09
weather it has a best response or not if i believe that i can add something to the discussion i add my response. I think that most wait just a few days before marking a best response which to me is not long enough.
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
24 Jun 09
That's a really good attitude to have. But, I don't know I always feel a bit uneasy when replying to such a post, but always end up replying to the post because I have opened the post in the first place because I wanted to post something in it. I think waiting for one month before marking the best response is a safe bet.
@ddfreedie (690)
• India
24 Jun 09
well idont see whether the discussion is marked with best response or not..if iam interested in the discussion then ill post my thoughts...what if it is already been selected as best response...mylot has given me an oppurtunity to express my views and iam doing it...thanks mylot... happy mylotting
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
25 Jun 09
Well said! I wish that everybody had such an attitude and post their replies here notwithstanding whether the post has been marked with a best response or not.
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
23 Jun 09
I will respond to a discussion that has a best response, if the topic is one that interests me, otherwise I just let it go. I don't give best responses right away, as we are told to wait at least a week or so, to give others a chance to respond. Usually by then, there is no more responses, then I will give a best response. I know that some don't and they should, to give others a chance to respond, because there might be a better response than what is already there. Well, good luck to you and happy mylotting.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
24 Jun 09
That's the problem, you only come to know about the 'best response' after opening the post and you have opened the post in the first place because you were interested to respond to it. That's where my conscience intervenes and I get a stray thought, but I reply to the post anyway. I agree with you about waiting for a week before marking the 'best response' but I usually wait for about a month, just to be sure that everybody's had their say.
@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
24 Jun 09
i don't normally read a discussion more than once before deciding what to write as responce, reading them enough is ideal for me and it also depends on the content of the discussions, i may give a lengthy response to a short discussion or vice versa depending on what knowledge i have concerning them
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
25 Jun 09
Well, it's nice if it suits you. But, I read the post completely before posting my replies lest I repeat some of the points which the earlier members have done before. Maybe that explains why I have so less posts to my name after so long a time spent on Mylot.
• United States
23 Jun 09
yea i always take my time to have a best response ussally sometimes i just write respones just for the money ussally my respones are not negitive
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
24 Jun 09
Yeah, one must wait for a healthy amount of time before marking the best response lest some important point gets missed out somewhere or someone like me gets a little offended here and there.... lol.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
26 Jun 09
Half the time I do not even stop to look at that column and it has no impact on whether I choose to respond to a discussion topic or not.Most discussions thta I respond to would be in the friends column and I would respond if the topic intersts me.That is all.
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
not really, well sometimes.. but most of the times i just participated to every discussion that hits my curiosity or tickle my thoughts.. best response for me is just an added excitement for me. not really aiming for the pencil.. hehehehe..
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
25 Jun 09
I respect your feeling and say that everyone here on Mylot must follow your attitude. One shouldn't really aim for the best response but try and put your point across. If it's worthy enough, the best response will follow.
@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
26 Jun 09
I'm thinking twice, because i need to translate it into English best response is a bonus, and it was already long day i'm not receiving it anymore The serious case like his/her problems in life, which mylotter has open a discussion, need more serious answers from me, i will thinking carefully, basically i likes kidding and i didn't seriously care about best response anyway, the important things for me is how helpful my response with their problems, i'm really happy if it's help them
23 Jun 09
As a whole I pay very little attention to whether best post has been awarded or not. If a discussion grabs my attention and I feel that I have something worth while saying then I will post my comment. But then my approach to myLot is all about having some fund, destressing at the end of the day and contributing to a growing community. But there are a few rare occassions where I will look at a new discussion and see that after just a few minutes, best response has already been awarded to the first person who commented and generally I won't bother commenting.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
24 Jun 09
Same here, I also come here to have fun and enjoy being here. But sometimes when I see such a thing happening I am compelled to think about it. It's like your posts are not welcome as the post starter has already got what he/she started the post for.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
24 Jun 09
I only repond to discussions which I find interesting and which I think I really have something valuable to say. I don't respond just for the sake of responding. I don't really consider whether the dicussion starter has already chosen a best response. I don't think before I respond to a discussion and reform my words in such a way that I will get a best response. Sometimes I will have an opposite idea of the discussion starter. I feel that the discussion starter should wait for sometime after starting the dicussion before giving the best response and make sure that the response marked as 'BR' is worth it. I have a nice exprience with best response. Once I marked BR to one of the responses to my discussion, later somebody commented that the response is worth it. It made me very happy.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
25 Jun 09
Yeah, if the post is worth it then there are no qualms, but sometimes best responses are given within a day of the post starting which irritates me. It's like they do not care about other's response and are very short on patience.
• United States
24 Jun 09
I will leave my remark regardless of whether or not it may or may not be a best response.....they asked the question--so they obviously want answers.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
25 Jun 09
Fair enough. I must congratulate you on your attitude and hope that everybody here follows the same attitude (myself included). I do sometimes get carried away on seeing the 'best response' already given to somebody, but I promise to try and control myself and post responses nonetheless.