How do you feel when around people who speaks different language?

@check23 (448)
June 23, 2009 11:06am CST
The family of my husband speaks different language. And i don't know what they are talking when they are chatting. The first time i met his family when i heard them talk i can't understand even a single word of it, well, i felt uncomfortable. Maybe i was just paranoid that time. Then sometimes they will laugh about something while i will just smile and pretend. But now even i still don't understand their language, i got used to it and it doesn't bother me at all and sometimes they'll just tell me what they are talking. I asked this question because of my experience and it was my first time be around people who speaks different language that i don't know. Did you had an experience like this too? What did you feel that time?
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29 responses
@partanta (16)
• Indonesia
24 Jun 09
I think you are very patient and tolerant. I had an experience like you, but I told them directly that I can not understand. Sometimes they realize, sometimes not. But then make me try to learn their languange, and it works! Now I can speak Javanese, and a little Balinese. As you know, here in Indonesia, we are Unity in diversity:)
@check23 (448)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
Yes i am very patient. =D
@gicolet (1702)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Yes i had this experience in the past...too many times. My ex-husband is chinese and his family spoke to me in chinese the first time i met them. LOL They didn't care that I didn't understand a word they said they just started asking me questions in Chinese! That was just funny. There were some translations at first but over the years i have learned to understand the language so i guess they stopped talking about me when i was around and started talking behind my back. LOL Who cares anyway? I've learned that to try to be curious and find out what people are talking about on different language would just give out stress so why bother? If these people talked about me or gossip about me that's their dirty business until they ask me question and that's when i should talk back at english. lol
@check23 (448)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
i do understand a little bit of their language now but even though i'm fond of learning different languages i'm kinda not interested to learn theirs. lol =D
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 09
I am English and I went to university in Wales. Often we would be having a lecture in English and then another lecturer would walk in the room. He or she would speak to our lecturer in Welsh. I know that really annoyed some of the other English people. I understood that the Welsh are proud of their language. I am really keen on traveling to different countries. Sometimes I hear lots of different languages on a train or a bus. I find that interesting and once I asked which language a person was speaking. Their answer was Danish and it sounded really fascinating to listen to. Even if I didn't understand one word it was an enjoyable experience. There has been a language barrier in some places that I have been like Bulgaria. I got by as best as I could and felt totally comfortable.
@don_naces (464)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
I do not mind the people around me. If I cannot understand what they are talking about, it would be okay for me. Why bother myself? It they talks something bad about me, it's not my fault. They commit sins against ma.
• India
23 Jun 09
i have many friends whu r frm differnt places n dey speak languages which i cannot understand....well... while v r hangin out happens dat dey get calls frm deir family members n while dey speak deir sometimes makes me laugh . bt i feel like dats absolutely normal.....dat happens even wen i speak ma native language wen i speak 2 ma family members.... i think in dat case both shud understand each other.... ma friends understand me n i understand dem.... n now dere is no more laughin.... ;)
@check23 (448)
• Philippines
23 Jun 09
Sometimes me and my husband have a good laugh when it comes to their language. It really is a bit funny.
• Ireland
18 Sep 09
I know exactly what you are experiencing! My boyfriend is from a different country, all his family can speak english as well as he can, they are all fluent!! I don't have a word to my name to try and talk eith them inn their language, well only greetings, they never speak english to me unless they want to ask me something. they speak to each other and it is like im excluded! it is not that bad cause I don't care what they are talking about but lately my boyfriend has started just speaking in his language to them! 2 years seems to have gone by so quick and it hasn't bothered me till now. It is really making me feel paranoid now, I feel so left out! :( poor me
@aya215 (41)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
I also experienced this kind of situation in the side of my husband. the feeling is so uncomfortable because sometimes they talk in the language that I understand and then suddenly some of them will do side comments in a different language. So if their talking in a different language, I usually talk to someone else, or have my self excuse in the conversation so I won't get irritated.
@ddfreedie (690)
• India
24 Jun 09
the first thing that will strike me is that wow..varied culture in this single world and all of them united by love...its great..long live human life happy mylotting
@smelz23 (190)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
For me I feel that they are talking about me. and i cant understand what are they are talking. Because im here in saudi arabia. In my work i am with indians and arabs. when they talk infront of me it feels annoying because you cant understand what are they talking about.
• India
24 Jun 09
Its quite irritating and funny also. When I face this kind of circumference I speak loudly with my mate because other can not understand me and I also make fun by giving comments. Sometime they can understand that I say something about him/her but because he or she do not understand any thing they smile idiotically and I enjoy it much... hahaha
@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
24 Jun 09
i dont feel anything abd, its just part of the learning process and i do wish i can understand what they are saying so that i can make my contributions but it i a pity that most women around here don't see things like that, sometimes when i speak my language with my brothers they feel bad and angry thinking we are discussing them
• Canada
24 Jun 09
I feel uncomfortable when other people speak other languages around me, especially when theyre looking at me, then laugh. It happens though. I have friends who can tell me what they are saying but sometimes I am not too sure. When its between people and their friends, it can be irritable because its easy to assume theyre talking about you, otherwise they wouldnt be talking in their mother tongue. When its family talking to family, it feels different. You know they arent going to say anything mean about you. They should be respectful. It just depends on the situation. I can feel uncomfortable and I can not care. It just depends who is talking
@kanecn (149)
• China
24 Jun 09
I experienced that several times. Sometimes when they talk about something and they looks really enjoy the converation, i don't feel comfortable, it seems like i was ignored. Because of this, i always try not to speak dialect when i take friends home who don't speak dialect.
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
i feel confused and curious....the family of my girl speaks different language...all i can do is nod or smile..damn thats awkward...
• China
24 Jun 09
This is what happens on me now, I move to a new city, and they speak different languages that I don't understand, when we are at the office, they will speak their languages, and I can't understand what they say, and when they talk to me, they will speak the language that I can understand, I feel uncomfortable about that, it seems like I didn't belong to here, I can totally understand your feelings.
@rakesh284 (1472)
• India
24 Jun 09
It has happened with me when I am visiting some shops as here in India there are many different languages and people from different part of our country are coming to my city to earn more money. Well I used to get angry sometimes as I was waiting, and just asked them to continue that conversation afterwards. I don't know what they were talking about but just requested them to talk later as I was irritated by standing there like a dumb person.
• India
24 Jun 09
I had been to the far east some time back and people very rarely know English which made it very difficult for me to get around in the cities. When I needed to ask for directions to a particular place I had to stumble upon at least ten people before I meet somebody who can speak at least broken English. It was kind of fun for me and I never felt awkward as I used to roam around for the search of place in the city. One thing I have to acknowledge is that even though people didn't know English much but still they would try to help by hand signals all all other means. So I started enjoying the place and it's people and when I was returning I had already learned to speak a few words of their native language. It was all enjoyable for me.
@yunusrs (22)
• India
24 Jun 09
Obviously you will get embarassed with people around who talk different languages....
@candy2306 (576)
• India
24 Jun 09
Hi Check23, I'm on the same boat as you are and I felt lost too! They chat so long and at times look at me and laugh, I feel so left out and I do think they're talking about me! It was very unconfortable. Now it's been a year and I understand a little. But, I told my husband to take the chances to explain the topic atleast I can follow the conversation. Now, he does that, I tells me the main point and it's much comfortable now. I guess you should speak about this to your husband and tell how you feel.
• Singapore
24 Jun 09
At my place, most of the chinese will speak in mandarin.. I couldn't understand a single thing what they are talking about.. It could be thay are talking about me.. who knows.. I really feel uncomfortable with the situation.. =(