navy life
By kiaza28
@kiaza28 (25)
United States
June 23, 2009 8:21pm CST
hi everyone,im back,id been busy and everything,
so hubby's on deployment right now for 4 to 5 months he left last may 27,
at first it was so hard for me,but now,im finding a lot of things i needed to accomplish while he's gone such as schooling,finding a part time job,and fixing our place. i also joined a military spouse organization called frg and im finding way to make the days goes faster. im a little bit worried or i guess im having this ups and down during his deployment,we dont have kids yet and for the record we recently got married last april 3 this current year,.i have a friend who's been very helpful with me and our husbands are in the same ship,shes in her 40's while im in my 20's i love going out with her,shes always looking out for me but the reason is most of the times when she gives bad comments about marriage (shes married also with a kid)and how sailors are doing whenver they gets on the port,i really feels hurt,i had told her my ex fiancee was a merchant marine and he cheated on me,and the first american bf i have to,before my ex fiancee cheated on me also when they were in russia,he said they are just having fun,.But my husband is a very good guy,and he's 43 now,and i know and believe that he truly loves me,and hes done with all of his younger years (the way they are when go drink out and have fun)but based on his story when we were dating he's one of the good guys,becoz evrytime they gets deployed he's not single at all,although he told me that one time they were in hongkong,they went on this bar and the girls are all over them but they left after one drink and they went to anothe bar,i mean my point is i know my husband well,and i trust him,but sometimes hearing negative thoughts and bad comments makes me feel confused and it reminds me on what my ex done to me,my friend were telling me the reason is they were inside the ship for so long that they just wanted to have fun as soon as they gets in to the port,but i believe that people are all different,i know she has a bad experience about her husband's deployment,but it doesnt mean all guys are cheaters,i love my husband and we both misses each other and he never neglect me while he is deployed,hes very good to me,im just worries too much i guess,
1 response
@windchimebooks (314)
• United States
24 Jun 09
Hi, I was in that same situation some years ago, when I was younger like you are now, and I was surprised at how many women would try to convince me my husband would cheat on deployment , even though they had no proof whatsoever that he would do this.
And you are right, everyone who tried to tell me this had had a bad experience with her husband. When I would ask how they knew my husband would cheat as well they would say something like, "All sailors cheat away from home."
I never saw any proof of this cheating so I learned to ignore this talk. You are doing the right thing right now with schooling, getting a part-time job, filling up your days, finding support with the other military wives and so on. Deployment is very hard on a military spouse and you don't really understand the ups and downs of it until you've actually been through that (or other similar experiences where spouses have to be separated for months at a time). It's hard when they leave, but sometimes when wives spend too much time alone, especially with the loneliness, they will start to worry more and believe more what others tell them. So staying busy like you are is best.
In the meantime, just trust your own gut instinct. Remember, you know your husband better than anyone there does. Chances are pretty good you would know more than anyone whether something is wrong or not. Military wives are strong and some of the best people on earth, and I'm still friends with a lot of people we met in the military, but some of the other wives during deployment did want to make me think for whatever reason that my husband would automatically cheat once he was out of my sight for that long.
I never saw any proof of that, and sounds like you and your husband have good open communication. That's the strongest point you can have in a new marriage of any type but especially a military marriage where separations from your spouse can be more the norm than being able to be together as much as you would like.
Your friend probably doesn't mean any harm, she probably thinks she is helping you "see things the way they are." Don't even try to argue with her when she says these things. Just smile and shrug it away and just decide it's her problem, not yours. You're never going to convince her she is wrong, she is going to believe she is right no matter what you say just due to her bad experience. Just shrug it off and smile and ignore this when she starts this, maybe change the subject, and then just accept her good points as a treasured friend. Good luck. I wish you the best.
@kiaza28 (25)
• United States
24 Jun 09
hi,thanks for the advices,a while ago i was washing the dishes,mu husband called but i miss the call but he left a voicemail saying hes gonna be out somewhere but see he cant tell me on the phone becoz the ship is just pulling in,but we all know already where they are going cuz we have this code that we understand each other without him breaking their rules especially he is a chief,he said that hes gonna take out some money and dont worry about him cuz he is gonna be a good boy for me and hes gonna look something special for me out there,and hes gonna call me later,.
so anyways that friend of mine that i was mentioning is coming tonight here at the house with her mom and son,we always just all hanging out together you know?so i know already as soon as she got here shes gonna tell me they are gonna be on the port,so im kinda preparing for that,.either i dont say anything or either ill tell her what my husband told me,do u think i should tell her or just keep my mouth shut?so no further questions or the story wont go far at all?
@windchimebooks (314)
• United States
24 Jun 09
Since you already know she's going to probably have a negative response, I don't think I'd even mention your husband's phone call about this. If she brings it up about what port they're heading for and if has any negative comment about it, I personally would just smile and ask her something about her day, something to show you care about her and her family but that way you can change the subject and you won't get entangled in arguing with her and feeling bad about anything negative she might have to say about your husband. I personally would just hang out with her and her family and try to have a good time, and would just not tell her anything that might invite negative comments.
Of course, that's just my opinion for what it's worth, but that's what worked for me. Good luck to you. I hope you and your friends have a great time together, with no bad comments to make you feel bad. Best of luck.