Is it wrong to seek affection outside of the marriage if your spouse............
@ethansmommy06 (401)
United States
June 23, 2009 9:26pm CST
I wasnt sure where to post this, or to post it at all. But I know that there is at least one person here who knows how im feeling. I love my husband. I love my son. But things are just changing in my marriage. We fight alot more, even decided to seperate tho still living in the same house. yea its crazy. I dont ask for much. Just some of his time and for him to listen to me. I dont ask for material things because they are not important to me. I just need affection and attention. thats all im asking for. I have been talking to a friend of mine who is going thru the same thing with his wife. He loves her and his kids. But the affectinon and feeling needed is just not there. We have been talking about meeting up for lunch and a talk. and if anything beyond that happens it just happens. It dont mean we dont love our spouses, it means we need affection and attention and someone to talk to . and our spouses dont want to give us that. so i want some serious opinions here. please if your gonna leave a rude or hurtful comment id prefer you not leave one. Im really broken here and at the end of my rope. I have never done anything like this before. although hubby has cheated in the past. this is not about revenge, its about having someone who will listen and all that. anyhow. any advise, serious advise would be greatly appreciated. thanks for taking the time..
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12 responses
@cbeee3 (2061)
• India
24 Jun 09
Hi there..
This must be a really hard time for you.
Since you have asked us myLotters for our opinions, I would have to give you an answer which you may not want to hear.
I do not think it is ok to seek affection outside your marriage.Its a NO, from me.
I think you should do 1 of 3 things:
1- Talk to your husband about exactly how you feel and tell him that unless both of you seek help from a counselor, this marriage is bound to fail.
2- Both you and your friend legally separate from your spouses and then move forward.
3- If you do not want to separate from your husband for the sake of your child, tell him what is on your mind and face the consequences. Tell him he too has the liberty to do as he pleases.
Think about it, how would you feel if your husband cheated on you?
Answering that question itself will make you realize if you love him and what he would feel like.
God bless you! I hope you find happiness.
@ethansmommy06 (401)
• United States
8 Jul 09
hi. and thanks for your advise. sorry i took so long to reply. i know what its like to be cheated on . he did cheat on me. i have never cheated. i dont want to . my point is that sometimes i just want someone to talk to someone to listen and someone to lean on. he is not there for that. i dont knwo what to do from one day to the next. one day we are fine the next we are at each others necks. ugh. its crazy. maybe its just me. thank you for responding with kindness and honesty. i greatly appreciate it.
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@cbeee3 (2061)
• India
8 Jul 09
I had a similar marriage and ended up divorcing my husband. But then there were a lot more complications in my marriage. A lot of physical abuse and stuff. No kids, thank goodness! Else I have no idea how I would have dealt with this.
I think you need to ask your husband to be there for you, Or seek professional help.
Go see a counselor.At least you will have some place to vent your hurt and feelings.
The counselor will also tell you how to cope with the situation.
Please don't seek solace outside your marriage. It will only make things worse for you. I am sure you are a wonderful woman and the guilt will kill you.
Hope everything works for you. I truly do.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Jun 09
I think it would be a better idea for you and your husband to seek councelling and work through your problems. I understand how you feel, because my husband and I go through bouts like that too, where I feel so lonely and starved for attention and he just won't give it, instead he'll act like a bit of a jerk. It hurts. But do you really want to end your marriage? Ok, you're taking a break, that's not a terrible thing, some marriages need that. What if in a month from now you two want to get back together? What if you decide how much you love him and can't live without him... but he won't forgive you for being with another man! If you sleep with that man, you've lost your husband forever, and it will be hard for another man to trust you knowing you cheated.
And do you really want to do that to this man's wife? How would you feel if your husband did it to you, even if you are seperated? What would you think of that woman he was with? Do you want to be like that woman?
The choice is yours, and you'll do what you want, but I really think you should get councelling instead! Good luck.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
8 Jul 09
If you're really that tempted, I would suggest cutting all ties with this man that is tempting you, and focus all your energy into talking with your husband. I know my husband isn't always open to talking, but every so often he will actually get introspective and discuss what's truly bothering him instead of hiding behind his anger and blaming everything on me. Sometimes he sends me e-mails from work because he finds that easier to express himself than just talking to me face to face. Perhaps you could take some time to think about what's really going on in your relationship and then send your husband an e-mail about it.
For years me and my husband were on the brink of divorce until I started reading some relationship help books, especially those by Dr. Laura and Dr. Phil. I began realizing he wasn't completely to blame. Sure I beg for attention, but I never showed him any, and whenever he did try to pay attention to me I'd tell him it's bad timing.... well what should I have expected for treating him that way?
Maybe you're doing stuff like this without realizing it. Maybe he's treating you differently because you're acting differently... It's always possible. Just take a nice deep look at yourself and figure out where to go from there.
@ethansmommy06 (401)
• United States
8 Jul 09
well kats, as usual your right. i know what you are saying. and its true. i dont know what to do sometimes. its like one day we are great and the next we are not. i am just so lonely. and my friend is the same way. it sounds funny but im not a believer in divorce or cheating. i never have. but tahts how bad it is sometimes. i asked him for counceling, but nothng yet. he is a good man and a amazing father but there is never any time for me and it makes me so lonely and angry till i know its only a matter of time no matter how hared i try not to. ugh. im workingon it. but you know a person can only take so much. thank you so much for your advise i always love to hear or read what you have to say because you are usually right!

@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
24 Jun 09
If your exactly separated it should be okay. Tons of people have arrangements like this. I've been involved in them myself. I works out fine as long as all parties are agreed. Talk to your husband and the other guy about it before you actually do anything. Make sure everyone is clear on the rules. Good luck!
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@ethansmommy06 (401)
• United States
8 Jul 09
right. but see i didnt mention this in my post but from one day to next or one week to the next its back and forth. im confused. i really appreciate you taking the time to read me(ha) and responding you really gave me something to think about
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
24 Jun 09
I think that it is wrong to seek affection outside of your marriage. Marriage means commitment and wedding vows are very serious and not to be taken lightly. If I felt that way about my husband I would try to talk to him or else write down a letter for him to read if he didn't want to listen to me. Marriage involves communication and give and take. If he is not willing to do these things then I think you have to re-evaluate your marriage.
I have been married for almost 20 years and I can tell you that it is all about trust and communication. You should be able to trust each other completely and can not go outside of your marriage for affection.
I wish you luck, try to talk things out with your husband. Otherwised I think that this will drive a wedge between you both.
Have a nice day and happy myLotting!!!

@cbantly (236)
• United States
24 Jun 09
I think if you seek affection outside of the marriage it will leave you feeling more lost than ever. It's a terrible feeling when you feel unloved and unappreciated. It would be an EXCELLENT idea to seek counseling, and it doesn't have to be with your husband. It is very easy to see the greener grass on the other side, and sometimes change can be so deeply desired. Be very careful about going outside of the marriage, because it will almost definitely end it.
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@ethansmommy06 (401)
• United States
8 Jul 09
i believe you to be so right. but i cant seem to get him to council. i cant control how i feel no matter how hard i try. i appreciate your comment and helpful advise. you have no idea how much.
@candy2306 (576)
• India
24 Jun 09
hi dear, i think it's not wrong to seek some attention outside when you really need one. you are not breaking another family for your comfort. your friend also need attention as you do! i think whatever it happens God have already wrote it on your page of life. all you need to focus is happiness and if you're getting it from your friend then you should hang-on to his shoulder.
don't forget your responsibility as a mother towards your son. try to medidate and I really think you need a break. go for a short vacation away from your family to get your mind cleared a little! stop worrying, eat good food and have a peaceful sleep and start focusing what you really want in life!
lots of love for you!
@ethansmommy06 (401)
• United States
8 Jul 09
hi. all i can say is thank you for understanding. please understand i do love my husband so much. but its like i said he dont give the attention i desire. i dont ask for much. but your right. god does have my page written. and i have to trust him right. so im not out looking to cheat or anything. i dont want to but im afraid its a matter of time. thank you so much for understanding and making me feel so much better. your great.
@XiaoLin (289)
• Italy
24 Jun 09
I don't want to talk about what's right and what's wrong, because you now better than me what you promised when you merried your husband. If you are this broken now it is because you still care about your family and you don't want to harm them. If you didn't care you would have "resolved" your problems by seeking for affection somewhere else sometime before.
What I am doing now is telling you how I did feel when I had the thought of looking for affection outside the couple. Even if you say what will happen will happen, I think you are already prepared to betray your husband, and you wish it will happen. Think it over carefully, because in your state of mind, if you make that decision you will hardly go back to what you were before. Ether you will leave your husband (and that is a solution, if you want) or you will feel guilty and go on worse than before.
As for me, my betrayal was only a way to demonstrate myself that I didn't respect my boyfriend anymore. We were done for.
If it's only a friend that you need, you can talk to us, ok?
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
24 Jun 09
It sounds to me like, although you say you love your husband, your not happy in your marriage any longer. If your seeking someone outside your marriage then what's the point in being married.
I've really never understood ppl that cheat on their spouses...I look at it like this, if your unhappy enough to cheat then you obviously aren't happy in your marriage. Also, not to be mean or anything, but where you said "if it happens, it doesn't mean we don't love our spouses"...that's exactly what it means. Unless you have an open marriage where you both sleep with whoever you want, it's cheating and why would you cheat on someone you love.
If your really that unhappy in your marriage and to the point of cheating on your husband, you may take a closer look at just why your staying really sounds like the two of you may be better off living your own lives...without cheating.
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@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
24 Jun 09
Yes, it is wrong. If I were to look for affection outside of my relationship everytime me & my girlfriend got into an argument, this relationship wouldn't have lasted as long as it did. She & I have been living together for 5 years now & we do love each other. That's not to say we never had an argument or difficulties in our relationship. I also have a daughter from previous relationship. We've had our share of difficult times but we always have pulled through in the end. At one point, my girl friend went & stayed with my mother for 3 days from the direct result of our argument. As bad as the argument was, she didn't want me to think she was out doing exactly what you are pondering to do. I'm not saying you should stay with someone & stick it out. But remember the vows you took at your wedding. "Through Good & Bad...." What he did in the past is irralavent. It's about what you do as a person. Don't bring yourself down to that level. If you're truely unhappy, then leave. Finalize the divorce & ask your friend to do the same. If your friend is not willing to do the same, then there's nothing there. At least that way, you're your own person. At that point, you're free to do whatever you feel is right.
@dookie03 (578)
• United States
25 Jun 09
Well it's just that women look for that needing feeling in their life. I mean every woman wants to feel special obviously. Sometimes the man gives less of this to his wife over the years because they are less sexually attractive to him over time. I'd say hit the gym or make him jealous with a new guy around. It's one way to turn the tables.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
24 Jun 09
I think that kind of affection you're looking for SHOULD be part of the marraige; I think by getting married you both made a commitment to eachother to be faithful and you should stick to that. I think having an affair or looking to another man for affection (especially that of "romantic" affection) would make things REALLY complicated. And I'm sure you don't actually want to do that. Maybe you both could look into some kind of couples counseling or you could confront your hubby about it. He's your husband, he should be more than happy to give you some attention. If not.. (And I'm not trying to be rude or abrasive here, so please excuse me if I'm stepping on your toes!)..There might be something amiss with your marraige & your relationship that you guys need to work on. I can understand how maddening it would be to not receive any attention/affection from the one person who's supposed to be smothering you in it! I don't think it's wrong of you at all. I think it's a legitimate concern, and I can totally understand where you're coming from and why you're so confused.
I guess you might be able to find affection/attention in having a best friend or adopting a cuddly puppy. But I'm guessing this isn't the kind of affection & attention that you need. If you can stay friends with this guy you mentioned, and be happy, there's nothing to be ashamed of. If all you want to do is talk & listen - there's no harm in it. It just makes me a little nervous when you say "...if anything beyond that happens it just happens". That makes you sound like you don't have control over what you do; and that you MIGHT end up having an affair with this someone.
I think it's OK to have that extra person to talk to; we all need that. But I think beyond that, before it turns into an affair, you should really evaluate your own marraige & see if there's anything you could do to improve before jeopardizing the sanctity of it.
@submerryn (1304)
• Malaysia
8 Jul 09
If anything, do not confide in a male friend. It will make matters worst. If things is already not right at home, confide in a trust worthy female friend. A male friend might lead to some unwanted temptation and make it all worst. Please trust me, it happened to someone dear to me. Do not make it worst. Try to sit down and talk to your husband and let him know what is happening. If he is not into talking, leave him a note. Think of your son. If you still love your husband, you know you want this to work out. Unless though, you are ready to end your marriage, which I hope is not the case.