The 5 simple rules to being happy! Is it REALLY this simple you think?
By James72
@James72 (26790)
June 24, 2009 1:56am CST
I received an email a few days ago that was quite detailed, but one part of it stood out and I wished to share it. They were the 5 rules for being happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
There's no question that each and every one of these rules has significant merit, but are any of them actually rather idealistic? Do you find yourself embracing any or all of these rules in your own life? Do you think there are more rules that are missing and should be added?
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37 responses
@airakumar (1553)
• India
24 Jun 09
Well, the rules are really appreciated and nevertheless if followed, one would be very happy in life without worries. Some of the rules can be easily followed like live simply, expect less, free from worries, free from hatred and also give more. But the question is we are human being and each human are unique. Their thought are different, they think differently. I just know that live and let live. Do not interfere in others life. Thats it. It is the best way one can be happy in life.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jun 09
"Live and let live" is a very important one to consider, I agree! If we were to stop being so concerned about everyone else's mistakes and focus in on our own growth instead, we'd benefit greatly. Even taking into consideration our uniqueness to each other, this rule you've added still applies. Non-judgemental is the way we all should be.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Jun 09
These might sound too idealistic and its difficult to practise these for our lives are dependent and intertwined with others, we live in a society after all. Having said this, the difference between practising and nor practising these is only a small bridge. we just need that kind of orientation and start believing in these. Like thoughts beget more like thoughts and i firmly believe in that. My life has changed enormously after i started to look at it differently. The bird's eye view is an amazing thing - it helps you correct yourselves.
The 5 simple rules that you have mentioned really comes down to one simple rule EXPECT LESS and DO NOT expect in return. This helps me with all other negative traits like hatreds, jealousy, pride and conditional living.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Jun 09
Yes James. Being unconditional is an amazing thing.It motivates us to strive for more, in a better, bigger way. Even at the risk of sounding like a spiritual guru, I would say that just trying to be unconditional is itself such an elevation and being able to be so is a great experience. Just imagine you loving some one without wanting or needing him/ her to love you back, just not expecting the return of the good ting you did or even not a gift for a gift - Life would be so much more meaningful.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jun 09
Yes it WOULD be a more meaningful life without always expecting things in return. "Conditions" is just another way of saying "limitations" and why would anyone wish to limit themselves? Sure, conditions must apply in certain areas of life, but not when it comes to self discovery and growth! 

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jun 09
I see them as being idealistic on many levels too unfortunately, but in theory they're solid and hard to argue against! I couldn't agree more with you when you allude to BELIEF, because belief is the foundation stone here. Without true belief in something, it has little or no chance of reaching its potential. I'm a believer in taking the bird's eye view too, or standing on the outside looking in to put it differently. This is beyond emoathy, this is taking the time to completely remove your biased ties to a situation you're in an actually LOOK at things with a clear mind and different perspective. By doing this we can grow considerably and learn so much more about ourselves and those around us.
It gives me comfort to hear you've experienced enormous life changes through methods like these too. 

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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
24 Jun 09
Very useful rules. I like no 4 and 5; number 2 is a tough one!
Another good one that I am still working on myself because it is definitely easier said than done is:
'Be very very still and allow every new experience to move through you with grace without any resistance whatsoever. You do not have to do anything, you simply have to be and let things happen."
It is about letting go of results and just being while accepting what is. If we learned to live that way life would be a lot less stressful.

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jun 09
The second one is by far the most troubling of the lot! We always worry about something and this is just the way we are. Of course it would be ideal to learn how to never worry at all, but how would we find optimal solutions to anything without being concerned for both good AND bad aspects of things? If we're going to be holistic in the way we think, worry would come by default in many instances you would think?
I like your own addition very much too. Stop and smell the roses people! 

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@jlamela (4897)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
Actually, happiness comes from within. If we have to free our minds from worries and anxieties brought by outside forces. We cannot control things from outside they are beyond our capacity, but we can control and manage ourselves and what we feel. So I must agree that the above rules are incredibly true.
if we have to free our minds from complication and learn to live the simple way, then there's no reason why we should not be happy and peaceful.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jun 09
Very well said jlamela and I couldn't agree more!
WE are ultimately responsible for who we are, how we think and what we do in life. It's a common practice for all of us at one time or another to look at playing the blame game when things go wrong for us; yet WE can control things far more than what many realise. It's a never ending challenge that will be met with constant adversity, but we DO have the ability to control and monitor our responses to these challenges in life. Maybe one of the reasons many people are unhappy is because they have chosen such complex directions in their lives? Simplicity will always create a more stable environment in my opinion because the fewer stepping stones there are across a river, the quicker the destination is reached and the lesser the chance of slipping into the water! 

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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
25 Jun 09
Yes for sure. Not having a job after working for 32 years you can easily downsize your life completely. I moved and got rid of alot. I try to keep away from people who are always looking at the glass half empty. I know I don't need alot to live on. I am trying to free my mind of worries which I think I've gotten better at. There are probably more that could be added but I can't think of them right now.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jun 09
I've been working in a number of different countries for the last 4 years so I too had to rid myself of pretty much all of my material possessions. At first it was quite a shock, but in time it ended up being the best thing that could've happened to me because I learned what was really important in life. The point you shared about staying away from pessimistic people is a very important one too. We should always aim to surround ourselves with people that lift us up, not drag us down or make us feel negative. Working on freeing your mind from worry as much as you can is a positive step also and I wish you every success in getting bettr and better at that. 

@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
is laughing all the time considered being happy? because i am like that, even with little jokes i laugh right away...
i am doing 3 of what is stated above, the other two i find hard to do...
how can i free myself from worries, when i dont have a job and there are so many bills to pay, worrying will be nonstop here. the only thing that would stop me from worrying is if i get myself drunk and forgot all about what is happening around me... lol
the other one is hard for me to do also... i dont forget easily and i find it hard to forgive easily also...

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jun 09
I'm someone who laughs a lot too and it's definitely theapeutic. I find the second rule on the list to be one of the most difficult too. It's extremely difficult to free ourselves from worry because life throws so much at us! Sure, getting drunk or even laughing can divery worry for a while, but it always seems to come back. All we can do I guess is our best to make sure that worrying is an infrequent thing and not a constant. As long as we have a solid positive angle to all we do, it should at least balance things out. 

@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 Jun 09
I guess turning the other cheek is good, and forgiving and forgetting is best. Holding on to that anger can turn a person very bitter, and drawn into themselves and hatred just builds till they are incapable of thinking good about anyone. I know I have seen it many times. These 5 rules are the best to live by totally. But it is hard to live without worries from one day to the next. I guess the best way to go about it is to accept what you can't change and instead of letting it bring a person down they should be happy with what they have. It can be worse. Alot of homeless people can tell you that.grab hold what you have and appreciate that you have it and not complain about what you don't have or can't do.. Me, I do complain at times when bills seem to be choking us..but we always finding a way some how. Might be late on most occasions. But late is better then not at all and not living in a cave.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
27 Jun 09
Well some things we do need to remember so we learn from it..and the mistakes, but most churches are always saying that we have to forgive and forget..I do forgive, but it is harder to forget..
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
26 Jun 09
"Accept what we can and can't change in life and have the wisdom to know the difference between the 2" is a common saying that is so important! I agree that we should always find it in our hearts to forgive too, but I don't necessarily agree about the forget part. Remembering things reduces our chances of repeating the same mistakes and helps us to protect ourselves moving forward in life. Personally I have very few material possessions at the moment because I move around so much, but this has tauht me what truly matters in life and when the time comes that I settle down permanently, I'll appreciate the things I DO have so much more because of it.
I complain a bit every now and then also, but hey, who doesn't! lol.

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Jun 09
These might sound too idealistic and its difficult to practise these for our lives are dependent and intertwined with others, we live in a society after all. Having said this, the difference between practising and nor practising these is only a small bridge. we just need that kind of orientation and start believing in these. Like thoughts beget more like thoughts and i firmly believe in that. My life has changed enormously after i started to look at it differently. The bird's eye view is an amazing thing - it helps you correct yourselves.
The 5 simple rules that you have mentioned really comes down to one simple rule EXPECT LESS and DO NOT expect in return. This helps me with all other negative traits like hatreds, jealousy, pride and conditional living.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Jun 09
I just had double choc'lates. You gave me all the reasons! 

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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
7 Jul 09
Hi James!
It is always easier said than done, this way goes the dictum. Preaching is one thing and practising the same is other. We live in a competitive world and we behave according to certain circumstances and what we see all around us. Your statement is right, it is not that simple, as it looks, to follow the rules in real life.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
7 Jul 09
Heya dpk!
In my experience so far in life, theory is pretty much ALWAYS easier than practice! I bet many of us are guilty of never practicing what we preach either. The most important thing though is that we acknowlegde the significance of rules like these and adhere to them as best we can and as often as we can. The biggest crime in my opinion would be ignorance of their very existence. We'll never be perfect people, but we should always be aware of what's important and needs to change at least.

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
7 Jul 09
James, I agree with your wonderful views that we must be aware, what is important and what is positive and what should we do. Learning should not stop at any end and we must try our best to achieve something.
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@sonz_doreen (193)
• United Arab Emirates
8 Jul 09
I would like to add to this:
Accept yourseld the way you are and love it!
Live life as if there were no tomorrow
Dream productively and make your dreams become real or imagine living a good life and take baby steps towards it.
View LIfe as Film Reel and Laugh yourself to a better life.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Jul 09
This is very sound advice sonz_doreen! If we're unable to appreciate ourselves, how can we truly come to appreciate others? We should always be grateful for what we DO have rather than get down about what we don't; and we should always be realistic with our goals in life.
Laughter most of all is something that can scare the blues away, so we should laugh hard and often!

@sonz_doreen (193)
• United Arab Emirates
8 Jul 09
There is also a healthy benefit of laughing lod and often...definitely does scare the blues away!
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@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
4 Jul 09
That covers it all! I agree!
I have tried that recipe for happiness.. and it really does work!
until some jackazz messes things up while you are trying to be giving and loving.. then you expect the azz to apologize while you try not expect anything... but then they don't... and ya realize you were expecting when you shouldn't have and broke one of the rules.. and happiness flees! all because some azz messed it all up! lol!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
4 Jul 09
You tried it as a recipe? Didya add a pinch of sugar? I bet you did just that!
I think the main thing to remember here when we consider the situation you just provided, is to distance ourselves from azzes! Either that, or buy a donkey for comparison's sake. 

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
4 Jul 09
You sure it was an optimism exercise and not "Procrastination 101"?
lol. I'm a huge fan of positive visualization myself and have personal proof of it's ability to generate desirable outcomes! (My life sized statue of the Grand Canyon arrived last week)
Seriously though, optimism as a mindset alone is difficult to maintain. Adding visuals to the equation can help immensely.

@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
4 Jul 09
Gotcha! I will try it again but if it's like that OPTIMISM thing that I tried.... it ain't gonna work! I was optimistic for a whole week once and I gave up on it cause it wasn't working!
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
1 Jul 09
I am constantly working on the one about simplifying my life. Since I suffer from depression era syndrome by proxy I have a tendency to pile up stuff. I have finally come to the conclusion that less is more so I am fighting the urge to stop at every yard sale I see. 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
1 Jul 09
lol. So yard sale therapy is alive and well then is it?
I consider my own life to be somewhat simple at the moment, at least in a material possesions sense anyway; but I'd love to learn how to simplify the mental side of it! I never knew you were a pack rat though savak! A HOARDER!
I'm the opposite at the moment and my apartment's practically empty. You'd have fun filling it for sure! 

@anindyadas (97)
• India
24 Jun 09
I am appreciate with you at your last three comments strongly.. But if you stay all time far from your worries that is a -ve thinking, because you can not fulfill your job properly... If you do not heart from other than you can not understand who loves you cares you most... I think you will be the happiest person if you stay with your partner happily, if you get all mentally satisfaction and mentally help from your partner then you reach your most success..
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jun 09
"free your mind from worries" is the one that I find to be somewhat idealistic actually. This is great in theory, but in practice it isn't that simple! It would be wonderful to achieve success with this rule, but the realities of life make it one heck of a challenge that's for sure. We can gain great strength and satisfaction from having a positive partner in life too, yes. Unfortunately though, negative relationships bewteen people that would be better off without each other do much harm as well. Especially when children are involved. 

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@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
25 Jun 09
Those five things hit the mark completely.. Imagine in your own life, how hard it would be to complete and live by all five each and every day... But I know that if you would succeed with even 3 out of the five your life should be better.. Life is as good as we allow it to be.. Some times good things happen to us but we are so busy looking for the negative things in like it overshadows the good things..
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jun 09
It would be tremendously difficult to live life following all of those rules to the letter every day and especially when it comes to the 2nd rule. You've made a very good point about people seeking out the negative things too. We're all guilty of being pessimistic from time to time and the problem with attitudes like these is that they tend to attract even more negativity.
As hard as it may be at times, we ow it to ourselves and those around us to be as positive as we can.

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@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
25 Jun 09
I totally agree.. It seems like in life it is always easier to find the one gray cloud in the sky, versus the rest of the pretty white clouds that are also there.. A persons' life could be filled with joy and happiness; but a single thing can sit there and make things seem so gray and dreary...
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@balasri (26537)
• India
24 Jun 09
I am with the first rule as I never harbor any hatred in my mind.I just cannot carry that extra burden in my voyage.
Yes freeing your mind from worries is right.But it needs some working out to pay your taxes to free your mind from worries unless you want to be prosecuted happily.
Live simply.I think that the real meaning is to have a simple heart and not living like a tramp because I like to dress smartly.
Give more.Sure thing when I get more.
Expect less.No way in this recession.I don't want to become extinct by expecting little. 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Jun 09
I'm with the first one especially too Bala. I try not to even use the word if I can help it. It's such a strong term and the less we use it, the better the chance we can release it from not just our vocabulary, but from our emotions as well.
Great angle there on the happy prosecution scenario!
The expect litt;e aspect is open to interpretation too I guess. To me, it may also mean that we shouldn't over-extend ourselves and our desires. We need to be realistic in all we do.

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
1 Jul 09
Hello James're ya going?
I try to live by these rules but like you find that freeing my mind from worry is a bit's always going to be a work in progress isn't it? We need to deal with those things that concern us but we will never be total free of things that worry and concern us.
I'm also having a bit of a quiz with "give more"...more than what? Some people give all the time and some take all the time. Fortunately there is a lot of middle ground but to "give more" means a constant and if you do so you will run the risk perhaps ofhaving nothing left or not much at any rate.
I would add the golden rule and also "love, tolerate and respect your brother". Now that one IS idealistic!

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
1 Jul 09
Heya MsTickle! I'm not bad at all thanks and hope you're the same!
Expecting to completely free our minds from worry is certainly idealistic, I agree. We have way too many responsibilities in life just to survive, plus there's family and career etc. How can we NOT be concerned about all these things at one time or another? As for the "Give more" part, personally I think this could be in relation to practically anything really! Give more love, more compassion, more tolerance for example..... We should definitely be sure to give to OURSELVES as well, otherwise it becomes very one sided and we'll ultimately come apart at the seams and get taken advantage of. I like the new rule you added too.
Tolerance in itself should be the goal of us all and it's tragic that the world is full of so much intolerance.

@derek_a (10873)
26 Jun 09
What the Buddha discovered when he became enlightened under the Bodhi tree was that the source of all suffering is desire. If we want nothing, we can live with our minds focused in the here and now. This will produce trust that all will be OK for us.
As a Zen practitioner, I can see the wisdom of the Buddha's words, but putting it into practice is easier said than done. I don't think it is anything to do with the modern world, because mankind has always hankered after some desire or other.
To want happiness is sort of acknowledging that we are not happy. To be present here in the moment, is to experience things as they are. We don't see nature unhappy or happy. Nature is just nature. Every living thing except human beings seem to live with this trust. If there is trust, there is not going to be any neediness. If there is a shortage of anything, we can just work to address the problem. We don't need to be miserable unless we resist what is so here and now.
In Zen I have discovered that I can forgive self and others, as I become aware where I hold blame. Much of this holding is within my subconscious, held there from may past - (karma).
If I can constantly hold my mind focused on the here and now, there is not going to be any worry. I can only do my best with mindfulness (total mental focus) and the future, when it comes will take care of itself. The future is really an illusion and to worry about it, crazy - but we don't tend to see that!
Living here and now, attending to what needs to be done, is living simply. Some people may find it boring. But that is the challenge of Zen - transcend boredom and other negative emotions.
I give what I can when I have taken care of self and family, and living with the mind focused here and now and whatever is in front of me reduces my expectations.
As a Zen practitioner these are the things I aspire to do. It is not an easy task, but in Zen we say that it is the journey, not the destination that matters. All great spiritual teachers have taught this - but we are slow in learning their message.
I believe we are born with these challenges. Neither path is right or wrong, but our evolution is moving (slowly) towards ultimate truth - that we are the universe and the universe is us - no separation. The truth will set us free. True happiness is a lot more than just the absence of sadness.
- Derek

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Jun 09
WHat a wonderful response here derek!
I've always been fascinated by Buddhism and it's something that I've never practiced in depth, but have spent considerable time reading about and studying in the past. There's a saying along the lines of "Take care of today and the weeks, months and years will take care of themselves". When reading your response, this saying came to mind because I find it to hold similar meaning.
As flawed human beings, we get very caught up in what could be, what isn't and what might have been; rather than focus whole heartedly on what IS. Many of us have made the path to surviving this world far more complex and treacherous than it needs to be because we focus in on things that aren't even truly relevant when you really think about it. Greed, envy, jealousy and many other negative emotions fill our minds and hearts and we deviate away from the core essence of what matters. Love, compassion, tolerance, understanding, forgiveness and acceptance of all that is. Are these things truly embraced as intensely as they should be? In most instances, no they are not.
We become consumed by materialistic desires and worry about tomorrow. We lose sight of the today and never truly absorb the here and now. Yes, to be and think differently is one heck of a challenge and it always will be, but to be defeatist and resist even trying is not in anyone's best interests at all. I especially love the line you shared "it is the journey, not the destination that matters" and I couldn't agree more with this. In a comparative sense, many of us live our lives as if we're travelling on a train through the most picturesque scenery imagineable, yet we never even bothe to look out the window! I wish you every success with your own journey. 

@hiddenwing (3719)
• China
27 Jun 09
To be honest, I am not satisfied with common life! Lots of people get jealous of me since they think I have everything that is supposed to be fulfiling in their opinions!However, I have some dreams that they will never ever understand!
1 I don't hate anybody so much! If I really hate someone who is deathly bad, I have a way to deal with it! I may write to him or her snapping at the wretch without a bad word! However, I don't quarrel with people face to face! Quarreling in public is so inglorious. I don't know why lots of people would like to do that shame thing especially in super markets. haha
2 I do worry once for a while! Usually, the worry thing didn't last for more than an hour! It is impossible for me to free my mind for all the worries! It is just the worry that keep me going! I always tell you tell I think I am a clever person! So, I think my life is bigger than that! It's a pity that I just live a life like some other agemates!
3 I like more complicated life! If I choose to live simply, I have already become a soccer mom! Oh my gosh! I can't bear myself casting away my youth like that.
4 I would like to give more to these people who deserve that kindness! haha
5 I expecct more! I am not these people who reach for what is beyond their grasp.
I want the future to be better than the past. I don't want it contaminated by some mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will spend the remainder of our lives.
reach for what is beyond one's grasp.
The whole life's work depends on a good start in youth.
Don't forget the beautiful flower blooms in Spring. haha
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Jun 09
It's good to be able to look at each and every rule and then equate them to our own lives as you have just done.
We ALL worry and this is unlikely to ever change, I guess the best we can aim for is to ensure that we never become consumed by it! I too wish for my future to be better than my past and there's no reason why it shouldn't be. Mistakes get learned from, we become wiser and more understanding; based on this you'd think we have a pretty good chance of bringing a brighter future to ourselves? But we also must never lose sight of the here and now. Preparing for the future is a positive thing, but it can't be the only thing because it's TODAY that leads us there. As they say "tomorrow never comes!"
And yes, flowers in Spring, the Sun on our face, the wind in our hair..... We must never ignore the world's beauty and the simple pleasures around us!

@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
25 Jun 09
No it is not that simple. Of course if you reduce your expectations far enough you might be happy but even if you expect nothing that does not mean you will be happy. I find its a bit like the turn the other cheek idea. If someone hits me I am supposed to just walk away. Well there are a lot of battered wives and husbands who find that really hard to do and it is even harder if they get knocked unconscious.
These sorts of rules only work when everyone does them. If only one person tries to do this in an environment where everyone else is doing the opposite then they will not be happy at all.
There are some things that are easy to say and hard to do. The first two fall into that category. Still if you can achieve both of them you might be on the way to being happy. You might also be on the way to getting yourself killed but that depends on where you live.
After all there are lots of people who live very simply because they are poor, they expect nothing because they know they will not get anything, they do not give because they have nothing to give. I do not know if they they manage the first two. After all they might well hate where they live and the conditions they live in and they probably constantly worry about how they are going to survive and if they are going to get enough to eat.
Happiness is a great state but is transient and environment can drag you down so much that there is nothing to be happy about. I have also found that years of broken sleep can destroy your ability to be happy, so can constant pain. I used to be very happy but now I find that I am becoming increasingly irritable and snappy, I have lost my tolerance of so many things and the only cause is that I have not slept well for 3 years now. Some days are better than others, but if I have a week of really bad sleep then I snap at the tiniest thing. Then I get upset with myself for getting upset and this can spiral down into situational depression.
A reasonable nights sleep can alleviate this. I know there are other people like me but for me it is especially hard. I worked really hard to remove all my negativity, I learned to be so positive, I was so peaceful that nothing ruffled me at all. Now I find that I no longer have any patience with myself. I know that one possible solution is sleeping pills but they are addictive and dangerous and I am not sure they work so I prefer to avoid them. A cure would be nice but I doubt anyone is even looking for one. lol. They tell me I will mostly recover but they do not know when. They say it can last up to 10 years or more. I have deteriorated to the point now that I am on a disability pension and you have to be really sick to get them these days.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Jun 09
I'm not a good sleeper either, but pain doesn't enter into the equation thankfully. I can't imagine how it must feel to be in that position, so I;m not even going to try to make out that I understand.
That aspect aside, I agree that these rules aren't simple at all. Theoretically they are, sure, but not in practice. The second rule in particular is a very difficult one to follow. Life throws up so many challenges and we all have responsibilites like bills and family. How can we never worry?
The part about giving more is not necessarily related to materialistic giving either. A person that's poor may struggle to just feed themselves and their families, but they can still give in non-material ways. I've seen many instances around the world where there are extremely poor families with very little in terms of possesions, yet they are blissfully happy! I envy those circumstances at times. Hatred last of all is the one that I feel very strongly about. This is an emotion that we should all try to free ourselves from in every way we can. It leads to so many negative and desutructive thoughts and behaviours. Racism, abuse, violence.... All of these arguably have hate as an underlying influence.
I wish you comfort wherever you may find it with your condition sharra and I hope that this 10 years or more scenario is one that you'll defy. I commend you for staying the heck away from sleeping pills to. I'm not a fan of them either. 

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@pratyushtamhankar (859)
• India
26 Jun 09
They would really make one happy. But you have to know when to use which rule. If you travel by train on a busy morning where its a fight to get into the train, then you cannot, "Free your mind from hatred". But in cooler times, if you do so, it'll really help you. So goes for the other rules too. Thats what I think. They won't make your lif perfect but you'll start loving yourself thats for sure. Take care buddy, beautiful discussion...
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Jun 09
This is a very interesting perspective pratyush and I can relate to it very much.
Yes, it's true that we would find it next to impossibleto followe all these rules ALL the time, so wjat's the next best thing? Knowing where and when to use each rule! As long as they are always in the back of the mind and we return to the thought of them every time we digress, then we have a good chance of continuing to be a better person.