12 month old
United States
June 25, 2009 1:25pm CST
My daughter is 12 months old and a real handful. She has days where she will follow me around the house screaming wanting me to pick her up. I can't hold her and carry her around all day. I'm eight months pregnant. What should I do? How can I teach her to be independent without feeling guilty?
6 responses
@doormouse (4599)
25 Jun 09
You'll probably think i'm cruel but i didn't pick my kids up a huge amount when they were young,coz i didn't want them to end up too clingy.If they wanted to be picked up and i was busy or something i would make them wait til i was ready,even if they cried.Everyone's gonna think i'm really nasty now
@Vancollins (105)
• United States
25 Jun 09
You are right. It is tough to do but sometimes you have to make them wait. She is a year old so it is a good time to teach her patience. I am not saying don't ever pick her up. But you have to start teaching her now to be a little independent.
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
28 Jun 09
She is very young still a baby herself, she is going to want time with mommy. Teaching a 1 year old independence? They dont have that capacity at that age. They have a very short attention span. I understand that you can not be picking her up all the time, but maybe it would be good if you sat on the couch and just hugged and kissed her. Not all the time but a few times a day!
Sit blocks or her favorite toys on the floor in front of her, let her constantly hear your voice telling her what a good job she is doing. Eventually you will find yourself being able to pull away for longer periods of time.
I wish you luck and congrats on your IRISH TWINS!!! this is when your children are 13 months apart if you did not know.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
25 Jun 09
I watch twins who are 18 months old. They do this also. I can't pick up both of them, so when they want to be held, I usually will try and find something else to occupy them. If it is just one, I will hold her for a bit and then hold the other one, but there are times that both want me at the same time. It isn't going to happen.
I say just tell her she is ok and try to find something to make her forget about wanting to be held.
@quincy_13 (65)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
hi!it depends on your situation..do you have a nanny?or a helper that can do the chores or you're all alone? as early as now i think it would not hurt to try and explain to your baby that you can't carry her around all day.tell her that she has a baby sister or brother inside your tummy and she might crush it (or any funny stuff like those that she'll buy)but be sure to show her alternatives, if you will cook or prepare food in the kitchen, sit her in the highchair and give her something like a piece of potato or carrots and explain those stuff to her. or if you need to clean the house, prop her in the sofa and tell her not to get down till you've cleaned the area. give her a big colorful book that she can easily turn page by page all by herself to keep her somehow distracted..i've been there too and i know it's not easy... it's easier said than done though.
@elisant (6)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Other than being pregnant, I can totally relate to this situation. My son just turned 15 months old. Up until about 1 month ago I was student teaching full time so he was pretty independent (he spent all day with my parents). However, now that I am home with him full time for the summer, he has started wanting to be held constantly. He follows me around wanting to be held, cries and grabs at my legs when I am in the kitchen, and crawls up in my lap if I am sitting down. I sometimes feel like I am being so mean but I try to calmly tell him that "mommy loves you but is busy with this right now. I will hold you when I am finished."
It seems to be working too, he hasn't been as needy this last week. :o)
Hope that helps. Good Luck.
@fernandezmindoro (146)
• United States
25 Jun 09
In my home, a favorite show and a favorite snack will do the trick. ; )
I have 3 children. My 2 oldest had a little or no desire to cling to me. But as far as my youngest, she was another story. She would cling onto my leg while i'll be washing dishes or sit on my lap as I fold clothes. I couldn't even use the bathroom in peace. But one day I had enough, I literally could not get nothing done in my home. So anyways, that day I went to the store and bought a dvd of her favorite show. We went home I made her a little bed on our sofa, put the dvd in... and that was the end of her clingy days. She'll watch that over and over again. Of course i've watched that show so much I find myself reciting the lines, but hey it's better than a clingy baby. Oh && fixing a favorite snack makes it even better.
But of course, it doesn't hurt to give baby some attention every now && then... ; )