Bible and double standards, Preachings
By andresimp
@andresimp (818)
June 25, 2009 3:18pm CST
im a christian, i admit i don't go to church every Sunday and i don't read Bible. I speak to God, like i speak to a friend. so i believe in THE FATHER, SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. i almost completed reading all the chapters in the new testament. I only liked the 4 gospels where Jesus preaching are written. It was man who made all this rules and regulations for the women. A women shouldn't preach, should cover her head and so on.(people in my country still follow) which most of the modern days women don't follow. Don't you think the double standards are caused by religious men who took the authority of the religion. i m not referring to God, i am only talking about the religious preachers who are still preaching the same old thing
i read in a non-religious book which says that Man saw a lot of good qualities in woman, and he was scared they he might get emotional and weak, thus making women stronger. so, he came out with rules for women, eventually developed to a double standard society. Don't you think that some people blindly believe whatever the preacher had to say every Sunday. In my opinion, the man took all the authority over the religion and he sets the principles for the people to follow.. rather what God wants us to be.. what do you all think? some people see preachers or religious leaders as God. well, they are humans just like you and me..please share your views. thank you !
i don't know about other religions... so i don't have any comments on that.
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5 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I also believe in the Holy Trinity. I believe in the power of prayer as I have been the recipient of miracles through prayer. I do NOT believe in organized religion and very seldom regularly attend church because I have found that preachers, ministers and priest are some of the biggest sinners and also the biggest hypocrites.
Did you know that there is no command in scripture which says that a believer in Christ must attend a church building in order to worship God? This is true. Also, there are no examples of any follower of Christ going to a church building to worship God. They worshipped God by their obedience to Him in every area of life, every day of their lives. They did not worship Him by giving only one hour of their time every week to some temple made with hands.
A "Church" is basically a temple made with hands. Does God dwell in temples made with hands? Scripture tells us:
Acts 7:48, "Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands;"
Acts 17:24, "God...dwelleth not in temples made with hands;"
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@andresimp (818)
• India
26 Jun 09
thank you so much for responding. i m happy that at least one person has agreed to my point. People are simply afraid that if they do not attend church God would punish. the preachers and priests are the biggest sinners. they are making religion as business. some preachers sell prayer requests form.. why do they need to buy prayer request forms? i would say that once you have tasted the goodness of the lord, there is no need for preachers. God would talk to you, if you listen to him. thank you so much for quoting the bible verse. every Sunday the preacher teach only what they want the people to know about GOD and if you see they teach the same thing all over again. Different preachers have different views about God. i would say search within yourself.. God would speak to you directly if you search within yourself.. i hope people realizes it. i really appreciate your response. thank you
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
26 Jun 09
You are welcome. Like you I speak to God as I would to my best friend but I also regard Him as truly my Heavenly Father and I am so comforted by the personal relationship I have with him. I speak to Him often throughout the day when something crosses my mind.
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@jellymonty (2352)
26 Jun 09
I find it odd that you call yourself a christian and yet you don't go to church neither do you read your bible which is a requirement if you have chosen to be a christian. Since you don't read your bible then it's pointless for you to babble on about what religious people are up to as the answers are in the bible. If you take time out and read the book of timothy in the bible, it will explain the answer to your question
I HIGHLY suggest that you read your bible and pray daily as this is the only way that you will be an effective Christian. Also make an effort to go to church as there is always something that God would like to tell you. You say you pray (which is good) but remember that prayer is very much effective when you apply the word of God to it and not just babble to God whenever you feel like. God is no respecter of persons and therefore you not reading your bible or going to church it shows your utter disrespect to God and God will not honor your prayers if all you do is babble to him.. yes he is our friend but he is also our father, King of Kings and Lord of Lords and it is a must for you to respect, reverence and honor him.
So do not worry yourself with what religious people/leaders are doing as at the end of the day it's what God requires of us that matters and Jesus taught us not to judge anyone regardless of what they say or do...
But Please take a moment and READ THE BIBLE!!.... cheers

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@andresimp (818)
• India
27 Jun 09
well, i did read bible, was regular to church, attending all retreats, prayer meetings everything that that a proper christian would do. why don't yo all get the statement.. i trust him God, believe Him, love Him, i speak to Him, respect Him. i was referring to the preachers and we are following what our ancestors followed and thought us. religion has become more of an habit and practice rather a good relationship with God. should be told that God really answers my prayers, and he has been saving me from all the tough times. and i can still feel his presence inside of me, giving me wisdom and the protection from evil. i m a person who learns from my mistakes. i stumble, fall, i learn from it and i never do that again in my life. I do not claim myself as holy, faithful, religious person. i have a relatives who talk about God and religion,reads bible, attends church, leads worship, fast and pray, . but disrespects his own parents. He is least bothered about his own father who is old. when he came to visit my house, my grandpa was sick and we were really struggling for money at that time..we were not able to pay bills. my grandma asked him some money, but he said he don't have any money, the next day he bought a bag full of christian VCDs and Cd's which is worth a lot of money. my grandma was so upset, she asked a help for the first time, he refused to offer his help. but he had money to get all those bunch of CDs. My grandma really helped him a lot when he was sick and had an head injury. we didn't expect anything from him back. however, we didn't that he didn't have that heart to offer a help. i have seen a drunker preacher beats his wife, a preacher who gets money from poor people instead of helping them. i can go on and on about it. i don't want an argument to start here and i completely respect your understanding and views about religion and God. thank you!
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
8 Aug 09
I think those writings were reflecting the society and time.. why if women would have, in that day and place began to preach and teach, I think there would have been such shock and uproar the gospel message would have been shipwrecked. Also the line where Paul writes the women should be silent in church if read in context refers to some women who were talking (gossiping) during the readings and testimonies, etc.. Do I think men have jumped on this line? of course.. humans are flawed. And as to women being modestly (not radical or extremely) covered, I've always thought of that as protection and preferable to how women are portrayed in society these days. Jesus himself (and also God the Father) very much highly esteemed women. Jesus had female disciples, unheard of in his day.. and the first person he revealed himself after his rising was a woman.. God sent the rescuer of mankind to earth, via a woman, Mary.. Eve was called "the mother of us all"... And many other great examples. Paul also wrote "there is neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, but all are one in Christ Jesus" and he worked with women leaders and teachers such as Priscilla (of Aquilla and Priscilla), Tabitha, etc..

@andresimp (818)
• India
10 Aug 09
yeah,those writings reflects society at that time. Gossiping is natural thing for women even now. so probably that could be true. so men would have over looked at it. People in the society make it so difficult and women. thanks for the explanation.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
27 Jun 09
I am a christian too, and do not attend a church setting every Sunday.. I feel that I can worship the Lord here at home.. I pray every day, I try to help others when ever I can.. I think that the preachers today for the most part are not looking out for their congregation but more for themselves.. It may seem mean or straight to the point.. But here is one thing that I find very interesting.. The church itself has an annual income of x dollars.. Where does that money go? From what I have read and believe a pastor that makes more money and has a better house then most of its followers, there is something wrong with that picture.. A church in my opinion is suppose to be a religious family.. In that if there is one family or two.. Whatever the amount may be.. And they are struggling to make ends meet, would it be wrong for the church to just offer them help.. Instead of the families having to ask.. I know that if you ask you shall receive.. It just seems like the churches receive a whole heck of a lot, but there followers do not get any help.. Family is suppose to be supportive, and in a church setting it does not seem that way.. They seem to be judgment, rude, and even ask you to leave.. before they are willing to help someone..
@andresimp (818)
• India
27 Jun 09
you are exactly right..! that is what i have telling here.. that why don't they have such helping nature.. they are so self centered. what is the point of talking about religion where ever they go when they don have the quality that Jesus has. i believe that if we live an example by supporting, helping, being kind, and that shows a true Christian. i m happy that you are having a personal relationship with God.. i also talk to you say, Most religious people seem to be judgmental.. thanks for sharing your views. i appreciate it. good luck. God is Always kind to his people. we are His Children. we love Him and His people..
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@4blessingsmommy (48)
• United States
27 Jun 09
I agree with you that men to try to insert their beliefs instead of just following the teaching of the Bible. The Bible had women who taught the gospel. God used illustrations of the strength of women all through the Bible. The Bible had a woman judge. Women were the first ones at the tomb. Women in the Bible were strong and continue to be. When the Bible says "Wives submit to your husbands" it doesn't mean that we are to become their slaves. In fact, that is just one part of the passage. If you look before and after that verse it also states that husbands are to submit to their wives as well. That means husbands and wives are to love and respect each other as God loves His church. People will take pieces and parts of the Bible and manipulate it to mean what they want it to say. That is why it is so important to read and study the Bible so that you don't believe what man says, but only what God says.
I believe in only Biblical scripture. I do not believe in laws or ideas that man has tried to impose in addition to what the Bible says and I don't believe we as man have a right to do that. It is kind of like we are playing God. Pastors, preachers, etc. are not to be worshipped and not to be held as high as God or Jesus. The Bible tells us that.

@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
10 Jul 09
I am also a Christian. I do attend church quite regularily however – I can only read my Bible online due to a severe vision impairment.
People are taught to judge others by “The Church” – sorry to say.
It was that way in Jesus’ day as well, and “those” are the folks that he scolded in the hardest manner, because they were in effect saying that we should all be doing what they’re doing to be “good” Christians.
Not all preachers are bad – or self-absorbed. I have a marvelous pastor, and money is the least thing he talks about. And – he lives to the fullest what he teaches us.
In the Bible in Hebrews 10:25 it says to forsake not the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is, but so much the more as we see the day approaching. Most teach that this is a mandate for absolute church attendance – but it is not. It simply shows us that we are to be involved in gatherings where Christians are – whether in church – home groups – friends meeting for lunch or prayer or a Bible study, etc. These ARE all gatherings together, are they not?
I have an online email Bible study that I send out the first of each month. I stay with the Bible, and try to keep it brief and informational. One can join or quit, as they desire. We learn about many things, and lately have dealt with some of the comments raised here.
If you’re interested, email me at
Just put the word “Join” in the subject line.
Lastly there is a good book out by J. Lee Grady, called “10 Lies That The Church Tells Women.” It is a very good teaching, and shows what the real truth is about some of what you have mentioned above.
Have a great week
Classy Cat
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@andresimp (818)
• India
28 Jun 09
you have given the right explanation.. you got my discussion right and gave the right answer. thank you so much! good luck!