Michael Jackson dies at age 50, what will he be remembered for?
By ddhawkins63
@ddhawkins63 (682)
United States
June 25, 2009 7:13pm CST
Michael had quite a successful career. He has also had many downfalls over the past several years. He died of cardiac arrest. Will he be remembered for all the great music that he played, for the changes in his skin color through the years or the child molestation charges that came from young boys?
I can't help but be a little sad about this. I grew up with Michael Jackson playing on my record player. I watched all of his changes through the years and can't say that I have liked them. I have often felt a bit sorry for him as well. I am not sure that he knew how to handle all the fame even though it was something that he wanted. I think he let it go too far where his looks were concerned. I am so back and forth on this. My mind is thinking about the little boy blasting out songs like ABC's and Rockin' Robin with his brothers. Then it wanders to what has happened in his adult years.
So what do you all think? What will you remember him for?
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28 responses

@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
26 Jun 09
Yes, you are right and he will be most remembered for all his good deeds, despite those controversial topics surrounding him.
Sometimes you never know, celebrities are like us too; they tend to feel lonely, despite their popularity and richness. I like your note there on that..
Have a nice day and thanks for this discussion..;)
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Thanks for the contribution that you made to the discussion. You brought up something that no one else, including me thought of! :-) Have a great night!
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Yes, you bring up a very good point. He did contribute a great deal to charities and such. We have let so much bad press over shadow any of the good he has done in his life and there were many of those things as well. I do feel sorry for him a bit though. Isn't that funny that I would feel that way for someone who had it all? Thing is, I don't think he did have it all. I don't think he was a very happy person, for years. Thanks for brining up such good points.
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
It's great to hear that you got so much inspiration from him. That's a true statement about his talent.
@gingerale (225)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
He will always be remembered, good or bad, he made a lot of contributions. Everyone has his bad side. Jackson had his share of the bad side. But he has helped a lot of people. He co-wrote the song, "We are the World," that song was song by various popular and legendary artists like Stevie Wonder, Cindy Lauper, Kenny Rogers, Ray Charles, etc. everybody helped and that song saved Africa from famine in the late 1980s. I will always remember him for his songs, his Christmas songs, like "Someday at Christmas," Give Love on Christmas Day,". Other songs, included the one that Mariah Carey remade, "I'll Be There," "Ben," a song about friendship and the theme song of the movie "Free Willy 1" and Free Willy 2," these were about that Willy the Whale. The song was "River Jordan." I also like the songs, "Music and Me," "Happy" yes, and "One Day in Your Life." These are sad, sad songs and these really touch the heart and they are full of meaning. And oh, he also sang "She's Out of My Life," one that he dedicated to his former sweetheart, Tatum O' Neil. That song makes me cry.
@gingerale (225)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
opps, I erred there, the song was sung...(not song) sorry
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@psphacker (1053)
• United States
26 Jun 09
He will be remembered for sexually abusing people.
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@prashanthalva (2272)
• India
26 Jun 09
DD You Are one Extreme Hacker is another........... We All pray that He Doesnt become a Ghost And Haunt Hacker ..... LoL ....... HeHe ....... Jokes Apart Let His Soul Rest in Peace ...... His Songs Were The Life For Many Ages Ago ...........He Will Be Remembered For that ...............................
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@psphacker (1053)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Oh i forgot he will also be remembered for not being proud of being an african american and trying to be white.
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I think that many people will remember him for that, yes. But shouldn't there come a time that we let go of things, such as time like these. He's gone now so shouldn't the world be a little more forgiving for that? I don't know, just a thought.

@jlamela (4897)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
He was a great singer. He had influenced the music industry of what it is today. He had helped crossed barriers from an inferior performer to a more sensational King of Pop ever. He was truly an inspiration to all aspiring singers who really struggled to be on top. Though the remaining years of his career were battered by controversies, he remained the most popular and unbeatable singer of all time. May he be remembered by present generation always. May he rest in peace.
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Yes, I agree. May he rest in peace. He was still pretty much on top when my kids were younger so they will remember him always for his music. I am wondering how many of those who are younger than they are will remember him though.
@sweetashoney (3597)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I agree with everyone hundred percent. There has been so many people around me that talked crap about him,I don't agree with everything that he has done since he has gotten older but I have always been a big fan of his. I think that he wanted to be accepted by everyone and he just went overboard with it. As far as the child molestation charges goes, no one will ever know if that is true or not.
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
That is true. No one but him, the boy and God knows that and never did. I think this is going to cause major controversy over the next several months and possibly even years. Elvis Presley still isn't allowed to rest in peace and look how long he's been gone. Michael will always be that little boy singing out ABC and Rockin' Robin to me. Oh and let's not forget Thriller which is one of my all time favorite songs of his.
@wookieekyut (673)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
no matter what, he will always be remembered. he will be remembered for his songs. i believe hi songs will live forever....will be sung by the future generation. he will be remembered for the "USA for Africa" thing.
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@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I have never been a Micahael Jackson fan but I will rember him for the contoversy he stared. The Child Mostation charges he was charged with as well as the surgury and skin treatments as well as the biazzare behavior.. I do rember the rock vids on MTV and what not as well. I also rember him in his own saturday moring cartoon seris along with his brothers, it was called the Jaskon 5 show I belive. I saw it in reruns latter on in life. I have seen him lapooned or made fun of on tv and in the movies. Yes I do wander what happen to him in yes Adult life, they say he was a boy who never grwe up. Personaly I do not think he was gulity of the charges becase I think people where after him becase of who he was and this biazzare lifestye he had.
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@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Yes your are quite right I think that is about his behovior. I am gald that I was able to reminde you of the catoon. I wonder if anyone easle rembmers that.
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
27 Jun 09
Good question. Not sure if they remember it or not. I think when the cartoon first came out that it was up against the Osmond Brothers cartoon. They were big rivals as far as trying to get attention focused on them back in the late sixties and early seventies. So they each had a cartoon of their own on different networks when it first came out.
@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
True, but he did make himself an easy target later in life for those sorts of allegations. No one will ever know the full truth about him except himself and God and that is all that counts in the end anyway. I lost interest in him years ago but he will long be remembered in my heart as that little kid who hit the big time. I forgot about that cartoon. I remember when it came out! Thanks for reminding me.

@biggerb (2024)
• India
26 Jun 09
I loved his 'Free willy' song.I remember my son growing up listening to Michael Jackson.The moment we got into the car we would have his songs blaring.In course of time both my husband & me took a liking to his songs.Our liking was only the old favorites of the 70's.I remember having gifted my son with all the albums that Michael Jackson came out with.He loved those presents.We all all the video tapes too which was played over and over again.I loved his dance movements.How many youngsters aped him and tried to dance his way.There are so many sides to him. Now that he is no more I think its best to remember him for the positive side.I feel sorry too that he had a troubled childhood where he was ill treated and beaten up by his father.Maybe these things led to him doing whatever he should not have done.My his soul rest in peace.

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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
That is very well possible that he did that because of the way he was treated, but that doesn't excuse any acts such as he was accused of. Unfortunately, the world will not forget those bad things either. But hopefully, they will be more forgiving now so that his family can have some peace. I worry about the children though because you know the press is going to hound and follow them like crazy to watch their every move. Michael is no longer there to protect them from that.
@prashanthalva (2272)
• India
26 Jun 09
One More Point For Dear DD ...... I Feel u r a Lovely lady ............. We Can Just Talk .................. What else can we do .......... In the End It all BoILs Down To Destiny ..... What Was Written Has To Happen Will Happen We Just Watch the Play .................. Thank You ............
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@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
He is my idol.
Because he proved himself to be the king of pop.
I always remember him as the genius singer and songwriter.
He said that he never had a happy childhood because he perform
at the early stage of his life. He is also abused by his father.
I don't know if it's true...maybe it's his childhood trauma make him
a troubled person during his adult life. Rest in peace Michael.We always
remember you.

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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Yes, it may have well been that that casue him to behave the way he did. And I do understand that he didn't have a good childhood with his father and all. But in the end, we are all responsible for our own actions. I believe whole heartedly in God. Michael now faces his and that is the only thing that matters. None of our opinions will matter one bit. He was a great performer in his dance and singing. He was a perfectionist with his performances. He had to have every single move and word just the right way or he would have to do it over again. He would practice for hours and no matter how good he was or how the audience percieved him, he was still unhappy with himself and his image of himself and that is why he did all the operations. It's really sad.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
Michael Jackson is the King of Pop.. He will be remembered for his great contribution to the music industry.. I grew up with Michael Jackson's music.. my dad who is a fan always play some of his songs once in a while.. i like Michael Jackson's songs such as billie jean, thriller and bad.. rest in peace, Michael.. thanks for all your hardwork!
@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Thank you for your contribution Gracie and he certainly was an amazing artist.
@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
No, they can't take that away from him. I think that was his only escape from it all really.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I have followed him his whole career, as well. I feel that when you have a father who terrifies you (Jackson's words in an interview) because he forces practice and perfection with a belt, when you travel the world and are the main source of monetary support for a large family, when you pine for a normal childhood and then live under public scrutinity, something has to give. Michael Jackson was a very troubled soul, with good reason.
As for me, above all else, I will remember his rare and brilliant talent! No one danced, wrote, or sang like he did. His sad story reminds me a bit of Elvis Presley. I think those will brilliant talent are also full of strong pain.
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Yes I agree with you on a lot of points. I do think that we all control the final destiny of our lives here on Earth though. Many people go through horrible abuses and do to help others in every way possible and never hurt others mainly because of what they lived through. Others fall by the wayside and do hurt others and use the abuse as a reason to behave that way. That in no way implies that I think he did all of those things. I have had it in the back of my mind for years, but I don't know that he did it and I am not his judge and juror nor will I ever be. Thanks for the contribution to the discussion.
@Simply_The_Best (80)
• Belize
26 Jun 09
I sincerely hope he will he will he will be remembered for his contributions and NOT the negatives! But, knowing how people are, the negatives will surely be overplayed!
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Yes, that is a certainty. As well as it is certain that people will start "spotting" him places just like Elvis. It's really sad that people hang on to things of the past isn't it?
@ATFernandez (2)
• Canada
26 Jun 09
Well i think he will be remembered as some1 not proud of his race and his look. and ofcourse THE KING OF PLASTIC SURGERY!
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Yes, he definitely had his share of surgeries. I truly was appalled with the last few though. He took that way way too far, in my opinion. I am not sure what he was trying to accomplish. I think that he looked just fine the way he was originally.
@sassygirlanne007 (4517)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I think he will be remembered by the music career. becaucse even thought he has had allot of bad aligations made against him, i think people are going to remember his career more.
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Yes, I think he will be remembered for both things plus how he became so strange through the years. They are doing a memorial on MTV now. They are currently showing an old American Bandstand one with his brothers.
@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
26 Jun 09
What will he be remebered for ? Hmmm thats a great question , its so sad to see the world , NOW , prasing his glory , NOW sadden like , i know the fans always loved him , but , why all the love for him NOW ? its sad how hollywood and the media , molded him , like Dave Chapplle said ( hes a comedian great one at that ) he said that " He molded his face for YOU ( the public ) he wanted to be that way for YOU " meaning he wanted to be accepted , but in the long run he wasnt , he was labled as a child molester and all that negativty , but Now that hes gone the world is crying , i say " Why cry for him now , when he was here on the earth living amongst us ?"
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
He actually started doing all the transformations long before he was ever "labelled" as a child molester. And that well may be true why he did it, but I still don't get it. He was a very good looking black man. He became unrecognizable to his fans as the same person who knew his talent when he was very young. I feel bad for him that he didn't ever feel that he was accepted by us, the fans. That wasn't true at all.
As for why cry for him now? Well, I will tell you that I was one of the first ones that came to his defense when he was accused of child molestation. I felt that just because he had indeed turned into a bit of a strange bird, that didn't mean that he hurt young children. I have always maintained in my heart that he couldn't have done those things. I will also have to admit that doubt runs deeply through my mind about it as well. Why did he pay that boy off? Why not go through the court system to get his name cleared? So, I had that on my mind also. That all happened when my children were still fairly young so I looked and them and wondered how I would feel if it were them. I have never come to any conclusion about the truth of the matter. It is something that Michael has to face now. He is responsible for whatever he did in his life now that he is facing God. I also always maintained that a man had a right to earn a living and so I didn't get totally buggy about "not buying his music" like many others did.
Sooooooooooo, in other words, Michael was definitely accepted for who he was until he made it nearly impossible to recognize who that was. Thank you for your comments. It makes sense.....
@ddfreedie (690)
• India
26 Jun 09
he is one of the greatest artist of the century...he holds the record number of sales...also his comeback performance is one of the most awaited program....he will be remembered forever by us...
may his soul rest in peace..
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Yes, I heard about his preparations for his upcoming tour. I wonder how well it would have been recieved though. There was always a shadow over him because of the charges that were brought against him among other things. I just hope that he now has the peace he longed for and the acceptance as well.
@jugsjugs (12967)
26 Jun 09
I think that he will be remembered for all the reasons the good things he has achived and all the bad press in that case he was involved in.I will remember his songs and the case.I will also remember him thinking he had the perfect healthy life style which did not help him much.Happy Mylotting.
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Yes I think he will be remembered for both as well. I also have to wonder how long it will be before people jump on the "michael jackson didn't really die" stuff. You know how they have done with Elvis Presley for years and years.
@tosha33 (265)
• United States
26 Jun 09
I think his fans may remember him for his career, he did a lot of good work especially for us who grew up in the 80s listing to his music. One of my favorites by him was Thriller. The kids that were born after his career was pretty much at an end will remember him for the child molestation charges. Now with his skin it was stated by his sister that the reason why he started dying his skin was because he was embarrassed by the skin condition that he had.
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Yes, with his skin, that was a great big thing. I didn't worry about that so much, just always wondered how he could be so black and then so white. He had so many operations to change his total appearance as well, which I never understood. I thought he wasn't a bad looking man but then he kept on going with the operations until he barely had a nose left. I don't get it. Anyway, yes, he was always so down about his looks, I really can't figure that out. He didn't look anything like himself after a while.
@handsomerohith (326)
• India
26 Jun 09
he was a great singer in this world. He is the king of the pop. This world has lose his service.
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@ddhawkins63 (682)
• United States
26 Jun 09
He was a great performer, I feel for his family as well. RIP Michael Jackson