What can you do? What do you say?

United States
June 25, 2009 11:30pm CST
This has been a day for reading about deaths....first Farrah Fawcett with cancer and then Michael Jackson with a heart attack. The next death I heard about still has me in a state of shock. Some dear friends of our just called us and told us their only son "KD" who just turned 25 shot and killed himself this morning. That was a very hard pill for me to swallow as we had just lost another young man to the same thing a couple months ago. The killing to us would be senseless, but to them it was a lost love. Someone they thouhght they knew and was going to spend the rest of their life with just ups and breaks up with them for no apparent reason other than they just aren't ready to settle down yet. I can only think do they feel they may be ready now? I just don't know what to say to the parents of these children who have felt they don't have anything to live for and at such a young age. You have to wonder what was going through their minds. I can offer my support and my prayers but lets face it...nothing will actually bring back the loss they are facing. I am asking all my mylot friends to please keep this family in your prayers. Thanks in advance!! flutterby
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