I am better.........from Gissi

By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
June 26, 2009 12:19am CST
Hi everyone, first of all thank you to everyone who has kept me in their thoughts and been with me through this time, I am sorry to scare everyone, but it just happened, but hey I have not had an attack yesterday and only a little one on the Wednesday, I mean it was scary not being able to breathe properly, coughing and then trying to be sick, but was there really any need for Mum for Mum to keep saying Gissi for the first 2 Nights and waking me up? Ten Mum tells me the other day no Field for a while well that was not fair, so I nipped her Nose to let her know I am not happy. Then on Wednesday, I had to talk to Mum, she tripped and fell, yep she hurt herself, so I gave her a Kiss to make her better, well 2 minutes later she gets me a Chewy out of the Cupboard and jams her Finger in the Cupboard, I mean what was this Blond Day??? I just don't know, Last Night we took a walk to the big Park, we met Molly and her Mum Viv there, because it was so hot Mum took a dish and water for me to have, so I do not get sick again, as it was still very warm last Night, Molly's Mum told Mum she fusses to much over me(she had a few and always gets a bit horrible at times, she has a go at Mum about things, but don't worry Mum stands her ground) so Mum just told her straight out, that yes maybe she does, but at the end of the Day, People take drinks for themselves and Children when it is hot, also Molly is able to reach the Fountain and have a Drink, I am to little to do that, so Molly's Mum said, she didn't mean it nasty, Mum knows she did but just let it go past, they carried talking about other things. Mum likes Molly's Mum, but when she has had a few, Mum gets angry with, and it is every Day, she has a few, by 4pm, you can tell she is drunk, Anyway after my walk I was not to bad at all I was very tired and hot but I was glad Mum took a drink for me The Vet said that Mum has to let them know when I have another Seizure (I hope not soon) as they need to keep an eye on how far apart they are But Hey I am here to say thank you and I love you all and yep I will be back bugging everyone hehehehe Big Hugs ..........Gissi
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18 responses
• United States
27 Jun 09
Gissi this is Petie here. I am so glad you are so much better and did not have a seizure yesterday. Mom says hi and tell your mom thanks for the phone call the other day it made her day. Gissi did you hear mom took my mean sister away. She was so awful to me she would not let me sit on mom's lap she started to attack me all the time. Mom did love her and so did I until all the attacks happened. I am back to my old self and having mom through my ball and toys all the time. I even stopped when the garage door was opened and I snick out and mom caught me trying to make a break for it. I was such a good doggy that mom gave me a treat. Gissi you take care and I am sure you deserved all that your mum does for you hot or not.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Hi there Petie, good to hear from you I have heard about your Sister and it is sad but Mum told me that she was very sick and did not survive her Life before she joined you, no matter what you all did to make her feel loved she would not never believe it, Mum had a Dog like that once to and she had to go away I am sorry that you had to go through that but she was sick and she more then likely loved you but could not deal with her past, everything was a threat to her, this is how Mum explained it to me, Mum also enjoyed talking to your Mum, Big Hugs to you and to your Mum from both Mum and me .....Gissi xxx Oh your new Picture is on my Site that your Mum sent to my Mum
@Darkwing (21583)
26 Jun 09
Hey Gissi, Li'l Man! It's so good to hear you're feeling much better, and good to see you back. It must be frightening when you start choking and you're unable to breath. I think maybe too much running around in the hot weather doesn't help. I know that sometimes you wait around for Mum to carry you, and I guess that's why... sometimes, you just feel "dog-tired" with all the running around the big field. You really do have to slow down a little bit, you know. As for Mum falling over... ouch... now did she fall, or was she tripped? I know you can get around her legs and upset her balance sometimes. What with that and shutting her finger in the Chewy Cupboard door... well, yes, I think it might have been a blonde day. I hope Mum's ok. Well you take care and take things a bit easier in the hot weather, Gissi. I want to see you well when I come up to visit you, and Mum too! Love and Huggggs to you both from Auntie Darkwing. xxx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Hi Auntie Darkwing, I love the Field though and it is great there but Mum will not give in no matter how many times I try to pull her there, she can be so stubborn you know No Mum actually tripped on the step that is by the Living Room door, I had nothing to do with it this time, honest, I was in the Kitchen, when I heard her cry out and then the words, you know those ones I should not be listening to, came out of her Mouth. Her right leg is very sore, as that is the second time she fell on it in a week, Shame you can't come to stay next week, Mel phoned Mum and told her that she is arriving on Monday hehehe she is stopping till Saturday wow someone else I can annoy, but not to much, Mel is tougher then Mum and gets right grumpy with me, but all it takes is the Puppy eyes and hey Mel feels sorry for me, like when I relieved myself on her Box while we where there, hmmmm she was not to happy about that, but the Box was in the Garden and Mel had left it on the ground, so I just thought I could Love you Auntie Darkwing very much big Hugs and from Mum xxxxxxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Oh my you should have told Mum I do rest on the Field well only to wait for Mum as she is so slow you know Auntie Darkwing,, I always have to wait for her Well the Big Park is ok for now I can still be let of the Lead and Mum makes sure I have a drink in between as well which is a pain sometimes, I am in Mid stream iof running and net thing I hear 'Gissi come and get a Drink' and if I ignore her she shouts 'NOW' sigh so I go to her have a little Drink and of I go again, as for Mel boxes well she put them in my Garden so I thought they where for me Love you Auntie Darkwing and Mum does to big ((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))))) xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 Jun 09
I understand how you like and miss the big field Gissi, but it's not good for you to run around a big space like that, in the way that you do. If you were to take things a little more slowly and stop for a rest every now and again, and bark less at other canine friends, then maybe, just maybe... you'd be ok in the field. As it is, Mum's just giving you a little rest to make sure that you don't have any more problems. The heat probably doesn't help either, with your long coat. You can have just as much fun in the park, I'm sure, and with less risk to your health. Hmmm... tripped over the step, did she? Well, I didn't tell anybody and I didn't fall, but I misjudged that once and had to grab a hold of the door frame to save myself. Poor Mum... with both legs hurting and her finger throbbing she must have been feeling pretty fed up. If I could possibly come up next week, I would but at the moment, I'm busy with wedding cake, fancy dress and darts fixtures, so I'm afraid I won't be able to catch Mel this time. I'm sure she'll have forgotten about the box now, and you'll be fine! She was probably having one of her down moments, and thought that you should KNOW she didn't leave it in the garden for you to relieve yourself on. Ha ha ha. Love and Hugs Auntie Darkwing xxx
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Jun 09
So glad you rallied around this time and yup need to keep vet informed so they can see what to do for you!. Fang had them too but bot very close So I didnt worry to much only got frightened when i couldnt get him to breath and he was all stiff. hugs and hang in there and you and mom will be ok hugs
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Hey Auntie Lakota you know me hehehe I am already busy shouting at People again and getting into mischief and next week Mel is here so another Person to annoy hehehe She phoned Mum yesterday to say she was coming on Monday for a week Love you
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Jun 09
thats cool to have Mel there to pick on he he . and to visit with mom. have fun and glad you are better and talking to people again hugsssssssssss
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
27 Jun 09
It is good to hear you are doing better. Gissi, you are a very special little guy. You are so understanding and loving. I hope you have no more seizures. Take care of yourself and Gabs.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Hi Auntie Royal, yes I am doing good and I hope the next one is far away Love to you all from Mum to
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Jun 09
Hiya Gissi--Pyewacket here and as you can guess my cousin Kissy is snoozing but gives me a chance to be at the computer...my mum just cleaned the keyboard today and was cussing out like crazy...seems there was a lot of my hair all over on it even though I'm careful to clean it after I use it. I'm glad to hear you're getting better---my mum fusses with me all the time too if I so much as give a slight cough---guess our mums love us very much, right Gissi? Now behave yourself and don't nip at your mum's nose like that...can give a lick though...LOL ((((((hugs))))))
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
1 Jul 09
Hi there Pye I am sorry I am so late in answering but the heat is really making me sleep all the time You need to be more careful lol or your Mum will stop you going on there and then we can not chat lol Big Hugs and to Kissy to when she wakes up
26 Jun 09
Hi Gissi, Its Tom here, baby is out in the garden having a good sleep, its her age you see, you give us all a big fright and your poor mum was so worried but I am so glad you are ok, you have to slow down and not get too excited Gissi, and not to run in the field either till you are better, its nasty these fits and I'm glad your mun give you drink in your dish and right too as its very hot and you need to cool down my mum had got a big bowl of water for us, hang on I'll just go and have a drink............yum.. I'm back sorry to keep you waiting, Baby is still asleep on the shed and she won't play, I know I'm a bit older now too but still feel young at heart, ohhhh, mum is just kissing me again and now she lets me use her computer as she knows how worried I have been for you and so pleased to hear from you too and its make my heart sing that you are back, haven't heard from you for a while though, now I have to go as mum wants her computer back, so take care and let your mum kiss you cos thats what mums do and don't nip her again, hoe to hear from you again, lots of licks, Tom and from my sister Baby. Love and hugs. Tamara xxxxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Hi there Tom, I am sorry I gave everyone a fright I know Mum was crying a lot because she hates me getting them, I have had them since Mum rescued me and it was only the Vet here that found out what is wrong but the Vet said as long as I do not get them close together it will be ok for now I have 2 Waterbowls in the House Mum keeps one in the Living room for me and then another in the Kitchen, People do not realize that we also need a drink when we are out, even when I have to go in the car I have a Dish and water there to, Tom are you not a Member on my Website, you and Baby? If not let Mum know and she will send your Mum the link to join it and Mum will need Photos of you and Baby to add to my Friends Page I hope you and Baby will join it Big Hugs and lots of Love to you baby and of course to your Mum xxxxxxxx
27 Jun 09
Hi Gissi, Its Tom here again, hope you are ok, its been so hot we had to find a shade in mums tall plants in the garden to sit in and have snooze, I'm too hot to chase things that flies round the garden too, lol I am getting lazy, yes Babay and myself would love to join your website and I'll mum to get the link from your mum, thanks Gissi and you take care and not run around too much and giving your mum to worry so, love you always. Love and licks. Tom. xxx
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
27 Jun 09
well I am really glad that you are better gissi and I hope you don't get any more seizures, maybe you were just too hot, I know I couldn't walk around with a fur coat on in this weather that is for sure.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Hi Rose These Seizures happen because of my Murmur in my Heart I have been getting them since Mum got me and we know thy will happen again but the Vet will keep an eye on things and make sure they are not to close together I get them in the Winter to the last one was before Christmas but the Heat does make them worse to when I have them in the Winter Hugs to you
@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Oh Poor Sweet Gissi. I have been so out of the loop by not coming here for months. I am sorry you were not feeling well but so happy that you are back. You and Mum need to take care of each other and keep each other healthy.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Well it is certainly good to see you again Mark, Mum sends her love to you all I am ok now till the next time lol Mum says to tell you Love to you all and big Hugs The same from me and we are so glad that you are all ok How is Jenny I hope she is doing good to Hugs to you all ....Gissi and Mum
@AmbiePam (96740)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Gissi, Sherlock and I have been very worried about you! I hope you are taking it easy. The weather is atrocious here in Oklahoma. The temperature got to 102 degrees yesterday, and the humidity was stifling. Not a place for a dog! Well, you keep taking care of your mum, and you and her both behave, okay? You two are very valuable to everyone at Mylot.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Hi Auntie Ambie and Sherlock I will take it easy That certainly is very warm I do not think I would want to run the Field in that Weather I really hope things are ok with you there Can I teach Sherlock some Mischief please I can teach him loads Love to you both from Mum and me Hugs .........Gissi
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@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
27 Jun 09
Firstly, thanks for letting us know you are getting better Gissi, it's such a relief, because I was very worried about you and your Mum. Bet it feels good to get out and about for a walk, huh? I know how much you love that. Secondly, don't let what other people say bother you. Your Mum did well to stand her ground with Molly's Mum. Your Mum is right - people take drinks with them for their children, so why not for their dogs? It shows your Mum cares about you. I do that when I take Poppy for a walk because I know she gets very thirsty. Anyway, take it easy and don't do too much to quickly - don't want you getting sick again my little fellow! Poppy sends a big lick! xx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Oh yes Auntie Abby it does feel good, Mum only took me for a short walk yesterday, she says we can not overdo it, also Mum was tired as she had been at the Hospital that morning for her last lot of Tests for the Lung Consultant, today she has to go to the other Hospital to see a Gastric Consultant and then she starts all over again no doubt with Tests to find out what is going on with her tummy So it will only be a short walk today to I guess but tht is ok as it is very hot Big Lick to my sweet Poppy, and give her big Hug Please from me to and Hugs to you to Aunty Abby....Gissi xxx
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
27 Jun 09
Poor you, Gissi, that yellow dog, Cujo, has seizures too, he shakes and throws up, and staggers around and that throw up really stinks, I used to try and cover it up, but he only once did it in the cat litter and it was already so dirty we couldn't cover it up... I hope you don't look and act that undignified when you do it... I've heard my meowmy telling the other meowmy that he probably got it from his mom who also had seizures...
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Oh dear that is not good I can't throw up I try to but I just can't and trying to breathe at the same time is just awful But I am sorry that Cujo is throwing up like that Do they not know why he is doing it I hope that they will ease of and he does not have to throw up so much
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Seems like I can't leave you alone for a couple of days without your getting into trouble, Gissi!But I'm so happy that you are on the mend. Molly's mum sounds like a real hoot. Tell your mum not to let her get the best of her.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Hehehehe you know me Auntie Worldwise always up to something as for Molly's Mum well she can say what she wants Mum will not let her get the better of her well not when it comes to me lol Big Hugs to you
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Gissi it's good to hear good things from you! Your mum is very smart! It is hot here too and I saw someone walking their dog....he tried to lay down in the shade and they had no drink for him....I really wanted to say something....but I didn't.....just glad you are feeling better!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Oh that poor Dog that is not good, Mum even has Water and a bowl in the Car for me for when I have to go in the Car, we need Drinks to when it is that hot, why do some People not realize that It is so sad Hugs to you Jill .......Gissi
27 Jun 09
oh dear dear gissi, i have just got back from holiday with my mum and dad, and didnt know you were ill.you sound as though you might be better, but please look after yourself. we have been away for 2 weeks and i am soooo glad to be back in my own bed. we were down in a place called sussex, (funny name) and there was lots of little bunnies and squirrels but mum was a meany , she wouldnt let me off the lead to run after them and play. mind you the last time she did that, i ended up down a rabbit hole and the only way she found me was me barkin and barking . i was also covered in lots an lots of little bobbles off some plant !!! best wishes from your friend dexter . by the way, when we go anywhere, my mum always takes one of my bowls and a bottle of cold water just for me.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Hi there Dexter Why do Mum's always have to stop us doing what we enjoy sigh but hey did you have a nice time though I know I always like coming home to my Bed to there is nothing like your own Bed is there I am better but Mum knows it will happen again as I have had these since I joined Mum, it is my Heart Murmur that causes them, the Vet said as long as they are not to close together I will be ok and do not need pictures taken of my Heart yet See you soon Dexter .....Hugs to you and your Mum from my Mum to ....Gissi xx
• India
26 Jun 09
Oh Gissi its so wonderful to hear from you after such a long long time…I was wondering if you have actually forgotten the layout on the keyboard! Glad to hear that you are better now and I hope too that there are no more seizures, both for you and your mom’s sake. Are you taking any meds? Do you have any idea as to why you have these seizures? What does the doc say?
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Hey there Sud, no I still know the layout of the Keyboard, but Mum has been working a lot on my Website and on her Graphics to so I did not get a look in to get on here There will be more seizures as I have had them for a long time, they are to do with my Heart Murmur, but it really scares Mum every time, me to as I just can not breathe, the last one was before Christmas I am not on any Meds yet as the Vet wants to see now how often I get these and then I have to have pictures of my Heart taken if they happen to often, at the moment they are happy that there is 6 months between the Seizures but they will see now how I go through the Summer and take it from there
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Hi sweetie sorry I didn't hear about all this going on sooner and glad to hear that Mum is taking good care of you. I don't like I like Molly's Mum, drunk and thinking your Mum fusses over you too much :( No way, no such thing as to much fussing over my sweet Gissi. Give Mum a hug for me and keep an eye on her while she keeps an eye on you, love ya sweetie.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Hi Auntie Faith, do not worry, you have had a lot going on yourself and I really hope that your Leg is better and the rest of all the Hurt As for Molly's Mum well just ignore her, she has a Problem, Mum has tried to help her, but Molly's Mum says she has not got a problem, so Mum just takes it in her stride now, Mum will not turn her back on her as she knows that Molly's Mum needs someone Love you Auntie Faith and get better ok...........Gissi
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Mr. Gissi boy!! Hey buddy!! Welcome back!! We've missed ya and so worried about you!! Now you know your mum means well and wants you to get well first before going to the field again so do be patient with her, ok? Your mum is taking really good care of you by taking water with her for you to drink since you're so little. We all need our water to replenish what we lose in this heat. Bless your heart sweet guy!! Give your sweet mum a big ole hug for me!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 Jun 09
Hey there Auntie Cats I am happy to be here I know Mum worries about me and she was scared when I was sick, she cried a few times as she thought I was leaving her but no chance, I love my Mum to much I have missed everyone to and I hope that you are a bit better to as Mum told me about the probs Big Hugs to you always
• United States
26 Jun 09
Hi Gabs, HI ya Gissi; Glad to hear you are better but please tell your Mum for me to stop falling down and to NOT jab her finger in the cubbard...LOL! its good to know I'm not the only blunderbutt in the world but your Mum needs to be more careful...(G)!! Of course your Mum would think of you and take you a drink of water with you guys when you are out for a walk, and why wouldn't she?? That so called friend of your all's needs to be slapped upside the head a time or two I think, what a stupid creature she is, aka STUPID WOMAN for making comments and remarks like that; Here in My State of Missouri, its been terribly hot and humid walks here for those with pets are done in the wee dawn hours or almost dark of an evening and even then its just dripping wet out with the humidity you little one would have to stay in I"m afraid until the weather cooled off more ...its bad here!! take care little Gissi, I hope you don't have any more attacks, and tell your Mum to stop having those blasted blonde moments...LOL!! {{hugs to you both now}} and next time you see that bozo woman at the park or whereever it was you walk, JUST BITE HER..no don't do that you don't need to be in trouble just growl at her and show her your teeth...heehheehe!!!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jun 09
Hi there Jan, you should have heard the words coming from Mum when she fell, that is how I knew she hurt herself, as that is when all the horrible words come out, you know the ones we little ones are not suppose to hear, as for Molly's Mum she needs help Mum has tried for a year to help her, but she says she does not have a problem, we know she does, Mum won't turn her back on her, she stands up to her which is hard for Mum, as she is very scared of People that are drunk, but she manages somehow, when Molly's Mum is not on the Drink, or before she goes on it she is a nice Person, A lot of People here have turned their back on her but Mum won't as Mum knows that Molly's Mum needs someone I will tell Mum to stop these blond moments but I think it will be no use Love to you and big Hugs xxx.....Gissi