Dont you dare tell me

June 26, 2009 11:24am CST
that I am nasty! I got told that I was a really nasty person today because I was in a nice restaurant for lunch and there was a kid in there screaming it's head off because it didn't want to eat it's dinner, it was screaming, rolling on the floor and kicking, kicking his mother. And i said the kid was doing my head in, (not to the mum) But was then told I was really nasty and I must relly hate kids! I dont hate kids, I like kids! What I don't like is kids screaming their damn heads off and not being disciplined. I can appreciate the fact that kids play up, I get that, but do you know what, I am allowed to be annoyed by the kid, as long as i dont do anything about it! Lets be clear, I am not talking about babies, babies can't help it, they cry because they have no voice and no choice. Do these kinds of kids bug you? WOuld you have disciplined it if it was your kid?
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25 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
26 Jun 09
First of all, there are some restaurants where you expect kids and noise and others where the price of your meal and the atmosphere should pretty much tell parents that children who aren't well-behaved don't belong there. I never took my kids to nice restaurants when they were little, even if kids behave they are still noisy and distracting to others. There are plenty of kid-friendly places that are better choices. But I do feel for some parents, they really can't discipline because anything is considered abuse these days. The kids are taught this in school, so even the threat of punishment eventually gets a threat from the kid to call the police. I must say I usually told them they should, then they could go live in foster care and find out what abuse really is. Needless to say, they never carried through. But that doesn't mean that others in a public place, restaurant or store won't report you. You can't spank a child, not even a swat on the bum. Some nosy patron will accuse you of beating your child. So until society lets parents discipline children in some way that isn't punishing to the parents and the rest of society, this is the kind of raging and selfish people who will be throwing grownup tantrums and are going to be running the world in a few years. It's kind of scary.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
30 Jun 09
Let me explain one thing about spanking in public - it really isn't always a good idea. The range of what people consider normal discipline is wide, and as a parent who doesn't spank, I really don't like having to SEE other people do it in public. I don't have ANY problem with what you do at home or in private, so if you take your kid to the bathroom or the car or just outside the door so you're not in view of everybody, by all means. I just don't like seeing parents smacking kids around in grocery stores, in restaurants, at parks, etc. Since my daughter isn't spanked, it prompts questions from her, such as is that mommy or daddy angry or do they not like or love their kid, why are they trying to hurt their kid, etc. We teach her that you don't hit people -in self defense if you're getting attacked but you don't hit, slap, or smack other people to get them to do what you want. She is smart enough to connect those two things - people do indeed hit kids to get them to 'mind rules'. There are other ways of discipline you know.
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
26 Jun 09
When I was a kid, the once or twice I dared to pull something like that, I was told by my dad that if I didn't stop, that I would receive something to cry about. That put an immediate stop, let me tell you! Nowadays, parents are limited as to what they can do for discipline. Spanking can send a parent to jail. Now I'm absolutely against whips, belts and using other objects that can really hurt a child. But there are times when a child merits a spanking on the bottom with an open hand. I believe that teaches respect, self control and is a deterrent for future bad behavior. An entire generation of children are being brought up not knowing what respect and self control are. In this instance I also fault the restaurant. Because of other diners, the waitress would not have been out of line to bring the child and one of the parents to a different room until they calmed down.
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26 Jun 09
I agree, but I wouldnt say an entire generation, theres got to be some good ones!
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
26 Jun 09
Personally, I don't think that it was nasty of you to say that. You were being perfectly honest. I think that it's normal that certain behavior from children will annoy you. I have two nieces and I love them to pieces, but there are just times, when they annoy me. The fact that they occasionally annoy me doesn't mean I don't love them. They're just kids! It's normal that they'll get on our nerves, in my opinion.
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26 Jun 09
exactly, you can still love someone even if somtimes they bug you!
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• United States
26 Jun 09
Actually, I feel bad for the parents, who I am sure are trying to correct the situation(even though it may not seem that way to you). They are doing it in the best way they know how. I have learned along time ago, to not judge parenthood, and never say "NEVER", because you just may find the exact situations in your life as a parent.
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• India
26 Jun 09
Kids are the learners. They do mistakes and they will soon avoid these mistakes later on their lifetime. I agree that kids are undisciplined sometimes, makes feel uncomfortable. But there is no point in hating kids. Their nature is always silly,stubborn etc., but we have to leave it all. The kids should be grown in such a way that they behave disciplined outside their home..
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26 Jun 09
I dont hate kids, I said that!
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• United States
26 Jun 09
I agree with you! I have 2 kids of my own and if either of them acted like that in public they would have been disciplined immediately. I dont think you are a nasty person just because you wanted to enjoy your lunch in peace and quiet. Everybody that goes to a restaurant has the right to eat in peace. Parents need to realize that just because they are immune or used to that kind of behavior doesnt mean other people are or want to listen to it.
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26 Jun 09
thank you!!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
27 Jun 09
Yes children that do that really bug me too. I have four children and none of them have ever done anything like that in public they would not dare!! I have come across parents whose children have temper tantrums in public and the parents do absolutely nothing about it and just let them carry on. If my child did this then of course I would have disciplined it!
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• India
26 Jun 09
hey what a co incidence...i was in a rest where a kid was making so much noise, the gentle man on the other table just got up and changed his table but did not say much. anyways the 2 families got into an arguement and was not very pleasant. I do agree with you on kids making a real noise however i cannot blame the kid... a kid is only a kid, it is the parents who need to disapline them. OH i love kids, however i would never let my kid be a neosense not in public i dont think that is right. When you are out especially in a nice place where other people come to relax parents should be a bit considerate.
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• United States
28 Jun 09
If you remember only one thing for the rest of your life, remember this: Children learn what they are taught. If they get their way all the time, YOU WILL HAVE CREATED A MONSTER THAT THINKS IT SHOULD ALWAYS GET IT'S OWN WAY.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
27 Jun 09
Well, since you didn't say something to the mom or within earshot of the kid (I am assuming), then I wouldn't call you nasty - unless you made your comment directly to me. Now this doesn't mean that I wouldn't be irritated with the kid too, I probably would, but unless I am taking care of someone else's kid, I do not parent other peoples' kids. If they choose not to do it, then it's on them, it has nothing to do with me. The only time I go around that is if someone else's kid hurts MY kid and their parent doesn't do anything or notice. I don't like kids misbehaving in public either, but if it is not directly impacting me, such as if the kid is just noisy or treating their parent(s) badly or refusing to comply but they aren't in MY space taking my food or whatever, then I really don't care. It isn't my business - and I do like kids. I just refuse to make myself responsible for everyone around me, I can tune them out if I don't like what's going on. That is the MAIN reason I don't get all freaked out and stressed out about what other people are doing - because I just don't CARE. I'm less nosy than most of my friends although I do enjoy a good piece of gossip if it crops up. I do think that if the PARENTS do not like this type of behavior, they should have done something preventive about it a LONG time ago, say about maybe when their kid was about ONE and could start learning simple rules that will apply to them their whole life... don't take things that don't belong to you, if someone says don't touch, don't touch, pick up your toys, don't push people, use inside voices when you're inside, etc. If my kid were doing that, then yes I definitely would have done something, like maybe stuck him or her under my arm and taken them out to the car lol. However, I try to stick to family-friendly and kid-friendly places if I'm taking kids because the really 'nice' and higher class type places where people tend to go as couples or on dates are really not appropriate to bring a string of preschoolers to in the middle of the day. Not only that, the food they serve isn't really kid friendly and expensive to boot.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
30 Jun 09
Ok D, what the heck happened? Did your account get hacked? LOL!
• China
27 Jun 09
It's unreasonable to say that you are nasty. But I think it just because the mum was upset at that time, so she told that. I mean, you can just purge this from you memory. It does not belong to you. I quite agree with you that the kid should be displined if he/she makes trouble. The kids are innocent but the parents have responsibility to look after them.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
26 Jun 09
If it had been my kid I would have taken him out to the car for the a$$ whipping he deserved for behaving like that. You're not nasty for saying what you said and you wouldn't have been considered nasty if you had complained to the waiter or the manager of the restaurant. You're a paying customer and you have the right to eat in peace without having to listen and witness a long temper tantrum.
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26 Jun 09
hehe a$$ whipping! It was such a tantrum!
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• India
27 Jun 09
Hi Dear I totaly agree with ur words as u said that u went in the resturant for lunch and there is a environment happening at there becuase of that baby i beleive that even if Today i be on ur side may be i also have the same words as u said becuase i beleive that when we goes out that kind of place everybody wants the silence and smooth environment so that the person can feel relax from their rushy life and according to my point of view u r not nasty.
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@kabudel (175)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
Not a bit nasty! There is no way in the world I would tolerate kids like that. A good spanking awaits them when we get home. (rofl) Kidding aside, I will make sure that my kid do not act like a brat by explaining how it would hurt him in the future.
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26 Jun 09
thats good, I don't like bratty kids.
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@olydove (1209)
• United States
27 Jun 09
ROFL I actually know someone that did that. They were with some friends in a grocery store one time and this lady was waiting to pay for her items well the child started to do exactly what the one above did, rolling around on the floor kicking screaming etc, so my friend got right down on the floor and did the same thing, then the kid got up and looked at my friend like " What in the???" Needless to say the kid was quiet for the rest of the wait, my friend looked like a weirdo but it worked ROFL.
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@kabudel (175)
• Philippines
26 Jun 09
me too! I sometimes feel like acting one around bratty kids just so they would stop. ROFL
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• United States
27 Jun 09
I agree. I work in retail, and some of the kids that come in there are just completely off the wall. I don't see how parents can fail so bad at parenting, but if it isn't done correctly, then you for sure have a rather spazzy kid that won't stop for anything. Yes, these type of kids bug me to no end, and if I ever had a kid, he would be disciplined before hand, knowing not to act like that in public. or anywhere for that matter.
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@soulgurl (153)
• Malaysia
27 Jun 09
heck're not nasty for voicing out. If at all I think you're doing the other diners a favour. I would have done the same if I were in your shoes more so I would voice it out to the momma. I mean come attitude like that is very unacceptable especially in a restaurant. Its not only annoying, it just spoils your day. Seriously, I think momma needs a few lessons on how to bring up the kid. If that kid doesnt get some good dicipline soon it will grow up to be a mean "I want it my way & I want it now" adult!
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@celticeagle (172306)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Jun 09
I think what you said was VERY mild compared to what it could have been. If I was the mother I would have been mortified and appropriately have reprimanded the child. When you let kids get away with that kind of behavior it continues. Kids need to be taught how to act in public and that is certainly not it. I like well behaved kids and I think this comes from the parents and what they put up with and don't.
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
27 Jun 09
i do agree with you. i have two kids but i do not let them get out of hand when we are outside eating or dining out. i would always tell them to behave their best and in return i do give them is my way of disciplining them and well i am glad they do it.. but it is hard with toddlers or babies because of course they stil ldo not understand it..but with kids, they can already understand so i always make it a point the message is clear. and i am like you,i also get annoyed with other people's kids that do tantrums and gets noisy in restaurants, its like they have not been properly disciplined.
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@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
26 Jun 09
That's exactly my sentiment. I hate it when parents either can't or don't want to discipline their children and teach them manners. There's no respect toward other people any more, it seems like. :( If I'd acted like that when I was young, I would have been disciplined, hands down. There wouldn't have been any ifs, ands, or buts about it.
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• China
27 Jun 09
No. u're not nasty.. u have the right enjoy the peace environment in public.... Thouth some little kid are easy to make many noise , u also can try to take more pains to them.. Everybody should grow up ,then be better...
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• United States
26 Jun 09
I know some parents try to be too friendly with their babies which is OKAY! but as they grow up they need to learn that its unaacceptable to have your children un disciplined. It makes you and your child look bad. I dont recommend disciplining in a public area but this type of behavior should be gradual implanted in the child as they grow up.