What is the meaning of money to you now?

@scheng1 (24649)
June 29, 2009 1:11am CST
Money means different thing to different people at different point in life. Recently I have given a lot of thoughts to the meaning of money, seeing that many families break up during the recession, and many people commit suicides after losing their jobs, and not able to gain employment. Money can mean survival, success, happiness at different point in our life. To me at this point of time, money means survival. Money means ability to buy food, pay for mortgage, and buy other necessities for survival. During the recession, I wouldn't even want to think about taking a long trip. Money does not mean recreation or holiday now, just survival. What is the meaning of money to you now?
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6 responses
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
29 Jun 09
Hi Scheng...as for you, money, for me at this time of recession is strictly about the ability to survive, to pay the bills for necessities like shelter, food, and medication. All the little luxeries have been put on hold. If times were better, it would still be a means of survival, but it would also allow for little luxeries and comforts, and there would be excess with which to help others whose needs were greater than my own. A very good question, by the way. Karen
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
30 Jun 09
Hi Karen, actually money is always for survival, but when the economy is doing well, and we are confident of earning more money, we dont feel it so much. Now that the recession seems to go on forever, money is survival, and money seems so important now than ever. Hardly anyone has enough money to spend on a world tour now, which is what I want but not able to afford now.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Jun 09
Money is a tool that lets me pay for what I need and get some of the things that I want. I don't have much now but there's enough to pay for what I need. I don't understand people killing themselves just because they have no money--money comes and goes, it's a temporary thing and you can always get more if you are resourceful. I think too many people think that money is the most important thing in life, I feel sorry for them.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
29 Jun 09
For most people money means freedom and independence. Having it increases our choices and not having it restricts them.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
29 Jun 09
I did not realize you could expand on what was already posted to hubpages. This is definitely an advantage when you want to update something. I will have to keep that in mind in the future.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
30 Jun 09
I will have to remember to consult with you when I am ready to start posting at hubpages!
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
1 Jul 09
Money simply means the way I can make purchases as needed for my survival and sometimes for leisure. In recession or not, it doesn't make much differences. It isn't like I will act differently due to the current recession because my spending habit is based on the future earnings rather than what amount I have made so far. That is, only if I predict I can gain 100 dollars in the coming month that I will spend 100 this month.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
1 Jul 09
Hi Faisai, at least you do not overcharge to your credit cards, and make unnecessary purchases. Some friends have very stable jobs, in civil service, they also like to spend future money, particularly the bonus. The Singapore government always announce bonus payment ahead, and never default on payment. I do not have the habit of spending future money. I always wait till the money in the bank before thinking of spending the money. Feel very uncomfortable to spend future money.
@appleit (104)
• United States
29 Jun 09
The ones that need most in life are loves and tooken seriously, want to have money, is only to want to let one's own value can be reflected and be paid attention to! The money is not omnipotent, but we can have no money absolutely;money is not omnipotent, sometime need credit cards... :)
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
29 Jun 09
Hi Appleit, actually it is very hard to compare the importance of love and money. Money is tangible asset, and can use in everyday life. Love is something that is not tangible and yet provides us a reason for living. The best is to have both, we will be very happy to have love and money.
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• India
29 Jun 09
To me , money is a tool for satisfying all needs and wants - be it for survival or to enjoy...But now , in times of recession , money is definitely necasary for survival...
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
29 Jun 09
Hi dreamygal, that's very true. Actually money is a tool for survival, regardless of economic situation, but we feel it more keenly in a recession. Sometimes when the economy is booming, we forget that we need to save up money for rainy days, that's why many people face problems when recession hits, and they lose their jobs.
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