Do you buy original music CDs?

June 29, 2009 3:46am CST
Do you buy original music CDs? I buy some original CD and some other songs i download from the internet. Do you buy Cds or just download the songs from the Internet for free?
15 responses
• United States
7 Jul 09
I always buy the CD from a local music store, although I often listen to music "excerpts" from CDs to make sure I like the song before I buy the CD. Some sites offer this option of previewing the song before you buy it.
• United States
3 Jul 09
Only if it is a band I really like. In the past two years, I think I have purchased two CDs, and one of them was a single from NICO Touches the Walls. I really wanted it, ha ha. I just can't afford regular CDs. I try to get them if they're on sale, but it is so rare that I actually buy them.
@punkincat (214)
• United States
3 Jul 09
I haven't bought a CD in a long while I mostly buy from itunes
@punkincat (214)
• United States
3 Jul 09
I buy CD from time to time but I mostly bury from Itunes.
@Sangkala (238)
• Indonesia
30 Jun 09
i was always buy original CD, but now i never buy the original ones again. the price is too high now and i can get freely by download from net or just rent it and copy to my computer. the unoriginal cd is much more cheaper than the original in my town.
30 Jun 09
Normally, I download or listen music online with Youtube.That's quite convenient and coz that I don't have much money and my tastes of the music are various that I cannot affort to buy all the albums that I may want to listen to.:-)
@OConnell87 (1042)
29 Jun 09
i never buy cds at full price any more i normally either wait till they are in the sale or i will download the tracks that i like from itunes
@peercc (332)
• India
29 Jun 09
i will buy good movie cds only.......
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
30 Jun 09
yes i buy original cds. i have nothing against those who buy "pirated" ones or download their favorite music in the internet, i just find satisfaction in owning the albums of my favorite artists and bands. i keep my cds, almost 500 of these, carefully stacked in a wall shelf in my music room.i rearrange these cds depending on my mood.sometimes by genre, sometimes alphabetically, and sometimes out of whim, i try to figure out how i get to listen from one band to another sort of like what the main character does in nick hornby's classic book "high fidelity" does. lol!!!! anyway, just admiring and looking at my cd collection gives me utmost joy and i'm glad to add one or two titles every chance i can get. cheers!!!
@net_ankit (643)
• India
29 Jun 09
I honestly say that I am not purchasing original cds I am downloading songs from Internet because original sound tracks are very costly and we need more songs so how can we buy those songs with that costly prices.
@hash007 (22)
• India
29 Jun 09
i buy original cds and download songs from internet as well,if i cant find it in music store
• Philippines
29 Jun 09
ometimes I do buy original CDs cause I want see labels, pictures and other stuff you can see anywhere except for buying an original one. I also download free ones specially when I dont have money to spend for original CD. But I still prefer original ones.
• India
29 Jun 09
Well I go in for downloading from Internet , for not the sake of saving those bucks but beacuse you have an option to pick your stuff and play it again n again :)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 09
nop i dont!!! coz de r 2 costly 4 a student//
@abruzzi10 (622)
• Latvia
29 Jun 09
Hey , mate! No, I don't do it, because it's very expensive for me. And also i'm not BIG fan of music bands. I like some songs, and i listen them somewhere in internet. Often in YouTube :)