Minnistota sends loon to congress. (Franken seated)
By xfahctor
@xfahctor (14118)
Lancaster, New Hampshire
June 30, 2009 1:11pm CST
Just comming in so no story to link yet, but apparently Al Franken has been finaly been sent to congress after a long battle in the state of Minnisota. I guess if the people of Minnisota REALLY want this baffoon representing them, that's their business, but he BETTER take care he doesn't take my state down the toilet with his own.
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14 responses
@foursox212 (282)
• United States
30 Jun 09
If I'm not mistaken that should about seal the deal for filabuster proof majority??
Way to go MN!!
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
30 Jun 09
What's the difference when the sk@nk Pelosi and the criminal Reid don't let our elected representatives read any bills.
Piss on Pelosi, Reid, Franken and every other criminal in Congress!!!They all deserve prison!

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
30 Jun 09
Peavey, if you don't like it you can move to Minnesota and vote him out of office. Don't you just love a country where we vote for our leaders instead of appointing them?
@peavey (16936)
• United States
1 Jul 09
Now, what's that supposed to mean? That I don't have a right to an opinion? I don't have to be able to vote for or against a person to have an opinion about it. For instance, Pelosi and Reid are criminal idiots in my opinion, so I have to move all around the country just so I can say so?
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
1 Jul 09
Peavey, I didn't say that you don't have a right to say this, I'm just pointing out the fact that if you don't like this you can move to this state and vote him out. But, don't you think that the people of Minnesota have the right to choose who represents them? Or, should they have to get YOUR approval? I didn't approve off Bush, so I didn't vote for him, I didn't just complain about the people that voted for him, I did my best to make sure he didn't get elected again. Like I said: If it bothers you this much, than you can move their and vote him out of office.

@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
30 Jun 09
It is a sad day for America when you can have a person elected by selectively counting certain votes and not counting others. Colemans objection was that each county got to apply a different standard in determing which votes got counted. In the Supreme Court ruling on Bush vs Gore in 2000 the court said the same standard had to be applies state wide. I guess that does not apply to Minnesota.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
1 Jul 09
That reminds me...wasn't Florida the center of voting issues in the two elections that elected Bush? I think that voting standards should be universal across the country...our problem is that our constitution was written for thirteen states, not fifty! Hopefully someone in Washington will realize that one day and think about making a change for the better! Let's streamline and unify our country! 

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
30 Jun 09
The Criminal Harry Reid welcomes one of his own to the Senate. Proving that no one is too scummy to be celebrated by the Democrats.. as long as they are Democrats.
Piss on Franken, his stolen election and the Maggot vomit named Harry Reid.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1 Jul 09
The criminal, Harry Reid needs to be reminded that the officials of the state of Minnisota don't work for him. For that matter, he needs to be reminded that no Senator works for him either.
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
1 Jul 09
Now let's see... If I recall Franken won even after the recount. Bush stole the presidency and the republican Supreme Court appointed him president not the people whose vote wasn't counted. I would have brought this up until you made such a filthy comment Ted.
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
30 Jun 09
What can I say? Didn't they vote for a wrestler before, Ventura? I'm not sure if it was Minnesota.
Anyway, life gets stranger and stranger. My deepest condolences to the state of Minnesota.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
2 Jul 09
[b]Piasabird AND Taskr--AMEN TO BOTH OF YOU! I still doubt whether he actually won. Think "ACORN"....

@piasabird (1737)
• United States
30 Jun 09
Jon Stewart? You can have him! Deal! He'd make a good Prime Minister, don't cha think? Personally, I don't think he's funny anyway. Now, Steven Colbert is hilarious!

@dragonlady9947 (122)
• United States
1 Jul 09
Nope - we all ready have Quebec. But maybe we could trade - you take Quebec and we take Minnesota.
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
1 Jul 09
Ok, first of all, you're irritating ME because you can't spell!
Do you live in Minnesota (the CORRECT way to spell the state name)? And according to you, Franken is a buffoon (again, the CORRECT way to spell the word).
What state do you live in? If you don't live in Minnesota, then why would you care who Minnesotans choose to represent themselves? I don't go whining that Arnold represents California, especially since it's 3000 miles away from me! I worry about what's happening in my own backyard. If you want to make a difference, then run for a public office and MAKE one. Otherwise, perhaps you should consider shutting up before you look any more stupid!
And yes, my comments are meant to inflame and make you think twice before opening your mouth (and in NO WAY am I endorsing Mr. Franken since I don't live in Minnesota).

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
2 Jul 09
Yes, you do have a right to express your opinion as do I. Frankly, I don't think I need to worry about other state senators OR congresspeople because what they chose to vote for on an individual basis most likely won't affect me. And if I felt that it DID affect me, I'd make sure I'd go out and try to make a difference in MY way. By the way, I happened to use Arnold as an example of a general nature. I feel very strongly about allowing stem cell research, and vote accordingly. That was the deciding factor in selecting my vote in the Bush/Kerry battle--both were equally bad candidates, but Kerry was for stem cell research whereas Bush is against it.
I only corrected your spelling because it makes YOU look ignorant and uneducated; the simple fact that you understand how our government is structured does not mean that you're the most intelligent person in the room. People DO judge you by your grammar and spelling, and I'd suggest taking a moment to spell check your comments beforehand. But obviously I touched a nerve...that's also part of life. Toughen your skin and continue fighting for what YOU believe in! Give the guy the briefest of chances...didn't he just get seated?
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
2 Jul 09
You couldn't have at least pointed it out in a private email instead of in public forum? It came across not as constructive critisism, but as a personal attack and an attempt to draw attention away from the larger point, in short, it had the appearence of being petty. It wasn't an issue of thick skin, on a personal level, it wasn't such a big deal, it takes a lot more than that to bother me.
As to more of your original post. You have no idea how much work I already do in making a difference. I head up a state's rights group in my state and am a member of two other active groups. I communicate regularly with state legislators, in many cases, face to face meetings. I have submitted suggestions for legislation. I attend committee meetings and hearings. I am currently writing a state ballot initiative that would ammend our state constitution and nullify a number of federal actions. I am also already considering a run for state represenative in my district. I do far more than complain, I assure you.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
30 Jun 09
Is it REALLY over, X? Has Coleman conceded and has Pawlenty agreed to certify Franken's election? All I've heard so far is that the Minnesota State Supreme Court has unanimously ruled in Franken's favor.
This is up to the voters of Minnesota. One thing I feel sure of and that's that Franken won't be the biggest "loom" in D.C. representing this state. They already gave us Michelle Bachmann!

@piasabird (1737)
• United States
30 Jun 09
Until I see a picture of her wearing an adult diaper, bunny ears and hugging a teddy bear, I'll still think of Franken as being the biggest loon! 

@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
30 Jun 09
This really scares me, the fact that this guy is being seated. He is not only going to affect Minnesota, but the whole country. What a joke, if we weren't in such serious times, I would probably laugh it off, but we are in very serious times, and the fact that such a clown is being given a senate seat really scares me. Obviously his influence on certain things bothers me, but on top of that, I have been following this drama since election night, and you would have to be out of your mind to not see how crooked this race was. Ballots found in random car trunks, more votes in some places than actual voters, etc. I know this isn't a new realization, I've thought elections were crooked for a long time, but it just bothers me that they keep getting away with it.
I see it this way, the only reason Fraken(stein) was even close enough for them to cheat his way in is because Obama was on the ticket, and Franken rode his coattails. In normal times, I really don't think he would have been close to being taken seriously. People's eyes were just so clouded from Utopia induced ecstasy, and obviously many people are still under the influence. 

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
30 Jun 09
X, the PEOPLE of Minnesota VOTED Al into office, and that is a fact. I had to live the last 8 years with a baffoon running my country, and he had a lot more power than Franken does. He couldn't be worse than Bush.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
2 Jul 09
Al Franken's election gives the democrats the 60 votes they need to stop a republican filibuster. If anything goes wrong in the next four years, we can blame it all on the democrats. Of course, they will probably say it was George W. Bush's fault.
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
2 Jul 09
Yes, I don't know what they're going to do when they have no one to blame but themselves when things go terribly wrong. 

@maezee (41988)
• United States
1 Jul 09
Oh wahh. First of all, it's MINNESOTA. Not "Minnistota" and not "Minnisota". MINNESOTA. Not that hard to spell. I think you need to take a breath and really look at the situation. And if you don't even LIVE in Minnesota, which I'm guessing you don't, because most people who live in MN can actually spell it..What's the difference? I probably don't like your senator, either. But guess what? It's most likely not going to affect you or your state AT ALL.
I didn't vote for Franken, but I guess I don't really care either way. I think it was a decision of the "lesser of two evils", and now Franken has the seat. I just don't see why you're freaking out over it.
This really shouldn't even be a discussion. MyLot shouldn't be an outlet for your angsty, narrow-minded political opinions. I know you probably posted this just to start fights.. Hopefully no one here is going to fall into that trap.
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
1 Jul 09
You pointed out the same thing I did...this goof couldn't even spell Minnesota OR buffoon!
You responded in a noninflammatory way (my answer is below, and obviously I'm not heeding your sage advice, but I didn't get it in time!). There seems to be a lot of folks who are extremely angry about the politics in this country, and I'd say it's a safe bet to say that the vast majority didn't even VOTE!

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
1 Jul 09
Wow, you two...no, I didn't post this to start a fight but you couldn't wait to start swinging could you? And as if the tone of your posts are not bad enough, you have to attack my typing skills and spelling as well? Why didn't you just call my kids names too while you were at it?
"I think it was a decision of the "lesser of two evils"
That is nothing more than a BS moral compromise and dereliction of civic reponsability to one's state, there is no such thing as the lesser of two evils, but hey, it's your state, do what you wish in it.
Nothing more to say here. Thanks for the responses.
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
30 Jun 09
I had a feeling that this idiot would get his way and make it to Congress. It's definitely a sad day in America. It isn't surprising to me though, I expected it. It seems like evil always wins out (for now at least). That whole election process with Coleman was a fiasco.