Does anyone have Verizon Fios? If so, comments? please?
By soooobored
@soooobored (1184)
United States
June 30, 2009 4:13pm CST
I just had an aggravating discussion with a Verizon Fios rep (see below). She seemed as clueless to the service as I did!! However, so far the price seems SO MUCH better than what I pay now for Comcast, I'm just very uneasy about getting bad answers to simple questions.
Does anyone here have Verizon Fios? Any comments?
We are routing you to a chat representative. Thank you for contacting Verizon. Your average wait time is 1 seconds.
You are now chatting with 'Jessica C'
Jessica C: Hello. Thank you for visiting our Verizon chat service. How can I help you set up your new service and save with a Verizon bundle?
you: Hey, jessica I am just poking around right now... can I minimize you and get back to you when I have a question?
Jessica C: Yes that is okay.
Jessica C: I have not heard from you for a few moments. Would you like to continue this chat session?
you: yeah, I do have a question... the Option called "Movies", what movie channels exactly?
Jessica C: Are you looking at Fios?
you: oh, yes I think so
you: yes i am
Jessica C: Alright. Would you like me to send you the channel lineup?
you: sure, I have the regular channel lineup, just the one called "Movies" please!
Jessica C: one moment please.
Jessica C: The movie channels listed are just extra options.
you: yeah, I specifically want showtime, but it said movie channels "Such as" showtime, starz, etc... I was wondering if there was a list of what actually came with that option
you: also, I'm curious about how DVR works... if there is a monthly fee, or if I just have to do a one time purchase of a specific box or what?
Jessica C: I will be happy to help you with that.
Jessica C: One moment please.
Jessica C: The DVR is a one time fee.
you: do I need any special equipment for it, or will it work with any tv?
you: ooh, I just hit "DVR" to add to my order, and bumped up my monthly cost
Jessica C: Oh, I'm sorry, my bad. That is correct. It is a monthly fee.
you: thanks... do we know yet which movie channels I would get? it doesn't have a list
Jessica C: Well I'm sorry. I looked it up, but not on the internet.
Jessica C: I would suggest the first one though honestly.
Jessica C: That is what I have.
you: that's strange...[/i]
2 responses
@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
1 Jul 09
i have the fios internet and phone but they dont have the tv where i am at yet because of some issues they are having with the city here but i have no problems with them as soon as soon as the tv is available then i will be getting it i got rid of comcast because they are a rip off they raise prices all the time and there service sucks.
@soooobored (1184)
• United States
3 Jul 09
Very true, my strongest motivation to switch is how much I hate comcast!!!
@davisdivaSS (22)
• United States
24 Dec 09
I just wanted to tell you that I have FiOs here where I live and I think it is great. I have only had to talk with their cust. service team about our internet but they handled that smoothly. I think the Jessica person you were talking to didn't understand chat or your questions for that matter. But yeah the way I figured out what channels I had were to use the guide and just select the channel when you do this the screen will show a picture, meaning your subscribed to that channel or it will give you the option to subscribe. Always check to see if they have package specials if not you will be spending an arm and a leg. Sorry this posting is sooo late but I'm new here. But I do love my FiOs. Happy Holidays.