my neighbor's grandaughter didn't know about hanging out clothes.

United States
June 30, 2009 5:31pm CST
My favotite neighbor walked over yesteray w/her grandaughter who is here visiting from kansas. She is about 9 years old, i guess. Anyway another neighbor was hanging out some clothes. T he little girl commeneted on her doing that with is her dryer broken? KIDS miss so much nowadays because we don't do things like we use to do. I just thought it strange that she had never seen anybody hang out clothes before. DO YOU??
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35 responses
@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
1 Jul 09
I´m afraid children nowadays believe chicken have no heads or legs. Of course your young neighbor doesn´t have the least idea what is to play hopscotch. How´s your son, sweetie? Hug!
3 people like this
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
1 Jul 09
My dad was a city boy, and he thought milk came from horses--because when he was a child the milk wagon would come around and it was pulled by a horse. Even seventy years ago children could be fooled or mislead. I like that he tells stories on himself.
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Jul 09
I loved your anser about the chickens. U gave me a good chuckle. I BET U ARE RIGHT . My son has to go thurs. for one more test. he carried the monitor back today he had to wear for 24hrs. & will find out the result on that thurs. to. THANKS FOR ASKING. HUGS TO U.
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Jul 09
HI GG, I would enjoy his stories to.
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• India
1 Jul 09
friends.... u would glad to know that in india where i live...people still use their hands to wash their clothes ..even though they have washing machines... around 75% of people are not using washing machines.. we are traditionalzz...we will remain the same even after lots of years.... why dont u people have a visit here..??#?? will really enjoy the new world of india.....!!! anyway...Keep lotting....keep earning.... and dont forget to mark it as best response if u liked it...thanks friend... Bye....
• United States
1 Jul 09
THANKS for your response. I am sure your country is a very nice place to visit. Old habits are hard to break but i never did wash much by hand, never liked to. GUESS i'm spoiled to the washer. Thanks for the invite but i'll just stay in tennessee, not a traveler.
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• Israel
1 Jul 09
I would love to go to India. It's one of the places I hope to visit in the near future. The flight is expensive, so I have to really save my money. I really need to save because I want to go on a shopping spree there. You have the same electric plugs we do so I can buy electric things cheaper there and bring them home.
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@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
3 Jul 09
Here in our country, I think almost everyone still prefer to hang their clothes out to dry. There is a different scent to air-dried clothes than those with the dryer. Even those who are rich don't usually use dryers. It also saves on electricity since clothes that are hanged to dry to not need much ironing compared to the ones that are put into the dryer. Maybe the child lives in a place where they do not have space to dry their clothes so almost everyone uses dryers.
• United States
3 Jul 09
It use to be a very common practice here to. We all have gotten spoiled to dryers, i guess. I just hate that kids now adays don't know the simple things i knew when i was growing up. Have a happy weekend.
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• United States
30 Jun 09
I have been living on this earth for 15 years and I have never seen someone hang clothes on a line. Probably becasue I've lived in the city all my life.
3 people like this
• United States
30 Jun 09
MY goodness. That is really strange to me but there are so many things that young people will never know about & i wish u could. Thanks for your response & WELCOME TO MYLOT.
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@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
1 Jul 09
Not only DO I, I PREFER too. I think that some of these younger generations miss out. The age of convenience? or is it just commone sense? I mean there are a lot of things I do that save me time, money or are just better for you. I hang out my clothese because it saves me money on drying them, but - then I don't have to iron them either. I make a lot of my own breads and other baked goods because I can control the grains and the sugars in them. I can my own vegtables and make our meals from skratch not those ready made kits because I don't like all the additives. I guess common sense isn't the right word to use. I look at doing things like that as more of a way of life than others do, but that was how I was raised. Work hard and you get your payouts from it. Guess that's the farm girl in me.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
hey, it's great to be a farm girl. My grandparents lived on a farm when i was small & i thought to get there was the grandest thing in the world. Would have stayed w/them all the time if i had been allowed to. I got alot of my bigmama's work ethics/ I SQUIREL everything away that i can get by canning or freezing it. IT does save alot by doing that i think & it's convenient to have it in the winter when u don't want to get out in cold bad weather. u SOUND MIGHTY SMART TO DO ALL THE THINGS U DO.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
I don't believe i know the story. wanna' tell me?
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Jul 09
To have in the winter - LOL, like the lesson of the ant and the grasshopper. Words to live by!
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
natural sun dried clothes really smells better than those dried clothes from still hang clothes even thu they are dryer dried already.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
u are right. they have a wonderful scent to them especially sheets. Thanks for your response & have a great day.
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Jul 09
hi lottery, i love the sunshine to. we are actually needing a rain but rainy, gloomy days can be depressing.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
1 Jul 09
Little task like hanging cloths should be taught at an early age especially to daughters. My younger daughter who is a bit tomboyish can never hang out clothes properly no matter how hard I try to instill in her the right way to hang clothes. But my other daughter is doing it perfectly well. She will arrange it well on the cloth lines. Parents should not pamper their daughters and let them live an ignorant life not knowing how to do simple task.
• United States
1 Jul 09
HI ZANDI, All kids are pampered too much nowadays. T HEY NEED TO BE TAUGHT ALOT OF BASIC THINGS THAT THEY COULD HAVE A USE FOR ONE DAY. kEEP THOSE GIRLS STRAIGHT.Know u have your hands full doing that. I did w/my boys.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
1 Jul 09
Last year when they took a tree down in my yard they knocked over my clothes lines....but I still have a line tied from my garage to a tree....I haven't hung anything out there for a while....but I used to hang my clothes out to dry all the time.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
guess we all did. nowadays people would freak if their dryers broke as to what to do. some simple things need to be taught to young people. THERE COULD COME A TIME WHEN THEY'D NEED TO KNOW .
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• India
1 Jul 09
first of all how is your son? i hope everything went well you know at the rate everything is developing what we did even a year ago seems so outdated and old. its no wonder that child had never seen anything as simple as that.even connecting on net today seems like an every day thing but it was unimaginable 5 -10 years ago. guess we have some fond memories which are quickly being replaced by technology growth. there is nothing much we can do i guess except make some new memories as fast as we that we have atleast that to hold on to.
• United States
1 Jul 09
HI LADY, Thanks so much for asking about t.j. he wore the monitor for 24 hrs., turned it in yesterday. he goes tommorow for an echo cardiogram &WILL FIND OUT THE RESULTS FROM THAT & THE MONITOR. Mom has not had a good week. It is sad that kids are growing up w/out learning the simplethings we did & had when i was a kid. I really think they miss out on alot. Thanks again & have a great day.
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@suzzy3 (8341)
2 Jul 09
How funny is that.Never seen anyone hang out washing ,no wonder the worlds resources are running out,free fresh air and people don't use it.In my eyes there is nothing more satisfying than seeing fresh washing blowing in the wind,that lovely fresh smell when you get it in.ok you have to iron it but I love to have nice ironed clothes in my wardrobe ,I also feel proud of my family as they put on freshly laundered clothes .so that is old fashioned now,well I shall be behind the times forever then.I am not saying I never use my dryer but only in the wet weather .You are so right kids miss out on so much these days.
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• United States
3 Jul 09
I agree w/everything u said , Suzzy. We may be old fasshioned but we are sweet tho.Hope everybody at least knows that about us.
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@mithrril (73)
• United States
2 Jul 09
I wouldn't necessarily say kids are missing out on anything, at least not here. They're lives aren't less full just because their family uses a dryer. I also don't think it's that strange that they've never seen someone hanging their clothes. When I grew up (not that long ago, I'm only 24) my family was the only ones I knew who hung clothes. No one in my neighborhood hung clothes and none of my relatives did either. I'm sure I could have seen clothes hanging somewhere, if I'd driven around looking. I lived on the eastern shore of Maryland where everything is a little more "behind the times." But no one in my neighborhood did it. I think people thought we were the weird ones for doing it, but my mom didn't want a dryer. It cost too much and it's nice to have your clothes dry in the wind. I'm sure it's even less common now. I live in an apartment but, when I get a home, I intend to line dry some. I'm sure I'll use my dryer for most things but my towels and sheets will be line dried.
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• United States
2 Jul 09
Thanks for your response. I love sheets that have been dried on the line. T HEY SMELL SO GOOD .
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@laurahen (596)
• Canada
1 Jul 09
I believe that it is EXTREMELY important to do what you can do to be more environmental. I grew up in a big city in a neighbourhood where most people used clothing dryers to dry all of the clothes. In my family we had a clothing line where we would dry the majority of all our clothes in the summer. It was to cold in the winter but we would hang them around the house in the winter. Hanging clothes on the line outside is not only more economical but it's also preserves the clothing and helps to reduce green house gases. I think tha clothes lines are going to become much more popular in the future. Society is becoming much more aware of doing their part for the world and that is one easy way to help out.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
IT is important & says alot on your utilities. People may have to get back to the old ways of doing some things. It is good u are so conscious about this. Thanks for your response. Hope u have a good night.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
Well yeah times have changed and sad but true. Some kids just dont get to see those kinds of things. They will probably just here about it in stories. LOL!!!! All I can say is that I am going to be 26 and I have seen it done and I have did it myself. bye maria
• United States
1 Jul 09
HI MARIA, Thanks for your response & welcome to mylot. Hope u enjoy it as much as i do. HAPPY DAYS TO U.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
I do think that is a bit weird. I've lived in the city all of my life and every once in a blue moon even I see some person who still enjoys hanging their clothes out in the fresh air.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
HI & WELCOME TO MYLOT. I hope u enjoy it as much as i do. Thanks for your response.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
1 Jul 09
Kids really do miss out on a whole lot these days. Everything is so easy for them. Alot of them do not want to learn or know anything about the older days either. They have no idea what to do without technology things.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
They sure do. It would do them all good if they had to do everything the hard way for awhile. They might appreciate how good they have it nowadays.
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@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
1 Jul 09
I never say anyone hang laundry until I was in my 20's. Actually I had no idea people still did that. I had seen my mom hang her hand wash in the bathroom, but that was about all. Everyone had a dryer were I lived. If it broke it was fixed in a few days. No one I knew would even think of hanging laundry outside, nor would they have a place to hang it. Now that I live in an area with expensive electricity and plentiful sun I hang my stuff out, but it took a while to get used to it.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
THANKS for your response. We have to take advantage of anything we can nowadays to save money that's for sure. HAPPY DAYS TO U. Enjoy that sunshine, i love it.
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@Chevee (5905)
• United States
1 Jul 09
That is something to think about. Kids nowadays just don't know how to live and improvise, we were brought up that way, so if one thing doesn't work we know how to do it another way even if it isn't the easy way. And most of the time the other way is a way that requires a lot of energy. I will say that is why there is a lot of obesity in the world today, things are done now without much effort. I live in the south and I see clothes hung on clothesline a lot, I was raised hanging out clothes, it is a wonderful and nostalgic things to see clothes swaying on the line in a summer breeze.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
HI CHEVEE, i agree w/you. We were brought up to do whatever it took to keep things going. IT usually wasn't easy but we survived & it probably made us stronger people. I worry about the young folks.Thanks for your response.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
1 Jul 09
I do hang out some of my stuff..goodness knows it's been hot enough. It can save alot of money to do so. Take care.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
HI JEN, I don't anymore. one of my clothes line pole broke so i just had the other taken down. was hard for me to get the clothes to the line anyway. There are things i don't put in the dryer . HAVE A GREAT DAY.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
I'm 22 and i remember helping my grandmother hang clothes on the line. my granny didn't have central air and that time so putting clothes in the dryer would make the house hot.
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• United States
1 Jul 09
HI, THANKS for your response. Grandmother's are special people. That's a cutie pie u are holding in your picture. Hane a great day.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
1 Jul 09
No, I don't think it's a bit strange. I remember when my mother used to hang out clothes. She still continued to hang out clothes some after we got a dryer. She used the dryer more often, though. I like to hang out clothes sometimes, myself. I especially like to hang out my sheets. They smell so good after being outdoors. I hang out clothes more in the summer than I do in the winter. Kathy.
• United States
1 Jul 09
GOOD MORNING KATHY, I always loved the smell of the sheets to. IT is the pits to hang out clothes in the winter but i have done that & had them freeze before u could get them hung. Young people will never know what all there parents & grandparents had to go through . I think it might do them good to have to do some of the things we had to do to keep things going. Have a great day.
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