i know there'll be an 'us' again, but not now...what does this mean?

@jaimz19 (236)
July 1, 2009 3:37am CST
when a girl tells u this, what does it exactly mean? is this one way of breaking it to you gently? or could there be someone else which brings her to confusion with having an 'us' right now? whatever the reason behind may be, it only made things more complicated to the person whose trying to move on already after being terribly hurted and taken for granted.
3 responses
@shakil8 (407)
• India
1 Jul 09
it is for breakup for sure...............or she might be testing your feelings for her.....like she wanted to see your reaction after these words so that she can work it out weather u love her or its just for fun...........
@jaimz19 (236)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
i think i'm also more leaning to a break-up rather than getting back-up together.. i don't think she's testing me because it's very unlikely of her.. i think i'm more prepared for the end rather than things getting on the opposite direction...
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
Well, I guess this is some sort of breaking up gently or some sort of cooling off. There is a possibility that the girl is trying to weigh around if there is really that feeling for the guy. Well, if you and the girl are really meant for each other, no matter what happens, your path will always meet together no matter what the consequences are.
@jaimz19 (236)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
...maybe only time could really tell... come what may!
• United States
3 Jul 09
I told my ex that there might be an us someday when he cheated on me and when I started talking to someone else he all of a sudden wanted me back. I still loved him and wanted to be with him, but was still hurt by what he did and kind of liked the guy I was talking to. Ended up me and my ex got back together and he cheated again. I would say that if you didn't do anything to hurt her she either is trying something with another guy and wants to keep you around in case it doesn't work or she doesn't want to be with you anymore, but still loves you enough to not want to hurt you. Either way my suggestion is to just move on.