Why does racism exist mostly in countries which the whites are a majority?
@incredibleDNA (1742)
July 1, 2009 9:57am CST
Countries like the US, England, Australia, France, Germany, The Netherlands, etc are being torn apart by racism and there seems to be no way to keep htis from developint further. Curiously enough, in countries where the white aren't a majority like Mongolia, japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Barbados, Cuba, etc racism is virtually non-existent. The outright absence of racial riots is the foremost proof of this reality. What is the reason for this atrocity and what is a workable solution to this problem?
14 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
1 Jul 09
The United States of America is not being "torn apart by racism." Every single year we have fewer and fewer acts of violence carried out because of race. In fact, racism is dying off so brilliantly, it now has to be created by people looking for controversy.
Since no one has come out and damned Michael Jackson for being "black," celebrities like P Diddy and Alicia Keys say that the way the press is handling MJ, by talking about his life, is somehow RACIST.
People were hard-pressed to dig up footage of anyone in the mainstream disliking Obama because he's "black," so when the New York Post printed an innocent cartoon, Sharpton and friends woke up from their slumber and cried RACISM.
Anyone wanting to stop illegal immigration is called a racist. And while you might see this on the news, when you stop to actually ask for proof, NONE can be provided. People make up the racism claims in order to silence opposition.
The Tea Party protestors were called racists. Any proof? Any signs with "Obama is a N$*#ER" or a fake Obama doll with rope? Nope, none of that. Even still, they were called racist.
Racism is not even close to tearing America apart. However, there are a lot of people whose lives would be easier if that were truly the case.
Racism will die if people let it. At least in America, for a long, long time, racism was something perpetuated by government high-ranking officials. People eventually wised up. And like government does, they went on seeking new ways to get their party elected (the Democrats, in case you were wondering).
And to echo some comments I've read here: The worst racism is found in countries where one single race makes up the vast majority. Most countries are unapologetic about it to boot. Some Americans feel so guilty about their country's past that they live their entire lives apologizing to the descendants of those mistreated. How "torn apart" could we possibly be?
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@darkstormy1 (264)
• United States
2 Jul 09
Ok while in some cases we have made advances in areas of race relations you seem to be clearly mistaken in your views and i am being very generous in my wording you know what incites racism is some of the comments you said above demeaning some of the treatment of races of people who choose to interact with everyone
Let me tell you it is still alive and well not only here but everywhere as long as we have people we will have some cocky arrogant person thinking they are better than the next who knows why but it is so so not sitting back and pretending it no longer exists will not make it go away
I am a white woman I have mixed kids and I see it on both sides all the time when people do not know they act one way it is understood or thought to be united there little jokes should be shared and show no shame in doing so but let someone of another race be there or should they know about my lifestyle I just love when they sit there and say no offense but they are not racist please denying it does not make it so
It infuriates me when people like this demean what some of us have to live through on sometimes a daily occurance all because of anothers ignorance it is ignorance one has to be nearly convicted of a good ole fashioned lynching as implied above or literally as long as they do not call someone the N word then they really are not racist interesting concept perhaps the ones protesting the truth so much have something to hide
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
2 Jul 09
What keeps racism alive and well in America are the people who benefit from making the charge. I remember a news story where a Black leader from another state accused the principal of a school of being racist for suspending a Black student for fighting. Everyone was up in arms and demanding an investigation, until it was discovered that the principal was Black and the other student involved in the fight was a Black youth who was not in school but was turned over to the police for charges.
What about the Duke Lacrosse case. those boys were charged with rape and called racist and had their lives turned up side down. Black leaders were making all kinds of charges and name calling. When the truth was learned the best the boys got was according to one leader there was not enough proof this time.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
3 Jul 09
Delusions. LOL
Hey, if crooked police acting racist toward people you know means that America is being torn apart by racism, so be it. I must be foolish to stick up for my country and say that incidents like those are becoming fewer and fewer as time passes.
As I said, I have hope, even if you have none.
I don't mean to argue with you. No offense, but I'm not positive that you understand what I'm saying to begin with.
Happy myLotting!
@tjades (3590)
• Jamaica
2 Jul 09
I actually like the responses your discussion has generated so far. I guess by this you would have realised that it was a mistake or misconception on your part to believe as you do.
The level of racism which too place in Uganda led to one black group committing genocide against the other. There are blacks in countries such as England and the US who fight among themselves trying I guess to establish themselves as being at the top of the food chain.
There is racism everywhere and among all peoples. It is a low down dirty practice carried out by those among us, who are too limited in knowledge to accept the difference in and beauty in all humans.
@incredibleDNA (1742)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
Wow I know that this will get more respondents!haha I tried to guess if most respondents are white because they have been listed on my subject, but i still need to find that soon. But seriously, racism is dominant in every country.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
1 Jul 09
In racially pure countries you find even more racism. I have visited Korea for extended periods of time and noticed extreme racism. You do not see mixed couples walking in the streets. After the Korean War the babies of mixed blood or race, as well as the mothers, were disowned or left to die. I was told that if I moved to South Korea to teach English I would have to have a job before I entered the country. I would have to leave the country for one week every six months. If I lost my job I would have to leave and find another job before I could return. The reason I was not Korean.
In Japan, Korean workers who were brought over during WWII have not been allowed to go home because they don't have any papers and even second and third generation Koreans can not get a good job or even a good education. They get their education from western missionary schools.
If you look at Turkey you will see a history of persecuted of the Armenians and the Kurds. There have been several attempts to take care of the problem through killing or starving them out. The Kurds are persecuted in Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran. Recently some one referred to Iran as an Arab Country and they were corrected because Iran considers themselves Persian not Arab. Iran is helping one religious sect in Iraq fight another religious sect. A form of racism.
The countries you mentioned as being racist also have the most liberal immigration policies too. They are willing to take in people being persecuted in other countries and let them make a new life in their country. The problem often come when one group is trying to get a job and competing with another group for the same job. Look at the immigration policies of the countries you mentioned as being not racist and you will see why. They discourage people from moving to their country.
Even within a race there is racism. During the recent election for the US president some Black leaders criticized President Obama as not being Black enough for not having Slave Blood. He was also criticized because he came from more northern Africa.
It was once said that you measure the greatness of a country not by the people but by the people who want to get in. How many people want to get into your racist countries and how many want to move into you non racist countries?
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@emmanola (482)
2 Jul 09
I feel it's not exactly right to assume that racism is predominant in white-dominated countries. You mentioned Sudan as one country where there is no racism. Uhm, that's not true. What is part of the cause of the civil war in the country, the ethnic cleansing of citizens that are mainly black African descendants by the Arabs.
I'm from Nigeria but live and work in Ghana. A Ghanaian beauty queen who had to travel to Phillipines last year had to cut short her stay because she was racially dicriminated against. There are other examples where racism, in diverse guise, exist. What will we term the way the South Africans turned against other African aliens in their country just last year?
I have a couple of white friends who are never racists. There are many racists who are not white. What is bad is bad but we should try not to put everything in the same mould.
@jellymonty (2352)
2 Jul 09
As a survivor of the apartheid era in South Africa I can honestly say that racism is world wide and is not limited to any country. In South Africa and Australia racism is rampant where as in England it's not as bad as lets say the Asian nations. Although fewer countries have less of it but I do not agree with you that only white countries have racism the most. If you follow the events in the middle east you will discover that there is massive racism there. It's a serious horrible problem but it is also a worldwide problem.
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@darkstormy1 (264)
• United States
2 Jul 09
Ignorance knows no boundaries no limits as long as it exists we will have some human trying to act superior to another whether for no other reason that race money religion or some other trumped up idea they can muster up to find themselves better we as societies everywhere we put people in groups instead of looking at the person we are all the same as we are all different None of us are superior and at the same token none of us are unferior
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1 Jul 09
If you are White, try walking through most of the capitals of Africa right now. Try walking through the towns at the US/Mexico border at night.
Go through some parts of major US cities (that are far from White Majority)....
Racism and hate are (sadly) universal destroyers.
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@lucius67 (41)
• United States
2 Jul 09
I think that is because they feel superior to other races. In most countries I don't think it's racism, it's one class over the other class, I don't know if it's called classism or not. Right now take a look at Congress, they have the best health insurance and they don't want the American voters that pay for theirs to have insurance that they can afford.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
1 Jul 09
Good lord man. Do you realize exactly how ignorant you sound? Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Sudan are the most racist countries on the planet. Have you HEARD the things Ahmadinijead said about Jews? Have you heard of ethic cleansing?
What you've really done is contrast countries that acknowledge and work to prevent racism with countries where the government practices racism to the degree that they would commit or endorse genocide to remove the races that they dislike.
Have you wondered why the countries that you claim are being torn apart by racism are the wealthiest, safest, and most desirable to live in? Japan and South Korea are fine countries, but I can assure you, racism exists in both. I've had many friends who have lived in those countries. In any country with different races and cultures, racism exists.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
1 Jul 09
There is racism in many of the countries you listed. Just because they aren't taking it to the streets doesn't mean it isn't there. In addition, there's a lot of racism in South Africa, China, and other non-white countries. I know white people are supposed to be the bad guys, but that's simply not how the world works. Other races besides Caucasian are quite capable of racism.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
4 Jul 09
I would think the reason there is racism in countries where the majority is white is because the minority is bigoted towards whites and the minority leaders try to keep it that way. Instead of telling their people they can be as successful as the whites, they tell them it isn't fair that the white have and they don't have. There would be less racism if the minority leaders stopped trying to pit the minorities against the majorities.
@murtuza89 (513)
• India
2 Jul 09
Its actually very sad that in recent days the cases of Racist Attacks and Racism have increased very much.
I got a thought in mind which i would like to share.
Why is it that racist attacks are only on so called "Blacks" and why not the other way round? Ever thought of it?
@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
2 Jul 09
actually that is not really correct, when there is a majority of a certain race then there is a high chance that they will practice racism towards to minority. take africa for instance, the white people are the minority, a case in point is what is happening and has happened in zimbabwe, what with the land grabbing and forcing the people off the farms simply because they were not black. it happens all over the place where the natives of that place feel a certain way towards what they regard as interlopers. sad but true, racism is learnt as is hate, and so long as someone is raised a certain way they will think that it is okay to act like that because they have been taught that. i do not blame these people, they do not know any better. i come from a place that has this attitude, and my multiracial friends were frowned upon, i did not care about that because i have been raised better than that.
@foursox212 (282)
• United States
1 Jul 09
It's everywhere, I think if the main stream media would stop grouping everybody for the sake of a story it might not be as bad but will always be there.
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