Physical VS Mental Work

July 1, 2009 12:51pm CST
In my office today we were having a debate as which is more tiring and stressfull.. Mental Work or Physical work..? As my work is mostly mental one, i strongly believe that it is very tiring and stressful.. you will feel completely exhausted at the end of the day.. Doing mental work does'nt only make you feel exhausted but due to a lot of stress involved, you will emotionally weak also.. If you ask someone whose job involves a lot of physical work, he will definitely say otherwise. For him sitting in big office in a comfortable chair is like a dream job.. I thought of asking about the opinion of all.. So, what do you think about this.. and also... Is there anyone who is doing physical work and still believes that mental work is more tiring and stressful... or vice versa..
1 response
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
1 Jul 09
I work in more of a mental working job. I have been here for two years and hate it.I have had previous jobs that were physical as though. I like physical jobs though because i like being on the move. I find mental jobs more exhausting and stressful. I dont understand why that is but it is.