I think you are ALL drinking the Kool Aid of one group or another!
By katran
@katran (585)
United States
July 2, 2009 12:07am CST
You know, I am getting really fed up with all of the discussions that I am reading about politics in this country. Both the conservative and the liberals accuse one another of being brainwashed, and you know what? Their BOTH right.
If you ever want to commit MyLot suicide, all you have to do is be a true moderate, because if you try to convince people that there is a middle ground, you might as well be trying to convince them that Satan should be ruler of the universe. All of a sudden you become evil.
The conservative and Libertarians swear up and down that the government is running the country into the ground. I've got news for you, people. People have been saying that since this country was founded. People screamed it at the top of their lungs for the 8 years that Bush was in office. A different group of people screamed about it the years that Clinton was in office. And a different group were screaming before that, and so on and so forth back to the beginning of this country. I've got news for you: If America was going to be ruined by a president, it probably would have happened by now.
Now, that is not to say that we shouldn't question our government and hold it accountable. We should always do that. But when it gets to the point that you cannot see beyond the wall that divides the party lines, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You might as well be spitting in the face of the founding fathers.
Also, get rid of your idiotic senses of entitlement. No one owes you anything, I hate to break it to you. No one owes you an apology. No one owes you money. No one owes you the right to KEEP your money. Grow up. Seriously. The whining on BOTH sides is absolutely driving me up a wall.
And another thing, the private sector screws up just as much stuff as the government does. Look at health insurance. Look at private schools (which are no better than public schools I must point out). Look at Enron and Tyco. The private sector ruins lives EVERY DAY, and people act like it is some kind of God that should be worshiped. Give me a break. I consider myself mostly conservative leaning and I want the government out of my life for the most part, but I live in the real world, which is more than I can say for most people. I live in a world where I recognize that people form governments for a REASON, because there are things they provide that I NEED that I cannot get or do for myself.
So please, for the love of all that is holy, can we THINK a little before we start shooting our mouths off? Can we do some actual research? Can we stop thinking that the other side is the enemy? Can we stop with the conspiracy theories? Can we try to work together? Can we ALL stop drinking the Kool Aid?
Probably not. But I have to get this out there anyway.
2 responses
@anotherxidentity (1434)
• United States
2 Jul 09
What annoys me the most about politics is how socialized it has become. People believe things and say its their point of view because of what family members say or what is the most popular belief at the time. Whenever a new idea gets brought up people tend to criticize it before actually analyzing the full potential.
For me I consider myself more of a liberal but I'm not afraid to take a more conservative approach to some ideas. For me I grew up in a conservative christian home who thought gays where wrong and abortions where wrong and there shouldn't be public health care and that all liberals were socialists etc. and I'm the only atheist, the only liberal, the only person who believes gays should be married, etc. But I'm not afraid to say that the government shouldn't get involved in everything, but I'm not one to say we don't need them at all.
But no - I don't think our problems are the actual beliefs - I think its just how those beliefs are set. And its not just politics that we have this socialization problem. Its the same with religion, occupations, etc.

@anotherxidentity (1434)
• United States
2 Jul 09
I know for many of the conservatives that I'm around a lot of their beliefs stem from their religious beliefs and the fact that they think America was founded in order to be a Christian nation and they don't want to hear anything when I start in on the fact that people came here to get away from religious prosecution and the fact that our pledge at first never had the word god in it.
As for health care I actually wouldn't mind seeing a cap on how much a doctor is allowed to charge you. For me my dad was in the hospital a ton when it came down with a rare disease and it caused him to stop working all of a sudden so he had no income and lost his health insurance so since it took forever to get welfare he had THOUSANDS in debt over seeing a doctor. And what hurt the most is a doctor would come in say how are you feeling is there any pain, and get paid $400 for it when the nurses are doing all the work. Its ridiculous.
@katran (585)
• United States
2 Jul 09
Hmm. Well, as a conservative leaning person and a religious person, I can't really see that many political opinions would be influenced by religion. Opinions on abortion are influenced by religion a lot of the time, but there are many nonreligious and atheist people who are against abortion as well. The only thing I can think of politically speaking that is mostly a religious issue is gay marriage. All of the main conservative views, however, have nothing to do with religion though (small government, lower taxes, free market economy, strict interpretation of the Constitution, etc). I think people tend to exaggerate the role that religion has in politics.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
6 Jul 09
You're not alone in your evilness, katran. I'm a moderate Republican who didn't vote for McCain so you can imagine how popular I am!
I've been referred to as everything but a child of God because of my views on many things but, guess what, they're my opinions and I stand behind them. Seems like lately there's been much more than the usual load of shyt to shovel through in order to get to the truth...which is usually in there somewhere beyond the hysteria and the hype. Unfortunately, the conspiracy theories will never go away and the real hardliners on each side will always see those on the other side as the enemy. Try not to let it frustrate you too much.