do u ever sleep while watching movie in theater

July 2, 2009 4:10am CST
hi guys......last week me and my friend went to city main theater to watch a movie...... but i found that some other sleeping in theater.....especially in song. i found movie kinda normal not good or not so bad but dont know they were sleeping may be because of lot of heat outside they wanted to make a good sleep in ac.....or the movie make them to do that........ what about u have been haunted by such movie which makes u sleep
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7 responses
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
No offense to Garfield and his filmmakers but I slept all throughout the movie. I can't even recall the beginning nor the ending. My daughter woke me up when it was time to go. But I do love Garfield in the comic strip.
• India
2 Jul 09
so there many reasons why people sleep in theaters........... nice, next time our intellect will have many information without asking about this when we saw peoples sleeping in theaters.........
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
4 Jul 09
I had no choice because it was a group date with another family.
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
I haven't slept in the theater or moviehouse because I make sure that when I choose a movie it should be something good, one that doesn't put me to sleep. Uhuh, my husband slept in the Pelican Brief, though, LOL.
@shibham (16977)
• India
2 Jul 09
hi friend. i never sleep while watching movie in theatre. actually i have not gone to theatre from last five years. when i was a regular visitor to theatre then i never fell asleep. if i felt boring then i came out from hall.thanks.
• India
2 Jul 09
i have gone to theater for only twice in my school time....... and in diploma college about 3 years i have gone to theater for few times....... but now in degree college i visited theater regularly. but from some months some famous director does not producing films and i again stops going to theater..
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
3 Aug 09
This is a really good discussion because movies are really important when it comes to peoples lives because they are a good source of enjoyment when you are really bored or when you have nothing to do,and there is nothing like snuggling with the one you love to watch a good movie,and I am sure that different people have different opinions when it comes to going to theaters and watching movies,I am sure there are some people who like going to see movies in theaters,and then I am sure there are probably people who prefer to stay at home and watch movies,and then I am sure there are some people who can fall asleep while watching a movie,while others probably can not sleep when there is noise,and I know that everyone is different,and that no two people think the same way,and that everyone has different ideas, different opinions,and different preferences,and I do not think I could sleep through a movie at a movie theater because it would be really loud,and besides I would not want to sleep through something I paid money to see,and the only person I know who can sleep through a movie is my father,and he does it a lot of time when we go to the movies,have a great day,good luck with your life,and all of your mylotting goals,and Happy Posting.
@tuyakiki (3016)
• India
2 Jul 09
My dad prefer sleeping in a theater..Its hard to do such things when there is so muvh noise...But still it surprises me when I see him sleeping the whole time before there is intermission... I also did that once but my friends wake me up...In fact I was very tired that day.That day I had gone to watch a movie after work.
• India
2 Jul 09
its easy to sleep in noise for me also..... i can easily sleep in bus and many times hurt my head and many times fell down from my seat and so i avoid door sided seats.i have many times read my 100 pages samples papers during exams while traveling by for about 1 hours journey to my diploma college....
@ces31a (17)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
Nope, not once! I usually watch movie from the theater if the movie is way to exciting to watch. Just for example, you can enjoy Transformers 2 in the theater because of the special effects only can big screen can provide rather than watching it at home on your DVD player. Much to say, I only go see a movie in the theater when it comes to great special effects as a factor.
• India
2 Jul 09
Ya lovenish, there are some movies which lets us to sleep. Due to that mild climate condition if movies goes slow definetely sleep will also comes. Going to movies are only for enjoying the day with our friends. We want to choose the movie before we go like actions comedy and love as titanic. I had one experience in sleep in theater, who tolds sleeping in that climate conditions too romantic and feels awesome. Also to escape from heat outside.....
@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
2 Jul 09
I fell asleep in a movie theater once. I have never been haunted by a movie I watched.