Our wedding day
@camomom (7535)
United States
July 2, 2009 11:53am CST
I don't really have much to say about it because it was short and sweet, as it usually is when you go to a JP. We got there at 9:50am with my mom, our 2 daughters and his son.
Camodad and I have this standing inside joke about flowers, long story short, we went to McDonalds when we first started dating and I saw these really pretty flowers in the drive thru. I said that I liked them, so he drove really close to the curb and picked one for me. I said "You're weird".
When we got to the judges office on Friday, my mom mentioned that I didn't have any flowers for my wedding. No big deal to me, I didn't think I needed them since we didn't have a wedding party. Well, there were some tiger lillies near the building. Tigers are my favorite animal and Lillies are my daughters birth flower. Camodad ran over and picked me one and, of course, I said "you're weird". It was a sentimental moment for us.
We went in and had to wait for about 10-15 minutes and his son decided to be loud, rude and to try to annoy us as much as possible. He's not happy that we got married but he insisted that he wanted to be there. We did give him the option not to come but he said that he wanted to so we picked him up from his mom's on Thursday night.
My mom took pictures before and during the ceremony for us. The kids were all very well behaved during the service and his son actually did help out by holding his baby sister for us. My mom didn't get a picture of our kiss so the judge made us kiss again. The picture is kind of goofy looking because I was laughing but we got a picture of it anyway.
As soon as the service was done our 3 year old came to me and said "Now me and J. have to get married". It was the cutest thing ever. She didn't understand why she couldn't marry her brother.
The judge was very nice and took after pictures for us with my moms camera. I even held my flower in the pictures and brought it home to dry it so I could save it. The judge even let the two oldest sit at the bench and pretend to be judge and bang the gavel. It was very cute and it made them happy. We have pictures of that too.
When we left his office I called Walmart to see if we could come in to get pictures taken. It was sort of a last minute thought, since we don't have any family pictures. They said we could come in at 12:00pm. We went home and relaxed for a bit and then went to get our pictures done.
His son decided in the car that he didn't want to get pictures done and even refused to get out of the van. He wanted to go to his moms friends house and not spend time with us. He finally did get out of the van and came in with us but still refused to be in the pictures. That is until the photographer told him he could get pictures taken by himself. We were not happy about that but we let him do it. He did have to get in pictures with his sisters first though. He acted horribly the entire time so we didn't even get a chance to really look at the pictures before we bought them. I'm not happy with any of them except the ones of the girls. But O-well, atleast we have family photo's now.
We dropped him off at his moms friends house and went out to eat at a really nice Chinese restaurant with my mom and the girls. Mom paid as a wedding gift to us and offered to babysit so we could go out that night. On the way home we got some bad news..............................(will be detailed in another post)
When we got home we decided to go to the local bar, only 2 blocks away so that we wouldn't have to drive. We had a few (or more) drinks and shot pool. He won most of the games. Someone we don't know bought us a round as a wedding gift. They had a DJ that played horrible music but we had fun making fun of it. Camodad did request my favorite song, Closer by Nine Inch Nails. That was sweet of him. We got home at midnight and the girls and mom were in bed. I went upstairs to tell mom that we were home and got more bad news............................(will be told in another post)
I pretty much sobered up after that. I still wasn't ready to go to bed though so we played around on facebook for a bit just being goofy with our friends. Over-all I tried to ignore the bad news and make the best of our day. It was a good day and I wasn't letting anything ruin it. I slept better then I've slept since our youngest was born and woke up refreshed and ready to deal with the bad junk.
Did you get bad news on your wedding day? Did you let it ruin your day or did you wait to handle it the next day?
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2 responses
@camodad (176)
• United States
2 Jul 09
There was some pretty bad news. However, they do say that rain on your wedding day is to be good luck. I would say that this is giving us more than good luck for our marriage. I love you very much and am happy to be with you frevernever.
As for the comment "your weird" that was me trying to be sweet. I really didn't expect to get a your weird out of it but it is what it is.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
3 Jul 09
Well Camodad! Congratulations! I didn't expect to see you
here! lol I am so happy that you had your wedding day without
any serious problems! I hope you and Camomom will have a
wonderful happy and healthy marriage! (Now you can read
my response under yours)! Opal
@camomom (7535)
• United States
3 Jul 09
I love you frevernever too. It more then rained on Friday, I'd say it POURED, on me anyway. We don't need luck, we have each other.

@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
3 Jul 09
Hey Mrs. Camomom! I want to congratulate you and Mr. Camodad
first! I'm sorry that they day wasn't as great as you hoped,
but at least you got married! So I hope you and Camodad will
have a long and very happy and healthy marriage! As for the
son, how old is he? Why did he have to be such a brat? At least
the girls were well behaved! I don't know what the bad stuff
was, but I am glad that you didn't let anything or anyone
spoil your very special day! Hugs to you and Camodad! Opal
@camomom (7535)
• United States
3 Jul 09
Thanks for the congrats. I'm sure we'll be together forever, no one else could put up with us
His son is 8 and he doesn't like me
. He has it stuck in his head that his mom and dad will get back together, even after them both reassuring him that that will never ever happen. I don't know why he even came if he was gonna act up the entire time but we couldn't tell him that he couldn't come. We do love him and he is part of our family whether he likes it or not. We did want him there but we wanted him to want to be there too, so it was a bit disappointing
, but atleast he was there. Maybe someday he'll appreciate the fact that we wanted him there and that he was invited.
*HUGS* to you too.