your not really a christian

July 2, 2009 5:36pm CST
an ex friend and ex flatmate of mine really really annoyed me when it came to topics of religion. I personally do not describe myself as belonging to a particular religion i belive in god but thats about it. However this girl used to get all defensive if i mentioned that god may not exist and blah blah blah, she would say how a devout catholic she is and that she has rosary beads in her a car and she went to church and she had a belt that said jeasus rocks, however, she was an absolute slag, always sleeping around had at least 4 guys txting her, all she cared about was her designer stuff, when our muslim flatmates moved in, the first thing she said was oh no not an f**king muslim, luckily the girl didn't hear, so how is this being a catholic it really annoys me when people say things about hoe devout they are but dont actually practise what they preach
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8 responses
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
2 Jul 09
Hi, There are always going to be people who don't walk the talk. Their hearts are not in the right place if they act like the way you described. And the sad thing is, is that it makes the other Catholics look bad. But they aren't all like that. The girl you described seems appalling. She really needs to get serious if she claims to be Catholic. Thanks.
@apgh09 (514)
• United States
6 Jul 09
yes i agree i have two people i know who claim to be of christian faith but there actions don't show it. I have met people who actually don kinds things like christain should and it's those people who i respect meaning that i have more respect for the christain faith and its followers, rather than the show offs. it is appalling because it makes every one in that faith look bad. like when 911 happen and everyone were looking at the Muslim faith and its people. we have to realize that there is not one perfect religion in this world there are good and bad things about all religions but the good thing is that people choose to be in a religion in order to find a spiritual path that that will allow them to be closer to GOD or to have GOD like qualities "if a human can do that." So it is best to not to judge the region because of how people behave with in that religion but rather to base that religion on how it can help you as a person to become closer to GOD
• United States
3 Jul 09
There's this saying that I've heard numerous of times and it says "A dog can give birth but that doesn't make it a mother" or in other words a person can claim to know God but that doesn't make them a Christian. In many areas of life you have to be cautious of the people you are around, that includes those who are in the church also, just because they come to church every sunday and go around preaching about how God has been good to them does not mean that they are truly a Christian. Just remember Satan at one time was an angel and look where he is now. He knows everything about God and how to follow him but he chose otherwise, that also goes for many people too.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
3 Jul 09
okay, i think this girl you are talking about is a best example of a hypocrite! she's just pretending to be a Christian but her works did not show it! a true Christian must know how to respect other people and live a life that a true Christian should be... well its good that you are no longer friends with her...but i hope she will find a friend who can enlighten her and tell him that what she's doing is not a Christian way of living!
@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
3 Jul 09
I definitely believe your faith shows more in your actions than in your words. People like this are the worst: it seems to me that the most despicable people I meet claim to be devout Christians! I am not saying Christianity is bad. It works for some people, and that's terrific. I'm just saying that some choose to use it as a crutch. They think that because they go to church and believe what their particular denomination tells them to, that they can do whatever they want and God will forgive them because they believe. They pick and choose what rules of their religion they will follow. They do not set a good example, and furthermore, they don't even realize that they're doing it! Some of the Christians I have met in the past are the most judgemental, close-minded people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. I used to be Christian; I'm not so much anymore. The whole thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Organized religion in general seems to have fallen away from what the Bible says its original intention is. Everyone has their opinion about what it should be, and of course, everyone's opinion is different. So you have "extremists" in the religious realm as well. That isn't to say religion is bad, or that even Christianity is bad or wrong. I also know some truly amazing people that are Christian. I think it is all about how you live your life and treating others with kindness. Just be a nice person. That is all that any supreme being should expect out of any of us.
@John4Christ (1597)
• India
3 Jul 09
I feel it is a matter of personal choice, so if i believe in Jesus and his teachings it has to be limited to me, specially if the person at the other end is not really willing to listen about him, I would never enforce my religion on anyone......your friend somewhere is right in her own place, she might just be thinking that just like she believes in god other too might do the same, he intentions might be good, as we see today people usually publicize evil acts, as they are considered to be super cool, and a person who speaks about god is simply considered an outcast and outdated.......just like in your case, if your friend spoke about the best pub in town probably many would have been interested in what she had to say.......but then if she is enforcing it on someone, then she is wrong.....
@xchyler (258)
• Philippines
3 Jul 09
FOr me it doesn't matter if what's the religion of the people around me if you are a christian or a muslim or least we believe in one and same GOD and what's important is we deal people a respect for each other.Me I'm a catholic but I have many friends in different religion but we don't argue about that.The thing I want to share to everybody is that no matter what type of religion you are in we still believe in one creator which is the LORD ALMIGHTY... PSALMS 23:1 "THE LORD IS MY SHEPERD I SHALL NOT WANT" iT means that wherever you are HE is always there to guide matter what... Just pray and HE will listen.
@marguicha (225680)
• Chile
3 Jul 09
I´m glad you started by saying "an ex friend". That girl is not worth being anyone´s friend, no matter what her religion if she has any. Anyone can call her/him as belonging to a religion but, as you say, any kind od religiousness implies a practice of respect to the others. Forget about her. And, of course, not all catholics are like that. There are all kind of people in this world and that girl doesn´t look as she´s one of the best. Take care
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
2 Jul 09
OConnell87, evil penetrates in many ways. Your friend, if she is a friend, needs desperate help. The lust for flesh and material things had enveloped her. The rosary and the Jesus rocks belt had been used as her fashion toys. She is abusing both her body and her soul. Take no offense when she brags about religion. That is a defense mechanism because she knows you are the more understanding of the two of you. You believe in God, that's good. Try to seek Him more.