Does your religion teach Hate????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
July 3, 2009 2:07pm CST
As I look over this world, there seems to be so much hate in it. Where does all this hate come from? Is religion teaching you to hate???? We are taught that God hates sinners. Does this give us the right to hate???? We tell our children that they are sinners from birth. No wonder so many feel they aren't good enough!! Isn't this hateful?? I have seen religious people hate others for being atheists,gays,sinners,scientists,abortionists,and simply for not believing exactly as they do. I have seen people angry and hateful over who is right about the same religion. Arabs want to kill people who do not believe!! Even the Bible teaches the same. Luke 19:27 King James Bible. But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, Bring hither, and slay them before me. Hmmm? I think it is also hate to demean women. Seems like religions make them submissive or secondary to men. How can just people ever think this is right???? Religions place so much importance on their holy books. The hate of man shows through them. THIS IS NOT GOD!!!! GOD IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!We all have the power to choose what we deem important in this world. What would this world look like if we put people and unconditional love above all else???? This is our world to create. Let's start with ourselves.what do you think?
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31 responses
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
3 Jul 09
Religion does not teach us to "hate"; BUT, it does teach people to despise and look down on anyone who is not part of OUR religion or who was part of our religion and then chooses to reject it. Every religion teaches that we should love others and be charitable; but ONLY to others who belong to OUR religion and ADHERE to it's teachings. Everyone else is to be "shown the error of their ways" and if they do not agree than they are "lesser beings". Event though the US and many other countries have free speech and freedom of religion protections - many people seem to believe that this gives them the right to force their beliefs on others and the beliefs they usually try to force on others are beliefs from their religion. What religion teaches people is a sense of "SUPERIORITY". I am better than YOU; I know better than YOU; and you better do things my way or else. The only ones who learn hate from religion are the ones who want to do things their religion prohibits; but, they abide by the dictates of their religion anyway even if they are miserable. They learn to hate the people who do not abide by those dictates especially if they CLAIM to be part of the same religion - "gays, sinners, scientists, abortionists".
2 people like this
• United States
3 Jul 09
Where are you pulling your information from??? Are you getting this from the bible if so what book and chapter???? If you're receiving this information from another person maybe you should follow up because not all people know what they are talking about. Or if it's your opinion back it up with some reliable sources.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
3 Jul 09
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam - all three tell their followers that they are the "chosen ones", the "children of God", etc. etc, etc. Each of them teaches that if you belong to the religion and you follow the teachings you will "be saved", "go to heaven", enter paradise", etc. etc. etc. Each of them teaches that non-believers are "enemies of God", evildoers" , blasphemers, etc. etc. etc. Only Judaism does not teach that you have to "spread the word of God", "bring the world into submission to Allah", "convert the heathens", etc. etc. etc. Each of these religions is teaching their followers that they are "superior" to "non-believers" who follow other religions. You do not need a specific "chapter and verse" so you can try to take things out of context. Just sit down someday with the Bible, the Koran, and the Torah and read them from start to finish. You might actually learn something that way.
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• United States
4 Jul 09
I'm not sure you're understanding what I'm asking, you have to be pulling this information from where are you pulling this from because in the Bible, which I read on a regular basis, it does not state that the children of God are superior over those who aren't. Yes God did appoint specific people to lead but he didn't choose them because they were Christians, because majority at first weren't Christians. One example being David, who fell in love with a woman who was married so he made plans for her husband to be killed by sending him to the frontline, but in the end he surrendered but was punished. Another being Noah who tried to run away from God and was swallowed by a fish. So when I say back up what your saying, provide a reliable source and not just your opinion. Overall religion does not teach you to be superior, it does teach you to be humble and to love your neighbors and enemies but it's up to that particular person to take heed to it.
@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
3 Jul 09
They're teaching you that God HATE sinners? Wow, that's blasphemous!! YEAP - it's blasphemy. God does NOT hate sinners - he HATES sin, however. Those are two different things - sin is the deed, sinners are the people that GOD created in His image. So no, He doesn't hate them. Why would He give up His one and only Son to die on the cross if He hates them? Think about that. See the problem is that there's a lot of not JUST misrepresentation of the Bible (which I believe is God's words) and taking it out of context, but there's also a lot of people not really knowing what they are talking about. One of the reasons why I don't believe I'm religious is for the reasons that you iterated. Plus, God doesn't care what our religion is, anyway. He cares about our personal relationship with Him.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Jul 09
Interesting indeed but the truth is that God does not hate!! Seems like you are a bit open to the possiblities rather than memorizing holy books. Always a good thing. You are right when you say believing has never been important to God! Which religion means nothing.Thanks for the comments!!
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 Jul 09
Very good comment, unhateful! God isn't really going to send anyone to that fiery pit. It's just like you said. What parent could? God will fix us all in time. Religion and people try to scare those who will not believe. As for those really evil and hateful criminals out there, maybe one day man will understand what turns people like that. Til then, we protect ourselves and teach those all we can. Thanks for your comments!!
• India
4 Jul 09
I am a Hindu, and my religion does not teaches us on hate or we do not ask anybody to convert into our religion, by claiming that the Hindu religion is the best and you will reach heaven directly if you are a Hindu. We mostly believe in reincarnation, and our Karma or whatever we have done in our life will affect us in our next life.E.g. if you do good things in this life, our next life or reincarnation will be much better. This is one of the reason, that even though other religions are trying to convert us to their religion, we still stick to our Hinduism. I will go a step further and say that Hinduism is not a religion alone but a way of life.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 09
I'm afraid I do not know much about the Hindu religion. I have long since walked my own path for that is where the true answers dwell. I have found that no religion carries all the answers. I have found some of God's answers in all of them. Your's I see does carry some answers as well. God has the sum of all knowledge so if one ever thinks they have all the answers, they have merely just quit asking questions. Thanks for the comments!
@srganesh (6339)
• India
4 Jul 09
No religions preaches to hate others.Only the religious people put their own ideas stealthy into the prophets.A real religion is concerned about the growth of each and everybody's soul and don't want a group.In short,a good religion cares for the individual but the corrupted religious people who want to earn through the religion makes a fuss.We have to identify their bad attitudes and try to improve ourselves.Then unconditional love is the only way left behind and the World will remain in peace.Cheers!
@srganesh (6339)
• India
5 Jul 09
Sure,a religion is seen by how the people of that religion behaves.For instance Muslims are now seen as terrorists in most of the countries.But not every individual Muslim is bad.Just some organizations of that religion creates that bad image.But Islam is not preaching hate.And not every other religion preaches hate either. If anybody can see the real truth despite the activities of any religion,then unconditional love will be the basis.Cheers!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 09
So religion is no more than the sum of it's people.Hmm? Yes, lots of work ahead before all will see that unconditional love is the only answer. Thanks for the comments.
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@Vaddiba (190)
4 Jul 09
The Old Testament clearly demonstrates hatred. I have never met any religious person who can claim that "god" is LOVE when the "god" of the bible instructs the Jews to massacre other races to demonstrate "his" power. Is killing another human being an act of love or hate? The answer is obvious. And the hypocrisy is obvious. Many religious people pretend that their "god" represents love while ignoring the fact that the biblical "god", for example, has a history of encouraging genocide in "his" name, simply because other races practised a different religion or way of life. In other words, religious books like the bible are two-faced: talking about love on the one hand, then practising hate (killing) on the other. Many people are simply blind to the corrupt foundation behind their beliefs.
@Vaddiba (190)
4 Jul 09
I appreciate your comments. The truth is that the so-called holy books represent falsehoods because there isn't a consistent message of unconditional love in any of them. All of the mainstream religions have a history of killing other human beings. And there hasn't been any evidence of a LOVING "god" that intervenes when the killings start. If a LOVING "god" existed "he" wouldn't stand idly by while "his" creatures (man) embarrasses "him" with their sickening violent acts. If a "god" exists, "he" hasn't done a brilliant job in the creation of human beings. "He" needs to go back to the drawing board and come up with a much improved version 2 of the current human being. If a LOVING "god" existed "he" wouldn't allow such suffering and violence to exist. A loving "god" is not consistent with a suffering world. As to whether or not there is a real "god", that's an entirely different discussion. My position is that the mainstream religions are false and all of them are created by men who don't understand that their teachings artificially divide the human race and provide the seeds for conflict and hatred. Non of the mainstream religions are interested in working with each other to arrive at better human co-operation and worldwide understanding for the benefit of the entire human race. Mainstream religions represent the BIGGEST failure in human thought. After hundreds of years is there any paradise that the mainstream religions can say that they have created on earth? They are complete and utter failures, pretending to show humanity the way. If their "god" was real we would all be converted by now, because we would all be mesmerized by their love and wisdom. But, that's not the case is it?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Jul 09
God is real. Though it seems like God should make nothing except paradise for everyone, that would defeat the real purposeour education. In order to really teach, the student must have free will. With bad choices comes consequences. People making bad choices get bad consequences to show them just what they are doing.There can be suffering in hard lessons. There can also be suffering in teaching. There are wonderful souls out there going through great suffering in order that someone sees. We will all teach in this world as well as learn. Maybe the very strongest souls teach the hardest lessons. Through it all, God has taken care of everything ahead of time for no matter what happens, we are all eternal. Seems we all must watch the hard lessons others go through but that is just to remind us what the true answers are. If everyone gave unconditional love to everyone else, this world would be a much different place. People have yet to learn this. Also this is one classroom with multiple levels. The troubled souls must be here for someone to teach them. Since most learn only through adversity, there will be drama. Don't let it bother you for that is where the learning is at. Thanks for the comments.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 09
Perhaps, some of the holy books provide the excuse some need to act out in hate. After all, if you have God backing you, you can do anything you wantRight?? If God were to ask me to kill someone, I'm going to do something religion tells you not to do. I'm going to QUESTION GOD!!! You have to remember, God is unconditional love. God has nothing to hide. He just loves those questions. After all, that is the road to learning and knowledge. God will never ask you to hate in any form or fashion. Man will!! Thanks for the comments!!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Jul 09
God does not hate sinners. He hates sin. There is a difference. As for unconditional love...yes, He loves us unconditionally. But if we refuse to give up our sin....we refuse that love and are not going to spend eternity with HIM. It is not God that condemns us...we condemn ourself. If a person refuses to give up sinning...why do they complain that God would 'send' them to hell..they've sent themselves to hell...cause God has loved them all along and wanted them with HIM. SIN cannot enter into the presence of a HOLY and Righteous God....He's shown us the way to give sin up and be forgiven. How does that come to mean that God is sending us to hell? When we are the ones refusing HIM? I don't know what to say about the Arabs....they seem to think of God in very low terms, a god who would send his followers out to cut off heads of those who do not bow to him....that is not the God I understand. AS for women being subserviant...that is MAN's interpretation of what God says.What I understand the Bible to say is... There has to be a head, the leader, man is the leader because he was not decieved in the garden. Women are not to teach men in the church....because God knows how men are....they'd not listen or take her seriously, most would sit and snicker or lust after the pretty ones. Why does that upset women? That apostle Paul taught that women were to submit to their husbands? He also taught men to love their wives as they love their own bodies. Do men do this? NO, not 100% of them do. The women who are treated abusively can leave their husband or stay, it's their choice. God allows that. I know I am content with it. I was abused by my husband. I know many chruches teach other wise...but I searched and I found that the scriptures do not allow for man to treat women like I was treated. So, I left. I got a divorce. There ARE Chistians who would tell you I sinned. I know God does not condemn me. Man's interpretation of scripture is what is lacking, not God's Word. Your questions are very thought provoking...thanks for allowing me to respond. :)
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
4 Jul 09
I agree with you completely. I have seen cases where women were counseled by pastors and church members and encouraged to stay with abusive husbands as if divorce were so horrific a sin that it was worth sacrificing their lives to avoid it. Yes, God hates divorce, but that's because marriage is a natural type of a spiritual concept. The marriage covenant symbolizes God's covenant and relationship with his people. Jesus is the bridegroom who would lay down His life for His bride. When a man abuses his wife, he is not being a husband. He has, in fact, already broken that covenant and it no longer exists. Why must the wife be subject to a covenant that has been broken by the other party? Paul tells us not that women are subservient, but that women must respect their husbands and men must love their wives even as their own bodies and be willing to lay down their lives for their wives. Respect is not subservience. A servant must do as the master wishes, whether a good master or not, but that doesn't mean the servant will respect the master. Respect is earned. A man who abuses his wife does nothing worthy of respect. I would not tell you that you have sinned. When a husband has already broken that covenant, I see no reason for the wife to be bound to it.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 09
Gender is a parameter of this physical world. If you weren't in your physical body, it would mean nothing. Men and women are equal in God's eyes and should be treated as such. Given that, it seems there is a difference on how a person it treated in this world by people in concern of gender. Once again, just another parameter in the lessons you will learn in your life. As far as people sending themselves to hell, there is no fiery pit for eternity. You just get more lessons. After all If God would allow anyone to spend eternity in a fiery pit, He would be as guilty as sending them there Himself. That would make God a monster. God is unconditional love. He is very smart! God will teach all His children to love unconditionally. He is doing it as we speak. Can you see how???? Thanks for those comments!!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Jul 09
Rollo1, thank you for that. I like how you put it...respect. I have told several men who say that I am not in God's will because I am divorced, because I am vocal and have an opinion, that if I could respect the so called 'men of God' I would not have to be divorced or vocal about abuses of women and children, They would deserve my respect by doing their job as Christian men. We live in a world that looks constantly for reasons to deny and reject God. And we also live in a world where so called 'Christians' are lukewarm and stand for nothing. To afraid of loosing their income or their reputations to follow Christ's teachings. They have lost their power and become tepid at best. I've read through the posts here...and can understande why the world is in the mess it's in. People have stopped trying to find the truth and just go with what their pride and ego tell them is right. When will we ever learn that human beings have a real terrible track record at peace, love and other fruits of the spirit.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
3 Aug 09
So true true. That is exactly why I don't subscribe to any religion. Religion is man-made and people use it as an excuse to be self-righteous and judgemental and yes...hate. Not everyone involved in religion is like that. Some are truly spiritual and don't judge others.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Aug 09
I also find all those religious book don't add up either.. Simple because you can't believe in religion does not mean that God does not exist. You seem intelligent. I bet you can find God on your own! Thanks for the great comments!!
• Philippines
6 Jul 09
Bird123, it isn't true that God hates sinners. beliefs like that are lies about God. the truth is.. GOD HATES SIN, BUT HE LOVES SINNERS. He wants to save all sinners, that's why He showed the life of love through Christ. So that if we chose to do the same, that we spend our lives loving to others, we will be healed and fit the the kingdom of Heaven in which HATE doesn't exist forever.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
6 Jul 09
Bird, it sounds to me as though you want to blame God for your mistakes. He has told us what is right and what is wrong. The mistakes you've made in life are your own. Don't try to but the blame on anyone else.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Jul 09
God truly is unconditional love. I always have a problem when I hear someone say God hates. To send someone to a fiery pit for eternity can only be considered hate. It won't happen. God uses our mistakes, bad choices, or sins if you will, in order to teach us. There is nothing like a good screw up and the consequences that follow to show us the truth about things. No one becomes wise without them. They are part of learning. Thanks for the comments!!
@cannibal (650)
• India
6 Jul 09
BestBoy and Bird, personally I feel it is alright to blame our mistakes on God, if one exists. According to the 'Creator' theory, our behavior is governed by the Creator. He/She/It also is responsible for the conditions we are exposed to. Heck, some also say our course of action is pre-designed by God. In other words, we would become puppets or robots in the hands of God. So, what sense does it make when some religions say that our sins will lead us to hell? What all we do, right or wrong is God's action in disguise and yet we're punished in the after life! We're real scapegoats then! That's why personally I'm against the notion of a Creator. It apparently has loads of loopholes honestly. One question can lead to another and go to the extent of questioning our and the Creator's existence too. Not that I have an a perfect solution against it, but there are eastern religions like Vedic Sanatan Dharma, Buddhism, Jainism and Taoism which on the outset consider God as a product of a force which is based on consciousness. (Eg. Brahman in the Vedic religion) I'm really looking forward to learning that concept, however it's extremely difficult to do so. I don't know if they are right or not, but at least the basic premise looks fine.
• India
16 Oct 22
It is amazing you write this. Are you the same person who earlier gave me a big lecture to see and think only positive things, you who told that there is good in everybody and everything? You are a real hypocrite. If I had written the same words that you have written here, you would tell me " What the world does does not count. It is what you do that counts" well then, why do you bother to write about the hate of religion. Let religion do whatever they want to. You focus on your actions and perhaps that would make you less hypocrite. The world does not need your God's love because it is God's love which made us weak and helpless in the first place and that is why he trapped us in physical bodies and forcing us to educate ourselves through suffering and misery? Who needs a love which makes them so weak they lose the capability of standing on their own feet? Now you can start hating and cursing me. Hatred and curses is what I get from you whenever we cross paths. Judging and condemning, controlling and intimidating, falsely accusing - this is what you are. Your post on riligion clearly proves it.
• India
17 Oct 22
@bird123 Many assume that religion is teaching only goodness, however clearly, nothing is further from the truth."""" Yeah. Just as you keep assuming that you place real truth in the world and are loving and kind. Nothing is further from the truth. No person is under any obligation to agree with the lies you keep spouting. Your hatred has been exposed once more blaming, hating, ruling, controlling, judging, condemning, intimidating, coercing, anger, wrath,payback, revenge, creating a we against they"""' You have described yourself best. This all is exactly what you are Religions have taught people to value Beliefs above all else. """" Just you are only one out of billions of people. You judge religions from your petty viewpoints and yet when someone else judges something else from his views and experience, you have the gall to say he is wrong and blind, hypocrite. Yes, hypocrite is what you are I am waiting for the next set of hatred and curses you will hurl on me.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Oct 22
@Bhurishrava Why does the Truth hurt you so badly? Share your Pain. Maybe I can Help you.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Oct 22
Is what I'm giving you hatred and curses? You have all my Love and Kindness regardless of any choices you make!!! Let's look at what Actually is. You are angry because you do not Understand or do not agree with what I have said. Since you value all those petty things such as blaming, hating, ruling, controlling, judging, condemning, intimidating, coercing, anger, wrath,payback, revenge, creating a we against they and so on, you assume I am doing the same focused on you. Nothing is further from the truth. I have simply placed Real Truth in the world. What anyone chooses to do with that truth is entirely up to them. I make no demands. Be who you must! It's a part of the plan!! I think it's important that Real Truth is in this world. Many assume that religion is teaching only goodness, however clearly, nothing is further from the truth. If the light of truth hurts your eyes, it's understandable. If one is choosing to blindly accepting a set of beliefs instead of searching for the Real Truth, it can hurt. Religions have taught people to value Beliefs above all else. Beliefs are the start of the journey not the end. Beliefs merely point a direction by which one might search for the Truth. Just Like the Real God, I am Unconditional. There is nothing you can say or do that will get me to value all those petty things and hate or curse you in any way. On the other hand, I hope all this widens your view to consider that which you have been blind to seeing. You are right. It doesn't matter what everyone else does. It's what you choose to do that counts. Of course having all the truth in your view can only lead to better choices regardless of how angry you get. I say THINK then Act, rather than simply reacting to what I have said. The results will be so much better. You have all my Love and Kindness!!
@cannibal (650)
• India
4 Jul 09
I feel you deserve accolades for such a bold insightful stand. I'm an atheist myself. (More so, an agnostic) I'm always amused how these 'perfect' religions (read the Abrahamic religions) deem me a sinner and are going to punish me in the afterlife. It is clear that my deeds are going to play a second fiddle. And the wierdest thing is that all this after those 'Gods' gave me a free will! I do not denounce the concepts of God or religion; even if ultimately they're a hoax or not. They're always beneficial psychologically. But the intolerance of the above religions always baffle me. On the other hand considering the realistic perspective, hate to the real sinners, and not the idolators or atheists or other religionists etc. becomes inevitable. We need to do some pest-controlling, but the criterion for sin can never be idolatory or atheism or even blasphemy of God. Otherwise the concerned God would be an egoist, insecure and insane. That's the why I'm more in favor of the eastern religions which at least prima facie are more tolerant and less demanding of submission to any silly stern rules.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 09
People sometimes forget that a Being capable of creating it all, is very very smart. To understand, one must get out of the comfortable box that religion provides. Simple narrow views will not provide true answwers to it all. I do find it funny that so many search for God and yet everyone is following. I find the truth path is, alone, dividing the truth from the wills of men. God does exist! He can be found! Your path is always yours. You, like everyone, will learn many things in your lifetime. Being open is one of your advantages. Thanks for the comments!!
@cannibal (650)
• India
5 Jul 09
It would be foolish on my part to explicitly deny the existence of God. The hardcore fact is that no one today knows the actual truth of God, neither me nor you or anyone else we know. That's why I call myself and agnostic too. That said, I should keep all possibilities open, including all religions. However, when it comes to Abrahamic religions, they have an obsession to claim that they are the only true ones and others trash. Here's where one can easily smell a conspiracy. That's why I've already shut my doors for them. I'm more inclined towards finding a God who is more un-human with His/Her/Its qualities and more a force. The eastern religions, though I don't have that great knowledge of them for now are suitable for this rational demand.
@cannibal (650)
• India
5 Jul 09
And I quite agree with all you've said. My only reservations are against the existence of God. Not that I deny it, but if at all He does, He can never be the fairy tale like God of the Abrahamic religions.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
8 Jul 09
You would argue that we don't have to submit to the police? Next time a policeman put on his lights behind you, or asks you to step out of the car, try not submitting, and see what happens. Of course we have to submit to authority. There is hierarchy in all life. Unconditional love does not mean forgoing justice. G-d has already shown his unconditional love through Jesus Christ being sent to die for our sins. But there are those who refuse Jesus. To those who refuse Jesus, G-d will allow them to face judgment, as they have chosen to do. And he will judge them, and they will die. It's not hate. It's justice. When a murderer is sent before a judge, the judge does not hate him. He doesn't even know him. He would not know this man before him, from any other. But what the judge does know, is that justice must be dealt. When the murderer is sentenced to die, it is simply justice being given, not hate. G-d is a G-d of a justice. If people refuse to accept forgiveness through Jesus Christ, they will be given the chance to pay for their sins themselves. Justice.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Jul 09
It's not easy being a policeman. Since the police are working for me and my best interest, I will do all I can to assist them. If I choose not to get out of the car, the policeman will ask again. If I still refuse, what do you want? The police have a job to do. Are they supposed to ignore their job because you ignore them? Sure there are some policemen who abuse their authority but you still have lawyers and legal action. Some police need to learn lessons as well. There are some very good police in this world!!! Don't just see the bad! You will never be happy and it isn't fair. Speaking of fair. The justice system. Isn't the only truly fair judgement is to fix the problem???? Man can not fix things so he destroys. God is much smarter than man. If you look around you and understand, some of that fix is in action everyday. Everything you do in life will come back to you in time!!! Man condemns,destroys, burns people in hell. God gives unconditional love and shows you exactly what it is you are doing. If you really knew what you were doing, you could never commit the crime. No wayward children will be left behind. We all will understand and see. That fact that we have to watch is just a reminder of what the right choices are. Thanks for the great comments!!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Jul 09
Learning to love unconditionally is not easy. In time we will learn to do this. What God has set up is that everything you do in life, comes back to you in time. After enough consequences, we will all realize just what we are doing. At some point, the only answer is unconditional love. I can see God is truly a genius. This is the intellect when we are dealing with God. No wonder so few understand. We all will learn. Thanks for the comments!!
• India
9 Jul 09
Teaching of Jesus Christ are purly love, love towards your fellow, love to your niebourer (your own brother and the your brother in the faith whome you love) the person resides beside your house, your colluege,those are guiding principles for the sucessessfull life, any religion teach any individual to love his brother, do what you wish to done for you. it big sucessess for those who follow. But how many are implementing such peaceful, useful, HOw to over come this? can you give your idea to implement these guidance.? when we follow trafic rules, there may be rare accident, when we follow the beautiful guiding principles, it is our own good/ for the best. Seasons greetings and all the best wishes to you all.
@FFFrocks (306)
• Canada
4 Jul 09
Religions don't teach hate, it's peoples interpretation of religions that start them down that path. I was raised in the church (protestant) and grew up attending Catholic schools and have seen both sides of the same coin, so to speak. The fault lies with the peoples interpretation of what they read. Too many people out there interpret religion to serve their own purposes and their own personal beliefs weather they are good or bad. They bend passages that they read in their holy books to reflect their own beliefs. These books were not written by God, they were written by men long ago based on their interpretations..... In the bible Jesus befriends lepers and hookers, the outcasts of society, so who's to say he wouldn't embrace gays and athiests, scientist and abortionists? We aren't put here on earth to judge, that is Gods job. To try and take that role for ourselves is very ignorant and self serving. We are here to strive to be our best, to love our neighbors, to respect life, respect others rights to free will (gods gift to us), and to do our best. Sounds like you are doing good for yourself if you aren't being fooled by the messages of hate. Be proud of that.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
4 Jul 09
Some really good comments, THANKS
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Jul 09
He did embrace the sinner...but when HE did..the sinner stopped sinning. Because they KNEW they'd been touched by GOD. There was no excuses...out of great love shown to them...they returned great love and stopped rebelling against the one loving them.
@FFFrocks (306)
• Canada
4 Jul 09
yes, but HE didn't hate them or reject them, did he?
@mikol911 (50)
• United States
3 Jul 09
my religion is pentecostal and its a sin to pierce your body, listen to ungodly music, or wear makeup, somethings i agree with and somethings i disagree, my religion defines hate as something that is fore the devil and not for god
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Jul 09
Well, let's think. God create the entire universe then decides to censor your music. God has worlds in the universe so far away that we currently can not even see them in our lifetimes but we can not have anything on our skin to hide those wrinkles.The knowledge and complexity of the science of this world is way over the top of our understanding yet to pierce the skin is so important to the scheme of things. Yes, man has always wanted to control other men. God wants you to be free. Be who you must! It's a part of the plan. With mistakes only come lessons. As far as the devil is concerned, where would we all be if we had no one to blame for our own bad choices??? Without some bad choices, how smart could we really be??? Thanks for all the comments!!
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@ra1787 (501)
• Italy
3 Jul 09
Just for curiosity's sake... what is exactly 'ungodly music' and how can you say if a certain song is ungodly or not?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Jul 09
Ungodly songs...lyrics...are those that glorify sin. There are plenty of songs out there that are full of HATE. Music was intended to bring joy to the soul...not hate to the mind and incite hateful actions. As with all the gifts God has given us...we corrupt and foul them with our hate, greed and lust and pride.
• India
20 Jul 09
i am hindu by religion speaks only true brotherhood love with other human always teaches us to live in harmony and fraternity.i don't think any religion in this world advocates the feeling to hate others.i think india is the biggest example to the world where people from over 150 different languages and religions reside and live together in harmony.have a good day
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 Jul 09
Sure, religion doesn't sayYou should hate! But the beliefs can be the soil which allows hatred to grow. There is some truth in all religions including your own. I really do not know alot of yours but man is in all religions. If we could remove that part, no one would ever argue. Perhaps, that would defeat the true purpose for if man's true nature never surfaces how can it ever be fixed? Thanks for your comments!!
@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
5 Jul 09
Don't come to conclusions from what people are doing. Jesus, our Saviour came into this world to save us. And what did He teach us. Love. It is the center of everything. It stops us from sinning. He loves each and every being that He created, but hates the sins they commit. If He hated sinners, then He would never forgive them. On the other hand, He is so very compassionate and ready to forgive at any time, provided you are sorry. His mercy is so great. I love my Lord Jesus very much.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Jul 09
If God is unconditional love, how can He hate?? Next, I could never figure out just what I'm being saved from???? God has this entire thing figured out before the universe even existed. We are all covered. We are all eternal. Save me from what??? The bad choices or sins as you call them are no more than lessons I will learn. Everyone will see in the end. We all will learn to love unconditionally. Thanks for your comments!!
@afdinki (83)
• United States
10 Jul 09
God does believe in unconditional love. He loves all, but he hates sin. Sin is pretty much like a slap in God's face. It's like telling God, "I don't really care about you, I only care about me and my needs." It's placing your will above His own. He doesn't hate man, but God does get anger when man disobeys him. It's like having a delinquent child who continually disobeys you. You would still love him but not embrace the things that he does. He has created us for His enjoyment. We are what provides God love, enjoyment, and pleasure. He delights in our success; He strengthens us when we're weak; He provides direction when we're lost. Hate is a diversion to God's Will and plan for mankind. Hate is a byproduct of man's sinful lust and desires. The Bible never speaks ill of women or demeans them. In fact, it says that "he who finds a good woman finds a good thing." It also clearly speaks to the fact that we are fighting the physical nature of man. It's a spiritual warfare that is a stake. People who persecute others based on some maligned form of spirituality do so of their own accord, not of God's. There are cultural entities that also creep into the way some religions are viewed.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Jul 09
I always seem to have a problem when someone tells me God hates. God is unconditional love. When people make bad choices or sins if you will in life, it does not anger God. God is above such petty things. God already knows man will make bad decisions. That's why consequences exist. It's about teaching not ruling. God is above the EGO problems of ruling man. You are right. It is a very good thing to find the right woman. It is demeaning if you insist her to be submissive instead of having her a total free choice to be submissive or not. Gender is a parameter of this physical world. All God's children are equal. The women in my life will always have total freedom of choice. It is God's way! Perhaps the only thing I might get from your comment is that maybe lots of man's problems are rooted in selfishness. Lessons that so many need to learn. The intellect of God is so far beyond that of man that you must realize it has all been figured out before the universe existed. You will never bother God by your actions. God will give you unconditional love then send you more lessons. When you reach a point when you really see what you are doing, you will understand that the only answer is for you to love unconditionally!! Thanks for the great comments!!
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
6 Jul 09
As I said before, it is entirely possible to be both equal under G-d, and in submission to someone. The police are humans just like us, yet we submit to them under the authority of their position. You asked about the morals of the parable, and why Jesus mentioned the king would slay his enemies. Again, this is not teaching on how his followers should treat their enemies. So what does it mean? It's future tense. Jesus is talking about his return. And He will return. And when Jesus returns, he won't be a carpenter, or a lowly prophet, or laying in a stable with animals. He will return as King. The one true King. And he will do just as he says here. Those that will receive him as King will be rewarded... and those that don't... they will have made their choice. The world has until then to choose whom they will serve.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jul 09
I thought you knew THE POLICE WORK FOR US!! We aren't submitting to them. We are part of the law making We agree to work together for the good of everyone. The police help protect us from people who consider nothing except themselves. Police are hated but have a tough job. Sure there are police people making bad choices as well.They have lessons of their own to learn. There are very very good police people out there too helping lots of folks.Seems like it's always the quiet one's doing the best job and getting very little credit.Now about the parable, you say your religion isn't about hate but to show up in a slaying mood then slay those who don't believe in youDoes this sound like unconditional love to you?????? Religion can scare you with such tales so you can believe but God is not a monster. God will take care of all those wayward kids with a dose of unconditional love followed by lessons to show them exactly what they do. Could you ever commit evil if you truly saw what it is? You have to remember, God is above the EGO of man. Is ruling and controlling really that important???? Seems that is all man wants. Lots of lessons and growing up needed but God will lead us all. We are all special to God. He could never do without His KIDS!!!ESPECIALLY THOSE UNBELIEVING AND SINNING KIDS Thanks for the great comments!!!
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
6 Jul 09
Actually the theory that women in power would result in fewer wars, doesn't really jive with history. There were numerous wars under both Cleopatra, and the Queen of England. Further, it's a known fact that men who are completely submissive, tend to not live as long. And women who are very domineering, also do not live as long. Finely, marriages in which the male is completely dominated by the female, tend to have very shallow and unfulfilling marriages. Not to say there are no exceptions, but in general this is the case. I happen to have a father who does marriage counseling. Some of the biggest complaints in marriage is "She doesn't respect me", which is a sign of domineering, and a refusal to submit. And "He doesn't love me" which is a normal sign of a submissive husband. In short, our culture has tried the submissive husband, dominate wife routine, and it's led us to a 50% divorce rate, and broken homes and families across our country. Is it possible G-d knew a better way?
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
5 Jul 09
Yes it was Jesus speaking the parable, but it was still a parable, not an explanation to his followers on how to treat others. When you say preach hate, you imply the directions given to those who follow that teaching. The verse in question was not a command on how to treat others, but a parable. Submission, does not imply inequality. When you work at a job, you must submit to your boss. That doesn't mean your boss is not equal to you as a human. Nor that he is special somehow superior to you. Only that his position is different than yours. You must also submit to the police, yet the police are just people like yourself, but who have a different position than you. Similarly, Obama is president of the United states, yet he is just a human being like myself. He is no better a person than me, but I must submit to his authority has president. Woman are not inferior to men in any way. It is in the wife's best interest to submit to her husband. That doesn't mean she is any less of a person in the eyes of G-d.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Jul 09
Perhaps men should submit to women for a while and see what happens. I'm told there would probably be fewer wars. Or would this move get all the men fighting??? Yes, everybody wants to rule the world! Thanks for the comments.
@pyarebhai (199)
• India
6 Jul 09
Dear myLot friend bird123, Greetings. when you go through any divin scripture, most of the scripture state that Hate is sin. and the un-conditional love towards the follow being is called as way of life. It was come to known that in certain part of North India(exact area does not known) there were certain caste/sect of people, who used teach their children to hate and murder their reletives like their own uncle to obtain Muskha (libaration)and at the same time, they blem other minority people. we simply has to pray the Almighty, the creator of the world, to save us all from such wicket persons.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Jul 09
Hate is sin. I like that! I guess there are those who hate and think it's for God. Some do not even know they hate. God is very very smart. As we teach the people in our lives, they are teaching us as well. Yes, there can be people who choose to do some very evil things. These things hurt us but don't you see, who else will help to teach these people but the good people around them???? There are great souls in this world who will go through great pain and sorrow just in order that another soul will SEE!!!! The dynamics of the interactions of this world are truly amazing. Our vision is so narrow. Can we truly see what our actions really mean to another??? We all learn and grow in time. When we acquire true wisdom, we realize that there really is only one answer. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!! Thanks for those comments!!